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XBox (Games) Entertainment Games

Factor 5 Brings DivX To Xbox 17

The game and game-tool development company Factor 5, well-known for their early Amiga shooter Turrican, as well as Star Wars:Rogue Leader for Gamecube and Nintendo's Musyx sound system, have announced that they're partnering with DivX Networks to make a DivX development kit for Xbox game developers. This means forthcoming Xbox titles can use the efficient DivX for their video streaming. Factor 5 have previously launched a similar SDK for Gamecube - are there any recent/forthcoming GC titles using it yet?
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Factor 5 Brings DivX To Xbox

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  • Didn't XBoxMediaPlayer bring DivX to the xbox first?



  • Actually... (Score:4, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday May 08, 2003 @03:35PM (#5912737)
    Rogue Squadron 3: Rebel Strike will featrue DivX on the GCN. And, the rumored Pilotwings game that F5 is developing may use it, as well.
  • Sounds a little pointless to me with the xbox's DVD9
    9GB dvds. Something like this on the gamecube with its paltry 1.5GB sounds like a MUCH better idea.

    most video on the gamecube is heavily compressed, almost as if you're watching a gif slideshow, if this came to the gamecube, there would probably be more fmv intensive games like final fantasy etc.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I thought that Factor 5 was considered 2nd party for nintendo? Seems awfully strange that they would do anything for Xbox. I'd feel really bad if Nintendo pulled a Sega. It might be a good idea, but I would be sad
  • by edwdig ( 47888 ) on Thursday May 08, 2003 @09:18PM (#5915541)
    I'm quite curious what prompted Factor 5 to do this. Factor 5 hasn't done any work for a non Nintendo system in at least 5 years - at least as far back as the N64 Rogue Squadron (ignoring PC ports of some of their games).

    They've generally been considered to be an unofficial Nintendo second party for years. I think the story is Nintendo made an offer, but they turned it down only because it would've meant they would have to end their relationship with LucasArts and wouldn't be able to make Star Wars games anymore. But they've been very heavily involved with Nintendo - they were the only outside developer to receive the N64 microcode from Nintendo, and they worked with Nintendo to create the sound system for the GameCube.

    So why are they touching the Xbox?
  • by x311 ( 600406 )
    What I really would like to see is the ability to play DIVX files burned onto cdrs on my Xbox. Now that would be wonderful. I have so many random Divx files of random junk off of the internet that I'd love to show people on my TV and not drag them to my computer. Let me know when I can play DIVX files as I'll buy games no matter what they use as a medium for their cutscenes.

Tomorrow's computers some time next month. -- DEC
