The Daily Harassment of Women In the Game Industry 962
An anonymous reader writes: Brianna Wu, leader of a game development studio, has an article exposing the constant harassment of women in the games industry. She says, "I'm not writing this piece to evoke your sympathy. I'm writing to share with you what prominent, successful women in the industry experience, in their own words." She goes through the individual stories of several women targeted by this vitriol, and tries to figure out why it happens. Quoting: "We live in a society that's sexist in ways it doesn't understand. One of the consequences is that men are extremely sensitive to being criticized by women. ... This is why women are socialized to carefully dance around these issues, disagreeing with men in an extremely gentle manner. Not because women are nicer creatures than men. But because our very survival can depend on it. ... Growing a thicker skin isn't the answer, nor is it a proper response. Listening, and making the industry safer for the existence of visible women is the best, and only, way forward."
Pft (Score:4, Insightful)
It isn't only women who dance around issues when socializing with the other sex. Men gets very soft around women. If you think they have a harassing attitude you should see how men treat other men.
Re:Pft (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Pft (Score:5, Insightful)
She's not talking about comments like "nice ass" as much as she's talking about comments like "die, you fucking cunt!"
Why is this moderated troll?
The very first paragraph of the article says she got a death threat and that they know where she lives. Do people even read the articles before moderating anymore?
Re:Pft (Score:5, Funny)
Half the time I don't think they even read the summary.
In all fairness, not reading the summary can only INCREASE your understanding of the article.
Re:Pft (Score:5, Informative)
Unfortunately, the summary doesn't really make that clear.
Re:Pft (Score:5, Informative)
I invite you to visit any developer's forum. Particularly for multiplayer games that get frequent patching.
Then tell me that they don't face harassment, irregardless of gender. People pick on whatever sticks out. Is the developer Russian? Russian insults. Are they of Chinese descent, and he comments? Expect some variation of "ching chong chow chee ho lee fuk sum ting wong chang chong ching wang chinky chong" in response.
If it's women, they get picked on for being women.
Re:Pft (Score:4, Insightful)
Nice being a straight cis white male when a venue is dominated by other straight cis white males, isn't it?
And just to make clear, the problem of insulting people isn't along the lines of "ching chong chow chee" or whatnot. The problem case is along the lines of:
Scenario 1:
Man: "What does that do? Sorry, I don't know perl."
Crowd: "You don't know perl? Geez, you're stupid."
Scenario 2:
Woman: "What does that do? Sorry, I don't know perl."
Crowd: "Geez, women are stupid."
meanwhile in the real world (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Pft (Score:5, Insightful)
So *what* how they phrase it?
If you were Black Man who doesn't know perl, the crowd answer would be "dumb nigger".
People are assholes. They'll just pick on whatever is different about you.
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Scenario 2 is basically what feminists are doing to men. A few men do something, and now suddenly we need pervasive, invasive, due process rights destroying changes to the law, making it toxic for ALL men. We're also supposed to accept the denigration of masculinity in all aspects of culture and life as some kind of penance. Those who question it are labeled misogynists. Fuck that.
I'll bet that the anecdotes depicted in this article were actually subjected to scenario 1, and took it personally instead o
Re:Pft (Score:5, Insightful)
I'll bet that the anecdotes depicted in this article were actually subjected to scenario 1, and took it personally instead of constructively.
How do you take an email saying "Women are the niggers of gender. If you killed yourself, I wouldnâ(TM)t even fuck the corpse" constructively? How do you take people threatening to come to your house, complete with your home address, constructively? Why do so many of these kind people post their constructive criticism anonymously?
A few men do something, and now suddenly we need pervasive, invasive, due process rights destroying changes to the law, making it toxic for ALL men.
Bad laws are a problem in themselves, not a gender issue. Having said that I find that they are generally well balanced and fair in my country, and apply equally to both genders. I have benefited from them, and I'm male (e.g. I now get the same relaxed dress code as women do).
Re:Pft (Score:5, Insightful)
You don't get a lot of women being told they're neckbearded losers living in their momma's basements because they have micropenises, either.
Re:Pft (Score:4, Insightful)
You gotta be careful though. What do you mean by 'social skills'? Some would say this means "you just need to know how to talk to women". Why doesn't this apply to women as well? The post itself mentions something about women having to 'talk nice' to men to be heard, and that it's oppressive. Sorry, but if it's good for the gander, then it's good for the goose.
Of course men don't get asked that. Most men don't care about such things. The fact women get asked is because they typically DO care about such things. There's nothing wrong with acknowledging that humans are sexually dimorphic, each sex having different imperatives. Really, no one should be giving a shit about the carpet or drapes at work because they should be too busy working to notice.
The rest of your statement is stereotyping, which is something else that feminists claim is oppressive. Why do you think it's ok to do it to men, or in this case, male gamers?
Re:Pft (Score:5, Insightful)
What do you mean by 'social skills'? Some would say this means "you just need to know how to talk to women". Why doesn't this apply to women as well? The post itself mentions something about women having to 'talk nice' to men to be heard, and that it's oppressive. Sorry, but if it's good for the gander, then it's good for the goose.
The difference is that when people talk about men knowing how to talk to women they mean knowing how not to be insulting, lecherous dicks showing them with unwanted attention... You know, talking to them like they talk to other guys they have no sexual interest in, i.e. normally.
When people talk about women knowing how to talk to men they mean women knowing how to talk extremely passively so as not to upset some apparently quite delicate feelings. It's the exact thing that a lot of men complain about - women being overly sensitive. The point she is making is that actually some men are at least as bad, and feel insulted and threatened when a women offers constructive criticism.
You can see it all over the comments on this article. A woman dares to suggest that some men are being arseholes when they made credible threats to rape and murder her, and suddenly all these guys get defensive and upset instead of just saying "yeah, maybe people shouldn't do that."
Re:Pft (Score:5, Interesting)
As a straight male, I've been called Noob, loser, moron, fag (though it doesn't apply), n*gga (though it doesn't apply), whatever.
As much as I hate internet tracking, something I wish it was a little better in terms of these losers. Maybe if the game corps could better track the useless trolls and accept feedback then things would clean up.
DOTA2 had a $10m tournament this year. It's big news. Yet the only real categories they have for reporting are the broad "communication abuse" and then feeding/etc. Maybe if had better ways of identifying (and warning/enforcing) the racist, sexist pricks we could clean some of this crap up. Steam and Origin capture most of the non-console game market, so getting a perma-ban from multiplayer on both platforms (not just the game, but the whole thing) would go a long away to showing that this shit isn't acceptable.
Re: Pft (Score:5, Informative)
Freedom of speech.
Irrelevant in this context.
The first amendment protects you and me from the government. It does not protect you and me from each other.
If a private enterprise (DOTA2, Steam, Origin, whatever) wishes to curtail expression within their own domain, they're perfectly entitled to do so. There are valid exceptions to free-speech protections (e.g., restaurants can't refuse service based or race or sexual orientation of patrons) but none apply to the current discussion.
Re:Pft (Score:4, Insightful)
You're right, white men don't ever suffer insults or attacks on them simply for being white males.
Oh wait, you just did that. This sort of crap is what white men have to deal with. This suggestion that everyone in the world is a victim except us.
Everyone is deserving of all sorts of special considerations and we're deserving of nothing.
If we complain its just a sign of our racism or sexism.
Everyone is allowed to offer opinions about us. Tell us why we feel one way or another about anything. But if we try to say why someone else feels something then you say "You don't know what its like to not be a white man"...
Well that's interesting. White men are apparently the only group of people on earth not gifted with fucking telepathy.
People presume to tell us what we think and we're often not even allowed to say why we think something. How many times have white men been told that they don't even know how racist they are? That our racism or sexism is subconscious.
Which means not only are we not allowed to say what other people think but we're not even afforded the right to say what WE think.
And it is in this environment that you presume talk to us about all this PC bullshit?
And they wonder why we get upset. Its bullshit. This is a bullshit issue. Ladies can toughen up like the men or admit they want to be treated differently and get treated like girls.
Their choice. The big problem we keep running into over and over again is that people keep trying to eat their cake and have it too.
People keep asking for equality AND special treatment. No.
You're either equal or you're not.
People keep asking for rights but take no responsibility for themselves. No.
If you're not responsible for yourself then you're not entitled to the rights. An example would be children... they're not responsible and so they don't have adult level rights.
Just what is... If you want the one you've got to pay with the other just like everyone else.
I'm not asking for anything that I don't ask from myself.
Oh I know, I'm a privileged white male and I don't know how hard it is... It doesn't matter. That argument just says you need protection. Fine. Happily provided. But the instant you cash that check the equality argument goes out the window. You're a protected class at that point. Not an equal.
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You seem amazingly defensive. You're willing, in terms of equality, to have stalkers keep sending you death threats months after your original blog posting, you're ok with getting threatened with rape at conferences or having the sweaty nerd press up against you until you acknowledge his presence?
I have never worked at a place that tolerated any sort of abuse in the work place. So equality means no harassing females and claiming it's just guys exercising their masculinity and natural desires, because I've
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People keep asking for equality AND special treatment.
Can you say specifically what special treatment the author of the article is asking for? I don't get the impression that she thinks only women should be excluded from death and rape threats, which include details like their home address, and which continue for months and even years after one article was published.
Your misunderstanding is pretty common, unfortunately. She isn't saying that women should have special treatment, she is saying that men generally don't have to put up with this stuff and women sho
Re: Pft (Score:5, Insightful)
Awesome job proving his point!
Re:Pft (Score:5, Insightful)
Ah yes, the old "sometimes a white man gets shit so sexism and racism doesn't exist" argument. You do know that's an unsound argument, right?
You do know that's not what the poster was saying at all, right? You do know that strawmaning is an unsound argument, right?
You continually repeat that white men don't deal with these issues. Then when a white man comes out a says "well actually I do have to deal with those issues" you insult them and say they're implying racism/sexism doesn't exit.
Congrats on exemplifying exactly why the parent poster is so fed up with you idiots.
Re:Pft (Score:5, Informative)
And just to make clear, the problem of insulting people isn't along the lines of "ching chong chow chee" or whatnot. The problem case is along the lines of: Scenario 1: Man: "What does that do? Sorry, I don't know perl." Crowd: "You don't know perl? Geez, you're stupid." Scenario 2: Woman: "What does that do? Sorry, I don't know perl." Crowd: "Geez, women are stupid."
No, you're wrong, you didn't even read the article (should I say you are stupid?). Specific examples from the article, if you'd like to read it:
"Only 1 out of 5 is hot, and that is Jessica. The rest need to be in the kitchen."
"I have a guy who’s writing fan fiction starring me and him. It’s a pornographic fanfic, and he's on chapter 6. He anonymously submits chapters through my website"
"Rape fantasies and pictures of dead children were coming faster than I could block individual users."
That is the kind of thing we are dealing with.
Re:Pft (Score:5, Insightful)
A certain part of what he said ( not all) does ring true to a lot of us (male devs).. if you've worked on games, and I've only worked on open source games. Then you've gotten hate mail. People say the rudest most hurtful things they can think of and target you. The first time it happened to me, I was angry, humiliated, stomped around the room.. it was awful. Then it happened again, and again.
personally I would put the pornographic fanfic in a different category as the rest of the insults in the article simply because it didn't sound like it was someone just trying to insult the person. It just sounded creepy. I had a girl when I was in my twenties, whom I told that I wasn't interested in her that way call me repeatedly and just breath into the phone when I answered.. that was creepy. Being a guy didn't make me feel better about it either, I didn't know if she would try to cut my brake lines in my car, or burn my house down with me in it. It sucked.
All of the things mentioned in the article are truly lame, and should never happen to anyone , but I don't see them as sexist per se. It's more just about how shitty the world is. Sexism, seems more about inequality. Women getting lesser pay, having less opportunity in the work place. That is something everyone can agree on. But if you just want to claim that all shitty things that happen to women are due to sexism, then everyone else is going to start thinking about all the shitty things that happen to them, and wonder why your shitty things should garner more special attention than any one else's. It sucks to have people single you out for insults, but it sucks worse when it's someone keeping you from getting a job, or a pay raise, or not allowing you to drive, or vote, or wear pants. That's sexism.
Re:Pft (Score:5, Interesting)
"I have a guy who’s writing fan fiction starring me and him. It’s a pornographic fanfic, and he's on chapter 6. He anonymously submits chapters through my website"
That's hardly unique to women. Richard Stallman once replied to someone who anonymously submitted a pornographic fanfic involving himself and Stallman. The reply was rather thorough in describing how unrealistic the fictional situation was. I'd look for the full text but I'm at work.
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Which is nothing but a blight on software development. I mean, why is it that a bunch of supposedly well educated, knowledgeable people are so anti-social enough that they cannot raise their level of communication above an adolescent?
I develop software, and about the most immature it gets is the sparingly placed curse (the f-bomb is even more rare). No one's calling in death threats, or trying to intimidate others. Emails, forums, etc., are all kept at a high level of professionalism, yet are still casual c
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People pick on whatever sticks out. Is the developer Russian? Russian insults. Are they of Chinese descent, and he comments?
Sure, but the problem isn't that, but what commonly sticks out and how it's insulted.
Being white usually doesn't stick out. Being non-white does. "Whitey" and "cracker" are almost comical in comparison with other racial slurs.
Being a straight man usually doesn't stick out. If someone still wants to insult a straight man, they usually do it by comparing them to women or to homosexuals.
People use ethnicity according to their prejudices as insults, but you rarely hear "Swedish" as an insult (except maybe on F
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Unfortunately, the summary doesn't really make ________ clear.
This should be the first post on EVERY /. article.
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This is a pretty key mistake in the summary.
This article is not about harassment of women in the game industry. It's about harassment of women when they go on the internet.
Gaming isn't even relevant to the article or the issue. On the internet there are people will want to hurt you with whatever information they can get about you. Show that you're _____, you're going to get insulted for _____. Go on the internet, show that you're black, you're going to get called a nigger. Go on the internet, show that you'
Re:Pft (Score:5, Insightful)
And Martin Luther King got a whole lot of shit for highlighting the plight of black people; it doesn't mean he didn't have a point or that threatening to sexually assault or kill him should be brushed off as the inevitable consequence of his actions.
I've seen enough sexist, aggressive or verbal, abuse of women by men which had nothing to do with the woman being a 'feminist' (like that could justify it regardless) to appreciate that sexism is an real issue that needs addressing. Obviously not everything that every man does is sexist, but when women have to put up with orders of magnitude more harrassment just because they're female, us men need to put aside our desire to defend our own reputation and realise that this shit has to stop.
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Re:Pft (Score:5, Interesting)
From what I hear, death threats are quite normal in the video games industry. Certainly the vitriol flies on gaming forums (can't imagine how busy the moderators for official game forums must be). This article seems to boil down to "but women get rape threats too". OK, sure, men don't often get those, fair point. But in an industry thick with death threats, how many developers or commentators have actually been lynched by angry fans since the beginning of time? Roughly zero? It's not rational to actually be creeped out or worried about this stuff.
For goodness sake, Jack Thompson is still alive and well. If any of these threats of violence could be taken seriously, he'd be the first casualty. Think you're more hated than that guy?
Re:Pft (Score:4, Interesting)
Yeah, but she has a game "close to launch". Google her name -> Giant Spacekat -> Revolution60.
Re:Pft (Score:5, Informative)
They're not even close to the same frequency. I know people of both genders in the game industry. The guys regard death threats as an exceptional event, and might not see one in any given five-year period. The women, if they're at all visible, get them pretty much constantly.
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They're not even close to the same frequency.
Yes, but that cotnradicts the worldview of a number of people here who insist that sexism simply doesn't exist.
Men get death threats, women get death threats so no sexism.
Please don't muddy the waters with facts.
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Uh yeah. In case you didn't notice, men killing women is kind of a problem.
Re:Pft (Score:5, Insightful)
We're talking about work.
FYI, men killing men is a much bigger problem.
Comment removed (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Pft (Score:5, Interesting)
I'll grant you all your points. Women are singled out.
Until there are too many women to single out.
The same thing happened when women went to work, when they went to medical school, when they went into politics, as you said. And eventually, they become accepted by their peers, and any hate they get from the public is just like the hate that their male counterparts get from the public. Except that instead of "Go fucking smoke some pole, you Kenyan Muslim faggot", they hear "Get your bitch-ass in the kitchen, you stupid cunt."
Re:Pft (Score:4, Interesting)
The particular phrasing of the threats may be selective based on the gender, race, sexual orientation, etc. of the person being insulted.
But I think a more important issue is whether or not women are getting more vitriol than are men, regardless of the particular phrasing. For example, if 20% of women players get called cunts, and 20% of gay male players get called faggots, do those women have a point about being singled out? I'd argue no.
However, if 20% of female players get treated with scorn, and only 3% of male players do, then the female players have more of a fair point about being singled out.
Re:Pft (Score:5, Informative)
It's actually really easy to check this out, because you can use whatever name you want on the Internet.
Someone decided to prove that women were just whining, recently. [reddit.com]
What happened? He lasted two hours. Then he deleted the account, because he couldn't take it. The women I've talked to report that what he encountered is normal for them.
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Re:Pft (Score:5, Interesting)
Melodramatic? Have you ever listened to the audio chats of FPS co-op games when women are playing with men? I've heard guys who threatened to hunt down their female opponents so they could rape them and murder them just because they got their ass handed to them in a game. That is not juvenile "boys will be boys" behavior. That's somebody who might violently act out if the right circumstances (alcohol, drugs, peer pressure, stress, etc..) were to happen.
That's just gaming. You should read some of the stories about women who get involved in politics. Some people get really unhinged when you attack their personal values. Then you have some guys who go completely off the deep end when it is a woman doing it. Threats of murder come quickly and often. It is sadistic and it is ugly.
That's why I don't do voice chat. Letting random strangers whisper in your ear is a terrible idea.
I'm male, I've had men threaten all the same bullshit you just said. I think what women mis-understand about men is that men do this to men as well. I've been violently assaulted by other men before. In highschool I was put into the hospital. The "perpetrators" didn't even get suspended. I've had my tires slashed, guys show up at my house with baseball bats wanting to fight only to find out I'm armed to the teeth and that bats not going to do them much good.
I know a lot of guys don't get that sort of thing, but a lot of us do. Women aren't the only victims, and turning male violence into a womens issue is somewhat insulting. Men don't talk about it like women do because of social stigma, but it's a real problem. In the workplace if a man even smiles funny at a women he's walked out the door. The same man threatens violence against another man and it's treated as a joke. At least women have some legal and social protections. If you don't think it's true, here's a thought experiment for you... a Man shows up at work with a black eye... what's your first reaction? Now a woman shows up with a black eye... why should your reaction be any different based on their sex?
Re:Pft (Score:5, Insightful)
You realize that there's more difference between your average man and your average woman than between your average NFL linebacker and your average man, right? (seriously, compare the stats some time - height, average bench strength, etc). You do realize how commonly women are raped and abused by men, and how they might happen to be more sensitive to the implicit or explicit threats of violence from someone that they're highly unlikely to be able to fight off?
I'm tall, 182 centimeters, and I still once had a guy literally pick me up and carry me back to his apartment when I tried to walk away from him.
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Yes and ever since they invented that "slap people over the internet" app patriarchy has grown ever stronger, right?
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You know, if you complain about violence against
Re:Pft (Score:4, Interesting)
I found nothing definitive, but here's what I gather (using US as baseline since we're talking American football):
My results are inconclusive but my best guess is that linebackers are modestly larger and stronger ((26% & 111%) proportionally to average men, versus men to women (18% & 94%).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B... [wikipedia.org]
http://www.exrx.net/Testing/We... [exrx.net]
http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What... [answers.com]
http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/... [go.com]
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The basic point is: when you're threatening a violent crime against a person who may well have been a victim of such, and even if they haven't, very likely has friends who have and is more than aware of their vulnerability in this regard, that's taking it to a whole different level.
Unfortunately, I have encountered women and men with such experiences and you are right.
I think we also have to look at the kind of people issuing those threats in the gaming forums. Realistically they're unlikely to have social interaction beyond gaming and their life experiences is gaming. I doubt they have the compassion or sensitivity to understand the damage they do and are taking out their pent up frustrations on women.
Their lack of confidence when faced with a real woman would more than likely mak
Re:Pft (Score:5, Insightful)
... one in every four women actually will be raped in their life ...
citation needed.
Re:Pft (Score:5, Informative)
Not "raped" but "sexually assaulted". Rape laws have gone awry to the point that damn near everything is just classified as a "sex crime" now, so even a technical issue like statutory rape comes with the same stigma as being a major pedophile, and you really can't even get real statistics on the actual numbers of violent rapes.
But don't take my word for it... The same study that claims 1 in 5 women have been sexually assaulted, claims 1 in 7 MEN have been sexually assaulted, too.
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12... [nytimes.com]
Re:Pft (Score:4, Informative)
The number is utterly bogus:
http://aspiringeconomist.com/i... [aspiringeconomist.com]
And a woman's actual lifetime chance of being raped, is more like 8%:
http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1... [ncjrs.gov]
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Again, another case of "info I heard from some guy that made me mad so I'm repeating it here".
North Carolina's rape law [state.nc.us] The basics? North Carolina does indeed consider only vaginal sexual assault "rape" (first degree or second degree), but immediately below that they list the crime of "sexual assault" (again, first degree or second degree), which covers everything else and has the exact same penalties. So it's just a state legal terminology issue and has no practical consequences.
These things take 10 secon
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You pretentious, deluded little shit-stain.
I was unconvinced by your arguments until this point. Now you have won me over.
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Oh, and for this?
May I direct you to:
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Being aggressive is always the first response a man comes up with when he feels insecure or under pressure. However, speaking as a man - that is, an adult, experienced man, not a not-quite-out-of-puberty boy - I think it is always wise to listen to criticism and try to understand it. Objectively, it does not harm you or make you vulnerable, if you are open to criticism; quite the opposite, in fact. If you are doing something wrong, then criticism is your chance to improve yourself and become better, and if
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Limited perspective (Score:3, Interesting)
From the small sample of these accounts I've read, I get the sense that the women in question have a limited perspective. My impression is that in many cases, they encounter career or workplace challenges, and falsely assume that only women have those challenges.
Balancing work and family responsibilities? Please, do you know how many days I've left work after sunset and nearly cried for not having that time with my little kids?
Getting criticized harshly? Shoot, I deal with that often. I just don't blog about it. What I do is go home, try to shake it off, and maybe talk to my wife about how it's bothering me. I don't cry about it, and maybe this is a guy thing, but I cry almost never. But that doesn't mean it doesn't bother me.
And then there are some complaints which seem more about personal choices than about unfairness. I don't come across many good, female software engineers. You know what else I rarely come across? Female aspiring software engineers who spend their nights hacking away at code to improve their skills.
Now I have no doubt that some challenges really are unique to being a female developer. Sexual harassment is probably the top one. But that issue kind of gets drowned out of the conversation given all of the kvetching that some women have regarding other issues that they wrongly assume are peculiar to them.
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See, you're complaining that they don't know what your experiences are like. But you don't know what theirs are like, and given how you talk about it, you certainly aren't spending time talking to people to learn enough that you could make the comparison.
You know what I rarely come across? Aspiring software engineers, at all, period. I mean, I'm not in college. It doesn't come up.
But given the level of overt hostility women encounter, my first explanation for an apparent shortage of "good female software en
Not entirely relevant... (Score:3)
But one of the silliest things I've ever experienced when gaming online was a (probably teenaged) female telling me that she was sodomizing my mom with a strap-on. Over and over again. Or another telling me that if I was her kid she'd have aborted me with a crowbar.
The Internet brings out the best in everyone!
And seeing the reactions so far... (Score:4, Insightful)
And seeing the reactions so far not much is going to change about this shit. Disappointingly few people are even willing to entertain the possibility that the story might actually be true. Only coming up with excuses, bogus counter-examples ("I'm a guy who knows some women and I've never seen this happen") or just outright hatred and scorn. Way to go guys!
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Re:And seeing the reactions so far... (Score:4, Insightful)
If you genuinely get threatened, and think you have a case, go to the police.
We're not the police.
And we don't believe a word of the murder epidemic that this article is trying to push, because it doesn't pan out in real life.
There isn't an epidemic of gamer murders.
It's bullshit. You're pushing bullshit.
Sadly, not surprising (Score:3, Interesting)
I've had the misfortune of working with many ex-videogame developers in my line of work. These people were basically uncivilized and reminded me of the mindset of what LAN parties were like back in the 90s when I was a teenager. Racism, sexism, ageism, profanity, and behavior that made you embarrassed to be around them in public. That kind of thing was funny when I was 16, but we were all immature then. It's very disturbing to see adults carry on like that.
Don't get me wrong, that industry has also created some very hard-working, kind people that I feel truly blessed to have had the fortune to work with. But those types are hard to come by, and the out of control manchild is all too common. A few of the most vitriolic, passive-aggressive trolls I've known were former EA prodigies (their words, along with every other kind of self-adulation you can think of) and they absolutely thought they walked on water. They'd show up to work drunk, or high, and brag to everyone about how much weed they smoked or how they partied all night. There was no self control and it spilled over into mistreating their peers.
There's a very sharp divide between the kind of people that go into games programming and all other programmers, and it's entirely about maturity, and at least in my experience it's uniquely American.
Let's draw a distinction here... (Score:5, Insightful)
I'll admit I was a little relieved after actually reading the article. I assumed it was talking about harassment of male game developers towards female coworkers, which would have really surprised me. I've worked in the industry for over fifteen years, and I've never even heard of any sort of sexism toward the women that were employed alongside me. It simply wouldn't have been tolerated at the places I've worked, so far as I know, and that's a good thing. While the programming department was, of course, largely male, the other departments (art, design, writing, production) were more evenly split. Everyone I've known has valued talent and hard work, and gender was pretty much an afterthought, at least so far as I could tell. Then again, I'm a guy, so I'm probably not quite as attuned to that sort of thing.
In fact, the article seems to be mostly about women (largely in the gaming press) interacting with the still-all-too-ugly disposition of the anonymous hoards of gaming fans that interact with them. That made a bit more sense to me, unfortunately, as such women are by nature already public figures, and will probably attract a lot more bile. Let's face it. People on the internet, including (especially?) gamers, are not only sexist, they're racist, homophobic, and unbelievably cruel at time. I care a lot about the gaming culture and community, and it pains me to admit this. There's a shocking disconnect between what would be acceptable in real life versus what's said online. I'd imagine very few of those idiots would ever have the courage to say those things to someone's face.
The only way to deal with this is absolute zero tolerance policies, at least on forums (literal or otherwise) that you have any control over. There's simply no excuse for this sort of behavior. The internet could really stand to collectively grow up a little, and realize that being anonymous shouldn't give you a free license to be an asshat. Frankly, I don't think that "normal" people turn into foul-mouth talking assholes when online and anonymous [penny-arcade.com]. My feeling is that they were assholes to begin with, but just didn't have the courage to say those things to anyone's face. These folks are not going to go away, I'm sorry to say. It would be nice if human nature could evolve a bit. But that doesn't mean anyone has to put up with this sort of shit any more than necessary. I'm also sorry to say that as a man, I'm pretty sure I'll never understand how a woman feels when she goes through something like this, and it makes me angry that so many would have to.
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Of course it is assholes acting out. That's what happens when you remove consequences. Games have been an excellent example of that in terms of gameplay and mechanics. There have been games that have tried the whole "No rules but what the players make, they'll work out a stable system." No, actually it devolves in to a bunch of griefer assholes, and everyone else leaves. These people can't do that kind of thing in real life because they'd face consequences.
Sociopaths learn to moderate their behaviour in the
And the result of all this? (Score:3, Informative)
You wonder why we have so much dysfunction going on today?
Pervasive culture of butthurt = CHECK
Any perceived insult is by default true = CHECK
Special protected classes that can do no wrong = CHECK
Litigious society causing zero tolerance including honest mistakes = CHECK
Rampant immaturity = CHECK
General abdication of personal responsibility = CHECK
Let's pose a hypothetical, here. Let's say you (Linda, a woman) work for a company A. A has Big Boss, Linda, Tom, Fred and David as employees. The four of you report to Big Boss.
Situation A: Tom says something mean to Fred. Fred tells Tom to go fuck himself. Big Boss hears about it and calls them both into his office. Big Boss tells Tom to square his shit away or he's fired. Big Boss admonishes Fred to come see him about this in the future rather than responding in kind. Tom and Fred go on about their work and are a bit more careful about their interactions. This is a regular thing for Tom as he's brilliant but a loose cannon verbally. Big Boss talks to Tom and admonishes him that if he can't keep his asshole comments to himself, he will end up fired with prejudice.
Situation B: Linda says something mean to Fred. Fred tells Linda she can go fuck herself. Other employees hear the latter half of the exchange. Linda goes to Big Boss and complains about Fred using foul language around her. Big Boss calls them both into the office. Linda tells her story and Big Boss asks her to return to her desk. Big Boss then lectures Fred about the sensitivities of women in the workforce and how the small company cannot afford to defend against a "workplace harassment" lawsuit. Fred complains that Linda started the whole thing. Big Boss says it won't matter because a jury will default rule in favor of the woman because of articles like the above. Fred points out that justice is supposed to be blind. Big Boss points out that in cases of harassment, lay-wisdom holds that when women harass men, the men need to grow a pair, but when men harass women, it is only right and proper to expect better decorum out of the men. Big Boss never says anything to Linda because it could be construed as the abuse of power in a workplace environment.
Now, you may laugh at this but these are actual shit storms I've seen happen. The problem is that while most women aren't self-entitled whiners and most men are not adolescent assholes, we can't catch a break because the lawyers and bean-counters won't let a manager fire the shit out of someone just for being a prick/cunt. As George Takei said, we've reduced ourselves to the lowest common denominator of butthurt.
Online trolls, really? (Score:5, Insightful)
Is this what we've come to? Pretending online trolls are a problem specifically for women?
Here's a hint for the author of that article: Trolls are adept at identifying that which will get under your skin, and will hit that button repeatedly as long as it keeps spitting out a pellet ( much like this article ). If we're going to generalize it, men don't get this particular brand of trollling because it doesn't work on us. Ultimately, it has very little to do with sexism.
But no; let's work on trying to make ourselves a better brand of troll. Let me know how that works out for you.
( and no; had the author been a man, I'd have responded in the same manner )
This has nothing to do with sexism (Score:4, Insightful)
men say this stuff to other men all the time.
You don't think men call other men bitches, cunts, etc in games? The abuse is pretty common.
The difference here as usual is that women expect to be treated differently. They don't think that's what they want but it is actually what they want.
And I'm okay with treating women better. However, if that's the new rule, then women need to acknowledge it. That's the only price. If women so much as acknowledge that men are treating them with kid gloves it short circuits most of the PC equality arguments.
As it should.
If women don't want that and want to be treated equal... then fine... but that means not complaining when you're treated like a man. Which is going to mean getting cussed out by people that will LAUGH at you when you cry. People that will show you ZERO pity when you break down. People that will if anything hold you in contempt for being so weak.
Are you prepared for that ladies? If so... game on.
If not... completely fine. But then we're playing by the old rules of male/female relations. Which means you're just a girl.
We've seen this PC crap try to gain purchase in the tech community for years. Linus Thorvald recently got told to be nicer women and that he shouldn't cus out people that he thinks are doing a crappy job.
He told her that she wasn't tolerating his culture and his way of doing things... and that he wasn't going to change anything.
I'll hold the same position here for the same reasons. If the girls want to be treated like girls then that's fine. If they want to be treated like men, that's fine. But stop trying to eat your man cake and have your girl perks too. Its either/or.
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Which is going to mean getting cussed out by people that will LAUGH at you when you cry. People that will show you ZERO pity when you break down. People that will if anything hold you in contempt for being so weak.
I think the goal is to not treat anyone like that.
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If women don't want that and want to be treated equal... then fine... but that means not complaining when you're treated like a man.
Maybe being treated equal is something other than being treated like a man. Maybe it is treating the woman with respect.
Re:This has nothing to do with sexism (Score:5, Insightful)
Because the man gets cused out every day
Speak for yourself. I'm a man and I don't get subjected to this.
Women don't want that. They want to be treated as like women AND be given the respect of men.
No, wrong. Many women simply want to be treated as respected equals.
Women will be protected from male society. We will protect you from our viciousness and brutality. And in return... you stay out of our business.
Please take your male society very very far away from me. I want no part of it. And looking round my (almost exclusively male) office, no one I know here would want your wretched hole of what passes for some sort of society for you.
I choose not to associate with people like you. You sound like you move in very unpleasant circles. I want no part of that.
Let me count the ways (Score:4, Insightful)
Prove very little and when published in a form like this prove even less. Sexual harassment and assault [preventconnect.org] are highly politicized and in many cases overstated. [forbes.com] When the mere accusation of sexual harassment in the form of making dongle jokes in a private conversation can end careers it's blatant sexism to claim it's not taken seriously enough. Sexism? yes: spreading fear that men are abusive and dangerous.
Ive personally never heard of a man in the games industry getting rape threats for having an opinion.
Death threats are every bit as common. Being a different gender means the hatred may be sexualized. "No rape threats against men" is a piss poor measure. How about coming up with some actual numbers reflecting the supposedly heightened hostility against women? Because no I won't take your word for it.
Many men believe women have no worth in the games industry beyond appearance.
The video game industry is particularly egregious at only representing women as sex objects. As such, many gamers are trained to only see women in that context.
Would you care to back that up with facts? A survey maybe? Because it sounds like you pulled it straight from whence many of your other claims come. One sexist asshole does not a culture make. There are many games with strong [cheatcc.com]female characters. And don't say sexy clothes prove gamers are sexist unless you want to talk about the thousands of hulking, musclebound men in games.
This kind of harassment leaves long-lasting damage. It affects our friendships, and can cause us to be distant from others.
So your overly sensitive friend proves that the same hatred is worse when leveled against women? Equality means standing up for yourself. If you want to be a damsel in distress you don't want equality.
Women in the industry are told by men what is valid for us to feel.
No, women in general are told they're special and need everyone to cater to them. Then the gaming industry didn't cater as much garnering feminist ire. You can feel whatever you want but so can I.
Trigger warnings inidicate deeply held bias (Score:3, Insightful)
Before I read the article, before I decided whether there was a legitimate point, before I even had a chance to introspect whether or not I, personally, held some socially unacceptable viewpoints at an unconscious level, before all this, I saw the trigger warnings.
So before I read the article and judge it on it's own merits, let me talk about trigger warnings for a second, and what they seem to say.
My own personal experience with them tends to be very limited, but a casual perusal indicates that the vast majority of users appear to promote misandry - that is, man-hating - as an acceptable form of discrimination. There appears to be a fundamental belief that males, either consciously or not, are simply evil, often comically so. One site even referred to consensual, loving, heterosexual sex as "a man masturbating into a woman," and the author indicated their belief that any male-female interaction was one form of abuse or another, with the woman always the victim.
For lack of a better phrase, this level of irrational hate has become their religion, and it colors their views. Like the person who only has a hammer in their tool box, every problem appears to be a because-of-man nail, and we know how well that sort of thinking works.
So what the trigger warnings before this article seems to say is "I have a better chance of getting truthful and unbiased coverage from Fox News in an election year than I do of finding the barest glimmer of a hint of truth in the following text."
Re:Trigger warnings inidicate deeply held bias (Score:4, Insightful)
I want to do a point-by-point, but ... there is no point. This is just a hate speech, perhaps only good for it's cathartic effect.
The bit where she indicates that harassment involving looks or those taunts of a sexual nature are unique to women because she hadn't heard of men being harassed was an impressive piece of ignorance, but itself only a single point adrift in a sea of wrong, and it'd take too long to wade through every one.
That being said, I took special issue with the sub-section that starts out "People just don't understand," and is then followed by paragraph after paragraph of "men can't understand," or "men don't know this." The very design of this argument refutes rational discussion; make claim, then state men (and 'brainwashed' women) can't understand, if anyone disagrees - that is, does not completely accept male culpability regardless of their involvement - they are perpetuating the problem due to ignorance, if not malice, and their arguments are thus refuted. In this way one can neatly make a claim and deal with dissenters in a single fell stroke.
I also noted that there wasn't a single constructive comment on how to fix this perceived problem. There were even references to pieces that had made suggestions, but this one in itself was simply a sort of angry screed against men.
In summary; the article failed to present a real case that misogyny is the driving force behind harassment of specific individuals or that indeed, harassment of a given gender is either exclusive, endemic or systemic. If this was meant to spur a call to action, it was a poorly thought out exercise.
- and I'm not saying that because she's female, either.
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The source of the quote above was Andrea Dworkin. Due to a combination of her immense weight, persistent and vocal misandry, and her declaration of her sexual preference, she was often referred as "that fat, angry lesbian," - you may recognize her from that, though it's unrelated to her belief system. Her primary belief structure revolved around the concept that male sexuality was a horrific abomination, that men are the source of all evil and suffering in the world, and that men must be tamed or destroye
Hypothetical (Score:4, Insightful)
For all of you trying to turn this into a men's rights issue, just stop.
You're embarrassing my gender.
Yes there are some unfair things that happen to men. Yes there are some real issues.
But we aren't talking about those issues right here in this post. We're talking about women right now, so let's stick to the topic.
Even as a man I find it highly annoying that the Internet jackass squad has to jump into the middle of every single conversation about women and cry "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE MENZ?!?!". Just fucking stop it already. Write your own blog post about men's issues and submit it to slashdot and we can discuss it over there.
Comment removed (Score:4, Insightful)
This is bullshit (Score:4, Insightful)
This is why women are socialized to carefully dance around these issues, disagreeing with men in an extremely gentle manner. Not because women are nicer creatures than men. But because our very survival can depend on it. ... Growing a thicker skin isn't the answer, nor is it a proper response. Listening, and making the industry safer for the existence of visible women is the best, and only, way forward."
These days, it's men who are being 'carefully socialized' to dance around feminist gynocentric expectations and value systems. I believe HR departments call it 'sensitivity training.' Since proof of guilt is rarely required, employment for men is now a mad dash in a mine field of passive aggressive barbs just waiting to trigger whenever a woman is pissed enough to throw the book at a man. we're told this is justified because men alone engage in this behavior en masse, and that women are (ironically) damsels in distress who have no say or part in their situations, nor are they capable of similar behavior. This crap flooded hollywood and tv in the 90s, and now we're getting the full deluge of the same propaganda in the gaming scene. What bullshit. Polygon loves it, though, as they post a lot of it. The fact they shut off comments for this article speaks volumes about its logical and probably factual integrity.
We don't give people respect who haven't earned it and/or have given us reason to take it from them. Derek smart anyone? People still give john romero shit for daikatana even though he was a big part of the success of doom. He's revered for the good he's done and demonized for his stillborn shitpiles. This is how it's supposed to work. We're not supposed to hold some people above reproach based on their sexual organs or their race or any other irrelevant attribute, as that is the very definition of privilege. This makes the whole article 180 degrees out from the truth. Growing a thicker skin IS the answer as it allows one to stop and look at criticism objectively instead of immediately flying into a tantrum and/or a flurry of passive aggressive countermaneuvers. It allows one to ignore the ad hominems and other fallacies from any communication, whether it's well written constructive criticism or vitriolic trolling, and extract any truth from it.
These days, we are seeing more and more extreme reactions for ever more mundane situations from a culture bred to be as intolerant of criticism as possible. Everything has to be positive. All the time. No 'negative nancies' or 'debbie downers' allowed. The fact this precludes talking about the truth of things more than 50% of the time is lost on these social engineers. All that matters to them are feelings and consensus; the facts and truth be damned.
The term 'safer' here is used in place of 'more amenable' to make the situation sound more dire than it is. The bottom line is, very very very few men are truly guilty of assaulting women. I believe the stats on college campuses nationwide is 53 in one year...53 out of millions of students on thousands of campuses. This is NOT an epidemic, and I'll bet it's more than the number of assaults by male game developers and staff. If you are assaulted, don't whine on the internet. Call the police. The reason most of these women don't is because they know their claims are bullshit. Otherwise, they should act like the adults they want to be treated as, taking warranted criticism for what it is, regardless of format, and discarding the rest.
Comment removed (Score:3)
Geek Girls gets first rape threat around age 11 (Score:5, Insightful)
My daughter and I were talking about how much personally directed sexual violence geek girls must endure. She was talking about the obsessive personally detailed threats Anita Sarkeesian creator of Feminist Frequency endures from the male geek community on a continual basis. Some of these are threats include her personal details needed to carry them out. This is really scary stuff.
We were talking about this and she casually let drop:
"I received my first rape threat in a forum when I was eleven"
She casually went on:
"Eleven is the age when geek girls first start discovering the Internet and make their first posts. They comment on a game about some small feature they don't like. Some guy will flame them with a rape threat"
This is very shocking for a dad to hear his daughter say. "My eleven year old little girl!" She is twice as old now. But her saying it so casually is deeply disturbing.
My daughter has assimilated it. She has grown a "thick skin". I think she enjoys giving back as good as she gets. But not the violent rape stuff.
It is very sad that the male geek culture permits such abuse to go on.
We MEN need to start talking about this. We MEN need to ostracize the men who threaten rape.
* It is never funny.
* It is not "just a joke".
* It is not harmless.
It is really scary for geek girls because there is always a risk that it might be real. There are unbalanced men out there after all.
How do I change this? I start by writing about it. I talk with other people. I try to get MEN to understand the problem and see how scary it is for women.
...and the elephant in the room is... (Score:3)
What we're all forgetting here is that we're still moving out of the dark ages of computer use, since the generation that suffered the most for the sake of their ambitions are still alive. The one where being a computer enthusiast meant you were a social pariah and were destined to be abused constantly by everyone, especially all through highschool. Then bam, society takes a hard left and suddenly it's cool to be tech savvy. That doesn't help all the people that got shit on for decades before things turned around.
Now these abused souls are grown up, and in the industry and you wonder why they're assholes? If this were any other situation you'd have governments creating support groups. Instead, everyone is demonizing them for being harsh and defensive. You're not going to see this problem go away for several generations, if it goes away at all and it is a problem that society itself built through its perpetual abuse of other people.
Re:How do you (Score:5, Insightful)
How do you defend yourself against accusations like that as a man? We are extremely sensitive to being criticized by women, can you really say thats not true without becoming another "point of proof" that they have?
Well, the most obvious step is to distinguish between "That's not true of me" and "That's not true". The first statement(while not always accurate) is much easier to confirm or deny. Plus, you aren't immediately put in the position of having to 'win' the debate in order to lay out your own position. If you immediately conflate population-level complaints with personal complaints, you end up taking on a markedly larger and more challenging position.
It may also be true that you suspect the harassment to be the work of a vocal and dedicated minority(and it would actually be rather interesting to see what the logs say about troll distribution in various internet locations) rather than a general thing; but you still gain nothing by tying the desire to defend yourself with the desire to defend a population.
Re:How do you (Score:5, Interesting)
Why does she get to stereotype men? Why do women get to put all their problems on men? When men do this, we're misogynistic. When women do this, well, men need to be more sensitive.
I think you have a point, but I also think you're confusing two issues.
She may or may not be making a valid generalization. I haven't read her article, so I can't say. But issue #1 is whether or not her complaint is worth considering.
Issue #2 is whether or not it's hypocritical for a women to paint men with a broad brush. But that issue can be treated entirely separately from issue #1.
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She doesn't. At no point does she do that.
Did you even read the article?
Re:How do you (Score:5, Insightful)
You don't bother. You have no obligation to respond to her complaints if you don't feel like it.
Re:How do you (Score:5, Insightful)
I remember in the old days of debating on the internet logical fallacies were referenced a lot. I remember Carl Sagan's Baloney Detection Kit getting a lot of hits when arguments got emotional. It doesn't happen so much anymore, because there's a large influx of people making highly emotive arguments but without much discipline in reasoned arguments. They may make valid points, but when they don't you should point out the logical fallacies in their reasoning. We're all prone to logical fallacies, so it's healthy for debate overall.
Re:How do you (Score:5, Insightful)
It's sexist statements like this that cause a lack of sympathy in the first place:
One of the consequences is that men are extremely sensitive to being criticized by women
This is something that is simply not true of all men so why make statements like that? Do you really expect people to actively defend your cause if you are openly hostile to them just because of they are of the same gender as the people you have a problem with? That's a terrible start to conflict resolution.
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"A man threatened to rape my mouth with a shit-covered horse-cock this afternoon."
"Oh you're so melodramatic. That's not even remotely true!"
"Um, yes, it is true. Here's the post."
"It's a fact, everything you're saying is not true."
In your response, you're creating what's known as a straw man - "a sham argument meant to be defeated." She never said "all men everywhere are threatening to rape women!" Unfortunately, until you stop reading every article like this as if it's a personal attack, the problem w
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Well, AC, the answer to that question entirely depends on when you stopped beating your wife.
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Incorrect. You jump to some really broad interpretation of the article really fast. Maybe this hits a little to close to your behavior?
Women are harassed, viciously by men.
Not all men. But it's there and people like you just turn a blind eye and use excuses to be offended at a women pointing out this issue.
This is text messages, threats emailed to you, men send death threats that include personal informaiton, like what kind of car and location.
And it isn't uncommon., in that every woman will experiences it
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Brianna Wu saying "every man" is just like a racist saying "every Jew", and it also makes it difficult to take what are certainly very real issues seriously. But at the same point, she was able to point to 4 problems over
Re:No, she doesn't. (Score:5, Insightful)
Ya I think the problem is that forums bring out people who say some truly terrible things, and there isn't really much you can do about it. They say stuff to men too - but it's more death threats than sexist, and they say racist things to (or about) blacks and jews, muslims, latinos, and the chinese too.
The perils of anonymity I suppose.
It's not like it isn't a valid concern that people are out saying these things, but jews and blacks essentially face the same problem: if you go and look at a few hundred or a few thousand internet comments on any post there will be a couple of things that are basically just crazy people rambling. Unfortunately you don't know when random crazy people rambling on forums are actually a threat (if ever), and that they exist and want to say those things at all is a bit of an existential threat to your general day to day existence.
There isn't really an obvious prescription. You can educate people all you want about not saying offensive things, but a small handful of people will continue to say offensive things because they're trying to be offensive. And the anonymity of the internet lets you say both unpopular things which are valid, and unpopular things which are just nonsense.
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The problem is the other way round. Women are being socialised to constantly challenge men, and believe their opinion must always be heard and respected. And if it's not heard or disagreed with, it's sexist. Men understand that there is a certain pecking order and know how to engage correctly to get their view heard. And guess what? That means we need to share our opinions in a gentle manner too. More and more women expect men to act like their partner would toward them. That's not how it works, it's a dog eats dog world and in business, it's the modern jungle. We are all motivated by selfish desires whether we admit it or not, women just want to get a leg over like any one else, but cry sexist when they are pushed down (from other people who are also trying to rise to the top. There is no place for socialism in the work place. It's hierarchical like it or not.
Ain't that the truth! And just to make the deal even sweeter - women here in Scandinavia (Denmark, Sweden and Norway) are now FORCING businesses to employ women in order to achieve a 50-50 balance between men and women in leading positions and the rest of the workforce as well. If they don't abide by this, they can get FINED.
I don't even want to start my own business in Sweden or Denmark just because of this. My former employer in Denmark almost went bankrupt when 4 of the 10 employees he had wanted to
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None of this is at all true. Go look at actual research data on things like how much people interrupt and get interrupted, or how likely people are to react to something someone says.
Most women who are in professional environments have had the experience where they propose a course of action, and people ignore them and keep talking, and then some guy proposes the same exact course of action, and everyone agrees with it, and concludes that the guy had the idea. Watch carefully in meetings and you can see it
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Just how annoying is this person that she generates that kind of hate ?
I have worked with/under/and above women and the only time I have ever seen anyone get this kind of reaction, male or female is when it is provoked or the people perpetrating it were a few punch cards short of a program.
I tend to agree with you, in general. However, I do think it is disingenuous to name a company "Girlfight" in a clear attempt to cash in on their sexuality, then contribute to an article complaining about it.
Re:Occams Scalpel (Score:5, Insightful)
Just how annoying is this person that she generates that kind of hate ?
I have worked with/under/and above women and the only time I have ever seen anyone get this kind of reaction, male or female is when it is provoked or the people perpetrating it were a few punch cards short of a program.
Says the person who's never been publicly visible. No matter who you are, what your personality is, etc there will always be some people out there that don't like you, won't hire you, or otherwise throw negativity your way even if you've done absolutely nothing to earn their hate.
Your reaction is what I've noticed most women get if they even gently bring something up. It's 100% complete denial and blame the messenger.
What I can't figure out is why? I'm a guy, I'm a software developer. I like to work off data. Every single even halfway notable woman I've seen or talked to from conferences in person to online forums and Twitter all tell the same story: massive ongoing campaigns of harassment. The quantity only varies with the topic under discussion. Even the women developers I've worked with who aren't famous have multiple stories of being threatened with rape, patted on the head and dismissed in a meeting with colleagues, having their boobs grabbed at conferences, etc.
True, this behavior may be a small group of bad apples, but by denying the problem exists at all you're enabling those bad apples to continue doing what they do. You don't need to do much to be part of the solution, just admit you're not a woman and don't actually know what women experience when other men aren't watching and that there's so much smoke from almost every single woman in tech it is highly probable there is fire.
Seriously, why can't we just admit women catch a lot of shit just for being women in tech? No one is claiming they shouldn't catch shit for having stupid ideas or writing bad code. No one is claiming you can't ask women out or you have to be some kind of PC choir boy for fear of offending someone. What is this irrational urge to deny, deny, deny?
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No matter who you are, what your personality is, etc there will always be some people out there that don't like you, won't hire you, or otherwise throw negativity your way even if you've done absolutely nothing to earn their hate.
Very true. So when that happens to me, is that because of the matriarchy trying to keep my manliness in check?
Your reaction is what I've noticed most women get if they even gently bring something up. It's 100% complete denial and blame the messenger.
What I can't figure out is why?
Because that's what we do when people are wrong?
I've noticed when people bring up the idea that the holocaust never happened, they get 100% complete denial and blame the messenger. Hrm ... I wonder why.
True, this behavior may be a small group of bad apples, but by denying the problem exists at all you're enabling those bad apples to continue doing what they do.
Nobody is denying that the problem exists. That's the kind of absurd strawman that always ends up derailing these discussions. What people are telling you is that:
1. Everyone gets harassed at som
Re:Occams Scalpel (Score:4, Insightful)
She has death threats sent to her phone. This isn't just an internet forum issue, and it isn't just her.
I have a daughter, she gets iot, her friends get it, I know 45 year old women who get attacked like this.
You're attitude is a large part of the problem. You have substituted actual think with some sort of ad hom.
It is industry wide, gaming culture wide.
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To an extent, but only to an extent, you are correct.
The problem is that when someone who feels they should be entitled relative to someone else also feels that the somone else is favored over them, you get a lot more vitriol. And a lot of men and boys feel that they should be entitled relative to women. And yes, this also happens along racial lines. And anonymity makes them feel safe in targeting the "unfairly" favored.
Please note that I do not intend ANY actual implication as to whether or not the targ