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TuxBox: Rising from Indrema's ashes 145

NoSony writes: "Kind of funny that LinuxToday gets a lot of the best NewsForge stories before Slashdot, considering I thought you guys had the same owners, but you ought to check out this one about TuxBox, which is a new project trying to do what Indrema failed to do - make a true open source console gaming system. I sure hope they succeed." Well, good luck.
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TuxBox: Rising from Indrema's ashes

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    With the slogan: TuxBox, The Ultimate X-Box? I can see busy Microsoft lawyers already.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    IMHO, the only way this would make sense is if the box were underpowered. It simply wouldn't be feasible for a hobbiest, or open-source game to be developed to take full advantage of, say, the X-Box or PS2's capabilities; that costs millions of dollars in code and asset production. Instead, something like the PS1 or even a NES would be nice. Plus... the gameplay would be better ;)
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Uh, profit isn't exactly the point. It's like this. People want to build the TuxBox because they like development and shared resources. People enjoy the fact that they can see how a gome works. Edit the game, or even write their own games. This isn't really a business like thing. They don't really intend to make a lot of money.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    T-shirt sales?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Off the shelf components and prices:
    120 Athlon 900Mhz AXIA (runs at 1.3-1.5V)
    100 256MB PC133 SDRAM
    80 FIC SocketA Mobo w/Savage4 int video
    60 DVD drive
    30 Cheapo-case+250Watt PS
    25 SB Live Value Soundcard
    40 NIC, Keyboard, mouse and Floppy.
    5 Box of floppies to save your games.
    0 Diskless Linux Boot CD

    Mass produced it would probably cost about $350, or $400 with a Geforce 2 card.

    The problem is games. Not emulator roms or WINE playable games but native linux ones. There are few "commercial" quality ones. The mass market likes its FMV clips, however they detract from gameplay. I'll be making some in the next six months. Hopefully after the source is worth releasing people will use it for their own , adding models etc.

    Prepare for OpenGGL. The Open Source, free as in free Gnu Games Library. Textures, Models, Sounds and engines. Side scroller engine/devkit will be out first, then RTS type, then FPS. Make your models now. Make maps. GIVE them away. Hide obscene comments in the code to mark it yours :)
  • Add a TV capture card and a 40GB+ HD (and maybe a CD burner) and you would have something that could give Tivo/Replay a run for their money. Play games, watch DVD movies, surf, do email and record programs, all with one box. That would be usefull. Just another game console, open source or not, wouldn't make it. This type of box is my next project. I still haven't found a good source of black desk top cases yet, though. Cpt_Kirks
  • The funny part is - that if MS was choosing AMD as it's processor for the XBox - then Intel would have been developed a game console with Linux! Ask Intel employees who where envolved with this and they'll tell you about it.

    Now, regarding this console thing - it might be succseed - if they can find a partner who will create the motherboard, chipsets, and all the stuff that it's needed. Of course - any manufacturer will tell you that they will manufacture it for you - by the thousands - only if you put some cold hard cash money up-front.

    And I'm not mentioning stuff like DVD playing which will need special license to fully playback DVD's with all the navigational stuff (IFO parsing etc..), writing special drivers for the various joysticks which aren't supported yet (force feedback stuff, etc), and convincing some commercial companies to write games for it...

    But if they'll pull this off - I'll be another person to buy it.
  • Yeah, and you have to remember there's convergence. I know a lot of musician types who would _like_ to be running Linux but aren't really up to it.

    I can supply an example [], as well. Here's the deal- a lot of the skills needed are specialised. Computer geeks don't necessarily know squat about how to (for instance) make sound that is really, seriously impressive. But _other_ types of geeks, like sound engineering geeks *bows* do have that technology and the knowledge base to know what to do. And you'll find that some of them (like me) resonate with the computer geek Free Software GNU-oriented approach.

    My 'Mastering Tools' software is Free- it's GPLed. It's not C- in fact it only understands a certain type of AIFF file because I'm not programmer enough (yet) to really have the file handling routines down, seeing as I'm making sense out of the very expandable AIFF format byte-by-byte, and trying to do everything with just two file streams and no buffers.

    But although it's weak from a programming standpoint, it's got two serious dither algorithms and various sonic enhancers and all of it could be put together to make a sort of SDK for a Free game console- and since this is my scene, I am certain that it could kick the butt of X-Box or whatever else is coming out there. Sure, it's only audio, but it's _there_ to be used- but you've gotta be open source to use it. And I've done enough work with digital mastering, and have enough contacts with pro mastering engineers, to inspire and produce a sound infrastructure that would _really_ kick, hurt, stomp and maim generic sound routines such as we're likely to see in X-Box et al, or even PS2 etc.

    The trick is to do all the sound mixing on a high resolution mix buss like 32-bit floating point- and then reduce it to 16 bit to feed to affordable DACs using professional techniques, not the lame truncation or TPDF dither that the commercial consoles are likely to use (if that- I would not be at all surprised to learn they did everything on a 16 bit buss). This is so totally do-able, and I'd be delighted to work with anyone who's doing Free software and wishes to do things like this. It's about knowing what to do, who to ask. For instance, who here has ever heard of sidechain compression (the _audio_ compression)? Turns out that's not only an old mastering engineer trick to add lushness and detail, but it is also very easily doable realtime with just a few extra variables. I've got a 'primitive root residue' dither that sounds very deep and more importantly is fast as hell to compute- not that this matters so terribly much with today's processors! Picture something like Quake 3's sounds, only instead of being roughly mixed by a tinny 3D sound card, you'd have them coming through four channels of high-end surround sound with subtle compression and loads of soundstage depth from even non-optimal speakers- fully immersive sound _textures_ that really brought you into the game. A lot of that could be done just through proper design of the system audio busses... and the code's GPL and ready to be taken and adapted...

    Mind you- this work is still going to be done whether Linux game people pick up on it or not. It's not being done _for_ 'TuxBox'. It's being done for pro quality digital mastering. But the Linux movement has started to affect people outside the arena of just raw coding- I'm not sure anyone on Slashdot would know this, but mastering engineers _and_ radio station technical people are being boxed into a corner by corporate brainlessness, overcompression and an industry-driven, listener-hostile 'arms race' of CD and radio loudness. There's a huge amount of dissatisfaction with this- and understandably, some people (like me, obviously) react to this dissatisfation by rebelling, doing stuff that makes no concessions to corporate fashion, and sacrificing mass media access- and the GNU camp just sits there, looking appealing, saying 'You can put your stuff out and share with people who will share with you, and bring whatever you have to offer to the table- do it the best you can and see where it takes you!'

    I have to wonder what people are out there working in visual imaging, AI, 3D API writing, game concepts etc. who are also being frustrated and turning to the principles of Free software. I see things like this from time to time, and then I ignore them, because that's not my field. I'm the one who's doing Free work in high end digital audio. They probably have no idea who I am, either.

    But add enough of these non-communicating, marginalized people together, and you'll really have something. Aren't there people working on Free _hardware_? That blows my mind. But I suppose it would blow theirs if they knew they could spec out a severely competitive audio subsystem for cheap using regular 16-bit DACs just by knowing what parts had to be overbuilt (coupling caps, DAC or DAC buffer power supply caps), and applying software to 'master' the output busses of the system.

    I agree with jfunk- "For just about anything creative, you'll find people not only willing, but enthusiastic.". But do you know how far it extends? Neither do I, because I'm not competent to spot which 3D coders or board designers are really hot. I just know that there's some overlap between the Free stuff _I_ do, and the Free game console being talked about. And I'm not going to chase it, I've got a _lot_ else to do- but I write GPLed code for a reason, and will do absolutely everything I can to help anyone who _wants_ help that I can provide. We all benefit by cooperation. That's too easily forgotten.

    Chris Johnson

  • By all means. I am more than happy to help it out for some of those purposes (the sound-oriented ones). I've been trying to find people who are _doing_ something toward an open console, to persuade them to go with a 32-bit floating point audio internal buss and my GPLed dithering algorithms. You might not be aware that pretty much all the really high performance dither and noise shaping routines suffer from a bad case of 'proprietary-itis'. I decided to kick their asses a bit. *G*

    Mind you, if nothing ever comes together, I'll keep doing that work: I do it for my studio and digital mastering needs. It just _happens_ to be totally applicable to a Free console. Maybe not everyone feels you need to have the equivalent of 24-bit audio and professional mastering-quality onboard dynamics processing on a game console- but seriously, why not?

    Aim for the stars, indeed.

  • I never said you should do things just the same way the previous guys did. THAT would probably be pretty dumb.

  • by Danse ( 1026 ) on Wednesday April 18, 2001 @12:47PM (#281422)

    Yeah, whenever someone fails at something, we should just give up on that thing forever. People don't seem to understand this.

  • I can't believe you people, I really can't.

    What if Linus had heard this crap 10 years ago when he decided he wanted to write his own OS? "You have no hope of ever succeeding. You'd be going up against two massive companies, Microsoft and Apple. Between the two of them they've got the OS world locked up tight!" Would we be here today? Would we have a website like Slashdot to bemoan the fact that we have choices and that everyone can do their own thing?

    Bah! Fsck that!

    An open game console has the same potential an open OS does. Linux made us (Those of us who aren't old enough to remember the good old/bad old days of UNIX on the mainframe in the '70's) realize that the world doesn't belong to huge mega corporations to carve up and dole out as they see fit.

    An Open console has the potential to be anything. Hell with the right hardware, it can be a game machine, security system, sound system, mp3 player, dvd player (Though we'll probably have to fight The Man for those two), thin client... My imagination fails me.

    For all those who see the potential, aim for the stars. For those who don't, have fun playing your Poke Mon, Mortal Kombat, and Mario Brothers retreads.
  • True. But all the GPL'd game code in the world isn't going to mean squat to your graphics and music anyway. Quake1 is GPL but their graphics and music aren't. Doom is freeeware, but their graphics and music are still copyrighted.

    Open Source doesn't mean no one gets paid.
  • Actually, having someone selling PCs configured to be good for playing Linux games is essentially trivial (once you've worked out the system specs once-- and many people have already for their own purposes). Then all you do is buy parts, build the machines, test them, and ship them out. If you can skip some hardware (doesn't need that big a hard drive, doesn't need a monitor if it does TV out), you have a box at about normal console prices.
  • Will it succeed? Not any time soon. Will it fail? Probably not. Sega got out of the business because they're a business and have to do well. If this works like most open source projects, they'll probably not be depending on it having a lot of income to pay the workers. They could just put it together, sell it for cost of parts + time, and do fine because the people have day jobs (or whatever they do in their non-spare time). At a minimum, they could exist as a hardware suggestion list, a simple Linux distribution, and a list of open source games.

    If nothing else, this could end up as a linux gaming site that doesn't assume you've already got the hardware, but tells you what's the best buy as far as support (with the exact system configuration, so you don't run into compatibility problems with similar hardware) and price, etc. Even that would be useful, as a direct way to make it more worthwhile to support Linux well.

    If they get a reasonable number of orders, they could actually assemble the systems themselves, and make it even more straightforward to get such a machine set up.

    In any case, it would give developers an idea of what system configuration would be good for them to have when trying to port games to Linux. If they already want to support Linux desktop boxes, they might as well support this, too, since it should be a no-op.
  • c) There will be no quality control, 99% of the games for this thing will be crap.

    I can't believe that you of all people would fall for this argument (or that you'd use Microsoft's Moronic HTML [], but that's another matter :-). Sure, I believe the TuxBox will fail, for most of the same reasons that Indrema did, but quality control won't come into it. Official submission may increase the quality of the end product, but if it does so, it's not by much. Does the vast quantities of useless apps currently available for Windows (or for that matter, Linux []) make the quality apps any worse? No? So why do you think it would do the same for TuxBox? Yes, the gaming market is very competetive, and obsoletes products and technology even quicker than the mainstream software market, so there is a certain amount to pressure to release before the product is fully ready, but I doubt that'll be sufficient to cause a significant drop in quality. The key to the long term success of any platform is an unrestricted third party development market. Sadly, it's just not economically feasible to do this in the console market now, so we're stuck with the current situation. Even MS backed away from their initial stance of not requiring approval for Xbox games.

  • by ChaosDiscord ( 4913 ) on Wednesday April 18, 2001 @01:50PM (#281428) Homepage Journal
    Sure, it's great and all that it's running on linux, but why ELSE would I wanna buy your machine over someone else's?

    Because there are plenty of cool games for it.

    Of course, for there to be plenty of cool games for it, you'll need lots of mainstream developers excited about the system and wanting to develop for it.

    What would excite a developer? How about little to no licensing fees? Right now, developing a console title means you give big bucks to console manufacter for the initial development kit and licensing rights for every copy you produce. You're kissing a healthy chunk of potential profit goodbye. In fact, if your game only does modestly well, the console manufacterer can get rich off of your licensing fees while you make nothing.

    How about never waiting for the console manufacturer to help you. Development teams often beat their heads against bugs black box libraries from the console manufacturer. Open source means you have freedom to solve your own problems.

    Will this work? I have no idea. But I think it's possible.

  • The big problem with this is that they *have* a system to tinker with right now that's free, and almost nobody takes advantage of it! Lots of people play games on PCs, but try and find many games as complex as Mechwarrior 4 or Black and White that are Open Source that someone decided to just kick around. Hell, try and find many games as complex as Mechwarrior I!

    Moreover, these open source consoles seem to rely on PC hardware. Why not just make games for the PC? It's cheaper to distribute your stuff, most people that care about Open Source at all have one, and you don't even need to go out and buy anything fancy.
  • I wish that were so. Damn, the only time /. was more than half non-suck was when it was just Taco and Hemos. Once they started getting all these other jackasses (Roblimo is my personal favorite) it started to go downhill.
  • The point isn't to land EA right off the bat. It's just to have the open console in the first place.

    I think the key thing here is them doing it as a hobby, on-the-side thing. It doesn't sound like they're planning on making much money. Which means not making money won't kill them. They don't need to take off, they can stand to slowly build up over time.

    Kind like Linux. :)
  • it will be very difficult to market this. Domination by Nintendo and Sony in the marketplace is going to cause it to utimately fail...

    Don't make the same mistake and look like vaporware, oh wait... :)
  • Dreamcast is currently the best gaming system. Where else can you get near PS2 performance for $150 ($99 for system and a bunch of games from I love the analog buttons on the bottom, they are great for proportional gas and brake.
  • If I were a developer, I would get a bunch more excited about a locked-down Linux console platform than a Linux-on-the-desktop platform.

    Heck, even die-hard geeks get annoyed with libc upgrades and the like, and who knows whether you can get a high-performance game running on a Linux system that's been geeked out on for more than a year. The library mish-mash could be frightening.

    Along with the constraints of not being able to upgrade the console easily, you get the freedom of not worrying about installs, and not worrying about incompatibilities. That clears two of the major hurdles Linux has, leaving you with mostly pros on the balance of things.

    Is that enticing enough? I doubt it. The whole gaming thing seems to run on huge piles of money and that's one thing open source is not good at. (Could be a blessing in disguise, actually...). However, I think its fun to watch, and apparently others do too, as the Indrema popularity has shown.


  • Indrema is the Amiga of the 21st century!

    This thing will never die!
  • The advantage a console has over a PC is that it is a fixed platform. A Dreamcast (200Mhz CPU, 16Mb RAM, 8Mb VRAM, & graphics card roughly equivalent to a TNT...) will have games that look pretty much as good as a much more powerful PC (Let's say... 500Mhz, 64Mb Ram + TNT 2 Ultra...), . It is easier to optimise a game if you know exactly what hardware it will run on.
  • ...learn from others mistakes?

    No, actually they don't. Or rather; many people don't learn from others mistakes. It seems to me (through empirical data, i.e. experience ;)) that although people see other people fail over and over again, they still seem to think that they are going to get it right.

    This is very strange, but it probably has something to do with peoples strong faith in themselves and their abilities.

    Do they learn when they eventually fail, you may ask? Well, some people do, and become smarter. Others don't, continue to use the same methods as they've always used, and continue to fail.

    People are strange.
  • Umm, it's Linux. Last I checked, there's already drivers for Nvidia hardware under Linux, right? Granted it's binary only, but that's neither here nor there. Seeing as this Indrema replacement is being called a TuxBox, I think it's fairly obvious what it will be running.
  • Because it's what *I* want. Fair enough? If not, then look at it this way. If we're talking about an open spec box, so that you can make your PC "TuxBox compliant," which are you going to pick?

    Granted, I was off on the main chip. The math still states that this machine is going to break $300, not accounting for OEM discounts, since I'm not an OEM.
  • by Raptor CK ( 10482 ) on Wednesday April 18, 2001 @01:01PM (#281440) Journal
    Consoles are always loss leaders, and this can't be an exception if they still plan on using an Nvidia chip. That alone will cost $300 and up for a GeForce 2 class video card.
    If they're going to open it up, they might as well go for completely off the shelf parts, and tell gamers to build it for themselves.
    How? Pick a motherboard, a specific network card, hard disk, video card, sound card, etc. What you end up with is a PC, yes, but it's a PC with very specific expected design considerations.

    What they also get from this is a new standard for PC games to develop for. Since each game would have to have its own boot code, you suddenly get a game that will play on most PCs out there as well, depending on the specs you pick. Most sound cards are the same. Pick the right network card (or don't, and just rely on module loading for that), and only target Nvidia cards, are how much are you really losing in terms of a market?

    I wouldn't expect it to be immensely profitable, but you'd gain *some* users from this without having to sell a console at all.

  • by Christopher Thomas ( 11717 ) on Wednesday April 18, 2001 @12:31PM (#281441)
    They claim that they can put together a console for $350.

    They'd better not be planning to do it with PC parts. Heck, even console makers that can use custom chips and boards to minimize parts count end up selling the hardware below cost.

    How do the TuxBox people intend to build their console for the price they claim?

    (I can think of a couple of approaches, but they involve using sub-optimal hardware or else having a large amount of development and fab funding.)
  • But if you've had three sports stores in the same location close down, what makes you think that yours will actually succeed?
  • When you see other soldiers run over the hill and get shot up, normal people would learn not to run over the same hill.
  • Alternatively, look at the Quake3 engine games. FAKK2, Alice, and Elite Force, to name a few. Sure, Elite Force is just your standard FPS with a Star Trek theme, but FAKK2 is more like "Tomb Raider meets a nice engine with great gameplay and control". And Alice is just freakin' weird. Or what about the LithTech engine? Lots of different stuff going on with that. Sure, it can do the standard FPS (Shogo, Blood2, No One Lives Forever), but it can do a whole lot more as well (Sanity, for instance).

    In today's game market, where everybody's expected to up the ante from what's come before, licensing an engine (including good support from the engine developers, and the source code to add your own features) is a great way to get a game up and running quickly without spending massive amounts of time and money on Yet Another Game Engine, so you can focus more on gameplay, art, and advanced engine features.

    Half-Life is in a weird situation, when it comes to game engines, as it's based on an amalgamation of the Quake 1 and Quake 2 engines. Valve can't legally license out that engine for other developers to use. What they can do, however, is hire teams of mod developers to modify the game (Counter-Strike, Gunman), and then publish that themselves (TFC and Op-For don't count, since they're in-house works by Valve).

  • as far as I know there isn't anything you can't do with the Unreal Tournament....your only limit is your knowledge of Java.

    The Unreal engine has absolutely nothing to do with Java, at all. Perhaps you're thinking about UnrealScript, the scripting language used by the Unreal engine (and thus, all Unreal-based games, like Unreal, UT, Deus Ex, Wheel of Time, Rune, etc). Uscript is java-ish, but it's still a whole different beast, with a lot of neat concepts (like the inclusion of "states", which few (no?) other languages have, but make game scripting very easy).

    That said, there's not been a whole lot of unique games written with the Unreal technology. Sure, Deus Ex and Wheel of Time have some unique concepts, but at the core, they're still FPS games (though with more strategy than something like UT. On top of that, Deus Ex is just a poor copy of System Shock 2 with nicer graphics). Show me an innovative 3rd-person game using the Unreal engine (well, there's that DS9 game, but I rarely consider Star Trek stuff to be "innovative", and there's Rune, but that's just your standard hack&slash game with great graphics). Epic has a whole lot of potential in their Unreal technology, but they don't have any truly innovative licensees yet. Let's hope they get some, eh?

  • If I were a developer, I would get a bunch more excited about a locked-down Linux console platform than a Linux-on-the-desktop platform.

    The problem here is that the TuxBox isn't going to be locked-down. From the TuxBox FAQ page:

    What do you mean "open source"?
    The TuxBox, like many other open source projects, will be customizable. If you wanted to upgrade a certain piece of hardware, that would be possible on the Tuxbox. Open source will also mean that the everyday developer can contribute code and hardware/software suggestions, and take part in the development of the TuxBox.

    In other words, it looks like this is just going to be a small form-factor PC that connects to your TV, with none of a console's traditional benefits (uniform architecture across *all* units).
  • The only sticky point here is how dependent they get on a particular graphics chip, but if they're smart they'll go through the OS to access the video card and not put too many vendor-specific calls to it (so I can have an NVidia instead of an ATI chip, for instance).

    You've apparently been out of the console scene for way too long. The point of a console is that you can write games specific to the hardware in the box, because

    1. It gives you much more control over what you want done (think all the way back to the Atari days, where games would use sync tricks to do fancy graphics that couldn't be done otherwise)
    2. It gives you much more performance. Writing directly to the hardware, while not necessarily simple on the code side of things, is much more efficient than going through even something like SDL, which abstracts out that hardware. Most game development houses will use a console's abstraction API for their first-gen game, while at the same time building up their own internal library that is just a bare skim of code above the hardware, and will use that for all subsequent games. Witness the Playstation. The reason why games have gotten more and more advanced since the 1995 release date is because nobody relies on Sony's high-level APIs anymore (which is also why the PS2 has shit for games now, because Sony, in their infinite wisdom, decided to forgo the high-level API, thus forcing companies to develop their internal tools before they could even write first-gen games, when they could've just written to the API and worked on their tools while still having a revenue stream from an early-release title)
    3. And finally, because everybody has the same hardware. The developers don't have to worry about whether you have a GeForce3, or a TNT1, or a Radeon, or a crappy old Voodoo3. They know you have whatever's in the box. Same for sound hardware, input devices (to an extent, anyway, but that's why good console companies require both software and hardware developers to get a license for "quality assurance"), memory cards, and so on. A console where all the consoles could be different is no console at all. At that point, it's a PC in a small box with a TV for a monitor.

    Oddly enough, these TuxBox guys don't seem to "get it", either, since their FAQ page explicitly says that anybody can change out the hardware of the console. Console developers develop for consoles because they like having a stable hardware platform. No console developer worth anything will target a "console" that has the same compatibility issues as a PC.

  • You're dead on Sister. Other than a few developers like Capcom and Treasure (who authored Radiant Silvergun, the most stunning graphic engine ever seen on any console period), there wasn't alot of developers who could really exploit Saturns 2D/3D capabilities.

    It's strange how the PX2 seems to be going down the same road as the Saturn, and I woudn't be surprised if Microsoft's XBox usurps the market with their developer friendly hardware and unified memory architecture.

    "come off crisp and play up to the cynic
    clean and schooled right down to the minute"

  • The hardware architecture of the TuxBox needs to be easy to work with for programmers, which was why Sony's PlayStation 1 thrashed the Saturn within an inch of it's life. If the TuxBox is programmer friendly and third party software developers can easily innovate with it, it will survive.
    I'm sure there's enough of us geeks willing to support it.

    Consoles live and die by third-party support (or lack thereof). Just ask Atari, Sega and 3DO.

    "come off crisp and play up to the cynic
    clean and schooled right down to the minute"

  • If TuxBox doesn't plan lots of in-house game development, where do they think the profits will come from? They can't license third-party developers, because an open-sourced development platform will be wide open to any developers.

    I'm sure they're looking at RedHat and licking their chops. RedHat doesn't necessarily make the apps - they just put a little dev time into the platform itself and package it. However, RedHat had the edge in that their boxed product had next to zero cost! You can't say that about a game console, costs are huge.
  • A soccer mom would look at the box and go, hey I can get this one with 30 games or an Xbox or PS2 with maybe 1 if your lucky

    Oh, yeah, right, soccer moms make video game purchases based on cost. They pay no attention to their screaming kids that demand Brand X because it's so heavily marketed on TV. Riiiight. If that was the case, we'd be seeing huge sales numbers on Atari 2600's that go for $25 on Ebay with tons of games, and the Sony Playstation never would have sold a single copy. All school kids would be wearing generic clothes from Wal-Mart and cheap shoes from Payless.

    Don't kid yourself, this is a very brand-conscious market. Advertising makes a world of difference in consoles. That's precisely why MS is boosting the hype now, long before their console will even see the light of day.
  • Slightly bad move, what they should do is make cheap games say uner $10.00 US. Lets face it the thought of free my sound inspiring, but it won't you you far, however it will make you broke really fast. Create a pay pal account and have users of their games give what they can under $10.00 (US)

    Reread their site - they're not planning on doing game development, so the revenue stream wouldn't actually help them. Your business model would require game developers to charge $10, something more akin to shareware. While id Games may have started that way, I don't think it's a model that most of us aspire to. I can make more money at my day job.

    why not approach some of the game developers with an idea of porting all games to their box, and a small price

    That was the tack Sega took: the Dreamcast was based on CE, so it was actually really easy to port Windows DirectX games over. That project was a beautiful failure, but a failure nonetheless.

    Think about it Zelda X on this machine would rock, and everyone would enjoy it

    And it wouldn't rock on the Xbox or PS2 or Nintendo cube? This box is going to cost $350, so why would I invest in it over a platform that has tons of games?
  • by Brento ( 26177 ) <> on Wednesday April 18, 2001 @12:36PM (#281453) Homepage
    Linux games pretty well lack the development effort thrown into Windows games, and my (lame) business sense tells me that it's because there just aren't enough Linux boxes out there.

    Now, bear with me here, but wouldn't the same logic hold through if a Linux console ever made it to the shelves? The game support would be close to nonexistent, compared with even the few games available for PS2 at its release. Nobody would buy it, and nobody would develop for it because of the missing audience.

    Sega, a company with a lot more than a foothold in the console business, is smart enough to get out before Microsoft and Nintendo both jump back in with full force. Sega had huge resources (well, not compared to Microsoft, but certainly compared to any open source console project) and couldn't make it work. Any new open source console could only dream (no pun intended) of the market penetration that Dreamcast got, but it still wasn't enough to ensure success. Why would it work for someone else without funding?

    What am I missing here? Why would anyone think yet another console would succeed? Even worse, why do we get excited at the thought of it?

    Pretend for just a minute that Sega was going to open-source the Dreamcast platform tomorrow. Would you start working on developing games for it? Are you more qualified than the leading developers? Do you think you could save it? Do you think anyone could? Then why start a whole new project from scratch without funding?
  • I've seen this before.

    A project fails and someone with absolutely no clue jumps to capture the publicity of the project.

    but Riley and Isley pledge to provide daily updates to TuxBox project members. The project also has regular IRC channel [ #tuxboxproject] where developers discuss their issues.

    They are expecting volunteers on the net to magically build a console for them because they maintain a news page and IRC channel. It's not gonna happen. Consoles take a lot of $$$ to finish and manufacture, not just skills. I worked with Sony to help create the PlayStation 2 and I can say with 100% confidence that such a product could never have been created without a serious budget, even if you delude yourself into believing you are
    saving development time by using the Linux kernel. There is a reason Indrema failed and it's all about money.

    Open consoles sound great, but really they suck. The cost of consoles is subsidized by the profits of a software titles. If the console is open then:

    a) there is no money recouped from software, and thus the hardware will be much more expensive.
    b) More expensive hardware means less sales of hardware - which means no one will want to sink development money into making new games for this thing. A port of a top ten game cost on the order of $300k-$1m to do. There aren't going to be enough units out there to make that money back.
    c) There will be no quality control, 99% of the games for this thing will be crap. Who wants to pay $600 to play crap when they can get a DreamCast/PS2 for half that with good games? A big job of Sony/Nintendo, etc is do quality control on titles (though developers hate it, its good for consumers).
    d) Marketing budgets? If your hardware is not subsidized, then you have to mark your price up further to cover marketing budgets. This further gets into the problem of lower hardware sales leading to fewer software titles etc.

    No, I don't believe the pair listed in the news article have any intention of getting out a product - merely trying to grab attention. They don't appear to have any experience in this industry, programming or business-wise. A true sign of someone who couldn't finish this project is someone who starts IRC channels.

    I think these people have read one to many stories about how Linux was created by "a lose band of volunteers" There is no parallel between how Linux was created and how a game console is created. The "kernel" is one of the least important parts of a console.

    From the Indrema mailing list:

    > From: Owen Swerkstrom
    > It will
    > > be a miracle for Microsoft to get their Xbox out
    > by fall, let alone a
    > group
    > > of open-source idealists (indremists?) to somehow
    > build up and
    > mass-produce a
    > > console from scratch.

    I think that hits the nail on the head.
  • Does the vast quantities of useless apps currently available for Windows (or for that matter, Linux) make the quality apps any worse?

    If you take what I said and apply it to the PC arena, you will see that way over 99% of the games are crap. This does affect the "quality" PC games in many ways.

    - User's expectations of PC games are lower. Because they've download and bought so many crap games, they don't expect much from a PC game in general. A user will only pay for what they expect to get, so in general PC game titles sell for less than console game titles. Because of lower profit returns on PC products coupled with higher support and product returns the publisher is able to spend a lot less on development and it's marketing.

    - Crashing, Install Problems, driver problems, etc are frequent in PC games especially in "low quality" games that aren't tested well. This scares users off from buying new games. Console games work every time, so why risk wondering if it's going to run?

    So, low quality games significantly reduce the income for developers of high quality games. The quality of a game is not always, but usually determined by the budget allocated to it. Square Soft makes some awesome titles with awesome budgets for the PS. These games would be impossible to make for the PC. There are no PC titles that have 80 full-time artists working on it...
  • by leereyno ( 32197 ) on Wednesday April 18, 2001 @03:54PM (#281456) Homepage Journal
    Both the Indrema and the X-Box are nothing but PCs stuck in funky boxes. Therefore you aren't going to get any extra performance or added features that aren't already available in a standard PC. Whoever makes them is also going to be forced to sell them below cost just to get people to buy them. There are some people who will spend four or five hundred dollars on a gaming console, but they are not the average gamer. The average gamer might spend a couple hundred dollars on a common console and as much as three hundred for a hot off the press, state of the art, kick ass, newfangled console. Of course a PC in a pretty box with a TV hookup is none of these things. Selling the console below cost means that you'll be forced to make up your profits by charging more for the games themselves. This works for Sony and Nintendo, where the company directly or indirectly controls what titles are available and gets a cut of the profits from any title sold. It won't work for a company that is encouraging others to create the games independently.

    A Linux platform for gaming already exists, its called a standard PC with a supported 3d accelerator. I'm using one right now as I write this.

    The best thing these guys could do is work to make better tools for creating games under Linux. If they're hot-shot game programmers maybe they should be contributing to a game engine like CrystalSpace. Maybe they should be working to expand the range of 3d accelerators that Linux supports. There are all sorts of effective and useful things they could be doing. Trying to create a Linux based X-Box isn't one of them. Don't be fooled into thinking that the X-Box is a great idea just because Microsoft is the one doing it. Remember Microsoft Bob? I think that the X-Box is going to be a flop in the short run. Whether it is a success in the long run I can't say, but I doubt it.

  • Hmmm, tell that to all of the artists who worked on the GIMP. What about all those guys that do backgrounds, rendered images, videos, and Flash animations for the sheer joy of it?

    Actually, replace "artist" with "developer" in your post, then look at Freshmeat and Sourceforge.

    As for musicians, look at and all of those MOD musicians in the days of yore.

    For just about anything creative, you'll find people not only willing, but enthusiastic.
  • Two weeks before I heard the news, I read a big review feauture in NexGen, the one console gaming magazine not written for 12 year-olds. It was an excellent article which I recommend getting if it's still on the news shelves.
    Sad to see that the box itself will never come out, it was one beautiful piece of silver sheen. I liked the placement of USB ports in both the front as controllers and the two in the back for other things, presumably USB modems and such.

    I hope Indrema's successors take a look at this box and come up with something as beautiful as this baby.
  • kill two birds with one stone?
  • Jaav???????? What's Java got to do with Unreal Tournament??

    "I'll take the red pill, no, blue. AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH........"
  • Yes, tuxbox is not, and will not be a company. They are a project (much like open hardware) that will be designing an open console. They will design the hardware and such, and then try to find a company to build and sell them (even if it ends up not being a game console). So, funding is not an issue for them. I really think designing the hardware and getting someone to buy it before this or next fall is really unrealistic (one could say this about the whole idea). But, in the end, if we get a nice hardware design (and no hardware), at least you get the design. Come by #tuxbox on to talk to the tuxbox people (they used to be in my channel, #indrema...but then you know what happened).

  • by daniell ( 78495 ) on Wednesday April 18, 2001 @12:53PM (#281462) Homepage
    Dreamcast may not be opened by sega; but it is being opened.

    Buy one now and help out: []

    Supported Devices: The text console, the keyboard, the broadband adaptor, the GD-ROM.

    You can use NFS and all that stuff. Now it'd be nice to have some devices/libraries to get to the graphics and sound engines.


  • I didn't want (or mean) to take anything away from the abilities of artists who have worked with GIMP. However, there's a world of difference between a wallpaper, and the quality (and amount) of art required for a AAA title.

    Tux Racer is probably the most high-profile open source title out there. As fun as it is, it simply doesn't compare graphics-wise to any commercial title. If Tux Racer can't draw the talent, what chance does dozens or hundreds of titles for this spurious new console?

  • by szcx ( 81006 ) on Wednesday April 18, 2001 @01:15PM (#281464)
    "It's the content, stupid."

    All the GPL'd game code in the world isn't going to mean squat if you can't get artists and musicians. If AAA-game quality people can be convinced that working without payment is a Good Thing, then right on. Personally, I don't see it happening. I can imagine the conversation now.

    Wannabe Game Developer: So you see, you should spend months creating content for my l33t game. It'll have lens flares and stuff.
    Artist: Okay, lets talk rates.
    Wannabe Game Developer: Oh, it's open source. You don't get paid, but people can take your art and use it in their games. Cool, eh?
    Artist: Riiight...

  • Finally, I'll have a cheap machine I can give to the girlfriend.
    After I purge Linux and install Win2K, of course.
    Which brings to mind the question: is it possible to install Win2K on vapor? That'd be some amazing hardware compatibility.
  • What, it wasn't obvious enough from the beginning that the Indrema team didn't have anything? Now we have a couple of high school students claiming they'll have a $350 prototype available in the fall that's as far along as Indrema was? Well yeah, I guess that's true if you consider that Indrema never actually produced anything.

    I love Linux: I've run it for years, I've hacked it for years, I evangelize it to everyone I can, and use it to solve problems many and sundry. However, making high-profile vaporware announcements hoping to capitalize on Linux hype only hurts everyone when it doesn't work out. (Witness Indrema.) I implore the TuxBox guys: It's *already* gone far enough. Let everyone down easy, and save us all months of bullshit. Concentrate on porting Linux to an existing console.
  • The power of Open Source will prove you wrong! All your music are belong to Richard Stallman!
  • I see that as the fundamental problem...

    1. the big guys like Sony and Nintendo have huge economies of scale in their own manufacturing opportunities. But for the little guys, it's not so easy. The per-unit cost of manufacturing alone would probably be more than the market price of existing consoles. In my opinion, this is something that was one of the primary causes of Indrema's death.

    2. And without a large number of potential buyers, commercial software companies won't develop for it. It's your classic chicken and egg situation. I could see this occupying a small niche market -- basically the people that already Linux in the first place.

    3. Ultimately, without games or buyers, no one will invest money to fund the startup costs for hardware production. That's what makes getting into the hardware business significantly more challenging than the software business!

    The lack of investors was what killed Indrema, when they were still a single prototype... cause you MUST have $$$ to advance beyond that.

  • It's quite simple really. Open source emulators for NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, Playstation, Dreamcast, Playstation 2, and XBox. ;-)

    Oh sure, they'd have an army of lawyers banging on their doors the day after they shipped their first units, but seriously, wouldn't you pay $300 or more for a console that emulate all those systems? Out of the box?

  • I mean, I didn't get Indrema's business plan either -- as they were ignoring that old console saw about "making razors and giving away the blades." Specifically, console manufacturers make profits by selling games they've written themselves and by licensing third-party developers.

    If TuxBox doesn't plan lots of in-house game development, where do they think the profits will come from? They can't license third-party developers, because an open-sourced development platform will be wide open to any developers.

  • by Wiggin ( 97119 ) on Wednesday April 18, 2001 @12:25PM (#281471)
    ...learn from others mistakes?
  • Not every plan is a business plan. Indrema were hoping to make money - in fact they failed because there was no realistic hope of that.

    These guys plan to create a console with a free SDK, open specs, and no licensing costs. They can certainly succeed in doing that. That's not succeeding where Indrema failed, it's succeeding at something realistic whereas Indrema failed at something unrealistic.

    How many people want to buy one is a different matter, but maybe a lot of people will want to build one. And why not?

    I for one would LOVE to hack together a few games for the amusement of friends and family, perhaps using a nice stable TuxBox release of Crystal Space or PyGame.

    Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo will retain their grip on the market. Let them. The market isn't everything.

  • From the looks of things by the article on News Forge I think this has a good chance, the system comes with 30 games. A soccer mom would look at the box and go, hey I can get this one with 30 games or an Xbox or PS2 with maybe 1 if your lucky or pay an extra $1000 for that many games. Such a system might not need as much marketing...

    "One World, one Web, one Program" - Microsoft promotional ad

  • most people never knew or cared if their computer was "MPC Level 1" or whatever

    Oh, really?

    When most people are considering buying software, they want to know that it will actually run on their computer. Most people have an easier time recognizing the "MPC" logo on a box, than going down the list and saying "yes, my CD-ROM is at least 2x; yes, my sound card has wave table synthesis; yes, I have at least 16-bit color on my desktop..."

    If you want to find out if a game will run on a Linux computer, there is this huge list of libraries you need to check. A guy from id Software said that one reason it was hard to sell Quake 3 Arena for Linux is that it is so hard for customers to get it working or even to know whether their Linux computer is set up to run it.

    The TUXBOX certification would mean that any TUXBOX game would, if you boot it up, just plain work. There is value to the customer there.

    P.S. I'm fond of Debian. If you use apt-get to download a game, apt-get will make sure that everything the game needs is in place.


  • by steveha ( 103154 ) on Wednesday April 18, 2001 @03:13PM (#281475) Homepage
    I don't think they need to create an actual console. It would be enough to come up with a nailed-down spec for a game platform. Then they could certify particular computers as compatible with the platform.

    "This computer is TUXBOX Level 1 compatible" If you see a sticker like that, you know that any TUXBOX Level 1 game will just run on that computer.

    Here is a possible spec for TUXBOX:

    128 MB of RAM or more

    CPU chip of 600 MHz or over

    Sound Blaster Live (any version: Value, Platinum, whatever)

    any video card from a (very short) TUXBOX-compatible list

    CD-ROM drive or DVD drive

    Then a TUXBOX CD will load a Linux kernel, X, and anything else needed for the game. Then it will run the game. So, you can boot from the game, or boot from a generic TUXBOX boot floppy, and just play.

    They should then make a TUXBOX CD disk that has about 30 games. This disk would boot to a loader that lets you choose which game. You should be able to play multiple games without rebooting. Any save game info can be saved on a floppy disk.

    And, if you are already running Linux, you know you can just pop in any TUXBOX CD and play, without having to reboot.

    If this were to happen, lots of small computer shops would burn TUXBOX CDs and give them away with the computers they sell. The computers would not even need to have Linux installed.

    If the TUXBOX spec got some momentum going, they would have a small but nice revenue stream certifying computers as TUXBOX compatible. At that point, maybe someone would actually fund a company to make consoles.


  • Console prices fall far slower than the manufacturing costs. Yes, often times boxes lose when they are introduced, but that situation generally reverses itself rather quickly.

    The only "intuitive" interface is the nipple. After that, it's all learned.
  • The important question is, how big do they expect this to be? If they're staffed on a volunteer basis, and make a profit on each box sale, then who cares how many they sell? Whether they make 5 or 5 billion, they'll still keep their heads above water.

    The only "intuitive" interface is the nipple. After that, it's all learned.
  • by Galvatron ( 115029 ) on Wednesday April 18, 2001 @12:28PM (#281478)
    Again, I'm sure, everyone will point out that there will be no benefits to an open source, linux based console. Or will there?

    Sure, Free linux games are fairly primitive right now, but the advantage of the GPL is that we never have to reinvent the wheel. Now that we have TuxRacer, anybody can go ahead and use the engine for a new racing game. If B&W gets open sourced, we'll have another great engine.

    Okay, this is a long shot, but just because Free games haven't worked so far doesn't mean there couldn't be some potential advantages.

    The only "intuitive" interface is the nipple. After that, it's all learned.

  • The big difference here: cost of development.

    For an independant developer, the cost for making this game should be fairly low - some PC's for coding on, a CD-Burner (assuming that they don't make the black or blue or weird ass colors on the back), and a Tux Box. To develop a game for the Dreamcast, for example, is the developing kit, then the special burner (unless you contract that out), then the licensing fees (unless you go "unofficial", which means your games won't sell).

    Depending on what happens here, this could be a game wanna-be developers dream - cheap, open source (so they can really look at how it works), and something they can show their friends. And, like other systems, it only takes that one "killer app" by some kid in their garage to do what nobody else thought off.

    Possible? Like I said earlier, probably not. But the possibilities are interesting.
    John "Dark Paladin" Hummel

  • by Dark Paladin ( 116525 ) <jhummel&johnhummel,net> on Wednesday April 18, 2001 @12:33PM (#281480) Homepage

    Probably not - the whole set of things needed to make this system run, and run by Fall (!) is probably an impossible task.

    But... they have the potential to truly create something new and interesting - I thought the part about "He sees developing a freeware game for TuxBox as good resume fodder for those who want to work in the industry; developers will pay just a small certification fee as insurance that the games work properly with TuxBox." an interesting idea. I mean, how many wanna-be developers can get their hands on development kits for a Playstation 2, just to kick it around and see if they can get it to work? But if this Tux Box is truly open, anyone can tinker around and figure it out. It might - just might - lead to an interesting wave of independant console developers. Imagine having your cheap-ass game out for the Tux Box (you meaning your garage game making friends) that sells for around $10 - the "fame factor" alone might make it workwhile. And you wouldn't have the whole DirectX/weird graphic card drivers crap to worry about.

    If nothing else, it could be an exercise in how Open Source development can actually make a better product, and I wish them the best. Heck, if it does everything they hope it will (without the MPAA and RIAA breathing down their necks...) I might even buy one.

    Of course, I could be wrong.
    John "Dark Paladin" Hummel

  • I've been considering building up a second box to use as an entertainment system, but this sounds like it would do most of what I'd be looking for and a lot cheaper. If it's got ethernet (so I can access my ripped DVDs and MP3s) I'm there.
  • The Sega Saturn was a multi-processor specialized machine, which required some very high level and non-standard skills to get the most out of. Those who could, put together some amazing stuff. The Sony Playstation 2 is a multi-processor specialized machine, which requires some very high level and non-standard skills to get the most out of. Nobody can yet, which is why it looks worse than a Dreamcast. It's also the console currently/soon to be available which is designed to be plugged into a television, but can alter it's signal to display on a monitor. Everything else is designed to display to a 640x480 monitor, but can downconvert to TV as appropriate. I think history will regard the PlayStation 2 as a failure, when all is said and done.
  • hey I can get this one with 30 games or an Xbox or PS2 with maybe 1 if your lucky or pay an extra $1000 for that many games. Such a system might not need as much marketing...

    Then the soccer mom comes to her senses: "Thirty games, but none of them is Pokemon. My kids want Pokemon. They love the TV show (even though it doesn't follow the games at all) and the toys (which match the TV show rather than the games). Which system has Pokemon?" and eventually walks out with a Game Boy Advance and a GAMECUBE console. That's how Nintendo takes your POcKEt MONey.

    Yes, I know they're not out yet, but GBA and GC will definitely beat (Tu)xBox to the shelf.

  • porting linux to the X-Box

    Is not viable. The Xbox will have anti-piracy measures. Anti-piracy in the console sense means anti-third-party-software, with copyrighted boot loaders [] that must match a copy in ROM bit-for-bit or "no boot for you." Would-be Linux developers would need to buy expen$$$ive SDKs in order to develop for the beast. And the console model is incompatible with the GPL, as there is no way to load end-user-compiled software onto the machine.

  • "Both the Indrema and the X-Box are nothing but PCs stuck in funky boxes"

    Ultimately, *every* console is a "PC stuck in a funky box." I think you'll be surprised at how much of an Xbox is *not* traditional PC hardware/software.

    Nintendo's upcoming GAMECUBE is using a PowerPC processor. The Playstation2 uses a DVD drive.

    Ultimately, all the major next-gen consoles share things in common with the desktop.

    _Adam Poulos ;

  • And you pretty much get the same experience with no real innovation. Or maybe more time to do nothing but innovate. No one really knows, but we can all speculate.

    I'll just go by what happened with Half Life. Half Life is a great game, and so is Team Fortress Classic, as is Counter-Strike, but is either a really different experience than the others? The objectives are different, some may be more fun, but all in all - it's the same engine, it's the same gameplay. I would like to have many different game engines, not just a few game engines powering 20 or so "mods". But that's just my opinion.

  • Success is largely dependent on how successful their marketing strategy is. Is the PS2 really the best games platform, or is it so because Sony's marketing blitz convinces enough punters that it is?

    Just look at Microsoft, how good your software/product is, isn't nearly as important has how well it is marketed.
  • Is anyone here aware of the fact that the average PC game costs $5-10 million to produce?
  • PIII/800+GeForce2+DiskOnChip=Cheap console.
  • Put a tivo-style tv control app on top of this and you've got a killer app on your hands. Something that can be made AT HOME, runs games well, AND timeshifts my shows for me? And the best part is it is hackable/upgradable. Sounds like more fun than should be allowed by law.
  • or crack open a crate of grenades. There's more than one way to skin a cat (so to speak).

  • quoting: as they were ignoring that old console saw about "making razors and giving away the blades."

    you're a little confused.
    they gave away the razors and sold the blades.....
  • What you say about Sega vs. TuxBox could be said about IBM's OS/2 vs. Linux/BSD/.... While giant IBM couldn't make a viable operating system, other smaller groups have had great sucess.

    While I admit that the situations aren't the same, they are similar enough to make looking into TuxBox -- or a similar system -- a project that is not entirely without value.

  • Take, for example, ID. They released the source to DOOM, but still control the .WAD files of the original games. You can make a cool game open source and still control shtuff. Just separate the source and the really important data.
  • by proxima ( 165692 ) on Wednesday April 18, 2001 @02:49PM (#281495)
    All right, in an attempt to not say what everyone else has been saying, here are my thoughts.

    According to this page [] this box will have a 750 Mhz duron processor with 64 MB of RAM. I run a 700 Mhz duron with 196 MB of RAM, and they aren't very expensive. My motherboard (an Abit designed for overclocking, if I feel like it) was by far the most expensive component, but my processor was only $55. 64 MB of RAM is only $30. These are consumer prices, not mass wholesale prices. I'd imagine they could probably get a motherboard custom made for about $50-75 without any expansion slots in mass. Then of course they need their custom cases, which I have no idea how much they cost. Last but not least are the hard drive and video card, and dvd drive (I'm assuming networking and USB is built onto motherboard).

    With that said, I think they could manage to mass produce these for the $350 sale price selling them at cost. However, there is no way they'll be done by fall. Pessimistic, yes, but it's already mid-April and they don't even have a prototype unit built, so the stages of development and testing cannot possibly be started.

    Moving along, I think it's a wonderful project, and it could very likely be my first console I will buy since the original NES (yes, it was computer games after that for me). On the other hand, I wouldn't mind a sort of emulator that would be able to read TuxBox games and play them on my (almost exact TuxBox equivalent) PC. The only sticky point here is how dependent they get on a particular graphics chip, but if they're smart they'll go through the OS to access the video card and not put too many vendor-specific calls to it (so I can have an NVidia instead of an ATI chip, for instance).

    Last, about making money, everyone has been saying how they can't make money with those prices and that target date. Here's the thing - it's a volunteer effort, with no apparent desire to make loads of money off of it (though it isn't exactly nonprofit). That means the only real overhead is the hardware and marketing, which apparently are being supported by the members of the TuxBox community, which is growing. This is the point where I see the TuxBox project failing, due to lack of funding, but we'll see.

    If you like the concepts behind this project, I think we could all find a way to support it. Perhaps they should turn the project officially non-profit and set up a page for donations to buy prototype hardware and support marketing expense. Think, the first open-source and non-profit console ever created.

    Oh, one more thing. I doubt a first-generation open-source device will reasonably compete with the major consoles. Microsoft has the XBox in development for a few years now, and they're having a hard time coming up with the release by fall, so you know it's a complicated and difficult project. PS 2 has the market with the PS 1, being solid fun platforms well supported by developers. Nintendo will probably release its GameCube early next year. I think it will take a second-generation device to truly have the polish that consoles need - stability, playability, and developer support.

  • ...would not be in the mass market.

    Game consoles gain popularity and longevity from their excusive titles. The odds of a small (in comparison) company who's just entering the game market getting a exclusive licence to the next killer app, is slim to none.

    But that's OK, because I see the real use of a console such as this as a platform for hobbiests and other bored programmers (heh) to write for and distribute. IMHO, it would basiclly become a cult thing (but hey, RPGs were at one time as well, and look where they are now) with a small but dedicated fan base. While this is not particularly good for the company (as they will probably just break even on hardware sales), it would still be nice to have. And I would buy one because of this.

    But then again, it'll probably just go the way of the Indremia (or however you spell it).
  • quality control won't come into it

    The Atari 2600 was the last of the great "open" consoles. It's conventional wisdom that a tidal wave of third party crap killed both it and and the entire home console market in 1984. I have some disagreements with this theory, but it explains why 3rd party developers are not unhappy to pay licence fees.

    And yes, I think the whole Freshmeat scene has hurt the development of larger project such as Mozilla.

    (Of course, quality control isn't the most important thing in some random project box.)
  • Why waste time and money on developing the hardware to become the next Amiga

    Just ship a "TU" sticker and install linux on an XBox.

  • What could really help is if EVERY game came with its own custom tailored version of linux to work with the hardware.

    Then you start getting back to the "Dreamcast Ethernet" problem. As it was explained to me, only Dreamcast games that were explicitly written to use the ethernet card can support it. End-users are SOL if the game developer only included modem support. By keeping some parts of the OS away from each game, you can better support the hardware. That way, the machine itself can provide a simple "connect to ISP" command for the game to call and then it doesn't matter if you've got a modem, DSL, PPP-over-serial to another Linux box, or a set of tin cans. All the game needs to worry about is that a connection exists, that it has an approximate speed of (foo) bps, and (maybe) there'd be some proxy settings.

  • and my (lame) business sense tells me that it's because there just aren't enough Linux boxes out there. Now, bear with me here, but wouldn't the same logic hold through if a Linux console ever made it to the shelves?

    A Linux box requires a certain degree of know-how to install and (generally) to use. A Linux console, on the other hand, doesn't -- it's just a game system. I know there are people out there that wouldn't know Linux from Apple DOS 3.3, but who have TiVos (running Linux) sitting on top of their television set.

    Now there is, obviously, a major difference between a TiVo and a Linux console (namely TiVo doesn't have its success tied to the existence of third-party software), but on the other hand, it does still illustrate that there's also a difference between a Linux box and a Linux console.

    Whether it'll work or not is anyone's guess, but given that this is now being undertaken as a standard open-source volunteer-driven project instead of a corporate money-maker. There's certainly value in not having to worry about paying your programers 5 and 6 figure salaries.

  • ad infinitum on /., the console business is based on the idea of losing money (or only breaking even) on the console

    If emachines can sell a $399 computer - why cant TuxBox (or indrema) build a $299-$350 console? Consoles save a few bits, but require higher end pcs in other cases... it may be possible.

    Im sure the 'sold at a loss' idea serves the console makers well when helping to convince people their "new consoles are the latest high-tech-turbo-extra-super-dooper gaming rig' possible - its so terrific; we sell it at a loss!" With the economies of scale, the specialized fabs and controlled/single-purpose manufacturing systems - why does the PS2 have to cost more than $299? I can understand when they are running them out at $129 (even then every box sold has less fixed costs...) but why isnt anyone willing to challenge this dogma?

    Leaving at 5:30 in morning... wish me luck!
  • I hate to be negative, but I don't think we've seen a console system take off in this country without a ton of money behind it. What you have with TuxBox is a great console idea, but with little or no money behind it. Don't think that developers like EA don't look directly at the advertising revenue of a new console platform before deciding to develop for it. That's why you still hear so much more about Windows, Photoshop, and such. Free tools will get the small developers, but they can't afford to make Need For Speed, nor can they afford the cobranded primetime TV commercials that promote the box. The big development firms consider the tools the least expensive part... They may spend more on coffee and stocking the bathrooms than on development tools in one year.
  • you sez: "But with a console, everybody has a standard set of hardware and software configurations, so developing becomes MUCH more consistent. Mary's TuxBox will work the same as Johnny's and vice versa. You have both Stability AND compatibility. "

    The tuxbox team sez: "What do you mean "open source"?
    The TuxBox, like many other open source projects, will be customizable. If you wanted to upgrade a certain piece of hardware, that would be possible on the Tuxbox.

    Well, so much for the "sameness" of the TuxBox. This is the fundamental mistake they're making and this will drive TuxBox to failure.

  • TuxBox sounds dangerously close to XBox. Methinks these guys may be getting a call from Redmond soon.
  • I don't think thats what he's trying to say. Yes, an open source game box would be very cool, but this is not the market to present something just because it's cool. Between Sony's already huge stranglehold on the market, the emerging Xbox and Game cube, and the early losses of Indrema and Sega, well, this may not be the time to present a somewhat untested platform. Developers where hesitant to develop for Sony, and Sony is HUGE. No one would be able to make enough money off of the "nix box to justify the cost of developing for it.

    Instead I prefer to support the Linux-devloped games that are already on the consoles, like Timesplitters for example.

  • You know, this wouldn't be so hard. Kernel, C and SDL libraries, a few binaries... You could probably squeeze enough Linux and drivers to support a nice 3D-enabled game into 20 megabytes or less on a game disc.

    Not a bad idea.

  • What could really help is if EVERY game came with its own custom tailored version of linux to work with the hardware. That way, there would be NO confusion of libraries or out of date software. Every game is its own OS.
  • ...that Indrema had

    As has been noted ad infinitum on /., the console business is based on the idea of losing money (or only breaking even) on the console to make money on the games (primarily through SDK's). Having a free SDK makes this difficult.

    When the average gamer is shown the TuxBox, which in order to be competitive feature-wise with the Xbox, Cube, and PS2 will probably cost $300 plus, versus the $200 competition, he'll not be likely to buy a Tux Box.

    About the only way that the TuxBox can survive is if a slew of good games are released for it that are significantly cheaper than their competition on other consoles. But commercial titles are unlikely to be significantly cheaper: the game makers will simply accept the higher margins. This could cause them to push the TuxBox version more, but that's anything but a given.

    As to legions of developers around the world contributing free games for it, I say that the games are not likely to be competitive with their commercial brethren. With the possible exception of Tux Racer, there has not been a modern-style game released as free software. The reason is this: all you need are hackers to write a kernel, or a GUI, or even most apps. But games (especially modern ones) require the investment of artists (which are possible under free software), and legions of support people (motion-capture, sound effects, etc.) who aren't likely to get any benefit out of working on a free game unless they're paid (and they're not necessarily cheap).

  • "Thats a lousy way for the developers to put it "better gaming console", since their underlying job is to bring out a gaming console, and when you have little by way of revenue, going up against heavy hitting marketing teams like that of MS' xbox is a killer in itself."

    Acutally, the developers didn't use the words "better gaming console," the writer of the story (that's me) did.

    "Sigh... Going up against a heavy hitter such as Playstation is way far fetched. Even mentioning them when your first project wen to shit makes the whole project laughable. They need to focus on their own product, get it up and running. Talk is cheap."

    Again, same issue. You're putting words in the developers' mouths. I used Playstation as an example of their big competition, they didn't actually mention Playstation.

  • by deran9ed ( 300694 ) on Wednesday April 18, 2001 @12:45PM (#281538) Homepage

    TuxBox crew pledges to do what Indrema failed to do -- bring a Linux gaming/multipurpose console to market.
    What they should do is approach some of the gaming companies for assistance on the project. One of the failures I saw on Indrema (why it lost funding or hopes of funding) fell into expecting some VC to back them, which we know from stats [], won't happen for some time.

    The company's founders should have approached a game developer with their idea along with the statistics (or expected analysis) of what they forsaw in terms of users. (which in turn create revenue)

    Even a game company no matter which platform they created for would have had to take a look at the marketability for the product, unless MS bullied them

    The TuxBox team believes they can have a console ready to sell, with several game titles available, by this fall, even though they haven't been able to salvage any code from Indrema. That goal could sound unrealistic, or even cocky, but the project's founders are approaching the task with a matter-of-fact determination and a passion for creating a better gaming console.
    Thats a lousy way for the developers to put it "better gaming console", since their underlying job is to bring out a gaming console, and when you have little by way of revenue, going up against heavy hitting marketing teams like that of MS' xbox is a killer in itself.

    Instead of being arrogant about it, the company should just do whatever it takes, then brag later.

    "We want to allow people to develop for a video game system that may not have enough money to develop for another big name system," Riley says. "Our development kit will be free and allow anyone to develop for us."
    Again, I hope these guys get it right this time around, and pull together from managing the entire project, from the upper level teamwork to actually getting the code right. (not that it was wrong the first time)

    The plan is to have 20 to 30 games, a combination of freeware and commercial titles, ready for the TuxBox when it's available to buy, and the TuxBox team hopes to offer at least one commercial game with the console. Games being developed for Indrema should have little difficulty transferring to the TuxBox, Isley and Riley say.
    Slightly bad move, what they should do is make cheap games say uner $10.00 US. Lets face it the thought of free my sound inspiring, but it won't you you far, however it will make you broke really fast. Create a pay pal account and have users of their games give what they can under $10.00 (US) this way they have some form of revenue to keep their business afloat, and away from dying as fast as Indrema did.

    Riley says having a good number of freeware games is a major advantage TuxBox will have over its big competitors such as Playstation, and another is the attraction of being able to create your own games.
    Sigh... Going up against a heavy hitter such as Playstation is way far fetched. Even mentioning them when your first project wen to shit makes the whole project laughable. They need to focus on their own product, get it up and running. Talk is cheap.

    "No system out there currently, or coming out, will suit my needs for what I want in a console: freeware games; a free community; develop and distribute your own games for free," Riley says.
    This does little for this who are keen to playing games they're familiar with. Again why not approach some of the game developers with an idea of porting all games to their box, and a small price. Everyone makes money, and everyone can look forward to playing games with familiarity as well as propietary games.

    Think about it Zelda X on this machine would rock, and everyone would enjoy it, money would be made, the company wouldn't end up on before it even launched.

    who is deran9ed? []

  • by Cossix ( 444553 ) on Wednesday April 18, 2001 @12:32PM (#281554)
    The problem with these consoles is that they never really think much past making it open source.

    Sure, it's great and all that it's running on linux, but why ELSE would I wanna buy your machine over someone else's?

God made the integers; all else is the work of Man. -- Kronecker
