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Classic Games (Games) Entertainment Games

Atari 2600 RPG Gets Homestar Runner-ed 42

Thanks to several readers for pointing out that Paul Slocum's new, in-development Atari 2600 RPG, which we've mentioned previously on Slashdot, is now revealed to be using the official Homestar Runner license. According to the newly-released info, "Mike and Matt Chapman (creators of Homestar Runner) will be contributing story, graphics, and creative ideas to the game", and you will be able to "...play as Homestar, Poopsmith, or Strongsad" and, as before, "...fight enemies from other Atari 2600 games" when the game is released as an actual cartridge, early in 2004.
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Atari 2600 RPG Gets Homestar Runner-ed

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