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Valve Discloses Source 2 Engine In Recent DOTA 2 Update 97

MojoKid (1002251) writes News and rumors about Valve's upcoming Source 2 engine have been buzzing for months, but a recent update to DOTA 2 contains the most persuasive evidence yet that a major engine is in the works. After the last patch, the game now contains a number of programmed default paths, directories, and file names that didn't previously exist. Source-related DLLs and executables (engine.dll, vconsole.dll) have been updated to "engine2.dll" and vconsole2.dll." The tileset editor has a default Source path. There's also now an option to save files as "Source 1.0 Map Files" where no previous option existed. Here's the funny thing — while most people think of a game screenshot as the best evidence you can buy, low-level file directories, default trees, and changed application behavior is actually more persuasive. Source 1.0 was never updated to support DX11 or OpenGL 4.x, and while the engine can still be used for impressive titles, its DX9 limitations and ancient modding tools are showing their age. It's time to bring the game engine into the modern world, and hopefully these DOTA 2 updates mean that Valve is moving closer to that goal.
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Valve Discloses Source 2 Engine In Recent DOTA 2 Update

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    Let me be the first one to welcome Half-Life 3 for Christmas...2025.

    • by Nyder ( 754090 )

      Let me be the first one to welcome Half-Life 3 for Christmas...2025.

      I say Half-Life 3 comes out when the Steam Console comes out. You always want the killer app, and well, Half-life has the chance to bring more people to the Steam Console then probably any other game.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        There is no singular "Steam Console", it's an (apparently loose) set of standards that Valve will expect manufacturers of Steam Machines to conform to. It is likely going to be a stillbirth, because (shockingly) a bunch of random companies schlocking together COTS hardware to meet a standard and getting nothing in return will not be able to compete (in terms of performance or price or both) with a few companies custom designing hardware and subsidizing the manufacturing cost with licensing fees.

        It's obvious

        • by Z80a ( 971949 )

          And this is exactly why you and me are using a 3 Ghz commodore Amigas, right?

        • by gl4ss ( 559668 )

          look even if it is in the far future of 2015, the argument still stands, they're sitting on it.

          the joke is that I've quit anticipating next half life's release. I mean fuck, it's just going to be a tunnel(as in levels being tunnels from a to b) level shooter with 4 enemies and a broken plot. probably decent at that but hey, nothing to write home about, just like hl2 and the ep's. nothing more broken in a plot than to pausefreeze-end in the middle of a friggin explosion. -- and because of this they can kee

      • by Kelbear ( 870538 ) []

        "If and when Valve ever makes Half-Life 3, you wonâ(TM)t have to get Steam to play it. In an interview with IGN, Valve says that it wouldnâ(TM)t dream of using its software division to make exclusive games for the Steam OS, because that just isnâ(TM)t the way Valve looks at the world.

        âoeYou wonâ(TM)t see an exclusive killer app for SteamOS from us. Weâ(TM)re not going to be doing that kind of thing,â Valveâ(TM)s Greg Comer told IGN."


    • Re:HL3? (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Luckyo ( 1726890 ) on Thursday August 07, 2014 @07:26PM (#47627157)

      I think most of us would settle for the ending of HL2 at this point.

      • HL2 is true to its name. It took me about 16 hours to complete HL2. About 8h to complete Episode 1, and about 4h to complete Episode 2.

    • left5dead
  • the new hammer (the valve map editor) apparently runs source 2.
  • by wisnoskij ( 1206448 ) on Thursday August 07, 2014 @05:55PM (#47626771) Homepage
    By my count every single Valve game except for Alien Swarm has exactly one sequel.
    • by Sowelu ( 713889 )


      • I am sure you have heard that the proper way of talking about the next half-life sequel is to call it Ricochet 2. It's the only way to get Gabe to actually tell you anything.

      • by Hadlock ( 143607 )

        Other than a single "fix all the bugs" patch I don't think Ricochet was ever supported by Valve except as a contractual agreement to keep selling it indefinitely.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Dota 2 has no sequel

    • by antdude ( 79039 )

      Alien Swarm was awesome.

    • Alien Swarm: No sequels
      Counter-Strike: one remake (Source), two sequels (Condition Zero, Global Offensive)
      DOTA 2: No sequels, sort of a sequel itself though
      Day of Defeat: One remake (Source)
      Deathmatch Classic: No sequels
      Half-Life: Three expansion packs (Opposing Force, Blue Shift, Decay), one remakes (Half-Life: Source), one deathmatch version (HL:DM), one remake of the deathmatch mode (HL:DM:S), one direct sequel (2), one sequel to the deathmatch mode (HL2:DM), three expansions to the sequel (Lost Coast, E

  • AKA the last one we will release.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Source 3 is slated to be released some time after the heat death of the universe. If you all will stop being so impatient! Geez.

    • by Nemyst ( 1383049 )
      Source 2 Episode 1 and 2 will be a thing though, but they won't be feature complete until Episode 3 which will never come out.
    • Valve has real problems with focus. The thing is that they have Steam as this massive cash cow. They make so much money, tens of millions of dollars per employee, that they needn't do anything else. Every other project can fail and bleed cash and they'll be fine. You then combine that with their "no management" structure where everything is done by cliques and you have a situation for things to get abandoned. They go after what various people are interested in, and if interest drops, the project stalls or d

  • by Anonymous Coward

    OMG! source 1 + source 2 = 3!

    Half-Life 3 confirmed!

  • by jones_supa ( 887896 ) on Friday August 08, 2014 @01:42AM (#47628319)

    News and rumors about Valve's upcoming Source 2 engine have been buzzing for months, but a recent update to DOTA 2 contains the most persuasive evidence yet that a major engine is in the works.

    What? It has already been confirmed two years ago.

    Slashdot 2012-11-12: Gabe Newell Confirms Source 2 Engine []

    Slashdot ran Source 2 news this spring too.

    Slashdot 2014-03-05: Valve Prepping Source 2 Engine For VR []

  • source -> source 2 -> half life 3!!1
  • "the game now contains a number of programmed default paths, directories, and file names that didn't previously exist"

    Let me guess: on the Mac, they're in your Library folder, so you can't put the game files anywhere but your user account, which means you can't fit your user account on the SSD.


    • by ledow ( 319597 )

      Maybe buy an OS that lets you configure some of the basics of where you store things?

      Hell, most of my users don't even know where their profiles, documents, favourites, etc. actually end up unless they bother to look into it. And you can set whatever you want to be an SSD and store whatever you want on it.

      The biggest thing I hate about MacOS is "we know better, so you don't get the option".

"In the long run, every program becomes rococo, and then rubble." -- Alan Perlis
