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Star Wars Prequels Games

EA Is the Game Company Disney Was Looking For 254

An anonymous reader writes "Electronic Arts announced today it has landed an exclusive multi-year agreement to develop and publish games based on Lucasfilms' Star Wars universe. EA said the it will create and publish Star Wars games for a 'core gaming audience' across 'all popular platforms' and genres. The EA studios creating those 'core' Star Wars games are Battlefield developer DICE, Dead Space developer Visceral Games and Mass Effect house BioWare."
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EA Is the Game Company Disney Was Looking For

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  • Great... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by SanDogWeps ( 2882399 ) on Monday May 06, 2013 @05:20PM (#43648129)
    Now all EA games will come with free misery AND a Force Choke...
    • Re:Great... (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Jeremiah Cornelius ( 137 ) on Monday May 06, 2013 @05:29PM (#43648249) Homepage Journal

      EA promises to do for Lucas Arts what Disney pledges to do for Lucasfilm.

      This is following the lead established by McDonalds - and what they've done for beef.

      • In other words, I will not be spending any money on these either.
        • Re:Great... (Score:5, Interesting)

          by 24-bit Voxel ( 672674 ) on Monday May 06, 2013 @05:51PM (#43648515) Journal

          Same here. For me, if it's not on steam it doesn't exist. And since EA isn't on steam... well... it's as if hundreds of games screamed out in isolation and were suddenly silenced.

          • For me, if it's not Cross Platform (Win,Mac,Nix) then it's useless. Seriously, there isn't any reason NOT to have Cross Platform, more money is better than limited money from a single Platform that may or may not continue to exist in a few years, since XNA and DirectX is pretty much dead now, not to mention limited to a single Platform whereas OpenGL is available to all. Bottom line, there is more money to be made by being Cross Platform; It's also my understanding that a certain company actually pays Devs

      • Re:Great... (Score:5, Insightful)

        by westlake ( 615356 ) on Monday May 06, 2013 @06:04PM (#43648635)

        EA promises to do for Lucas Arts what Disney pledges to do for Lucasfilm

        You hear any Marvel Comics fan complaining about Disney? Didn't think so.

        • Re:Great... (Score:5, Insightful)

          by Dahamma ( 304068 ) on Monday May 06, 2013 @06:06PM (#43648643)

          Yeah, to be honest Disney will be hard pressed to mangle the Star Wars franchise any more than George Lucas did.

        • You hear any Marvel Comics fan complaining about Disney?

          Disney came fairly late to the "Marvel Cinematic Universe" franchise, and even then all they are is a distributor...Paramount and Marvel are the creative and monetary forces behind the franchise.

          My guess is that since Disney was the only studio that wasn't cashing in on superhero movies, they found a way to make some money off the genre.

        • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

          by steelfood ( 895457 )

          Not yet.

          Marvel isn't nearly as integrated into the Disney culture (and doesn't integrate nearly as well) as Pixar or Lucasfilm, whose content matter can be described as wholesome, and if not then sanitized. On the other hand, Marvel's stories deal with darker, more complex, and more adult issues. These are issues that Disney is not accustomed to working with.

          Marvel is the lone adult in a room full of infantile children. In fact, this may actually be a fair description of the relationship between Marvel's cu

          • by Desler ( 1608317 )

            Marvel's stories deal with darker, more complex, and more adult issues. These are issues that Disney is not accustomed to working with.

            Miramax was part of Disney for 17 years. You have heard of them, right?

        • You mean how they farmed out the video game development to Sega, who has made relatively lackluster Marvel games? Yeah, actually there is a lot to complain about...
      • Yup. Pretty much anything this shithole has to say is useless.

    • Free? .... "misery And Force choke? Really, Free?! I think you'll have to pay EA for these as DLC on first day. And chances are, the game won't run without misery.

      Sooner or later, you'll have to pay to have a player that walks and runs - $1.99 each.

      I haven't played the online Starwars mmporg, but the original Bioware Knights of Old Republic I & II (save for a few annoying characters ... which seems the norm for the SW universe .... ) were among the best games I've ever played. Now EA owns Bioware, which

      • Bioware still makes great games, despite EA owning them.

        They've spent pretty much the last DECADE making two games -- Mass Effect and Dragon Age -- both of which were, in a word, awesome. [Some argument can be made about the ending of ME3 being weak, but it doesn't ruin a great franchise.]

        Before that they did such duds as Neverwinter Nights and KOTOR.

        EA or not, I'll eat whatever Bioware is serving with a smile.

    • Now all EA games will come with free misery AND a Force Choke...

      ...only if you preorder at Gamestop

    • Really? First post wasn't Vader's "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"?

  • by SirSlud ( 67381 ) on Monday May 06, 2013 @05:21PM (#43648147) Homepage

    Make it happen.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 06, 2013 @05:22PM (#43648161)

    This deal is getting worse all the time.

  • by DanielRavenNest ( 107550 ) on Monday May 06, 2013 @05:23PM (#43648167)

    And with Electronic Arts, I guess they found one.

    • I think that's a bit too much to say. At least the Empire learned from its mistakes and didn't add a spectacular design flaw to the second Death Star. EA just seems to enjoy piling on design flaws and not fixing stuff.

      • by suutar ( 1860506 )
        Except putting the shield generator outside the shield. WTF!?!?!
        • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

          by Anonymous Coward

          Presumably a decision made to take advantage of the local cheap ewok labour. A lesson in outsourcing for us all.

        • by Imrik ( 148191 )

          I feel obliged to point out that the shield in question was intended to protect it while it was under construction, not while it was in use. Also, to reach that shield they needed authorization which may have included letting them through the local planetary shields.

    • I have to say, the headline honestly surprised me. A franchise with as much potential as Star Wars, and yet it's like they went with the lowest bidder.

      Or do they not have google at Disney? Virtually the entire first page of results for "EA Reputation" slams them, or is full of people very blatantly trying to work around the accepted fact that EA has a god-awful reputation.

      I can find no words. Really, honestly, it is shocking. It's like the first thought was, "Let's get some businesses in here", and then

    • Nah, Disney is a pretty damn Evil Empire on its own. EA licencing deal is more like an alliance with the Mandalorians.
  • Mediocrity (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 06, 2013 @05:26PM (#43648219)

    And so the lineage of mostly-forgettable Star Wars games continues unabated...

    • Oh no, they will be very memorable. If they're anything like the latest Sim City, expect them to blow up like the Death Star.
    • by Dahamma ( 304068 )

      I don't know, Bioware made KOTOR and that was one of the better Star Wars games ever made. Despite what people think some of the EA studios still have a bit of creativity left. (Then again after trying to play Dragon Age it may be fading fast...)

      • I don't know, Bioware made KOTOR and that was one of the better Star Wars games ever made.

        Yes, but they made that *before* being bought out by EA. After being bought out, they made Star Wars The Old Republic (aka WoW, with lightsabers, but somehow still lame).

  • I can see the tie-ins now... Star Wars Sims: Make your Ewok's spend less time brushing their teeth with Crest!

    • by dufachi ( 973647 )
      Where's My Force Lightning?
      An anthropomorphic tie-fighter movie
      The full Episode 4 using Disney iconic characters with the witch from Sleeping Beauty as Darth Vader
      Star Wars Social - beg your friends to help you outfit your own Jedi college that randomly gets murdered by a rogue Jedi turning to the dark side.
  • by ohnocitizen ( 1951674 ) on Monday May 06, 2013 @05:30PM (#43648265)
    Why go with a company who has been making the news for broken games and abrasive customer service? Are executives at Disney really ok with taking such a big risk on such a valuable property?
    • by gl4ss ( 559668 )

      Why go with a company who has been making the news for broken games and abrasive customer service? Are executives at Disney really ok with taking such a big risk on such a valuable property?

      maybe the deal is such that disney makes money no matter what.

      the only game company stupid enough - and with enough cash going around(even if they're not making cash well) would be EA.

      I'm not holding my breath for another TIE fighter classic though.....

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Why go with a company who has been making the news for broken games and abrasive customer service?

      Because EA is still making more money than $RANDOMDEITY, because the average gamer doesn't really give a shit and will happily buy Medal of Duty: Call of Honor 15: Infinite Titanium Xtreme as soon as it hits the shelves after a period of no beta testing.

    • Why go with a company who has been making the news for broken games and abrasive customer service? Are executives at Disney really ok with taking such a big risk on such a valuable property?

      There is no risk.

      2,100 rants posted to Amazon.com hasn't broken SimCity's hold on the top ten bestseller lists in PC games.

  • EA DRM (Score:4, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 06, 2013 @05:39PM (#43648363)

    EA's DRM will now stand for Darkside Rights Management

    • by mjwx ( 966435 )

      EA's DRM will now stand for Darkside Rights Management

      I would have thought a Stargate tie in would have been more appropriate.... At least then they could tell people about the power of Origin.

  • evil + evil = (Score:4, Insightful)

    by citylivin ( 1250770 ) on Monday May 06, 2013 @05:39PM (#43648375)


    Time to buy some stock!

  • Since EA said it would require Simcity to be always on (Yeah, I predicted correctly that shit would hit the fan at launch just like Diablo 3) I started boycotting EA. Luckily I`ll always have the back catalog of awesome Star War games. Farewell Star Wars games, may the force be with you. And I`m not talking about Starforce.

    • Farewell Star Wars games, may the force be with you. And I`m not talking about Starforce.

      I don't get it. What does a vertical shooter by Tecmo [wikipedia.org] have to do with Star Wars or EA?

    • by Artemis3 ( 85734 )

      Battlefield 2142 was the last game i purchased from them, because i liked BF1942, and BF2 a lot. I bought those titles BECAUSE of the modding community.

      By the time BF3 came along, i started boycotting EA for their abusive DRM. Incidentally, about that time dice removed the cd check from the older BF titles.

      I'd rather play the older titles than touch BF3. Same with Simcity, v4 is good and with mods its even better.

      Valve encourage mods while EA forbids them. Guess where my purchases go? EA is finished for me.

  • Because the death of Lucas Arts wasn't painful enough for Star Wars fans, we can now look forward to all future Star Wars games being in the Origin-only, Rootkit-DRM enabled, online-at-all-times failboat that is EA's formula. Or is my lack of faith disturbing?

  • Always two there are, no more, no less. A master and an apprentice.
    But which is EA, the master or the apprentice

  • Don't the derps in charge of making these arrangements keep up on things. You just signed a deal with a company where just a few weeks back, gamers were practically dancing in the streets over their financial woes due to EA's douchebaggery.

    Are you sure you want to go through with this foolishness?

  • xwing? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Say goodbye to modding any star wars games, and hello to paying through the nose for DLC.

    Oh well. I just hope they re-make X-Wing.

  • by runeghost ( 2509522 ) on Monday May 06, 2013 @05:51PM (#43648509)
    As a casual Star Wars fan, I've tried to stay upbeat about the sale of Star Wars to Disney. After all, as my friends and I keep telling each other, "It can't actually be worse than the prequels, right?" But I've watched announcement after announcement with trepidation. J.J. Abrams directing? Clone Wars unceremoniously canceled and the people making it let go? Now the universally-loathed EA is to be in charge of the gaming wing of the franchise? (I'm expecting Disney to cancel Dark Horse's comics license as soon as they legally can, if not sooner.) Star Wars has had a great many ups and downs over the years, but there have been some amazing stories along the way. I fear that the Mouse is going to steamroller that whole universe into bland commercialism for the rest of my life.
    • > J.J. Abrams directing?

      Expect plenty of superfluous lens flare (thank you pointless CGI!) even in dark scenes.

    • Don't forget they have already said they want to release a new Star Wars movie every year. Got a feeling it'll be the Call of Duty for movies.

  • Who cares? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Animats ( 122034 ) on Monday May 06, 2013 @05:58PM (#43648585) Homepage

    Who cares? This franchise is way past its sell-by date.

    Looking forward to the new Honor Harrington movie. [davidweber.net]

  • Lucas's legacy that is.

    One can argue that it died with the making of episodes 1-3 and George Lucas' monetization push of the past ten or so years, but I think this is the last nail in the coffin. All that's left is the dissolution of ILM, and that will sound like dirt hitting wood.

    How to ruin a good thing: sell it to Disney. I don't expect quality offerings from Pixar anymore either, especially after the atrocity that was Brave.

  • As EA has done with so many properties it contracts for, they completely devalued the game of Scrabble with their horrible port. With that example as a predictor of what they'll do with the Star Wars property, we can look forward to seeing a third party's massive success marketing "Laser Swords with Friends" across FaceBook and iOS.
  • lol
    That is all.

  • by Greyfox ( 87712 )
    In that shit sandwich, EA would just be the poo cherry topping.
  • makes me want to call and ask to drop disney channel and maybe ESPN.

  • That's all I want, not another Star Wars: Battlefront game. KOTOR was great, but I don't need another one. XW and TF were 2 of the greatest games ever made. X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter was a letdown and X-Wing Alliance, while good, wasn't as good as its predecessors.
  • by dstyle5 ( 702493 ) on Monday May 06, 2013 @08:08PM (#43649473)
    Given the supernova suns DICE implemented in Battlefield 3 plus J.J. working on the next Star Wars movie, the DICE Star Wars game is going to require sunglasses to play. If you want to save your eyesight, that is.
  • by alteveer ( 979070 ) on Monday May 06, 2013 @08:36PM (#43649637)
    ...that Disney deserves.
  • There hasn't been a good game out of Lucas Arts in years. SWTOR was a crapfest and nothing else came from them in recent memory that was remotely good. EA will create more craptastic star wars tie ins while watering down the brand and it will be like star trek games, they always come close but never really do it right.

  • I guess Star Wars games had to suck eventually.
  • For the foreseeable future will be absolute crap.

  • Did EA decide they were innovating too much already and wanted to go for a beaten-up franchise?
    Did they felt envious of the one franchise that had more sequels than Madden?

Vital papers will demonstrate their vitality by spontaneously moving from where you left them to where you can't find them.
