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Games Entertainment

Dave Taylor's Game Coders Conference

Richard (RatBastard) Ward wrote in to tell us that the one and only Dave Taylor of crack.com has updated his .plan file (finger ddt@crack.com) to talk about a new game programming conference that he is working on. No frills, just good stuff. And, well, since he officially stated that Slashdot is the only site that may quote him, here is a cool description of what his conference is for: "We don't have time to hear about the latest plug-ins for Photoshop, to hear about the latest design methodologies, or to attend round-tables on interactivity. We are under the gun to write code, lots of code, cool code, fast code, debugged code, and the only conference that is going to make us better at our jobs will be one that addresses these issues directly."
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Dave Taylor's Game Coders Conference

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