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XBox (Games)

Journal Shadow Wrought's Journal: 360 Demo 15

At the local Gamecrazy (associated with Hollywood Video) they had an Xbox360 up for demo purposes. I tried my hand at the Call of Duty 2 Demo, and here are my quick thoughts on the system (and a gripe about the demo):
  • First of the controller might look dumb, but it is easily the most comfortable controller I've ever used. I really don't like M$, and I curse their products at least three times a day, but they made one faboo comfy controller for the 360.
  • The graphics stunning, but distracting. Stunning in that they are super realistic. Distracting in that they are so realistic that the dilineation between objects becomes even more pronounced (such as between a jeep and the background).
  • The gripe: I need to invert the y-axis on the controller in order to play a FPS with a modicum of decency- no such option on the Call of Duty demo.
  • Overall I was impressed with what little I saw, but the demos are just that, little. I think only two of the demos available were actually playable. I have serious doubts as to how successful the 360 is going to be, because I just don't see superior graphics as the be all end all of games. Time will tell.
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360 Demo

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  • I intend on getting a revolution and a PS3 .. the xbox 360 is just not exciting to me .It again appears to just be a bunch of PC ports (or games that will be PC games) , the ps3 appears to be as if not more graphically capable , plus it has a greater deal of backwards compatibility . The revolution seems exciting , great new controller innovation .. it will play my gamecube games and will have that funky download service
    • We have a GameCube and I really like it. My younger stepson (whose the actual owner, having saved up all of his Birthday and Christmas money to but it) loves it, and while my older stepson bitches about the inferiority of its graphics all the time (he's one of those who will put graphics above game play), he still really likes its games. We play SSBM a lot, and I still really enjoy Madden 2003 (though I'm contemplating getting a college football game that's a bit more current). So I will likely only be
      • Can't moan about free things...
        I am currently addicted to SSX on tour :D , been mastering my mad ski skillz ..
        Still playing SSBM myself trying to get all the trophies
        • Who's your fav character? I play as either Link or Roy.
          • Roy without a doubt .. he is unstoppable and a lot of fun to play as.. though MR game and watch is rather cool
            • I love his counter. When you can time it right and just hit the pther guy with what they were baout to you iwth, its great. I like Link's ranged attacks, and how long his grab is. I find the long reah of his grab can really counter some of the faster characters.
              • Links grab is useful but it is no match for kirby ;)
                • You're right- Kirby's arrow bait;-)
                  • Not so grasshopper ;) , Kirby has many secrets to unveil .
                    Most arrows can be avoided with a jump/slam and a slide kick .. then you are a victim to some sucking action (French phrase for double meaning)
                    • Kirby also has that cheap move in which you swallow your victim, jump of the edge, pop the poor victim out, and recover. By the time the victim awaits they are little more than a flash of light off the bottom of the screen.

                      Someday when we finally meet (you're not coming to oregon anytime soon, are ye?) we'll have to play a bit of SSBM;-)

                    • ;) I'm going to near Cambridge in December .. but um that is still several thousand miles away heh. If i ever do I will also bring my SSX tricky and show you my mad Trick popping skilz heh
                    • Hey, I'm probably goign to Bend, that's at least 100 miles closer;-) Now if we could only figure out what to do about the intervening 8,500 miles...
                    • I had some theories about travelling through a compressed dimension to any point in space within a few seconds .. unfortunately I am about 4000 years from completion on the project
  • Great graphics with the "X-Box live" internet backbone is what will make it popular. I'm surprised Sony is just sitting idly by while MS steals the 'play with your friends online' thunder. I have a feeling MS will grab the market for that very reason...
    • Since I only have dialup and will not have anything better anytime soon, I always underestimate the online aspect. Even still, I just have a feeling that there's going to be some glitch or flaw in the 360 that will really hurt its initial sales while taking a lot of its initial momentum away.

Those who can, do; those who can't, write. Those who can't write work for the Bell Labs Record.
