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MIT Hacks Harvard For Halo, Game Prompts Lots of Sick Days 127

yonari writes "Early on the morning before the Halo 3 release, John Harvard donned a Mjolnir helmet and a beaver emblem, and carried an assault rifle on his left shoulder, apparently acquired from the UNSC Engineering Division." The Washington Post also points out that a lot of folks took sick days on Tuesday as a consequence of the game's release. "Some local workers won't have to skip out on the office to play the game. At some companies that offer video games as a break room activity, Halo 3 was pre-ordered months ago. The Motley Fool, the Alexandria investment advisory firm, is expecting its copy of the game to arrive from soon. Same for Platinum Solutions, a Reston software consulting firm."
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MIT Hacks Harvard For Halo, Game Prompts Lots of Sick Days

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  • Skipping work (Score:3, Informative)

    by hansamurai ( 907719 ) <> on Wednesday September 26, 2007 @08:38PM (#20762857) Homepage Journal
    Couple of my friends at work skipped work yesterday to play all day. Then came in for about six hours today and stood around and talked about it for five of those hours. Too bad there's a horrible support issue I have to deal with right now, I was still at work Monday night when it was released, and I'm still at work now when I'm supposed to be playing at a friend's house. Oh, woe is me and horrible timing.
    • by fractoid ( 1076465 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2007 @09:26PM (#20763199) Homepage

      I was still at work Monday night when it was released, and I'm still at work now when I'm supposed to be playing at a friend's house.
      That's what you get for buying the "take one for the team" line. Your dedication to your company will be briefly noted, if at all, with a verbal pat on the back. When the company's in dire straits, your friends *may* be let go before you, but in the end, it won't make any difference. Remember, the team will never 'take one' for you.

      OK, depressing defeatism over. :P
      • At least I got a free dinner out of it... 18 hour day on Monday, looking like the same today.
        • Unless you also get time-and-a-half overtime pay, that dinner wasn't free.

          • No overtime, but I ended up getting two comp days out of it. I never pulled an all nighter, even during college, it's going to take me more than two days to recover from this last week.
    • Couple of my friends at work skipped work yesterday to play all day. Then came in for about six hours today and stood around and talked about it for five of those hours. Too bad there's a horrible support issue I have to deal with right now, I was still at work Monday night when it was released, and I'm still at work now when I'm supposed to be playing at a friend's house. Oh, woe is me and horrible timing.

      Pretty selfish of you to be working like everything was normal, rather than fighting to liberate Earth
    • My friend waited in line at Gamestop starting at 9pm, played his PSP for 3 hours, went home, took adderall and drank halo 3 edition Mountain Dew to stay up, played all night until 7am, didn't go to class and beat the game the next day. He has had a countdown for the release of this game for over 6 months. Although I'm not nearly as obsessed with Halo 3 as him, I probably would have bought it by now if my 360 wasn't currently in Microsofts hands fixing my red ring of death....... :(
  • Misleading Title (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Cryophallion ( 1129715 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2007 @08:38PM (#20762859)
    So, how many people are going to misread this that MIT hacked Harvard College (which is just across Cambridge) to get a copy of the game (which may or may not be legal)?

    I am all for creative titles to create interest, and I know the pranks are called hacks, but this one is just a little too misleading.

    Now MIT hacking an illegal share at Harvard (which is of course exempt from RIAA lawsuits [and therefore I assume game and MPAA by association], according to recent articles here, so they can get away with it...) in order to get the game early - THAT would be good reading. And maybe be counted as extra credit in a class.
    • I would like to apologize for making you read a sentence to figure out what the headline meant. To the best of our abilities, we shall not let this unfortunate occurrence happen again.


      • Meh - I agree with GPP. It's a small annoyance, but an annoyance nonetheless.
      • On behalf of myself:

        1. People constantly post that the summary (or in this case title) is misleading, but don't get labeled flamebait nor get "yelled" at. My comment was made because "I" misread it, and so I therefore might think others may do the same thing. You seem to get overly offended that someone would misread or misunderstand something easily.

        2. My wife works across the street from MIT. Really. I know what they call pranks... however, hacks are more commonly thought of as hacking on a computer... an
    • Your high ID gives a hint on the origin of your cluelessness, young one.

      You have much [] to [] learn [].

      To summarise: when referring to MIT, "hacks" are pranks, often played on rival universities, usually Caltech or Harvard.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 26, 2007 @08:39PM (#20762861)
    It's called Halotosis.

    Those with bad breath have halitosis halotosis, and this is characterized by a lack of people willing to play multiplay on the same Xbox.

  • by John3 ( 85454 ) <<john3> <at> <>> on Wednesday September 26, 2007 @08:39PM (#20762865) Homepage Journal
    of hacking at MIT [].
    • Student pranks for me ha an element of rebellion and underground culture to it. Now that computer games are so mainstream and gaming companies pay ad companies to do ninja marketing that looks like it is word-of-mouth or grassroots (grafitti etc), do the students really have to do their dirty work for them? We are already brainwashed with Halo 3 ads 24/7.

      Somewhere a Microsoft marketing executive is chortling evilly.
      • by John3 ( 85454 )
        Many of the hacks over the years had marketing undertones. The fake campus patrol car had a box of Dunkin Donuts in it, the cow they put on the dome was from a well known steak house. Marketing and popular culture always intertwine. By choosing the Halo theme for the hack they made the joke more accessible to the mainstream.

        But yes, Bill Gate was probably smiling when he saw this. After all, he dropped out of Harvard.
  • Putting aside the misleading title, and the lack of understanding of why people wait for hours in line at midnight to get the first copy (I picked mine up like a normal human the day after at best buy, I'm a fan, not psychotic). That's just awsome. Very realistic looking, blending in and looking like was part of the statue. That had to take a lot of effort and coordination. Nicely done!
  • by SetupWeasel ( 54062 ) on Wednesday September 26, 2007 @10:33PM (#20763685) Homepage
    I hide in my apartment for a month, because I can't stand everyone telling me one thousand reasons why I should like it on a daily basis, and then receiving their ridicule when I reveal I don't particularly care for it.

    I hate Master Chief as much as I hate Santa Claus. And Jesus.
    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by Tarison ( 600538 )
      So you come here? Do you also head to your local church to tell everybody about your hate for Jesus?
    • I hide in my apartment for a month, because I can't stand everyone telling me one thousand reasons why I should like it on a daily basis, and then receiving their ridicule when I reveal I don't particularly care for it.

      I hate Master Chief as much as I hate Santa Claus. And Jesus.
      At least people don't go Halo caroling.
    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Spacezilla ( 972723 )

      I hate Santa Claus. And Jesus.
      I'm pretty sure they're the same person.
      • by Rycross ( 836649 )
        You know, I think you're on to something here. Have you ever seen them both at the same time?
        • Exactly, so I think it's safe to say that when no one watches, Santa Claus puts on a costume and becomes Jesus.
    • jews, on my slashdot? It's more likely than I thought!
  • The Hype (Score:2, Interesting)

    personally i think halo is a cool series but people are just so into it it is crazy. People lining up at midnight and playing it all night is just a little bit over the edge for me even though that will probably happen to me when sc2 comes out. I think it is cool but don't think it is groundbreaking on any level. It was intended to be a cool FPS and it was the best xbox game made and probably generated the most money. Especially on live people are jerks when they play, its not everyone but a lot of people t
  • Even if I cared about Halo enough to take a day off, my 360 is on the fritz. It sounds like a bad bearing in one of the fans, and death rattle aside, I have a feeling it would overheat within minutes if I even tried to play anything. One more month until GH3.
  • I taking as many sick days here at RIT as I possibly can.
  • [] (I'm too lazy to retype what I said to the first time this article was up yesterday.)
  • In Japan, they had to pass an act of parliament to prevent DragonQuest games from being released on a week day. Too many people were ditching from work or school to buy and play the game. []

  • I plan on ending my Windows usage with XP. I will not switch to Vista. Unfortunately Microsoft is using Halo 2 & 3 to try to boost the dismal sales of Vista by tying Halo to it. It's not worth the pain to me. I have a new server, new network lab, and a decent 2-year old PC. I'm not going to build a new PC just to run Vista. Fuck that. I'll buy a console first.

"We live, in a very kooky time." -- Herb Blashtfalt
