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Nintendo Wii Games

Can Nintendo Court the Casuals Again? 132

An anonymous reader sends this quote from Eurogamer: "Do you remember the last time? When the Wii launched at the tail end of 2006, it was to an air of excited curiosity that went well beyond the borders of core gamers, with Nintendo conjuring what ran close to a full-blown phenomenon. ... Nintendo's masterstroke, of course, has been resurrecting the ultimate hardcore poster girl with the announcement that Bayonetta 2 is heading exclusively to the Wii U. There's something slightly incongruous about an over-sexed, incredibly violent action game rubbing shoulders with Mario and co., but then again that's exactly what makes the proposition so very exciting. ... There's still one very important section of the market that may prove a little tougher to persuade. Right now it's harder to see the broader appeal of the Wii U, and it's not simply a case of fearing that it'll fail to replicate the success of its predecessor — there's every chance that it could endure the same rocky start that plagued Nintendo's 3DS."
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Can Nintendo Court the Casuals Again?

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    The iPhone and iPad hadn't been introduced yet. The casual gamers have already moved on to other things.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Your fallacy: assuming that they're not ready to move onto something new yet again.

    • by Riddler Sensei ( 979333 ) on Saturday September 15, 2012 @02:07PM (#41347469)

      Valid point, but there is a niche within the niche. Ever since the Wii Nintendo has been marketing towards the "family night" crowd. You'll see in almost every ad a group of family or friends taking rounds at having a blast at whatever happens to be on the screen. This still appeals to a great number of people and it is hard to get excited about the idea of sitting around in the same room with your iPhones/Droids playing Words With Friends (unless, I dunno, you were having some sort of tournament?).

    • The one big advantage of the Wii U over is that the tablet isn't the only controller. The Wii U GamePad also has physical buttons, which work better than an on-screen gamepad in some genres for reasons I've described before. Furthermore, extra controllers for players 2, 3, and 4 will be available in stores, unlike tablet computers whose iCade and iControlPad controllers are available only through mail order.
    • by KDR_11k ( 778916 )

      The Wii's strength among the casual crowd was always local multiplayer. You can't get much of that from the iPad and with the iPhone it's practically impossible. It fills a completely different role than the iP*s, it's not for passing the time on the toilet or on the commute but a main activity in the living room.

      The Wii U is a different matter and I don't see it taking off with the Wii's new audience.

    • When Nintendo introduced the Wiimote, it was a try-it-to-understand-it proposition, and trying it is IMHO exactly what caused so many people to run out and buy it.

      A lot of people are now in to touch gaming when they would barely have been into gaming at all, thanks to the plethora of touch-enabled phones, tablets and pmps out there. Touch gaming is a concept a lot of people are already familiar with - the gamble comes with getting enough people to convert from the devices already embedded in their daily hab

  • by joelsanda ( 619660 ) on Saturday September 15, 2012 @01:56PM (#41347395) Homepage

    We had the Wii - managed to score one the weekend it came out. But after about 18 months it became apparent this was going to have some real dumbed-down titles. A few stick out in my mind, most notably the Endless Ocean [] and Endless Ocean 2 [] games. I miss those enough I've been thinking of picking up a Wii after the Wii U comes out to replay them, when the price drops.

    As for the Atari 2600 I had as a kid - I recall that having a greater variety of games that were almost more challenging. I don't miss it enough to buy the controller/ROM combination, but I distinctly remember titles we traded with friends and played for years. Maybe some of that is nostalgia for long summers and the lack of overall console variety then, but I was distinctly unimpressed with the Wii; with the notable exception the two titles I mentioned above.

    When our Wii gave up the ghost I relented and bought an XBox for my son and that's been a great console - a good variety of games and ab online game store worth dropping some dough on. There will have to be something extraordinary for my generally Nintendo-friendly family to even consider by a Wii U. They lost us with the terribly poor game selection on the Wii and DS systems.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      As for the Atari 2600 I had as a kid - I recall that having a greater variety of games...

      You mean such diverse titles as Space War, Space Invaders, Space Adventure, Space Attack, Space Canyon, Space Cavern, Spacechase, Space Grid, Space Jockey, Spacemaster X-7, or Space Shuttle: A Journey Into Space? Or perhaps you were thinking of Stargate, Star Raiders, Star Ship, Star Fox, Stargunner, Starmaster, Star Strike, Star Trek: Strategic Operations, Star Voyager, or one of several Star Wars games?

      I also had an Atari 2600 as a kid, but fail to share your level of nostalgia.

      • Or perhaps you were thinking of Stargate

        SG-1 or Atlantis?

        Star Fox

        Could players do a barrel roll?

      • Other than having the word 'Space' in their title, most of those games have nothing to do with each other and are very different. Still, it's silly to compare the Wii and 2600 library.
    • What? Dude, the DS is the best portable console of all times. It has a huge variety of games: RPGs, FPS, puzzles, whatever. There are literally thousands of games to choose from. I agree with most of your post, but I love my Nintendo DS too much to agree with your last sentence.
  • by dkleinsc ( 563838 ) on Saturday September 15, 2012 @02:16PM (#41347503) Homepage

    As far as I can tell, the definition of a "casual" gamer is "anybody who isn't a 15-30 year old male". I mean, I still hear of puzzle adventure players (who tended to be middle-aged women) being seen as casual gamers, while the people who play really quite simple hack-and-slash games (which appeal more to younger men) are considered hardcore. The mistakes, I think, are:
    1. to aim most video games at a particular demographic and then wonder why nobody else is getting interested in them, and
    2. hire young male game designers and wonder why they can't write a great game that appeals to older people or women.

    It definitely has nothing to do with the difficulty or intracacy of the game.

    • A little late to the party, but...

      Hardcore applies to gamers where the buyer wants a specific product. It doesn't matter how good, or unique, or complex the game happens to be; the key factor is that the customer watches the trailers online, pre-orders, and pays $60.

      Casual gamers play something to pass the time. They don't really care what game they are playing as long as it isn't overly involved or boring. When given the choice between two games with a high price disparity, they will buy the cheaper game.


  • already sold out (Score:5, Informative)

    by tuffy ( 10202 ) on Saturday September 15, 2012 @02:38PM (#41347619) Homepage Journal

    Best Buy and Target have already stopped taking orders for both the deluxe and regular systems, and Gamestop has sold out of the deluxe systems. So it's already eerily similar to the Wii's pre-launch situation, and that console was very hard to find for months.

    So no, there's little evidence that a rocky start is in store.

    • Re:already sold out (Score:5, Informative)

      by 93 Escort Wagon ( 326346 ) on Saturday September 15, 2012 @03:45PM (#41347959)

      Best Buy and Target have already stopped taking orders for both the deluxe and regular systems, and Gamestop has sold out of the deluxe systems. So it's already eerily similar to the Wii's pre-launch situation, and that console was very hard to find for months.

      So no, there's little evidence that a rocky start is in store.

      Yes, and even the rhetoric is similar. Both pre- and post- launch, as sales of the Wii consistently far outpaced those of the XBox 360 or the PS3 [], self-defined "gamers" continued to talk about the Wii as if it were a minor player in the market. It's like these guys are sitting there covering their ears and shouting "LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!".

      • It's like these guys are sitting there covering their ears and shouting "LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!".

        If I had a few billion dollars for every time the "hardcore" proclaimed that Nintendo's latest gaming system would be (or is) a flop and it ends up (or is currently) dominating ... I'd be Nintendo since the just before the launch of the DS.

        What I find really funny is that they tend to want Nintendo to make a console that is on par with the most powerful of its generation, while not taking any risks on 'gimmicky' controls or features -- the Gamecube strategy.

        Which still made Nintendo money, just not nearly

    • The main questions will be how many of those will wind up on eBay, and further more how many will be returned to the store within 30 days if they aren't able to be sold for a profit?

    • They had the same problems with the PS3 when it released. After people were making cash hand over fist with the 360 people ordered as many PS3s as they could. I personally know someone who got stuck with 9 of them. Is the demand high because people want the console, or because people are hoping to make a quick buck? Even with the iPad 3, most people seemed to be ordering to make money. I will not consider preorders a solid indication of the long term demand of a product.
  • by AmazingRuss ( 555076 ) on Saturday September 15, 2012 @02:40PM (#41347629)

    ...with lots of automated violence. It's more casual than something like Pikmin by miles.

    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by crafoo ( 591629 )
      No it's not. It's a 60fps arcade-style game with a deep block + counter-attack + positioning combat system that requires very specific and tight timing. Yes it has easy-modes for the casual gamers but Bayonetta is most certainly not a casual game. Some enemies cannot even be beaten on normal or above difficulty with using witch-time effectively. Calling it more casual than pikmin and automated is baseless hyperbole. Back that up son if you want to be taken seriously.
  • This is the absolute least interested in a Nintendo product. It's shown me nothing interesting or worthwhile yet. I'm still not entirely sure if this is a a revamped Wii or the proper successor. The Nintendo I knew fell sick with the N64, got a little better with the Gamecube and then suddenly died with the Wii.

    Their milking of characters is no longer a funny joke, but a sad reality. I never look at the Wii catalog and see anything that peeks my interest. I still believe the motion controls to be a silly
    • I'm sad that Sega is giving them the only release of Bayonetta 2, but that's all I've lost. I won't be buying a Wii U until I can get one for $50 behind the counter at Publix, if even then[0].

      They've managed to not just "milk into boredom" but actually antagonize me into abandoning their core franchises that I've been a fan of since The First Days. First, the abomination that was Metroid: Other M, which took all of the "cool points" that the prime trilogy had earned for itself and flushed them down the crap

      • by KDR_11k ( 778916 )

        Mario has seen a high recently, while the GC/GBA era was pretty meh for him the Wii saw the Galaxy games (extremely positive critical reaction, Metacritic score at times the highest of any game in the database!) and following the DS iteration got New Super Mario Bros Wii (extremely high sellers, the DS one broke all Mario sales records, the Wii one still sold over 20 million showing that the general public still loves this style more than the 3D style) and the 3DS got Super Mario 3D Land which also got a to

      • I can understand your frustration with Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. Motion controls just aren't for everyone, it's that simple. I wouldn't say motion control was a gimmick, but making them default with normal controls optional may have been a better way to go.

        Mario 64 was possibly the finest 3D conversion for a 2D game ever seen - everyone else followed Nintendo's recipe after that. Sunshine was a bit of a let-down, but honestly, how do you follow a game that ground-breaking? By breaking even more g

        • I played Galaxy. It was fun, but all it really added to the Mario 64 "recipe" was motion-sickness. When you said "everyone followed the recipe after that" you weren't wrong. Nintendo did, too.

          Nintendo has introduced some great new titles and franchises in the past ten years or so - so don't ditch the platform just to spite the software.

          As for the new titles... none of them appeal to me. Not even a little. So why would I stay with the platform if the software is worthless to me? Hell, even if the software was good, I'd be giving this one a pass, based on Nintendo's ongoing "War on Ergonomics."

  • it's harder to see the broader appeal of the Wii U

    The broader appeal of the Wii U is that it is no longer just a video game/fitness machine, it is now a TV set-top box and an intelligent TV remote as well. It is an aggregator of multiple internet-driven entertainment choices. The opportunity for Nintendo to may serious money is immense. I can sense the determined hand of Reggie Fils-aime ( Nintendo US CEO) behind Nintendo's newest push.

  • by RyoShin ( 610051 ) <> on Saturday September 15, 2012 @03:02PM (#41347737) Homepage Journal

    No. But it goes beyond just the law, for a number of reasons:

    • Economy.
      Wii was introduced before the housing bubble burst and long before the global economic recession. People had the idea that they had money to spare, whether or not they actually did. This helped fuel generic consumer interest along with the "newness" that is motion controls. In addition, the new price points puts Nintendo out of that "sweet number" they had in 2006. The $250 price point for the Wii at release in 2012 dollars is $285; the cheapest model is $299, and wages haven't kept up with inflation.
    • Wow-factor.
      Motion controlling was a big thing when the Wii released--while it was not exactly new tech, Nintendo managed to mainstream it and make it work (sort of, the Wiimote Plus greatly improved this but still had issues.) Furthermore, the controllers for other consoles were seen as "intimidating" to your average consumer due to the myriad of buttons and inputs on them (whether or not this is true I don't know, but it was common thought both then and now). The Wiimote was extremely simple and could be used as a controller harking back to the NES days.
      The Gamepad doesn't offer anything in the "wow-factor" to pull consumers in. Touch-screens have been around for quite some time (the original DS had a touch screen, after all) and everyone is tablet-crazy these days so it acts like a me-too. In addition, it integrates all those scary buttons. Furthermore, at least to someone like myself who is a regular gamer, the controller looks horribly clunky (my understanding from reading testimonials of those who have been able to hands-on is that it actually works decently, but that's not going to stop perception of those on the outside.)
    • Power.
      The Wii U is, from my understanding, about as powerful as the 360. While I can understand that Nintendo wants to focus on user interface, they can't ignore that having a lower-powered system hurt them greatly this last gen. It wasn't the controller, it was the system processing power that kept a lot of otherwise-multi-console games from coming to the Wii (and when they did they were relatively bad). Nintendo has caught up, but as soon as the PS4 and XBox720 come out (supposedly in the next 18 months), they'll be lagging behind once again. Furthermore, by tipping their hand this early, it gives Microsoft and Sony a chance to integrate whatever features into their next system and likely do it better (the Kinect and Move have their own issues that will likely be firmed up and integrated better for the next console cycle).
    • Games.
      A big selling point for the Wii was that it came with Wii Sports. The Basic (read: cheap) version of the Wii U comes with no games (except whatever demos or utilities they have on the system, like TVii), which only intensifies the economic issue. This may be intentional, though, as the tie-in (how many game were sold per console) for the Wii is extremely low, especially compared to the other consoles. By forcing "casual" consumers to buy games off the bat they can increase that number this time around; many bought the wii, played Wii Sports, and then never bought another game.

    Nintendo also has a lot of uphill battles with 'core' gamers, too:
    --Their online capabilities seem to still lag entire generations behind the competition (those horrible friend codes will apparently make an appearance on Wii U [])
    --Aforementioned power
    --A number of AAA games they have announced are mere ports of games have been out for some time
    --Internal Storage is limited to a max of 32GB, important as digital sales increase; however, this can be expanded (supposedly easily)
    --Games, games, games, games. Nintendo didn't learn from the 3DS, apparently--the launch window library is fairly "meh", and we don't even know launch titles except for NSMBU

    I've been a devout Nintendork for my life, fighting many a troll online for the Gamecube

    • The Gamepad doesn't offer anything in the "wow-factor" to pull consumers in. Touch-screens have been around for quite some time (the original DS had a touch screen, after all) and everyone is tablet-crazy these days so it acts like a me-too. In addition, it integrates all those scary buttons.

      So for a touch-screen-only device, how would you recommend making effective control for a platformer without scary physical buttons? I tried playing a game using the on-screen gamepad paradigm on a tablet, and I kept missing the buttons because I couldn't feel where my thumbs were relative to the buttons []. That frustration is part of why the Wii U GamePad still has buttons instead of relying on a single flat surface with a capacitive sensor.

      • by RyoShin ( 610051 )

        My point wasn't that it should be touch-screen only. My point is that by incorporating the regular layout with an otherwise-familiar touchscreen, they bring in the "too complex" factor that can scare off casual consumers, especially the older crowd. I don't think it's a bad idea for a controller, but it's not helpful to capture the casuals. (Also that having a touchscreen isn't a big deal these days.)

        I actually like the idea of controller with a touchscreen; I was quite sad that the GamecubeGBA link didn't

    • And that is dangerous.

      The motion control on the Wii was largely a gimmick. While there were a few games that made really effective use of it or could be made well without it, most didn't. They just translated certain gross motion in to the equivalent of a button press, they didn't really do much special. However for all that, it intrigued may people and they wished to have it. The gimmick worked.

      Ok fair enough, but that kind of stuff tends to be very hit or miss. People can see a gimmick and say "meh" even

    • Games, games, games, games. Nintendo didn't learn from the 3DS, apparently--the launch window library is fairly "meh", and we don't even know launch titles except for NSMBU

      The Wii U launch game list: []

  • by dlsmith ( 993896 ) on Saturday September 15, 2012 @03:15PM (#41347825)

    I think the main thing that disappoints me about the Wii U is the way it completely abandons motion control. I bought a Wii for Wii Sports. I had minimal interest in classic Nintendo titles, and absolutely no interest Xbox/PS3-style games. Then there was MotionPlus and Tiger Woods Golf, and that was fun for a long time. EA makes the same game on other platforms, but I have zero interest in mashing buttons together in order to simulate a golf game.

    Since then, I've bought a handful of different games, some of them with pretty traditional controls (with lame waggle "enhancements") (e.g., Galaxy), and that's been fun, and I love Nintendo's creativity in a lot of their titles, but, still, the motion controls in something like Skyward Sword are far more interesting to me than anything else.

    Enter Wii U. Doesn't do anything to push the motion control technology forward. Doesn't even ship with motion-sensitive controllers or a sensor bar. All that is abandoned in favor of a touchscreen melded with traditional gaming controls. I have a hard time seeing how new games (the next Zelda, for example) are going to improve on the experience I enjoyed the last time around -- because now Nintendo's going to be all about producing games that take advantage of the new controller. How do they even release a new Sports for the Wii U? Seems like that title is just put on hold...

    • by KDR_11k ( 778916 )

      Nintendo did a pretty crappy job of actually using the motion controls and third parties were often even worse. They forgot that motion controls require adjustments to game designs if you don't want them to feel tacked on (standard game designs are built around buttons and assume characters that can perform everything perfectly so motion controls get turned into on/off affairs where they're obviously inferior). Motion controls add many more ways for humans to mess up and that should be incorporated into the

    • by Fez ( 468752 ) *

      It says in a few places that things can be controlled by "tilting" the Wii U Gamepad, and some things are controlled by turning it sideways and "aiming" using it, so I think it sort of sounds like it actually is a traditional Wii controller in some regards, but there probably won't be any more solid info until more people get their hands on it (or maybe when NDA's expire?).

      I like the accuracy of Motion Plus but it loses calibration extremely easy. I constantly had to re-center the controls while playing Zel

  • by Wattos ( 2268108 ) on Saturday September 15, 2012 @03:21PM (#41347841)

    I will gladly give my money to Nintendo for the Wii U. I am a gamer, with a huge passion for games. Finally Nintendo will provide next-gen gaming on their consoles. Nintendo, compared to Sony and Microsoft, is a company for gamers.

    They dont charge you for online play (Looking at you M$), they dont charge you for additional storage by selling you some proprietary hdd. They dont remove features after the sale ( install other OS??) and they dont go in rage mode and start suing their customers. They also did not have any security breaches...

    For me it is quite clear, if there will be a game which comes to all consoles, Ill be getting the Wii U version (unless there is a PC version ofc)

    • While it's nice for them to not have any of your personal data to lose if they ever got hacked. It makes digital purchases for them worthless.

      People have lost or had their 3DS stolen and Nintendo can't/won't transfer the licenses for any digital purchases to their new console.

      Microsoft plug the removable HDD into another console, or do through a process to transfer the data to a new HDD.

      Sony is actually the most friendly where you activate the console to your account and then can access the content you pur

    • by KDR_11k ( 778916 )

      Next-gen is such a nebulous, marketing bullshit term. Going by the strict definition it's always the console that's not released yet so you can't buy a next-gen system. So yeah, the Wii U is next-gen until it's released. Then it becomes current-gen and the Wii becomes last-gen. To a marketer next-gen is their own system and everything else isn't (Sony: "Next-gen doesn't start until we say so!").

    • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

      They also did not have any security breaches

      Neither does Xbox Live (purely because Microsoft is a tempting target for every hacker/cracker/script kiddy that they have no choice).

      The thing though is that Nintendo has nothing TO steal. Games are tied to the device (you don't have to make an account, and yes, you can transfer to another console). Payment requires entering your credit card information over and over again (or using a gift card, also tied to your console).

      Breaking into Nintendo is hard because Ni

  • What Nintendo really needs to do is make a family of kick-ass high-powered Android phones with proper game controls, then make them usable as game controls for the Wii-U.

  • by Paul Slocum ( 598127 ) on Saturday September 15, 2012 @03:30PM (#41347897) Homepage Journal
    is playing Angry Birds
  • by Beardo the Bearded ( 321478 ) on Saturday September 15, 2012 @03:31PM (#41347903)


    Casual gamers are playing games on their phones. NIntendo fucked themselves over by not bothering to put out any titles at all for the Wii during its entire run.

    Oh sure, you had a couple of Mario games, one Zelda, and... No More Heroes? I think that was about it. The rest were junk, they never released a "greatest hits" $20 version of any titles until early in 2012, and there's nothing compelling in the library.

    Jerk off over the hardware all you want. No games -- no sales.

    And again, people who want to play a game casually for five minutes at a time are going to whip out their phone and play a $1 game.

    • by tepples ( 727027 ) <> on Saturday September 15, 2012 @04:08PM (#41348067) Homepage Journal

      people who want to play a game casually for five minutes at a time are going to whip out their phone and play a $1 game.

      Provided they have a phone. True, a grown-up interested in video games can almost be assumed to own a smartphone nowadays. But any game rated E or E10+ includes kids as part of its intended audience. A phone capable of gaming costs well over $1,000 once you factor in an iControlPad and the cost of cellular voice and data service for two years. I'm under the impression that a lot of parents can't afford this for their kids, so they buy each kid a flip phone on a $80/year prepaid carrier as a pay phone replacement ("this is for getting a ride home; use the land line at home for long calls") and a DS/3DS for gaming.

    • by KDR_11k ( 778916 )

      I'm trying to figure out what kind of filter you're using that includes Mario, Zelda and No More Heroes but ignores all the other good Wii games (not saying NMH was a good game but what exactly made you pick THAT ONE?).

  • We're a family of casual gamers. We don't game a lot, and when we do they tend to be games many can play together (Rock Band, Glee, etc.). We also play more traditional head-to-head games, but all gaming comes in spurts, days/weeks where we do it a lot followed by months where we don't. The Wii worked for us.

    But that was then.

    Since then, we've slowly gotten tired of more and more remotes, more and more devices, and we've slowly discovered more and more on-line distractions. Hey, we just finally signed up

  • How did having a lower power machine help Nintendo in the last console generation?

    Will Microsoft and Sony bring 500-700 dollar machines to market this time?

    Will concentrating on the user interface pay off like it did last time for Nintendo?

    Consoles sold from last generation:

    Wii 96 million, XBox360 68 million, PS3 66 million.

    • How did having a lower power machine help Nintendo in the last console generation?

      By having the cheapest machine on offer, and still sell it for more than it costs to produce. It also helped by making the developers concentrate on the games, instead on graphics. But developing software licensing is a hell, so this last one didn't help as much as it could. (If something kills this generation of game consoles, it will be licensing.)

      Will Microsoft and Sony bring 500-700 dollar machines to market this time?

      If t

  • I'd like Nintendo a whole lot more if I didn't hate the Mario world so much, and it's all about the fucking, boring, racist and campy mascot everywhere on every title in every iteration. It's not funny. It's not sexy. It's not cute. As a pop culture icon, it's just as dull as it's always been and the only reason left to insist on it (in the US) is to pander to Generation Xs and Generation Ys who think they're Generation Xs.

  • "Core" gamer, "hardcore" gamer... I'm going to take my own stab at defining these lame-brained terms.

    They have nothing to do with violent games, time spent playing, or anything else I've seen mentioned so far. What they are is euphemisms for "PC gamers". And this is true regardless of platform - PC=Xbox and Playstation is a bite off of that market. So what defines them? THEY ALWAYS WANT MORE OF THE SAME, but bigger, faster, and flashier. Minimal to no fucus on innovation or fun. We've been living th
  • Apple stole the "adult" casual gamer market and pretty much assured that any child of these adults are also highly invested in games on the Apple platform. I can't get my niece and nephew off my iPad or iPod touch when they come to visit. When you have a platform of Free to $4.99 games that keep children interested for hours, what is the point of the Wii U?

    Nintendo is trying to mimic Apple's success my mashing (more like mangling) a touch pad with a game platform, and I think this is ill conceived. Its c

    • Since you mentioned iPhones, I agree that the next portable consoles are going to have to adopt some tricks from the ultra competitive smart phone market or die. The main problem with game consoles is the difficulty in designing content for them, whereas any designer can with a bit of patience make an app which adds to the diversity of programs and possibilities of your device. The next consoles have to be made with social integration - much like current smart phones if they are to stay relevant and partak

Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing. -- Wernher von Braun
