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First Person Shooters (Games) PC Games (Games) Entertainment Games

Unreal Tournament 2K4 First Look 41

Thanks to an anonymous reader for pointing to a Gamespot first look at Unreal Tournament 2K4, which comes with the first 3 official screenshots of Epic's PC FPS. This title includes much of the goodness in UT2K3, "as well as new game modes, huge new maps, and controllable air, land, and space vehicles", and Gamespot mentions that one of the screens "provides a look at the space flyer in the assault mode, while the other two show scenes from the onslaught mode, which will take place in giant outdoor environments."
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Unreal Tournament 2K4 First Look

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  • awesome (Score:2, Insightful)

    by qed123 ( 658353 )
    Those look very nice. I hope 2004 ships with Linux support out of the box, like 2003.
  • by mhesseltine ( 541806 ) on Thursday June 05, 2003 @08:52PM (#6128558) Homepage Journal

    Duke Nukem' Forever finally makes it?

    Bad joke aside, UT2k3 and UT II just came out fairly recently, and there are still people creating maps, mutators, etc. for them. Hopefully this won't steal too much thunder from the UT2k3 and UT II camps, since there's still lots of good gameplay left there.

    P.S. Slashcode continues to be broken. Either fix the headers for games on the frontpage, or, apply the color schemes to all the other headlines. In fact, that might be kind of cool. BSD headlines in red, Apple in the Aqua theme, etc.

  • UT2K4 / Q3TA? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by thamaht ( 667536 ) on Thursday June 05, 2003 @09:20PM (#6128669)
    This reminds me entirely too much of Quake 3: Team Arena, which flopped horribly. (Not Quake 3: Arena, but the other, crappier one.) It looks to be the same engine with more maps/characters/vehicles (IIRC there was the capability in the UT2K3/U2 engine for that, but it was never done..), and a little facelift. That formula doesn't work well for first person shooters, though..
    • Re:UT2K4 / Q3TA? (Score:5, Informative)

      by jpr1nd ( 678149 ) on Thursday June 05, 2003 @09:33PM (#6128721)
      you're correct about the vehicles, there is a small vehicle demo hidden in UT2K3 that i'm sure most people know about. if not, open the console in UT2K3 and type 'open vehicledemo' (w/o the quotes, of course) to drive around a volcanic looking area in some sort of buggy contraption. fun.
    • Epic's idea was to make the UT line like sports games, with a new release each year (though iirc UT2k3 was late). The problem with this idea, though, is that they really don't have anything to drive the yearly releases the way sports games do (adding new players and updating stats).

      Personally, I prefer to buy sports titles shortly after the new version comes out (buying the older version), because they're dirt cheap and there's usually little change between each year's title (it's only over the long term t
  • Warthog? (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Halo? UT2k4? Missing something here, like a press release?

    Maybe we'll be able to play with the Halo Online Kids!

    Rumor Rumor Rumor!

    • Hay, it's just like they released Halo for the PC, EXCEPT IT HASN'T BEEN ON XBOX FOR LIKE A JILLION YEARS.

      Jesus Christ, if they EVER expect to ship Halo for the PC, then sales will be abysmal. Everyone that wanted it has already played it on Xbox.
  • Halo ripoff? (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Looks like a warthog to me...
  • With all the chat about new releases needing good plot and game play to differentiate themselves, why do we still feel the need to drool over bleeding-edge screenshots? I still prefer Tribes2 to any recent games like UT2k3 or RtCW-ET, but damn if these new shots aren't great. Gotta hate human nature.
  • Random Tidbits (Score:5, Informative)

    by Drakino ( 10965 ) on Thursday June 05, 2003 @10:24PM (#6129007) Journal
    Random tidbits from my visit to E3 and seeing UT2K4:

    1. It's completly backwards compatible with UT2K3. Any mod for UT2K3 works in 2K4.

    2. Atari is planning some sort of rebate for existing 2K3 owners, but no details were announced at E3.

    3. 2K4 adds more content to the game then what 2K3 shipped with.

    4. This still uses the same engine as 2K3, with some tweaks.

    5. There are no plans currently for a UT2K5. 2K4 exists due to so much new content being developed for the game. More then they were willing to release as free bonus packs.
  • Sega sues the hell out of Epic for stealing their '2K' naming system.

    Film at eleven.

    • I dunno about anybody else, but I wish everybody would knock it off with the retarded 2k(yourmom) naming scheme for everything. I think the real Y2K bug was that it was supposed to happen 3.5 years ago and people still won't let that fscking buzzword die.
      • by Omestes ( 471991 )
        Eh, k = 1000. 2k4 2000 + 4 = 2004. Not quite a buzz word, being that it is correct notation. Y2k was pure buzzword.

        Also officially Ut2k3 is Unreal Tournament 2003, so it just user shortening, jus' like typing MS to be Microsoft, IE6 being Internet Explorer 6.**. Geeks like acronyms, alot. With all our big nasty RAMs, ROMs, MP3s, MMORPGS, MUDs, BMPs, etc etc... Saying "Unreal Tournament 2003" is cumbersome, saying "YOO TEE TWO Kay THREE" is easier.

        Back OT (on topic), I'm miffed at Epic/Atari/whatnot f
        • But what the hell's wrong with UT2003? You don't sound like a media-absorbed luser then...
        • Nobody's forcing you to buy UT2k4...

          if you think it's worth the money at the time, then buy it.
          Otherwise, don't.
          • Yes they will be. Being that I really like 3rd party scenes, and I'm sure that while UT2k+4 is going to be backwards compatable with UT2k+3, UT2k+3 isn't going to be forwards compatable. Meaning I'll have that "left out" feeling in the modding community. That and it will decrease some of the online players pool, meanining that there will be EVEN LESS people setting up invasion servers.

            This is the sae reason I ended up buying every Sims expansion through HotDate, I needed them to download all the good (
  • I might actually buy this one, as I like the idea of space vehicles etc... I hope they've cleaned up the physics first though.
    • I bought UT2003 and what a horrible mistake I made. I had to eat macarones rest of the month and what did I get from it... Stupid game that doesn't run on my computer (Duron 1200, Ati 8500LE).

      Graphics was supposed to be awesome, at least somebody said so back then. Well maybe they were, but all those fancy details and flashing things made the whole screen to look really confusing. I couldn't tell what part of the screen was supposed to be a wall and where the enemy was :) I hope UT2004 does a better job on
      • I couldn't tell what part of the screen was supposed to be a wall and where the enemy was
        get the latest patch and use the new "bright skins"-setting -> problem solved
      • I played UT2K3 on a 1GHz Athlon with an ATI Radeon 8500DV card and it played fine. Sure, I couldn't play at uber-high resolutions or with all the features maxed out, but it played just fine.

        I just recently upgraded to an XP 2500+ with a ATI 9700 Pro and now I *can* play at uber-high resolutions with all the settings maxed out.
        • This proves pretty much my point. Why bring game to market that no-one is able to play with full details? Whole computer market is dragging behind these stupid games that are supposed to work better when you buy Multimega++ GHz computers. With little optimization those games can be run on "normal" PCs. Maybe Intel is sponsoring the whole game development business :)
  • UT2k4 (Score:3, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 05, 2003 @11:12PM (#6129232)
    Maybe you saw this game when it was called tribes2
    • Maybe you saw this game when it was called tribes2

      My thoughts exactly, except the graphics are slightly prettier. T2 was one game with huge replay value.. I still play it regularly after almost two years. If this new UT game plays as good as it looks, they should have a winner on their hands.

  • If they implement this well, it should be a great game. Assault was one of the most missed features when UT2003 came out, so I'm not that surprised to see it back. If the upgrade price from UT2003 is reasonable, it should be a hit.

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