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Games Entertainment

Try Out Tux Racer This Weekend 113

Forager writes: "Tux the Penguin is no longer just a logo. He's also a racecar. Sort of. Sunspire Studios has just released the game Tux Racer for the Windows and Linux operating systems (OpenGL required). From their website: "Tux Racer lets you take on the role of Tux the Linux Penguin as he races down steep, snow-covered mountains. Enter cups and compete to win the title! Tux Racer includes a variety of options for gameplay, including the abilty to race courses in fog, at night, and under high winds." Great graphics. Slick gameplay. Cool stuff. Getting great reviews, too. Oh, and did I mention it's totally free? Very cool stuff indeed." Quite cool looking. It's in apt so Debian users can just 'apt-get install tuxracer' and check it out. It ain't no Mario Kart 64, but then again, what is? Screenshots are impressive too.
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Try Out Tux Racer This Weekend

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  • by Oliver ( 19269 ) on Friday October 06, 2000 @08:08AM (#726047) Homepage Journal

    I'm the Debian package maintainer for TuxRacer, getting /.ed by mail asking for potato (Debian 2.2) packages.

    And I am currently looking for an adequate potato machine to recompile my package, that does have the apropriate -dev packages installed or where I can have them installed easily. If I can't find one, I'll try to create an chroot() potato environment. So be patient and wait a few more days. Unfortunatly, I can't afford to keep an extra machine running potato.

    Of course, you can always recompile from source. Do a s/stable/unstable/ on your deb-src line in /etc/apt/sources.list, apt-get update and apt-get source tuxracer tuxracer-data Don't we just love Debian?

    PS: Potato binaries won't have sound and joystick support, unless you use libsdl* from unstable.

  • okay, thanks. I got mine. you can all head for the cliff...
  • Erm - TuxRacer actually has environment mapped ice - and the snow certainly *looks* bumpmapped.

    And the hybrid Parrot/Tux idea has also been
    done before - it's the mascot of 'PrettyPoly',
    a 3D modeller.
  • the penguin hardly symbolizes the open source movement as one of teamwork, progress and widescope.

    You don't seem to comprehend what the open source movement is all about. It's not about teamwork or progress, it's about eating raw fish, and personally I think the penguin is an excellent symbol for that.
  • With this game, grassroots Linux gaming has entered the big league. Oh, and don't forget Parsec. And a *lot* of others on the way. Check out crystal space. How long before we have an open source game to rival half life or unreal? (John Carmack is *already* open source so I don't count him:)
  • you're missing my objection

    mentioning it every post is completely obnoxious

    he might as well end every post with 'save the whales'
  • What libGL dependencies are you going to use? I am running XFree86 4.0.1 and don't want utah to be installed on me. Are there any debian options or am I just going to have to wait for the official 4.0.1 packages and for everything to depend on that?
  • Coming this Holiday Season....

    Tony Tux - Pro Penguin

    -Julius X
  • it's sure not just you :(
  • Same deal here. It took forever for the .exe to load and then the game was so slow to be unplayable. I know it's not OpenGL because other games that use that run fine.
    It looks sweet though.
  • I run woody myself. you do realize, btw, that you broke tuxracer about a day ago, and it is still broken?

    You updated the data [which switched from using numbers to actual course names], but didn't update the binary.

    Anyways, I hope it gets fixed soon :)

    [ I've been a long time Tuxracer fan. I even dabble in the maps, which I think are ingeniously implemented ]

  • is a fish pickup sound. I can't tell if I picked up the fish or missed it.

    (I'm hoping the author sees this)

    Other than that, A real solid game. I was unable to compile it on my linux box, which doesn't have OpenGL, but I played on windows at work, and it was a quality, fun game. Much improved since I first saw it months ago.


  • Thats my favorite map also. I got to 197kph at one point before I hit a sharp turn and flew off the track :) My record is only 1:38 with 51 herring
  • I tried playing on my PII/500, 256MB, Matrox Millenium G200AGP box, and it was getting frame rates of like 1 FPS. Once I installed the newest drivers direct from Matrox, I was getting great frame rates - it's actually playable now. FYI.

    Is it just me, or is that music kind of perky?
  • The Tracker [] (BeOS file manager) has a friendly dog icon.

    I also remember an old FAQ response from the Be website, shortly before the Be Book came out in print from O'Reilly:

    Q. What animal will be on the cover of the O'Reilly book? Is it a bee?

    A. No, it's not a bee. You'd kill us for that! There is no animal on the cover.

  • That's pretty weird guys. Ran sweet for me in Win98, I'm on Celery 466@581, 128mb ram, GeForce2 MX...
  • Super Mario _Land_ was NEVER on SNES, only Gameboy.


    My statement still stands regardless.
  • > Wilber the Gimp (finally, we get to see what the rest of him looks like)

    The rest of him looks like this... 1.11.ppm.gif
  • Shouldn't the $ amount stay fixed at 0?

    Seriously, that game's got the worst controls ever. Frustrating as hell.
  • would you all mind not hitting the server until my download is done? thanks!

  • Does anybody else remember the old apple game (I think it was a Beagle Brothers product) called "I/O Silver". Aside from being a bad pun, it was also a very good pengo play-alike. You were a frantic programmer running around a lab, killing bugs instead of ice-creatures =:-)
  • jesus, could cmdrtaco spew more about debian, apt-get, and his someone-please-think-i-am-a-cool-geek debian swirl t-shirt?

    nearly every single post of his nowadays mentions apt-get, how much he loves debian, and what debian clothing he's wearing that day.

    were you wearing your debian swirl shirt when you posted that article, cmdrtaco? if so, why didn't you tell us again?

  • Which means I won't be able to play it at work all afternoon. Damnit!

  • This was a free game while it was under development... I guess it's done now. Hmmm.
  • Prediction: You mentioning a cockatiel will bring on at least four hundred lame-ass joke posts and another two-hundred penis bird posts.
  • I just installed it on my machine at work which is a 466 celeron with 384MB RAM and it seems a little chunky. Anyone else having this problem. IF not what processor are you using.?
  • This would make a really nice mini-game in Tux Adventure...
  • Well... I just compiled php4 and apache for the first time, and i dunno... no big deal really, but check out the tux racer instructions... []

    It sure does give an example of *nix for the common man -- that it isn't.

    I think after I made my first MySQL/PHP4 connection, I was enthralled by how fast and to the point the whole process was. FreeBSD that I was running it on worked great even on a p133. However, I guess install complexity with *nix is of course because of decentralization.

    However, I think it'd be reasonable to have nice install processes (star office), but things of course do get bloated.

    Anyway... have fun this weekend you guys!


  • Clippy gets to be the Windows mascot...
  • you're missing the fact that (judging from some other comments here) the main site is suffering from the /. effect, whereas the Debian mirrors have enough bandwidth available between them that there is no real chance of them being /.ed

    By mentioning the fact that it's in woody he's being helpful to Debian users, and being helpful to everyone else (because he's helping to spread the load).
  • a good Professional document publishing suite that doesn't use WINE.

    TeX... you may have heard of it... :)


  • maybe more characters from other alternative OS's.

    Just think about it for a second. Add in the FreeBSD Daemon, maybe the Linux Fox, Wilber the Gimp (finally, we get to see what the rest of him looks like), and maybe even Clarus the Dogcow (Darwin and all that). Of course, we'd have to think of something to represent Be too; any Be users know of a candidate?

    And maybe just for fun, even throw in the Windows logo as a secret character, but it's only half as fast as the other characters and automatically aims toward obstacles so it crashes all the time :)
  • From this LinuxWorld article: [] (in relation to track editing for Tux Racer)

    There are three layers that are used for elevation, terrain, and trees. The rules for each of those individual layers are as follows:

    Elevation is measured by colors. White is high, and black is low.


    It sounds to me like the whole dammed track is one huge bump map. Not really a bump map in the current normal usage but more like a heightfield from POVRay and similar.

    Quite a clever, and very cheap (Gimp) way of coming up with a map editor.
  • I uploaded both, tuxracer-0.60.1-1 and tuxracer-data-0.60-1 at the same time and both got dinstalled into the main Debian Archive at at the same time. See for yourself in /debian/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/games/ .

    Either you are using an non-IA32 architecture and the auto-builders for the other archs havn't caught up (tuxracer-data is installed because it's Architecture: all) or something with your mirror is wrong.

    Please get the i386 binary package off a more complete mirror or compile from source for your architecture.

    Sorry for you inconvenience.
  • It would have been possible to optimize the Windows version a little more. I would like to think that my rig isn't to blame for the 1/5 fps rate.
  • I have had the same problems. It is ridiculous, I have a PIII 667, w/128 MB RAM and a Rage IIC 8MB 3D video card, but the game moves at a pitiful pace. The image refreshes about once per second, making it nearly impossible to steer well. It is a great looking game, and once I get the right sound and joystick drivers, I'll try it under Linux, with the hopes that it'll be better. Does anyone have any idea what is causing this sluggishness?
  • He must be using an alpha heatsink ;-)
    1. OP meant "Super Mario World" for SNES which was released as "Super Mario Bros. 4" in Japan.
    2. Super Mario Land does work on SNES through the Super Game Boy hardware-accelerated emulator.

    ( \
    XPlay Tetris On Drugs []!
  • The question is, what will they do with the Cow from Practical C Programming?

    Starcraft cheat code: "there is no cow level" does this give you any ideas? It sure gave the Diablo team some ideas, as Diablo II includes a cow bonus level. (Yes, I know they're both Blizzard [] but...)

    Think Earthworm Jim. Think the official PC Space Invaders. Think South Park 64. Cow levels all over the place.

    ( \
    XPlay Tetris On Drugs []!
  • TSIA (title says it all)
    -The Reverend (I am not a Nazi nor a Troll)
  • What would O'Reilly do with the dustpuppy (#5260) [] on the cover of Evil Geniuses in a Nutshell []?
    ( \
    XPlay Tetris On Drugs []!
  • I think this is one of the first Slashdot posts where people are actually clicking the link and downloading before posting... I'm at 3% right now...
  • The BEST Penguin simulator, EVER. I can't remember one with more staunch, out right playability and action than this one. Sure, there was SimPenguin, and Pengulator 2000 in the 80's, but this takes the cake.
  • by TBHiX ( 26224 )

    Ah, another fan game, one that sounds like it could be as much fun as xBill. Of course, will we have the option of running a biathalon with panicked Bill Gates as the targets? Just a thought...


  • Short answer: Buggy video drivers.

    Long answer:
    The Win2K driver development kit is not part of the standard MSSDK; it costs extra (filesystem drivers alone are $1000). NT4 driver developers whose companies wouldn't foot the bill had to reverse-engineer the W2K driver model, and this produced buggy drivers (don't run NT servers in more than 640x480x4-bit). This has crashed Win2K Pro (brought the whole system down; dumb stupid graphics-in-the-kernel) several times on Allegro library []-based games that run fine in Win95/98/ME, Windows NT, DOS, and Linux.

    ( \
    XPlay Tetris On Drugs []!
  • by GriffX ( 130554 ) on Friday October 06, 2000 @07:46AM (#726092) Homepage
    But he's also Super Mario! []. Fun for all us fanboys.
  • by 2Bits ( 167227 ) on Friday October 06, 2000 @07:49AM (#726093)
    Darn you, stop posting cool things like that on /. I got a project deadline that's getting really close, you know.....

  • Installing it now.. Thank god for the T1, but curse the slow PII-300..
  • I agree that Nintendo's Mario Kart 64 software for its Nintendo 64 console had bugs in both design and implementation. Here's a small sample:

    • Wario had an unfair advantage over everybody else in deathmatch mode. This wouldn't be as bad, except...
    • Game purposely did not allow mirror matches.
    • Deathmatch only vs. human player on local machine (no CPU opponent, no provisions for modem play) unlike in SMK 16 during the X-Band days.
    • The Control Pad did not work at all, unlike in SMK 16.
    • The deathmatch music sounded real pussy, unlike in SMK 16.
    • Temporary invulnerability had its own problems:
      • Cheap. No way to counter an attack by someone with invulnerability, and the invulnerability was way too easy to camp.
      • Falling off the side of a bridge would sometimes deactivate the invulnerability powerup, but this was inconsistent unlike in SMK 16.
    • Players with the "invisibility" powerup were also invulnerable, unlike in SMK 16.
    • Banana peel was just as strong damage-wise as homing missile in deathmatch.
    • Could not backup cartridge data (unlocked tracks, time trial) to memory cartridge.

    Before you say, "That's not a bug; it's a feature," remember that Windows's BSODs are considered by some to be "a feature."

    At least the MK64 CPU cheats less than the SMK-16 CPU.

    ( \
    XPlay Tetris On Drugs []!
  • by AFCArchvile ( 221494 ) on Friday October 06, 2000 @07:50AM (#726096)
    Environment-mapped ice and bump-mapped snow. Now that would just put the finishing touch on it. Even though I'm not much of a fan of Tux or Linux itself, I'm gonna download this one as soon as I get home.

    On an offtopic note, does anyone think that a cockatiel would make a good mascot for an Australian distro of Linux? (for some Cockatiel pictures, check out

  • maybe more characters from other alternative OS's.

    You mean like this []?

    Such a Game [] already exists, with network multiplayer..

    You can play as:

    • Tux, Gown (girl penguin) or Tie (baby penguin)
    • Chuck the BSD daemon
    • A Gnome
    • The KDE dragon
    • Emacs the Gnu
    • O'Reilly vi possum
    • Redhat Shadowman
    • Suse Lizard
    • Duke (Java guy)
    • RMS
    • Linus
    • Bill the borg.

    Your enemies in single player are Clippy the paperclip, Zombies, Microsoft Certified Peons, Cobol monsterss, trolls and zombies.

    Maps include streets, offices, Linux desktops and even slashdot []. I submitted the link to slashdot 6 months ago, but they won't post it... just because it doesn't use OpenGL doesn't mean it isn't fun to play.

  • Who's the crack smoker?

    There are no games in the samples folder of the DirectX SDK (In both versions 7a and 8 RC0)..

  • I may not get to post till this weekend, takeing forever to download...
  • apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get

    How many times can you mention apt-get in a single day on Slashdot? I think right now the string "apt-get" appears more frequently on the front page than in this post. I mean, I know you love it but the way you rave about it it sounds like you want it to do you in the butt. While I'm sure it's a neat way to update/install programs, DONT MAKE IT THE FOCUS OF YOUR ENTIRE LIFE.

  • Umm... I'm not sure if this is actually going to be enough of a reason to bring linux to the masses.... I mean games are cool and all, but until we have more reliable drivers for all the cool graphics cards, they won't ever be able to compete with some of the more complex Win32 games. I think maybe some time should be spend working instead on more PRACTICAL applications, like a good Professional document publishing suite that doesn't use WINE.
  • The origianl Super Mario Kart destroys both of them.

  • If you could race other people over the internet, it would really make the game worth getting...
    Nothing like showing up those windows players who can play the better tux...

    -- Don't you hate it when people comment on other people's .sigs??
  • I could get this thing to work properly. Anyone here have any suggestions?
  • Can you imagine a whole series of games based on the animals pictured on the front of the O'Reilly Nutshell books?!?

    The question is, what will they do with the Cow from Practical C Programming?

  • Did anyone notice the requirements on Ingava []?... To bad I got linux so I can't install it :(

  • Which means I won't be able to play it at work all afternoon. Damnit!

    Uh, yes it does. It works flawlessly on my P3-500 running fully patched Win2k Pro, and a 3dfx V3 1k 16mb.

  • There *is* a MarioKart64 clone for Linux, it's here:
  • Proof that Linux is more reliable than Windows?

    Look at the screenshot [] where Tux is cruising at 174 km/h.

    Hot damn. Even on ice, anyone that can avoid bursting into flames when sliding on their stomach at that speed HAS to be the ruler.. of.. well, something.

    Last time I gave a Windows CD that much friction, it wouldn't even install anymore (CD under tire, pop the clutch, we've all done stuff like that, right?).

  • was he balancing load with his debian shirt mention as well? and when he mentioned apt-get a few days ago? if debian users use apt-get typically, that's where they'll look in the first place, assuming the software is any good. it doesn't need mentioning. at all. when posting about certain new software, does he mention that open|freeBSD users can get it by using the ports collection? no. it doesn't need mentioning, as those users will look there first. really, it's nothing more than blatant and deliberate advertising, although it's nice to see you try to give him the benefit of the doubt. seems like another person in this thread feels the same way as i do (and no, it was not me posting anonymously)
  • Environment-mapped ice and bump-mapped snow. Now that would just put the finishing touch on it.

    Sounds like you are infatuated with the fact that you can. But wait-- shouldn't you stop to think if you should?

  • .Of course, we'd have to think of something to represent Be too; any Be users know of a candidate? The BeOS already has a representative--it's a no-show, but in the distance you always see someone jumping up and down trying to catch a BONE in the sky :-/ The Windows logo could be a super-powerup--any other OS mascot that grabs it and consumes it automatically gets superpowers and the entire Windows user base of whining end-users... ok, maybe not this last part.
  • Well, even ignoring the fact that this isn't meant to be the next big, immensly popular hit game, you ought to lighten up. First: these programmers wanted to make a game; part of the whole 'open source' thing (or 'free software', for that matter) is that people work on what they want to work on. Second: There are already publishing programs for Linux (if you think you need something more, then go ahead and use Wine. Not Whine, Wine. Or write one yourself.) Third: besides office and internet products, games are almost certainly the most popular programs. (I don't know the numbers, so I can't say how they rank as compared to the other two.) So this is a great way to get some more people to see Linux in action.
  • We've thought about this, but haven't decided which way to go yet.

    Maybe we'll post a poll on the site...
  • It's the same in most entertainment industries. Remeber "Blair Witch Project"?
  • Another troll bites the dust.
  • Okay, so we're reached the point where the mere mention of Linux or its theme animal make something worthy of posting?

    There are a TON of free games and free game demos out on the net. It must be nice for this one's author to get so mnay free hits just for tossing in a penguin...

  • Penguins in general might mean that, but this is TUX! He's fat, he's lazy, he does nothing but sit there with a stupid grin on his face. It's everything every aspiring UNIX admin should be, and more!
  • Install service pack 1, that improved my game speeds a lot.

    Also the voodoo 5500 might have helped too
  • At least he didn't say Battlefield Earth. Good book but have no clue about the movie. I heard too much about the movie to go ruin the experience at the theatre.

  • Are you using Win9x or Win NT or Win2k? I am using Win2k and it crawls. Hell, it sits at that opening screen and chews up 99% of system resources. I'll have to give it a go on 98 and see how it does...
  • from the online manual: Note that you will need a hardware-accelerated implementation of OpenGL in order for Tux Racer to be playable.
  • It runs very quickly on my PIII 450, TNT2.
    Crappy vid drivers perhaps?
  • Tux Racer is and always will be an open source Linux game. There is nothing shady going on here. Sunspire is not a big faceless corporation. We're just a bunch of graphics geeks from Waterloo. We hope to maintain goodwill and popularity by keeping Tux Racer an open source product. We do need to make a living somehow, so we hope to create high quality course packs and pretty shrink wrapped boxes with CDs and manuals. These will be sold for a small fee. We can also possibly make some income for advertising billboards on the sides of courses. Check us out in November when this should all be ready (along with more free features.) We hope people (particularly /. types) will support our efforts with an open source game development model. We really don't appreciate being refered to as "shady." - CEO Sunspire -
  • Gaming industry is just the same as IT. Everyone expects the same company to churn out quality software all the time, mayit be ID Software or someone else. But sometimes some unknown group of people put together a gem and it takes the industry by its balls. There are quite a few of them which has proved that it doesnt always take an established company to churn out something good.

    Sometimes individuals or groups of people are enough. For eg. Serious Sam, the new First PErson Shooter from Croteam, a small group of people in Croatia has put out a beautiful engine which could handle vast detailed areas, just like what Doom used to do. I get incredible framerates with 32 bit color on my GTS card. Its rumored that Croteam could very well have put out an engine which would rival the Quake3 engine when it comes to OpenGL.

    Same goes for another demo called XIsle, which could be found from the Nvidia downloads page, which should be coming out soon, which again is truly a work of art. Last but not the least, GunMan Chronicles, which started out as a mod for Quake2 and then got ported to be a Half Life mod, is not being released by Valve as a new Game.

    Its gonna be a "take no prisoners" battle ahead for 3D Game Engines. And when ID comes out with their new engine for Doom, I could only wait breathlessly because every day of my life, I fall in love with Quake3 Engine.
  • by gtx ( 204552 ) on Friday October 06, 2000 @07:56AM (#726127) Homepage
    i don't think that TuxRacer for windows will have quite the desired effect.

    maybe it's just me. What they should do is have a real small linux kernel hidden in the binary and if you beat the game, it loads it into memory. If you lose, well, you get windows.
  • Can you imagine a whole series of games based on the animals pictured on the front of the O'Reilly Nutshell books?!?

    Come to think of it ... I'd love to play the Camel Racer game :)

  • I'm getting sick and tired of being moderated down for ccomments.

    I like to participate in slashdot discussions, but every time I post something it seems, I get mod'ed down to 1 because my post is overrated. What's the fucking point of the plus 1 bonus then?

    Apparently me having trouble running the software in the featured article on a specific os is of no interest to anyone and therefore should be fucked straight to hell.

    I hate bullshit moderators who strike anything down because it's not their fancy instead of basing their decisions on any bit of intelligence.

  • apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get apt-get

    I sure hope this is steganography and not just a cry for help.

  • If you still think that Mario Kart 64 is the best multiplayer go-cart racer out there, you obviously haven't tried Crash Team Racing for the Playstation. Its a clone, but a superior clone.
  • not me, I had a 100Kbps download rate from Tucows. Maybe it would help if you had T1 access.
  • NVIDIA's drivers for XFree 4.0 are built off the same codebase as their Windows Detonators. Linux with those babies is ready right now for anything Carmack can toss out.

    And what's wrong with WINE, anyway? Half-Life/Counterstrike in it's full OpenGL glory via WINE is quite fun, and you'd be hard pressed to make a native port run faster in any significant way.
  • For once I'm ahead of the /. crowd. I have had the new version of Tux-racer for three days now.
    It is quite slick (especially when compared to the 0.12 release). I have ran into some problems with it, however. The most noticeable one is that it segfaults alot. Some tracks just won't work.

    The other is that it requires very up to date Open GL. On my machine at home I had to download the latest Mesa to get the right header files (the nvidia xf86-4.0 drivers had the right routines) on my machine at work, which is still running the nvidia hacked xf86-3.3.5 server, it won't link.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • I've been playing for the last few days since it game out and I have to say that my favorite practice race is "Who Says Penguins Can't Fly?"
    Nothing beats the insane speed and air you can get in this course. My current record is 1:36 with 48 Herring.
    Anyone better?
  • "It ain't no Mario Kart 64, but then again, what is?"
    uhh.. Mario Kart 64. do i get my prize now?
  • What's wrong with apt-get, or Debian? Taco's right. All I had to type was "apt-get install tuxracer; tuxracer" and I was playing this game. To me, that is cool. And apparently to the other happy users of Debian. No one forces you to agree.
  • You ever heard the song - Cows With Guns []?

    Well, I'm sure we could produce some sort of Doom/Quake clone ... ;-)

  • Yeah, but in the screenshot, Tux has no fish.

    That is not a happy penguin.

    Must have fish, or can't compile.

  • Well, it's rather refreshing to see a game give realistic minimum requirements. Good job.

    Min. specs are given as P200MMX, 64MB and a fully supported OpenGL card. My setup is a P208/83MMX, 64MB and a nVidia Riva128 4MB, and I managed to get through the first level. Sure, the framerate is atrocious (I guess under 15 fps), but playable ;-)
  • "are there any Aussie pets that exude the qualities of speed, flexibility and stability?"

    Sure! I think that the cockatiel fits those criteria:

    Speed: Ever tried to run after your 'tiel when he's flying around? Not very easy.

    Flexibility: Just look at it when they stretch one wing! That's one of the coolest things that they do.

    Stability: My tiel, Spike, keeps his balance pretty well. On shaky ground, he extends his wings in the air, and if it gets too shaky, he takes off for a new perch!

  • You can speed it up a lot by tweaking your ~/.tuxracer/options
    i went from 8-15fps to 20-40fps by turning down the lod, and making tux simpler, (and i think turning off particle generation although im not sure)
    its all the better at 30fps.... (and the environment mapping looks amazing)

    Peter Allen

    It was pity stayed his hand.
    "Pity I don't have any more bullets," thought Frito.
  • Ever looked at wet ice? That's where the environment-mapped surface fits in. How about snow? Most winter 3D games I've seen have tesselated slopes. This might do at least something to boost the detail (that and light control).

  • The source is available on the site. Why not add it in?

    Hackers.... Start you editors!

  • i find it amusing that a penguin is a representative symbol for linux. tux the linux penguin. hee hee. only, haven't penguins been used for generations by expressly non-open source type companies? i know up here in canada, conglomerates such as canada dry (part of pepsico i believe) and several major dry cleaning corporations (sketchley's, etc.) have used penguins as a symbol of restrictive order, some teamwork, but mostly droned out animals. similar to the old joke about women dressing their men up in tuxedos cuz they're all the same anyway - that's an old joke but it has a kernel of truth, yes?

    the penguin hardly symbolizes the open source movement as one of teamwork, progress and widescope. it has become a symbol of similarity and loss of identity which hopefully open source does not promote.

    1. The Meaning of Life []

The price one pays for pursuing any profession, or calling, is an intimate knowledge of its ugly side. -- James Baldwin
