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First Person Shooters (Games) Entertainment Games

The Ultimate Doom Mod Collection? 78

Croakyvoice writes "Law56ker has today released the Nxdoom Collection, a massive collection of 220 Doom Mods for the Dreamcast, a collection of best Total Conversions, Megawads, and Various levels for use on NXDOOM for the Sega Dreamcast. Wads Include Duke Nukem GP, Half Life, Star Wars, Goldeneye, Quake 2 and Star Trek. They come on 2 CDS." Registration is required for downloading anything, but if you're low on Megawads this seems like one-stop shopping.
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The Ultimate Doom Mod Collection?

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  • by AtomicSnarl ( 549626 ) on Sunday April 20, 2008 @07:14PM (#23137396) Homepage
    As if my time off wasn't short enough....
  • by Grond ( 15515 ) on Sunday April 20, 2008 @07:22PM (#23137438) Homepage
    So this is a collection of mods for the original Doom, which was released 15 years ago. Except it's for the Dreamcast, which ended production 7 years ago and was never a big seller. On top of that, you need a modded Dreamcast. So basically this will appeal to almost no one.
    • by HeavensBlade23 ( 946140 ) on Sunday April 20, 2008 @07:27PM (#23137470)
      For the most part the DC didn't need a 'mod'. Almost all of them were perfectly capable of reading CD-Rs and executing homebrew code, which is why it was one of the most pirated consoles ever.
      • by lmnfrs ( 829146 )
        In other words:
        "Yes, but will it run Doom?"
        "Yes! 220 versions of it!"
      • by Megane ( 129182 )

        They don't need mods, thanks to the boot loophole. But it does get tiring buring CD-Rs all the time. Not to mention the inevitable coasters. (The Dreamcast doesn't work with CD-RW, so you can't just try and erase until you figure it out.) Found another ROM you want to run? Oops! Gotta burn a new emulator disc!

        Wake me up when there's an Xbox version. A modded Xbox gives you everything you can get from a Dreamcast, except for running Dreamcast games and a Sega fanboy attitude. And you don't have to carry aro

        • The Dreamcast is a superb machine, but yeah, I wound up with a LOT of coasters in my time. Not to mention the disks are an irritating format so you can't just burn stuff to a CD. It has to be specially laid out.

      • For the most part the DC didn't need a 'mod'. Almost all of them were perfectly capable of reading CD-Rs and executing homebrew code, which is why it was one of the most pirated consoles ever.
        Would closing this have helped them keep the boat afloat any longer? They were in a tough position but I hear they had some crazy good online games.
        • by edwdig ( 47888 )
          Would closing this have helped them keep the boat afloat any longer? They were in a tough position but I hear they had some crazy good online games.

          Not really. Sega bled money badly for years. The Dreamcast would've had to be a PS2 level success to save their business model.

          The Sega Genesis had it's pile of addons - Sega CD and 32X, each with significant development budgets and little success. The 32X was an interesting story - Sega of Japan didn't tell Sega of America that they were working on a new system
          • oh. :(
          • While I agree with your general conclusion that Sega would probably still have given up hardware production, I disagree at one point.
            The Saturn was originally designed as a 2D machine, but it was completely redesigned before its release. When it was released, it was a powerful 3D machine with at least as much power as the PlayStation. The problem was, the Saturn used three main processors and was difficult to program. The PS on the other side, could be programmed very easily. This was the real problem the S
            • by nuzak ( 959558 )
              > The problem was, the Saturn used three main processors and was difficult to program. The PS on the other side, could be programmed very easily

              That was not *the* problem, because Sony later came out with the PS2, which also had three processors that had to work together -- and wildly different ones at that (EE, the two slightly different VPs, and the GS) -- and it was a roaring success, utterly demolishing the much more straightforward Dreamcast. But Sony had momentum from the PS1 (and backward compati
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      I'm a DOOM fan, I have a Dreamcast (though not hooked up) AND it's modded.. and.. I'm still not really interested enough to actually download it. So, yes, this is ultra niche ;-)

      That said, it sounds like a great cultural artifact.
    • As it has been said, close to all of the dreamcast's will work with just a CD-r.

      That aside, most of these "dreamcast homebrewers" just port crap already ported to SDL and "port" it to the dreamcast. Not a lot of talent or imagination.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Uipe ( 1206084 )
      How can the "Parent" be moded has Interesting, and not flame bait or troll ? Today I went to my little cousin birthday party and in the living room I found his father talking to his friends about the cool PS3 he had bought his son and how cool it was in the big LCD, describing all its nifty features specially those he never used, like internet and movies (blueray movies are still really expensive here) and everything while the kids were all in the basement playing in the old Dreamcast I had offered my cous
      • I didn't take it as a bash on the fun of the old system (my DC is still one of my favorite consoles) but rather that the system is old and not likely to be found on as many entertainment centers these days as some of the others. Basically, this project is targeted to a group that:

        A) Has working Dreamcasts
        b) Recognizes the greatness of same
        c) Likes DOOM.
    • by g253 ( 855070 )
      Exactly, almost no one. Basically, you'd really need to be a huge nerd to be interested. It'd be nice if there was some sort or news aggregator, or maybe a blog, that would gather news specially targeted at nerds...
    • There are emulators...... :) So, I can just play it on my PC, like I do SNES and NES, and Sega, and N64, and Playstation, and PS2, and Gamecube, and DS, and........

      Remind me again why anybody throws money away on consoles?!?
  • I'm still not finding the old 'Barney' mod.
    • Man was that awesome. I loved it when they replaced all the bad guys with Barney. This is the one thing that sets console and computer games apart. User mods give games a much longer lifetime, and help to make them well worth their money, without the original developers having to do any extra work. I did a few levels in Descent. That was quite a fun game to design levels in. The fact that it was 3D, without really being fully 3D as far as the internal game engine was concerned meant you could do some m
      • by Yoozer ( 1055188 )

        This is the one thing that sets console and computer games apart. User mods give games a much longer lifetime, and help to make them well worth their money, without the original developers having to do any extra work.

        Re: console games and computer games - I'm aware that this is not exactly the same, but there are several "romhacks" out there for SNES games (Super Mario World, for instance). They usually jack up the difficulty to 11, though, and hacking roms is not for everyone.

  • Now if only I had a Dreamcast. :(
  • This is like saying "If you're low on parts for your 1972 Ford Pinto retrofitted with a diesel engine..." Yeah, Doom is an oldie but still a good game. Probably a few people still play it now and then. But seriously, how many people play it on the Dreamcast of all platforms? That's an intersection of two very small groups.

    Tag this "humor". Or "irony". I'm not sure which.
  • I spotted the headline and excitedly clicked to read the submission but it relates to the Dreamcast :(
    What about a PC collection? Doom was - and still is - a great game. Yeah, the graphics are pretty dated by todays standards, but Doom/Doom2 were gameplay at its best! A few later games had a similar level of excitement and fun - the original Half Life for example - but most games today are simply amazing graphics and crap gameplay.
    Hopefully someone will collate the various Doom wads together and offer
    • Re:Gutted (Score:4, Informative)

      by BobNET ( 119675 ) on Sunday April 20, 2008 @08:08PM (#23137676)

      What about a PC collection?

      http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/ [doomworld.com]

      • Thanks for the link - very much appreciated.
        I have a few wads, but look forward to digging through that collection!
        • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

          by Ford Prefect ( 8777 )
          Ooer ... there's my own WAD [doomworld.com] in there too. Five maps of single-player mayhem, for Doom 2. Released over nine years ago, which was pretty late by Doom standards...

          If you want something a bit more modern, there's always this [hylobatidae.org] for Half-Life, and this [hylobatidae.org] for Half-Life 2: Episode One (Liverpool nil). And [moria.org.uk] some [blogspot.com] reviews! [rockpapershotgun.com]

          Aaaand ... some bonus Quake! [telefragged.com]

          Ahem. That's quite enough links, I reckon!
          • Ooer ... there's my own WAD [doomworld.com] in there too. Five maps of single-player mayhem, for Doom 2. Released over nine years ago, which was pretty late by Doom standards...

            If you want something a bit more modern, there's always this [hylobatidae.org] for Half-Life, and this [hylobatidae.org] for Half-Life 2: Episode One (Liverpool nil). And [moria.org.uk] some [blogspot.com] reviews! [rockpapershotgun.com]

            Aaaand ... some bonus Quake! [telefragged.com]

            Ahem. That's quite enough links, I reckon!

            Hm....how about this [wikipedia.org] instead...I hear these are the wave of the future. Never can be sure with them newfangled hoomdiggies.

      • Hmm. There's an adult subsection to the theme section? Probably quite a few wads on display in there, and some mods for Doom too.
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Sounds almost like those WAD collections you could buy in stores in the mid-'90s, like D!Zone. They were mainly useful because you didn't have to download everything over your 14.4K modem.

    Most of those were shitty author's-first-map WADs that were included to drive up the count (1000 WADs!) but some were worth playing. Some of them would have a custom launcher utility; not real useful, but easier than typing DOS commands all day.

    I guess the upshot is that if you like Doom & you have a Dreamcast, Bob's
    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Surely Beorn Stronginthearm is my uncle?
  • I just took a look at the site. Many of these PWADs I have on my Linux based Doom installation of PrBoom. These will work on any Doom source port. I saw screenshots from Wolfendoom: Operation Arctic Wolf. So these Wads will work on any Doom source port.
  • I got all excited to have all the best Doom mods in one place and it's for a Sega DreamCast!? Where's my BFG9000.....
    • by Khyber ( 864651 )
      Considering it's a WAD file, and Doom uses WADs across every platform (from the PC to the Sega32X to the Playstation versions) I'd be willing to bet you lots of money that these wads will work just fine on the PC version.
  • Does it at LEAST support the Dreamcast keyboard and mouse?

    Any first-person shooter with a damn gamepad (analog sticks or not) is just crap.

    Even in the whole of the slashdot readers, I'm pretty sure that only a few dozen people will want to have this.
    • I always played Doom and Doom2 with the keyboard only. I wasn't aware anybody played these games with a mouse. Later games like Quake where you could look up and down actually made much more sense with a mouse, but games like Doom, with no jumping, and only x-axis rotation weren't really complicated to require a mouse.
      • speed and precision. A mouse has it. A keyboard doesn't. If you are serious there is no other option than to use a mouse.
        • Do you remember the mice we had back when Doom was popular? A keyboard may only have one speed, and may only be so precise, but some of the terrible mice that existed back then weren't really up to being precise or speedy. I just tried replaying lemmings with a nice LED mouse, and it's 10x easier than it used to be with the clunky old mice we had back in the 90's. And like I said. Later games like Quake require a mouse to be played properly. However doom could be played extremely well with just the key
          • by Yvan256 ( 722131 )
            It's not only about the precision of the mouse. It's about the turning speed.

            Try doing a 180 degrees turn with the keyboard vs with the keyboard+mouse. In multiplayer, you didn't stand a chance if you were playing with a keyboard only.

            Or maybe you just needed to clean up the mouse ball?
  • by samwh ( 921444 )
    This story makes none. 1. There is a question mark in the title. Why? - Irony 2. Collection for the Dreamcast, not the PC 3. For the love of god, why is this on Slashdot. At least it isn't on the front page.
  • This is Law56ker (Score:1, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward
    This is law56ker, the dreamcast reads cdrs with no modification. If you own a dreamcast all you have to do is add the retail wads and burn with bootdreams which is included in the download.

    NXDOOM supports the keyboard and mouse if you have them or an adapter for your dreamcast.

    It also plays very well with a standard controller.

    This is the most awesome news I've heard in a while. I am putting this on top of my awesome list!

  • by nz17 ( 601809 ) on Monday April 21, 2008 @01:50AM (#23139306) Homepage
    *Sigh* Looks like there is a lot ignorance about this whole topic. (And I don't mean ignorant in an insulting way.) So let's clear some things up:

    1) You don't need to play these files on the Dreamcast version of DOOM. These mods will all work fine on the various Windows, DOS, and other version of DOOM that can load PWADs. Just download the collection and extract them.

    2) This collection is special because _all_ of the files have been tested and confirmed to correctly work on the Dreamcast version of DOOM, nxDoom. Because of system hardware limitations not all mods will correctly work on the DC version of DOOM, so Law56ker's collection is a real time-saver for anyone that wants to play DOOM mods on any system with limited hardware similar to a Dreamcast.

    3) A modified Dreamcast is not necessary to run these files. Because the boot system for Dreamcast software was deciphered years ago, all home-brew/independent software form the last few years can easily boot without hardware or software mods.

    4) The reason that this software needs to be downloaded, modified, and then burned to disc is due to a limitation of DOOM and other games built in a similar way. The original files from DOOM and/or DOOM 2 are needed to run these mods because the DOOM engine requires the original files.

    5) The Dreamcast port of DOOM, nxDOOM, has support for the Modlist (making selecting and loading mods quick and easy), VMU saving (to continue the game later or save preferences), and control via keyboard, mouse, and/or Dreamcast controller.

    I hope this clears up any misunderstandings.
  • Aliens Total Conversion was, I think, the best Doom MOD ever. I know it got squished by FOX (or whoever owns the rights to the Alien franchise), but it still kicks some major ass if you can find it. No Doom collection would be complete w/o it.
    • The Aliens QUAKE mod was the one that was foxed. The creator of that went on to make AlienArena, with super shameless self-promotion with that damn linux.com "review".
  • Is Slashdot going to post news about 100+ chars/stages collection no-talent Mugen games next because it's on the Linux platform?
  • by Haoie ( 1277294 )
    Well, it's good to know the WAD community is still alive after over 15 years since Doom was released. But Dreamcast? No good.
  • You can't call it the Ultimate Mod Collection without: The Ultimate Weapon of Doom [youtube.com] ;-)

"It's curtains for you, Mighty Mouse! This gun is so futuristic that even *I* don't know how it works!" -- from Ralph Bakshi's Mighty Mouse
