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Portables (Games) E3

GTA and Lemmings on PSP 37 is reporting that the Grand Theft Auto series will see its first foray onto the PSP this Autumn with the title of Liberty City Stories. On a cuter note, Gamespot has word that the Lemmings will be a PSP title sometime later this year. From the article: "Currently in development at Team 17, the PSP version of Lemmings will feature both classic and all-new levels, and will also let you create your own that can be shared with friends. Sony also plans to release its own downloadable content for the game, including new themes and levels." Ahh, fond gamer memories.
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GTA and Lemmings on PSP

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  • Oblig. Nitpick (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Lemmings don't actually follow each other off cliffs. This myth is the laregely result of a Disney nature film in which they were crammed on to a ledge and made to fall to their deaths.
  • by trevick ( 670470 ) on Wednesday May 18, 2005 @01:20PM (#12568316)
    Awesome. I'll finally be able to play GTA while I'm driving.
    • Oh please don't , we don't need another possibly GTA related death for the politicans to go off on another rant
      On the other hand ... I have already pre-order this game so i can play in the car whilst not driving
    • I'll finally be able to play GTA while I'm driving.

      In my neighborhood, people have been playing GTA while driving for years.

      The street sign in my front yard has been replaced three times so far.

      I'm planning on putting up a privacy fence made of nice cedar this summer, and one critical step the preservation of my new fence will be to put several "decorative" boulders out along the curb.
  • Oh no!
  • Wow where has lemmings been? I havn't seen that since I got my first Power Mac.
    • Re:Lemmings! (Score:3, Informative)

      here [].
      • Explain this to me: how come they say "Pingus is a free Lemmings clone for GNU/Linux and Windows covered under the GNU GPL" but don't have any Windows binaries? They *do* have a Windows version that explicitly states "DO NOT USE," however. I'm confused.
        • I'd say it's quite obvious what the solution here is. ;)

          • Why would I install an operating system just to play games ;)
            • That's what happend to some people I know...
              They came to linux out of curiousity and stayed there for the games ;)

              A friend of mine apt-got a game pack for his ubuntu and the number of good games is surprisingly large.
        • Two reasons, bad timing and lack of developers. At the time of the 0.6.0 there simply was nobody available to do the windows port and nobody interested enough to go hunt down a windows developer or setup a cross compile environment, let alone test the resulting binary.

          Pingus is known to compile under Win32, but its also known to not work 100%, well actually nobody really tested it completly for a long long while, would all be easy to fix if just somebody cared enough to actually do it.

          There where also pl
    • Re:Lemmings! (Score:2, Offtopic)

      by Inda ( 580031 )
      Have a quick go now!

      Javascript is needed.
    • Re:Lemmings! (Score:2, Insightful)

      I hope they don't improve too much on the graphics of the old DOS versions. Pixel counting could be so important...
  • So if one person buys this game, do we all have to?
  • Lemmings on PSP? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Soul-Burn666 ( 574119 ) on Wednesday May 18, 2005 @01:36PM (#12568522) Journal
    It would seen a better fit for the DS. Lemmings is a game that is controlled best using a mouse. The DS stylus can act as a mouse, so it seems lemmings on DS would be a perfect fit.
    The second screen can be used for the map and other areas of the world. Maybe have a shoulder button swap locations between the screens, so you can play on one while still paying attention to what happens on the other, not needing to scroll and miss the action.
    • Why is it that I always run out of mod points just before finding a comment that says exactly what I was going to?

      The PSP has an advantage when it comes to adding custom content, but other than that, the DS seems a more natural fit for a game like Lemmings.

      But, given that the title is (according to the linked story) being developed and published by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, I suppose it was destined to be PSP-exclusive from the start.

      A quick Google search on Psygnosis, the original developers o
      • OK, so what I can't figure out is why are Team 17 being involved? Lemmings is a Psygnosis title and, as you say, Psygnosis are now part of Sony. Team 17 are an entirely separate company, best known for the "Worms" series.

        OK, so Team 17 know what they're doing with platform games and they could probably do a good conversion from the old DOS/Amiga version, but farming it out like this strikes be as being like asking Electronic Arts to write Doom4 or having Mario on the XBox.
        • Re:Lemmings on PSP? (Score:2, Interesting)

          by Synkronos ( 789022 )
          Except that Team 17, as you vaguely pointed out, are (or at least have been - the last few iterations of the Worms franchise have been super-flops) brilliantly suited to the task. Their (2D) programming is amazing, and their (again 2D) game design is superlative. I believe they can bring some of the Worms brilliance to the already fantastic Lemmings franchise, and we will have a hit =) Well, here's hoping at least
    • ### It would seen a better fit for the DS. Lemmings is a game that is controlled best using a mouse.

      While a Lemmings for the DS would of course be nice, Lemmings actually plays perfectly well with a controller too. On the SNES edition you could scroll the Levels with L/R, navigate the actions with X/A, apply stuff with Y and accelerate your cursor with B (or something like that, don't remember the exact buttons). While cursor navigation was of course a bit more tricky, the easier access to the actions, scr
    • You'd think so, but it's actually very playable on a handheld. I have the original Lemmings game on Sega Gamegear and it's really a good conversion. The thing is that you can stop the action any time to assign tasks to the lemmings (you could do that on the Amiga too, but with a mouse it's really no need).

      I agree it would be fun to see it on the DS as well. If there ever was a game well suited for a stylus, this is it.

  • Hopefully it is better than the first foray into portables -- GTA Advance []
  • It's been around in the PC world for a long while, it's nice that some console game makers are finally getting on board. To a certain extent it's a bit frustrating to think about how a compnay went through all the work to create a nice game engine, but then (quite artificially) limits you to the content that they provide. I hope this takes off in other games as well. Imagine if you could design your own courses in Mario kart
    (Hell, the DS is made for this, edit the course on one screen, and see the resul
  • PS3 (Score:2, Funny)

    by shamowfski ( 808477 )
    Liberty City being the metropolis in which the first PS3 GTA title was set.

    I remember the first time I played GTA3 on my PS3. Then the hole I'd torn in the space-time continuum destroyed my alternate reality, violently thrusting me back into the reality where GTA3 came out for PS2.
    • Re:PS3 (Score:3, Funny)

      by FidelCatsro ( 861135 )
      In other space time continuum tear news..
      Duke nukem forever : Switches to the quake 9 engine ,delayed further
      Apple release OS X 10.20 Aslan
      Windows longhorn delayed another 6 months due to president Gatess impeachment and imprisonment for violating a breathing at 6:47:33 PM patent.
      People on slashdot still make Beowulf cluster jokes
      and the rolling stones announce a final tour..

  • Official Site [] (not much there yet).
    More detailed story [] from the linked source.

    Blurb from

    "Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories is an entirely new game in the Grand Theft Auto series and brings an unprecedented mobile dimension to this epic experience. The original storyline and all new missions take place in Liberty City, featuring the interactive, open environment, superb voice talent and diverse music that have become pioneering trademarks of the series."

    Sounds like it will be be

  • 17.html []

    From TFA:

    According to Enterbrain Inc., publisher of Famitsu and other game magazines in Japan, sales of the Sony PSP have begun to outpace those of the Nintendo DS.

    According to independent research conducted by Enterbrain, Sony's PSP bested Nintendo in handheld console sales in both February and March of this year.

    The most popular handheld in Japan is still the Nintendo DS. However, the DS sold an impressive 1.09 million units during December,

"It is easier to fight for principles than to live up to them." -- Alfred Adler
