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Role Playing (Games) Games

World of Warcraft's Next Expansion: Legion 129

Today at Gamescom in Germany, Blizzard unveiled the next expansion for World of Warcraft, called Legion. The expansion will raise the level cap to 110 and bring adventurers to a new continent: the Broken Isles. This will include several new zones and be the source of a new demonic invasion. The story will delve deeply into the game world's history and let players use customizable 'artifact' weapons. To fight the invasion, Blizzard is introducing a new class, Demon Hunter, who will start out at a high level and can perform tank- and damage-centric roles.

The PVP system will be getting revamped, and they're introducing Class-specific halls and followers. The expansion will contain the requisite new raids and world bosses, of course. Small dungeons will be getting increased focus in Legion. As with the previous expansion, players will be given a free level boost for one character to the current level cap in order to get started on the new content right away. Blizzard has posted an cinematic teaser, and the full announcement trailer on YouTube. A beta test will start sometime later this year, but no release date has been announced. MMO-Champion has a post full of details known about the expansion.
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World of Warcraft's Next Expansion: Legion

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  • Good luck (Score:5, Informative)

    by buk110 ( 904868 ) on Thursday August 06, 2015 @01:35PM (#50263999)
    Numbers are in swift decline from expansion to expansion with the typical "bounce" that temporarily occurs upon release. While I am only one person, I know many that have quit as of late and these are players from vanilla. This expansion will have to blow the doors off and be far better than Pandaria or it's bad times
    • The problem is that they don't tell you the bad things they're going to do before you've already sunk the money. Even *IF* the expansion looked interesting (and it doesn't), you're best to wait until the 2nd patch and decide to buy/not buy based on what is in the game at x.2. Assume nothing new after that, and decide if all the nerfs and stuff taken away is worth it.

      WoD was a huge, horrifying disappointment for many reasons, the worst attempt since Catacylsm. Blizzard needs to do a lot to earn trust back, b

      • Re:Good luck (Score:4, Informative)

        by buk110 ( 904868 ) on Thursday August 06, 2015 @01:55PM (#50264173)
        I think one of the biggest problems has been the PvE vs. PvP issue. You have two groups of people, those that like to PvP and those that like to do raids. I know some overlap, but more often than not they didn't. Patches would be made to "balance" for one set and end up "nerfing" the other. The other issue is server migration. While yes, you can cross-realm raid find to raid with any random group of people; it's hard to make solid progression if you're not in a raid group. While this is well & good, some servers are a total ghost town and you must pay the troll toll to server hop. Ultimately, there are too many things they need to fix and I don't have to wait anymore. I played since Vanilla and I think I've finally had enough. There are way too many alternatives out there and the time crunch to raid in anything more than a semi-casual group is too cumbersome
        • as a serious question, what alternatives?
          • by nhat11 ( 1608159 )

            Final Fantasy 14 is a really good alternative. You're definitely getting your $15 bucks a month with monthly small updates and large content update every 3 months to the dot. They pump out content quick and the quality is there.

          • by buk110 ( 904868 )
            I think that depends on the individual person. For me, it was less time gaming in general and picking up different hobbies. Whether that be something like gardening, tinkering, sporting events, or a different game, that's entirely up to you. Leisure time is limited and should be used to the best of it's ability. As far as games go? I check out Steam for sales - Banished is my vice at the moment.
          • Well, for some of us, simply cutting out on-line gaming is an alternative.

            I don't want my gaming experience to be on someone else's timetable, or get mugged by someone who thinks that's fun.

            My first few on-line gaming experiences basically told me I didn't like it at all. For some of us, on-line gaming is a negative, not a feature.

            • ...or get mugged by someone who thinks that's fun.

              Which is my main objection to open-world PvP; there are always enough jerks whose sole measure of personal value and gaming skill seems to be how fast their level-capped combat monster can gank your single-digit-level newbie character, and who will melt into the shadows rather than face anything that even looks like it might be a fair fight, to make your experience an unending frustration cycle.

              • Re:Good luck (Score:5, Interesting)

                by gstoddart ( 321705 ) on Thursday August 06, 2015 @03:08PM (#50264671) Homepage

                I tried an MMO game once .. not 100% sure of which one, I think there was supposed to be some space involved, but I never saw it ... since I'm not a wizard at FPS combat (which is a massive understatement) and I wanted to look around to see what the game was all about and what it had and explore the world and see stuff ... after 30 minutes of constantly getting killed, respawning in the same place, and getting killed again ... well, I disconnected and have never connected to an MMO in the first place.

                I had heard there might be an interesting world to explore, some potential to do some interesting role-playing, and see neat an interesting things. In reality, I don't think I ever got past the first 50 feet or so of the starting point before getting killed. Repeatedly, pointlessly, from all angles.

                That wasn't a fucking game. Not to me it wasn't.

                That pretty much cemented for me that I will never play any form of online game ever again. The rest of the idiots basically preclude any new players from finding any enjoyment in it.

                And since I wasn't interested in engaging in combat, but exploring the virtual world, there was literally no redeeming quality to the game for me.

                Honestly, now if I want to game, I'll play some Skyrim and ignore the plot and major quests for the most part. If there's a massive open roamer where you can explore and not really do anything with the combat system, it might be cool.

                But then I doubt anybody else would play it, because apparently killing off weaker characters is somehow entertaining to far too many people.

                If MMO means getting constantly killed by every asshole who does that for fun, I don't want to have anything to do with it.

                • The only online multiplayer game I've found at all enjoyable is The Crew. I really don't know why I enjoy that game so much, except that driving around listening to music (I put a Spotify playist on in the background) reminds me of my late teens (except I didn't have a $1.5million Koenigsegg when I was in my teens).

                  I like to play the multiplayer races and events and sometimes just like to drive through Yosemite or Manhattan, the Louisiana Bayou or Las Vegas. I've seen very few out-and-out dicks playing an

                • There's lots of MMOs where griefing is not really a thing, because it's not really possible. Cryptic's Neverwinter and their Trek game are both fairly fun to run around in the way that a single player game is, with occasional moments when you are forced to work together with other players. They're both free to pay, but you can be quite successful without money in either one. I don't know if all new Neverwinter players get a week of double experience points, but it's really got me over the hump nicely. (Righ

                • by Dins ( 2538550 )

                  I understand your feelings, and if that happened to me I likely would have done the same. But there are MANY different MMOs out there, most of which don't allow the ganking of noobs. Most offer a strictly PVE (player vs. environment) option, where no "player killing" like that is even possible anywhere in the game. I know you've probably written off the whole genre based on what you said, but if not, try a different one but make sure it's on a PVE server.

                  From personal experience I can recommend: Everque

                • by jewens ( 993139 )
                  How about this for a game mechanic. If the level differential is too great penalize the higher level player with negative experience. Real world analog - while your average MLB player might be fantastic at slow-pitch softball, it's not going to help him hit a 95 mph fast ball.
                  • by nytes ( 231372 )

                    IIRC, WoW tried something like that with the concept of "dishonorable kills". I don't know what the penalty was for it.

                    I understand was not liked by the players very much, in part because it led to low level players griefing upper level players by deliberately running into their AOE and getting killed. In a heavily crowded world PvP scenario it was also hard to sort out the higher level character from the lower ones.

                    The best solution in WoW is simply to play on a PvE realm, where PvP is completely optiona

                • by vux984 ( 928602 )

                  What are you on about?

                  1) Most MMO's are PVE unless you go out of your way to enter a PvP area or accept a duel or something so other players can't kill you. Some are open PvP but most aren't.

                  2) Most MMO's aren't FPS. Some are but most aren't.

                  "If MMO means getting constantly killed by every asshole who does that for fun, I don't want to have anything to do with it."

                  It doesn't mean that at all except for a small number of MMOs. There are lots of reasons not to like MMOs but your reasons are not really among t

                  • And yet, I simply don't give a fuck if you think my reasons are valid or not. They're my damned reasons, they don't have to make sense to you or anybody else.

                    But they're based on an actual experience, and your opinion of them is irrelevant.

                    This was a decade (more?) ago, and when Microsoft started putting ads into a Tiger Woods golf game, the fact that I don't give a crap about connected gaming was only reinforced.

                    Either I have to deal with the other gamers, or the assholes who think my video game experienc

                    • by vux984 ( 928602 )

                      They're my damned reasons, they don't have to make sense to you or anybody else.

                      I don't drink pop because i tried it once and it was hot and burned my mouth. Some guy told me that lots of pop is served at reasonable temperatures; and usually even chilled; but fuck that guy. I'm still going to avoid drinking pop because I don't enjoy being burned. Its my damned reason and it doesn't need to make any sense.

                      But they're based on an actual experience.

                      I believe you. But most MMOs don't offer that constantly getting killed by other players experience by default, just as most pop you'll ever be served won't be too hot to drink.

                      Either I have to deal with the other gamers, or the assholes who think my video game experience is theirs to monetize.

                      Nope. T

          • by mlts ( 1038732 )

            PvE: Rift is not too bad. It doesn't have flight which causes people not to pick up the game, but it has a lot of features and ways to advance (PvE, PvP, groups, IAs, raids, solo quests, crafting quests, etc.) What I like about Rift is the customization aspect. You can't just read a site like Icy Veins, copy down the class, spec, and keys to use in a rotation, and expect to go far. Yes, there are predefined Rift templates available, but being able to switch between specs to handle various bosses is the

          • Star Wars: The Old Republic. Had some real growing pains at launch, but has grown into itself quite nicely.

            Have a referral link [] and give it a try.

        • Re:Good luck (Score:4, Interesting)

          by s.petry ( 762400 ) on Thursday August 06, 2015 @02:07PM (#50264289)

          I have hated the Flintstones look of WOW graphics since just about day one. It still looks like the Flintstones today after years of expansions, patches, and "new" stuff.

          • Comment removed based on user account deletion
            • by s.petry ( 762400 )
              Unfortunately this is not true
              • by Dins ( 2538550 )

                Unfortunately this is not true

                Yep. You'd think it would, and original, unmodified vanilla WoW probably would run at like 1,000 fps on today's hardward. But they've added so much graphically with each expansion that it's similar in performance to a modern game. Maybe a little faster, but not much.

          • by Anonymous Coward

            It's based on the old D&D manuals and modules. It's supposed to appear like the hand drawn universe of the 80s. It's one of the things I loved about it. To each his own.

        • Re:Good luck (Score:5, Interesting)

          by Austerity Empowers ( 669817 ) on Thursday August 06, 2015 @02:13PM (#50264357)

          This has been an issue since day 1 of vanilla, but has devolved into a playstyle that as a PvE person I really don't like, and reading posts, I don't think the PvPers really like either. I really don't think hardcore PvE and hardcore PvP can coexist because the fundamental gameplay mechanics that make PvE interesting do not exist in PvP, and vice versa. PvE is algorithmic, strategic and if done right, very complex. PvP on the other hand is highly dynamic and tactical. It's pretty much the difference between watching stunt men mock-fight in a movie versus watching UFC. Both require a lot of skill and a lot of training and superficially look similar, but when the rubber meets the road don't translate well.

          There's all sorts of things they CAN do to make the game interesting again, but in my opinion a PvE only game and a PvP only game would end up being far better than their best effort. Unfortunately you're either WoW or you're cloning WoW, nobody has the cajones to do something new. I guess until WoW dies the true death.

          • by TheLink ( 130905 )

            I really don't think hardcore PvE and hardcore PvP can coexist because the fundamental gameplay mechanics that make PvE interesting do not exist in PvP,

            Guild Wars 1 had some skills that split to PvE and PvP versions for balancing reasons. The PvP stuff takes in effect in PvP matches.

            Too bad Arenanet/NCSoft has mostly abandoned Guild Wars 1 and only a few play it nowadays.

            It was a great game from the game mechanics perspective. Many like to praise Guild Wars 2 for doing away with the Holy Trinity, but the fact was Guild Wars 1 wasn't really based on the Holy Trinity from the start. In both PvE and PvP there were far more possible roles than Tank, Healer, DP

        • personally I hate PvP. I have a char on a PvP server, but since somewhere around Burning it got boring. So I just do PvE.

          • by tnk1 ( 899206 )

            PvP was pointless after world PvP ceased to be a serious thing. Arenas were "meh" to me, because it rewarded short gladiatorial battles with specialized stats and skills over having to find your enemy, set up a scenario, and attack. Hunting and even being hunted (if you're not completely outclassed) is more fun in world PvP.

            I even felt a bit of an achievement when I completed some PvE quests on a PvP server with good world PvP. Yeah, compared to the PvE servers we got everything done more slowly unless w

      • by Anonymous Coward

        I am guessing that Blizzard is doing what Daybreak (formerly SOE) is doing -- putting an expansion out annually, as they know, people will pay for it, regardless.

        I wish Blizzard could continue with some of the concepts that made WoD interesting, or maybe borrow more from other MMOs.

        My biggest beef with WoW is that you pick a class, you follow what the latest theorycraft has to say for spec, glyphs, talents, and rotation, and you follow that. Any deviation, and you get booted from most guilds. In fact, if

        • by Dins ( 2538550 )

          In fact, if your real time numbers in recount go low, people will start demanding you pick up your share in vent, and then boot you from the raid... or just boot you from the raid before the boss goes down just for grins.

          Sounds like you've played with a bunch of assholes.

          You're either a hardcore raider/PVPer or you're not. If you are, that issue isn't a problem for you as you already will be "carrying your weight". If you aren't there are many smaller and more laid back guilds that would be happy to have you and don't care if you're 5% less efficient than the guy next to you.

        • by murdocj ( 543661 )

          There are nicer people out there. You don't have to play with jerks. When I played (I've been out for 2 years) we watched recount, but it was more of a "whoa, look what I did" sort of thing.

    • by dywolf ( 2673597 )

      the death knell has been sounding since midway through TBC.
      I'll believe it's dead after an axe has been taken to the servers.

      • The EQ1 servers are still up. WoW's will be up for at least a decade after it's relevant.
        • by dywolf ( 2673597 )

          really I was (graphically) referring to the reduction and combining of server populations.
          In EQ it happened during the games most popular expansion and cut the number of servers by over half.
          so far wow has avoided doing that thanks to the whole crossrealm transparency thing, which works and covers it up, but ultimately I think the game does need it.

    • by Rinikusu ( 28164 )

      I constantly wonder why I continue to play... It's really not all that.. fun anymore.. It's more about being OCD about a few achievements that I feel I just have to complete...

      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward

        I will tell you a secret. It has never been fun, but it has always been highly addictive to some people. You know you do boring stuff, but get rewarded at the end and endorphins are released in your brain and you want more. After a while you only remember the pleasant things from the game. That time you were really lucky to get a real rare item. That other time when you killed 3 better geared characters in a 1 vs 3 fight. The good feelings you got when you finally completed hard content.

        The old cont

    • by jandrese ( 485 )
      I'm frankly amazed that they have the check to charge for an expansion on a game that has a monthly subscription fee. It certainly does not take anywhere near $15/person to keep the servers running. Probably closer to a few pennies per person for server costs, a couple of bucks for overhead (secretaries, rent, CEO private jet, etc...), and the rest goes into someone's pocket. By all rights there should be buckets of "free" new content raining down in WoW constantly. They pull in the development budget f
    • Re:Good luck (Score:4, Insightful)

      by argStyopa ( 232550 ) on Thursday August 06, 2015 @03:40PM (#50264885) Journal

      Is this the "bad times" where they:
      - are one of the very few MMOs that sustain the subscription model, and
      - even if their numbers fall by 50%, they're still comparable if not greater populations than every other MMO out there?

      Seriously, if they fall to 2 million players (unlikely) that's STILL an income of $360 million/year.
      Yes, they won't be able to afford a staff of thousands and big fancy digs, but mainly what that means is they'll have less 'gravy' to carry other feeble projects.

    • The grinding out of expansions was part of what lost me. Having all progress essentially reset every time a new expansion came out took away a lot of the "persistent world" thing that MMOs are supposed to do. A faster expansion cycle will do nothing to solve that problem, unless they stop raising the level cap (which they won't).

      WoW does seem to be in rapid decline now; there's even talk that its player numbers could cross-over with Final Fantasy XIV's at some point in the next 12 months, which would be the

    • Re:Good luck (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward on Thursday August 06, 2015 @05:55PM (#50265717)

      The problem is that WoW was taken over by the kids who wanted to brag about how powerful they are.

      When I started playing WoW (shortly before the first expansion) every region was filled with players - including the level 1 regions. People were running about and enjoying uncovering the *content* in the game. Clearing a region and getting to the point that one could actually venture into that nearby region that looked interesting from the border took time - and that was OK because the enjoyment of the game came from taking the time to go explore all the content. Each region had a fairly unique "feel" to it and something that was new/different from what was seen before. Players would form up groups just to go see what some place looked like and the chat was wry commentary on the content that was being found. The virtual world was huge and not easily navigated, which forced one to actually go through the content and experience it (there were a few, fixed transportation sites for long distance travel, but that was it). I still have pleasant memories of finally finding the hidden path near IronForge that let one get up to the incomplete dwarven airfields. Completely pointless from a "make me powerful" perspective, but completely fun from the figure out how to go find that content perspective.

      As the expansions came out, that experience was lost. It became more of a dash to see how quickly one could get to the end grinding game. The content was less and less appreciate and viewed more as a nuisance to get through in order to start grinding the same dungeons over and over again to collect enough tokens to buy the next piece of gear so that one could go into PvP battles and feel "powerful". The joy in exploring the content was lost and the game was dumbed down and streamlined to make it easier and faster to get to the end game (quests to go find an item were made trivial by having the item(s) glow in various ways, etc).

      By the time that WotLK came out, the initial starting regions were ghost towns. The only level 1 players to be found were alts for existing players who were typically running through dungeons as fast as they could by having a friend escort them with a level XX character who would blow away everything letting the low level character level up quickly.

      Now WoW has completely given up on new players and even having the existing players run through new content. One gets the expansion and *boom* your level is maxed out and you're playing the end game grind without having to go through all that pesky "content".

      It is truly a shame. I really enjoyed the experience of having some *new* to go explore - finding new content - wondering what would be in the next area. It was the exploration of something bright and shiny and new (and the sharing of that with the other players who were of the same mind) that made the game fun. The end game grinding so that one can fight other players is just not that interesting - and as a PvP combat game, it leaves a lot to be desired (hence why Blizzard is *constantly* changing the class specs in order to "balance" the game - it cannot be balanced because the game was never a good PvP combat system). I miss the original days of happily exploring new content with my snowshoe rabbit. I wish there was a game that would strive to recreate that original experience again instead of trying to rehash the PvP combat aspect of the game.

      • After missing two expansions, I came back to WoW for the latest expansion and actually had a lot of fun... For a little while... I'll speak of my PvP experience, since that's where I spent most of my time.

        Actually, the whole "end game grinding so that one can fight other players" part was changed in the most recent expansion (possibly even back in Pandaria? I didn't play that expansion at all). There are now two levels of PvP gear: beginner and elite. Beginner gear is better in PvP and comparable in Pv

      • You're slightly wrong in a couple of places.

        "By the time that WotLK came out, the initial starting regions were ghost towns. The only level 1 players to be found were alts for existing players who were typically running through dungeons as fast as they could by having a friend escort them with a level XX character who would blow away everything letting the low level character level up quickly."

        But that was okay. That was the game simply maturing. It's better to have a zone to yourself. It fits with the ques

  • Is there anyone still playing this grindfest?
    • I switched to Guild Wars 2 a few years back along with some friends from work. The game is better suited for us former vanilla players that are now working 60+ hours a week at an IT firm.
    • Nope. Played Vanilla and BC for 4 years. I quite playing grindfests since they don't respect my time be it:

      Defiance, Destiny, Diablo 3, Eve, Guildwars 2, Path of Exile, Warframe, WoW, or just any other MMO which is just a monotonous rehash of

      * genocide
      * get phat loot
      * rinse-and-repeat for 100 levels.

      Much more fun is playing L4D, Team Fortress 2, Portal 2, or Minecraft with my gaming buddies.

    • Yeah i quit in 2006 or so upon realizing that the level cap of 60 would keep being raised so that my magisters gear that i spent months grinding for would be all but worthless. That wikipedia says blizzard currently has 7.1 million players is mind boggling. I guess if you invest so much time into something you dont want to leave and have it all have been "meaningless".

      I had some great times from release till i quit, that's for sure. But having to be on raids that took 6+ RL hours was a bit tedious and the f

      • by tnk1 ( 899206 )

        As someone who played in endgame raiding guilds, it always annoyed me that in just one expansion, I'd have to get up and grind to the next level and then fight to be back on top again.

        At the same time, though, there is always a desire to improve your character and do more epic things.

        So, I was torn. I hated the way the game could become a job, just to stand still, but at the same time, I did want more things to do. I suppose if I had done less grinding to get where I was, I'd have taken it better when I h

    • Blizzard's most recent shareholders earnings call was 2 days ago, and it revealed that WoW is down to 5.6 million subscribers at the end of Q2 2015. It's the lowest reported number since vanilla, but I'd say its still pretty good for a decade old game, and far above other mmos
  • I will just barely have finished the Tanan Jungle grind by the time this expansion comes out...

    Of course, I am a complete casual who is all about the achievements and hardly ever raid or pvp...

  • Call me when there's a Leeroy Jenkins class. I want THAT expansion! ;-)

  • Interesting that they are finally implementing artifacts after pulling them out shortly after release. Will be interested to see how they balance them.
    • They are absolutely nothing like what was described back in the original wow days.
      Then: A unique item that only one person per server could have.
      Now: A leveling mechanic that allows you unlock bonuses different orders, but everyone will max out at or around when they hit max level. Definatly by the the top tier raid content.

      The balance will generally be ignored as it affects only a small part of the experience. Any tweaks to them will be class balancing, treating artifacts as core abilities.

      • by jandrese ( 485 )
        Wow, that was the original concept? A one-person per server trophy? What a colossally stupid idea, it's no wonder they ditched it. That one guy is going to get the stupid thing and then unsub. Or retire the character and play something else. At the very least he'll never step in a PvP area again. I can see why they never bothered to implement it.
        • It sounds stupid looking back now. But, consider that MMOs weren't that well refined back then. Doing something like this would be perfectly reasonable in D&D, people just didn't understand that providing content to a very select few individuals wouldn't be looked upon nicely by the community. I wouldn't be surprised if EQ and UO did this, but may not have popularized it as much.

          There actually is an item in the game that only one player across all servers in all regions has: Talisman of the Binding Shar

        • They weren't entirely one person per server - most of them were just ridiculously hard to get.

          To get ones like Thunderfury or Sulfuras, you had to be in a (likely top-tier) raid group that was clearing the top level raids. This took 40 people to accomplish, so even just getting that many people vaguely coordinated was a challenge, especially since it wasn't a mega loot-fest like today's raids are. Items for the quests to assemble those would (very rarely) drop in certain 40 man raids, and would generally
          • Don't confuse Legendary items with Artifacts (or for that matter Heirlooms).

            Artifacts were originally a tier above Legendary. There is still a reference to them in the current game:
            If your the group/raid leader type: /script SetLootThreshold(6) and you (along with everyone in the group) will see:
            Loot Threshold set to Artifact.

            You can normally only use the UI to set the threshold to Epic.

            See []

            • That's interesting - I'd never even seen anything beyond that datamined, so I'd sort of lumped the two together in my mind. Either way, there has never been any such "only one item per server" deal in actual play, though it may have been discussed in some of the initial dev plans. There's a lot of stuff that vanilla WoW intended to put in that was eventually tossed - stuff like houses, guild halls etc, learning languages (hence why the languages were initially shown as a 'skill'). These were legacy things t
          • by ag0ny ( 59629 )

            This changed over time, to where they tinkered with dropping the quest entirely and making it an ultra rare end boss drop (Burning Crusade), a steadier but more grindy quest (Lich King, Cataclysm) to the model they have now, where basically everyone and their brother who does enough raids (even on the lowest possible difficulty) will eventually earn the artifact.

            Exactly. This is probably the biggest factor in making me leave WoW. It used to be that you used whatever gear you could get your hands on (as a holy paladin my toon used to wear some cloth items to increase spell power). There was more diversity, and you could very well estimate the skill and accomplishments of someone by looking at his gear. Then they introduced the token system, and after a little while everybody was wearing the same gear.

            I played since vanilla all the way through MoP. I got an invite fo

            • by ag0ny ( 59629 )

     a holy paladin my toon used to wear some cloth items to increase spell power...

              Oh, and a PvP mace in PvE raids, for the same reason.

        • IT wasnt dumb back when server pride actually meant something.
        • The parent is wrong.
          There was only one server wide unique item, a special mount that was given as a reward just before the first expansion.

  • was rather hoping for the Spell Breaker instead, or another similar ranged/magic oriented type.

    yet another DW melee class is kinda meh.

  • I haven't played Wow for years. I decided it was ridiculous to continue since certain classes could/would just sneak up and stun you and keep you stunned for an entire fight, so the only option you had was to either sit there and watch them take their time kiliing you, or just log out and go do something else more fun, such as repeatedly bang your head on a wall.

    • by tnk1 ( 899206 )

      There were some ways out of stun lock, and it had diminishing returns, but yeah, it could be really annoying.

  • Game went downhill after Wrath of the Lich King, it is now but a shadow of its former self.
  • Think about the title.

    Will we get a free 100 boost with the expansion? Given that it would make sense, why not?

    Looking forward to playing a 110 Murloc Demon Hunter. Especially since I unlocked all my Heirlooms.

    • Looking forward to playing a 110 Murloc Demon Hunter. Especially since I unlocked all my Heirlooms.

      They have a new crafting skill specializing in tomato farming!?!

  • We are Legion... and we are many... and we will bitch endlessly.

  • Personally I'd love it if Blizzard simply made the WoW movie the same as they do for these trailers. At least we know it's fake (as opposed to dressing up people and using effects to look 'real'), just run with it and make good use of it as they do now.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Coming from the beta days I'd like to see one server tuned perfectly for the the original game. Max level 60 only, starting with nothing from day one. No transfers, no cash, just the first quest. The only thing I'd like changed is the drop rate for dungeons, everyone gets something tuned to their character. Running 20 or 40 man raids and rolling for a few tier pieces sux'd. I liked my Moose helmet when it finally dropped and I won the roll. The best part of the game was talking to people (some drunk) all

  • There are many issues with WOW, but the greatest is the missing M. When i last logged into wow, I felt...lonely. No one talked to me. I really did not encounter anyone. There were people in Stormwind, but they could have all been NPCS for all I could tell. I no longer needed to group for quests. I did not need to ever talk to someone in an entire dungeon or raid. Wow no longer felt massive or multiplayer. This breaks my heart, and I will never forgive the people who did this.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Just want to point out that while vanilla WoW is a decade old game, current WoW is not. The population of private servers that play vanilla is peanuts compared to the population of retail.

    Yes, there's a smooth transition through expansions, but go find a vanilla private server and you'll discover that it is vastly different. The models are different, the mechanics are different, and the play style is different. Which is better? Does it matter?

    Blizzard knew that to make WoW all they had to do was copy ex

    • i'd mod you insightful if i had points.. i think this sums up all of the comments so far that i've seen here... people bitch about it should be this or they should ahve done that, but at it's core is their inability to actually know what people want, the constant stream of love/hate from every change tells them nothing and they have no way to be truely objective about it since the only feedback that gets noticed is the ones that yell the loudest and they can never be satisfied.

"The pathology is to want control, not that you ever get it, because of course you never do." -- Gregory Bateson
