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Slashdot Asks: Do You Own a Gaming Console? What Titles Have You Been Playing Lately? 110

What games have you been playing on your Xbox, or PlayStation, or Nintendo Switch -- or any other gaming machine!
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Slashdot Asks: Do You Own a Gaming Console? What Titles Have You Been Playing Lately?

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  • by Dr. Knowfun ( 1538971 ) on Friday April 03, 2020 @03:24PM (#59905390)

    Big stompy robots and zombies somehow even out to the right amount of vicarious violence to make the day bearable.

  • Nothing like nostalgic hard games that take forever to beat to pass the time.
    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      I'm still playing Mario Maker on the Wii U. Endless classic Mario levels. Some are really good.

  • PC here (Score:5, Interesting)

    by DarkRookie2 ( 5551422 ) on Friday April 03, 2020 @03:28PM (#59905402)
    In the last 2 weeks
    Assassins Creed
    Mass Effect 1-3
    Halo CE
    DOOM (2016)
    BioShock Infinite

    On top of the 15 light novels I have read.
    • I wish i could into Halo, but the launcher is fucking garbage. IT literally told me 'i dont know what happened, redownload the entire game again. Several times.
    • Re:PC here (Score:5, Funny)

      by damn_registrars ( 1103043 ) <> on Friday April 03, 2020 @04:14PM (#59905570) Homepage Journal

      Halo CE

      Halo has been released for Windows CE? That I have to see. I have an HP320LX around here somewhere ....

      • by anss123 ( 985305 )

        I think he's talking about the Custom Edition. Never tried it out, but it was released for free to all owners of the PC version.

        Incidentally I played the original PC Halo recently. There's no run button. No run button! A huge contrast to Doom Eternal, or Brutal Doom, which are the other two games I've played during the corona affair. Oh, and Blade Runner.

        • I think he's talking about the Custom Edition. Never tried it out, but it was released for free to all owners of the PC version.

          I figured it wasn't actually for Windows CE; I just thought it was amusing to see Microsoft reuse one of their own acronyms in such a lazy manner. Granted they also already had a Windows (98) SE, so that was likely out of the question, but there are a lot of other letters in the alphabet they could have assembled any way they like.

          • by anss123 ( 985305 )

            On second thought, Halo has "Combat Evolved" as a subtitle, so he's not referring to the Custom Edition.

            Doubt the marketing team was thinking about acronyms when they came up with that. They were probably worried "Halo" wasn't descriptive enough.

    • Been thinking of going back for another run through ME.
    • DOOM (2016)

      ! Indeed. I downloaded Doom Eternal. Played it for 30min. Refunded it through Steam. Downloaded Doom 2016 and played the fun one through from start to end.

      Actually you inspired me to dig out Bioshock Infinite. I may do that this weekend.

    • by Shmoe ( 17051 )

      recommend Doom Eternal for sure.

    • I played Walking Simulator 2020, because I was told I need more exercise.

  • PS4: Nioh 2, PC: Doom Eternal, Ori and the Will of the Wisps
  • If you are playing your games on a console and not a customized gaming computer, you are not truly a computer geek. Please turn in your Slashdot membership.
    • Re:Excuse Me (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Opportunist ( 166417 ) on Friday April 03, 2020 @03:40PM (#59905456)

      What exactly is a console but a customized gaming computer?

      • A modern console is a gaming computer that has been customized for the manufacturer's purpose, even if it conflicts with the purpose of the owner of the device. This customization is ostensibly to 1. reduce the cost of customer support, and 2. prevent association between the manufacturer and poor-quality or offensive content.

        • A ____ is a ____ that has been customized for the manufacturer's purpose, even if it conflicts with the purpose of the owner of the device. This customization is ostensibly to 1. reduce the cost of customer support, and 2. prevent association between the manufacturer and poor-quality or offensive content.

          Thank you captain obvious.

    • by skids ( 119237 )

      If you have the patience to f**k around with video driver upgrades after a day long shift of maintaining other people's crap software, please turn in your Slashdot membership.

      When I get home I sit back in a recliner with a Dualshock in a room far away from my mouse, phone, and laptop, and just relax.

      • If you have the patience to f**k around with video driver upgrades after a day long shift of maintaining other people's crap software, please turn in your Slashdot membership.

        I really can't remember how long it has been since I had to manually upgrade a video driver. Also, if you think that a driver upgrade is something arduous then surely that would warrant handing in your Slashdot membership and not the other way around.

  • Needing some exercise during isolation, I dusted off an XBOX classic, and fired up Dance Dance Revolution for my granddaughters, using old dance mats. For some reason, they keep on calling it Pup Pup Boogie.

    Also, I haven't had to yell kids at to get off my lawn, lately.

  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Friday April 03, 2020 @03:34PM (#59905430)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by Arzaboa ( 2804779 ) on Friday April 03, 2020 @03:36PM (#59905434)

    Warzone, Warzone, and a little standard multi-player to level up my gunz.

    In war there is no prize for the runner-up. - General Omar Bradley

  • Any games that involve DIY hardware and scrap pieces - a bag of arcade buttons and a healthy collection of parts I've made a virtual pinball table, mini pop'n music controller, some 4 button for stepmania, a retropi bar top cab with an iBook screen. All appealing with enough variety and some physical problem solving to keep away the madness of boredom.
  • by jader3rd ( 2222716 ) on Friday April 03, 2020 @03:37PM (#59905442)
    Playing Breath of the Wild the 2nd time through right now and am very impressed with how it feels new still.
    • playing through it for the first time here :) got the kid a switch for his birthday, and i think i've played it more than he has.

      • I thought I was reading my own comment because it is exactly where I was a couple weeks ago before finishing all the shrines and memories XD
    • Likewise, I'm currently doing a second playthrough on Master Mode after sinking in 200 hours a few years ago. You'd think there wouldn't be anything left to do, especially since I'm one of those idiots who actually collected all 900 Korok seeds the last time I played, but I'm still finding places, people, and things that I've never seen before. Plus, Master Mode shakes things up with different/harder enemies as you wander around (not to mention floating platforms of enemies that can ambush you, which can be

    • Playing it through for the 5th or 6th time now. It has great replayability.

  • I have been playing a lot of this online the last two weeks. I forgot how terrible I was with a Sniper Rifle.
  • Our family was considering buying a Switch but our kids are young, so I went on ebay and bought a replacement Wii disc drive and a screw driver so I could fix that up and play our old Wii games again. This supplements the downloaded games like Super Mario that we had on it already. It was a good choice as recently Switches kind of disappeared due to Corona virus effects.
    • oh, my kid loves animal crossing city folk for the original wii
    • I picked up an old Wii last year to use as an alternate exercise program when the weather makes going out doors or to the Y impossible. The best aerobic workout for me comes from a combination of boxing, hula hoop, and step aerobics.

      Don't use it much anymore, even though the Y is obviously unavailable. I became bored with the repetitive nature of the games very quickly, and that stupid cartoonish baby voice at startup drives me up the wall.

      The health recommendations are hilariously bad, too. I'm 5'9", and i

  • by BeerFartMoron ( 624900 ) on Friday April 03, 2020 @03:48PM (#59905484)
    Super Breakout, Adventure (totally beat that game), and Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator.
  • Super Mario all the way!

  • rocket league
    ps4 and pc

  • My brother got a Switch for his birthday right before everything got locked down. We've been playing Mario Party, Super Smash Bros, and Mario Kart.

  • Bully PS2 game running on PS3 retro-compatibility hardware.
  • by AvitarX ( 172628 )
    XCOM enemy unknown
    Bit Trip Runner 2
    Impossible Game
  • I have an Intel NUC loaded with Steam and GOG Galaxy, emulators, a Steam, Logitech and SNES gaming controller, BT mouse and keyboard. It plays pretty much any game I want, mostly older games that I haven't been able to play over the last decade, GTA 5, Tomb Raider, the Doom remake.

    I also have a Raspberry Pi with NES and SNES games.

  • by future assassin ( 639396 ) on Friday April 03, 2020 @04:01PM (#59905536)

    dusted those of this week, Need For Speed for 3DO love it.

  • by thhamm ( 764787 ) on Friday April 03, 2020 @04:04PM (#59905550)
    Revived mine some weeks back. Was sitting in a closet for 25 years.

    Got a new case, pulled the chips from the original mainboard and put them on a C64 Reloaded Mk2 Board. My 1541 i just had to recap / change the voltage regulators / rectifiers, otherwise it still works.

    Now i still suck at Boulder Dash like before.
    • Yes. Yes it does. I spent some time in an oppressive city IT consulting a few years ago and spent many of my offhours on an emulator beating the original Bard's Tale.
      • by thhamm ( 764787 )
        Hehe yeah. Depending on my mood Dosbox or the 64 (or Vice)

        When i'm down, i tend to fire up Dosbox and some games from the 90's (i like playing the original System Shock every couple of years around Christmas), and if i'm really pissed, i turned on Vice -- and now the real 64 -- and play with that.
        Don't have that many real floppies around now, and not everything runs from my SD-Card reader [], so right now i have:

        * Krakout
        * Rock'n'Roll
        * Mega Apocalypse
        * They Stole a Million
        * Giana Sisters (of course .
  • The only game (Score:5, Insightful)

    by WolfgangVL ( 3494585 ) on Friday April 03, 2020 @04:06PM (#59905554)

    X-Com on android
    X-Com on Vita
    X-Com on XBOX
    X-Com on PC.

    Which one you ask? ALL OF THEM.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Yep, been playing the game that has you attempt to wipe out the planet with various types of pandemic infections (viral, bacterial, fungal, even fictional nano-bots, and a zombie plague). Seems to me that the best combinations has always been one that spreads quick, with no apparent symptoms and then mutates to kill everyone.
  • Great exercise that's a lot of fun. And they just released a free update with a rhythm game that has songs from Mario and Zelda.
  • Between WiiU and original Wii are a lot of underappreciated games. And if you thought the Mario games were too easy on Wii and WiiU, I challenge you to try playing them with young children. My 9 and 4 year old sons make it really, really, difficult - especially when they play enough that they decide it's more fun to see who can kill me more than it is to see who can finish the levels.
    • Between WiiU and original Wii are a lot of underappreciated games. And if you thought the Mario games were too easy on Wii and WiiU, I challenge you to try playing them with young children. My 9 and 4 year old sons make it really, really, difficult - especially when they play enough that they decide it's more fun to see who can kill me more than it is to see who can finish the levels.

      We call the "Super Mario bros U" "the hinder Mario".

      • Between WiiU and original Wii are a lot of underappreciated games. And if you thought the Mario games were too easy on Wii and WiiU, I challenge you to try playing them with young children. My 9 and 4 year old sons make it really, really, difficult - especially when they play enough that they decide it's more fun to see who can kill me more than it is to see who can finish the levels.

        We call the "Super Mario bros U" "the hinder Mario".

        Indeed beating the game in single-player is pretty easy, but in multiplayer it is very nearly Battletoads for the 21st century.

  • I've been playing MLB The Show on PS4, American Truck Simulator and Factorio on PC. I've had a Switch for a year, but haven't hooked it up.
    • have you seen how much a switch sells for on eBay right now?

      should check it out, and i only charge a 10% finders fee..!

    • I've had a Switch for a year, but haven't hooked it up.

      It's a Switch, you don't have to hook it up, that's one of the major selling features.

  • Xbox One:
    Destiny 2
    The Division 2
    Fortnite (My godson is out of school and drags me in almost daily lol)

    Eve Online
    Farming Simulator

  • Time to introduce the next generation to my high school highlight.
  • I've been playing Control Foundation which is fantastic. Also getting some time in on Stellaris for a change of pace. I mean to through some Wolcen into the mix, but I've been fairly hooked to the prior two games mentioned. I don't have ray tracing for Control because I lack a 2080, but my 1080 will run it at high settings and 1080 resolution and it looks amazing!
  • Going through Breath of Fire III and IV.

  • My kids think I'm ridiculous for playing so much Shark! Shark! [] for the Intellivision.

  • They're having their free trial through April 13. If you like it, the base game and first chapter are on sale for $8 (down from $20). Available for PC, XBox One, and PS 4. If you go PC, the base game and first three chapters cost $15. Available directly through the ESO web site (recommended) or through Steam.
  • by McLae ( 606725 ) on Friday April 03, 2020 @04:47PM (#59905658) Homepage
    Playing Civ V, Moo V, and Stellaris. WIth a little Space Empires IV thrown in. Also trying to learn Turbocad and update some Arduino sketches.
  • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Friday April 03, 2020 @04:48PM (#59905662)

    If you've not played the game Control from Remedy games, I think it's pretty amazing. It has a great story, and I think really good combat along with the ability to use what are essentially Force powers in a way that feels better than most Star Wars games.

    They also just released a pretty good expansion pack called the Foundation (well, for the PS4, other platforms get it in June), and another one later this year.

    It's also on sale on PSN so you may want to take a look if you've not played it already.

  • by Bryan Gritton ( 5427430 ) on Friday April 03, 2020 @05:15PM (#59905766)
    There has never been a more appropriate time to play this game.
  • As always! HD Mod just got an update a few days ago showing the queue, and HotA keeps getting occasionally updated too.
  • by bob4u2c ( 73467 )
    ET on the Atari 2600.

    I know there has to be some good content in here somewhere. Hmm, just fell into a hole. Maybe over here. . . nope another hole.

    I'll dust off Superman for the Nintendo 64 and play that tomorrow.
  • I've always had computers, since the 8-bit, Z80, CP/M days, and even before that it was a Data General mini-mainframe in highschool, and multi-user BASIC. Have to admit that consoles have come a long way though, which is why we don't have video arcade games anymore (or at least not to speak of), consoles surpassed them in quality and versatility.
  • Secret of Mana on my antique Super Nintendo. I was never able to beat it in Middle School, but now that I'm pushing 40, I think if have a fighting chance.
    • Grind your Magic and weapon levels. Usually "ThatOneBoss" is Spikey Tiger, the last boss you fight before the Girl (Primm) gets access to healing magic. With him you want the Spear weapon on the Boy, and your best ranged weapons on the Girl and Sprite. After that it's all grinding and figuring out where to go, then using Analyze on bosses followed by the Sprite casting whatever magic they're weak to.

      I have the original cartridge for the SNES, the remake on PS4 and Vita, and the Mana Collection which incl

  • Been playing a fair bit of solitaire lately (although one of these days I will stop playing it and pull it to bits so I can find out which domains I need to black hole to make those stupid ads go away :).

    Also some old-school C&C (can't wait for the remasters comming in a few months)

  • play Mario Maker 2 and go through the practically endless great little challenges it presents, but it seems that since Animal Crossing was released our Switch is permanently in use.

    Back to the PC I played Doom (2016) because the new Doom Eternal was so boring and arcadish I refunded it. A bit of Beat Saber, some Cities Skylines, Subnautica, oh ... I'm forgetting something ...

    Half-Life Alyx. Man that is an awesome game. For me it's a bit of redefining game in history. Graphics, story, well optimised, and fan

  • NES/SNES = RPG Heaven N64 = Goldeneye/Perfect Dark and Bomber Man with the wife.
  • I have built myself a MiSTer FPGA [] I never played a PC Engine or TurboGrafix back in the day and have been loving exploring it's library. But I have also been loving playing the SNES and Genesis games I missed out on back in the day. Also loving reliving some of the golden arcade games like Galaga, Gyruss, Frogger, Commando, Rygar. The price is pretty steep if compared to a Raspberry Pi but the experience is worth it. Cycle accurate low latency FPGA recreation of classic
  • I have a PS4, but I only use it to watch movies, et cetera; I never used it much for games. I play Team Fortress 2 on my Linux PC (that I bought from ZAREASON).
  • PS/4:-
    Horizon Zero Dawn
    Destiny 2

    Skyrim (LE) [massively modded]
    Elite: Dangerous
  • Been playing Silent Hill 2 (half way through the hospital, never played this one before), and playing Resident Evil Revelations on the 3DS.

    After that, the next is Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water for the WiiU.... (WiiU is my newest system..... Don't play enough and have a large enough back catalogue that it hasn't held me back)

  • Atari 2600. Mostly playing combat against my kids.
  • Yes, I have owned many over the years, I consider the PS4 my primary system, though I also have a Vita, Switch, and PS3. Mostly I've been playing Fortnite's Save the World mode, Skyrim, Dragon Quest XI, Final Fantasy VII, Minecraft, Diablo III, Assassin's Creed: Odyssey

  • I spent many hours playing the SpyHunter game for Playstation 2. It's a fast-paced racing game where your car somehow is the fastest thing on the road and yet it's carrying many tonnes of weapons. []

    I didn't like the sequel at all, by the way. Your car is much more fragile, and it's less of a racing game and more of a survival game. Just not as fun IMHO.

    These days I pretty much just play games on my Linux desktop. I want to set up a PS2 emulator and rip my original Sp

  • I still have all my Atari 2600 games. I bought most of them when I was in college; they were inexpensive after the bottom fell out of the industry in the 80's.

    Mainly I play in emulation, using Stella on my Linux desktop.

    My most-played game is Adventures of Tron, a simple yet engaging platformer. Avoid grid bugs, recognizers, and tanks. Tanks can shoot you if you are in front of them. Enemies always go in the same direction and most of the game is about getting behind them (so as not to die) while collec

  • I mostly play Elite Dangerous on my PC. What is a bit funny is that I first purchased Elite Dangerous for my XBox. Then I got tired of no HOTAS and switched over to my PC, now that have a HOTAS or the XBox.
  • Every one a blast, especially the retro Carmageddon.

  • Tripping down memory lane with the excellent RetroPie on a spare rpi 3. Best idea I've had during the "big pause".
    The kids are loving the multiplayer games that I remember, and it helps that they don't have a console and I've been keeping them in the technodark. I'm surprised at how well the Amiga stacks up against the other consoles in the emulation space. Yeah, a little biased.

  • by DMJC ( 682799 ) on Saturday April 04, 2020 @03:19AM (#59907120)
    Final Fantasy 7 Remake on PS4 Pro. It got released early in Australia on April 1st. I bought a copy same day. It's fantastic.
  • What am I playing? Only Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers on a PC.

    Do I own a Game Console?: have a PS2 and X-Box 360 that haven't been hooked up in over 4 years. I don't even remember if the 360 even works anymore. So yes, I own game consoles, I just don't use them for anything.

  • I started playing Death Stranding just as state and local governments got real about COVID-19. I feel like a heroic Amazon courier braving the American wasteland.
  • We still have our Halo green original Xbox, and my kids are playing through the single player on cooperative as a reward at the end of the day. It sparks joy to see a game spark so much joy. Also, they're better than I am, so a little humbling.

You will lose an important disk file.
