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GameCube Hits the Street 200

boozie writes: "Reports began surfacing yesterday afternoon concerning GameCube goods beginning to trickle into the hands of Japanese consumers...Today we received the first pictures of the finished unit and its associated packaging as sold to a store employee in Tokyo."
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GameCube Hits the Street

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  • The story says that the the launch date was "broken" and these items were released early. Anyone know when the actual Japanese release date is?
  • by MLoff ( 207190 ) on Thursday September 13, 2001 @03:55AM (#2291065)
    Nintendo Site: sp []

    Disassembled GameCube: Disassembled+Gamecube& []

    Info on GameCube Console from GameCube Central: []
    • I would wager that the controller itself [] is more complex than the NES []! I know, I'm stating the obvious, but it's still sort of funny to think about...
      • by Chasing Amy ( 450778 ) <> on Thursday September 13, 2001 @05:54AM (#2291294) Homepage
        Seriously, I always thought the N64 controller was *the* masterpiece of ergonomic controller design. Not only did it fit most hands perfectly, but it was versatile, offering three distinct gripping areas, the middle one feeling nicely like a gun for those shooter games.

        Now they go and throw it away for a DualShock PSX rip-off? Bah.

        I also have to say that a box isn't sexy. It isn't even cute. The design just strikes me as being a boxy and plain Model T type styling. No, looks aren't terribly important in a gaming console--but the PS2 is both simple and sexy. I wish Nintendo had kept their controller along N64 lines and made the console design more sleek. A purple box is just going to look out of place sitting atop my DVD player or VCR, whereas the PS2 looks right at home.

        Not that I'm going to buy one. I gave up on consoles. Playstation, N64, Saturn, Dreamcast, PS2, GameCube, X-Box--that's 7 machines in recent times. That's just too many. I want games that I can still play 5 years from now without having to have 7 weird boxes daisy-chained across my entertainment center. That's why I've pledged to go PC-only. I may not get the newest Zelda or Mario or FF games, but I get a lot of cool others--and all the rest will eventually be emulated well enough in time. Let's see, ~3000 arcade games both classic and contemporary, hundreds of old "abandonware" PC games, dozens of my NES and SNES and Genesis favorites, a dozen of my favorite old Mac shareware games courtesy of the open-source Basilisk II emulator, all pulled off the Net for free, plus Bleem! and VGS to play some used PS discs bought for a song, plus whatever cool new PC games I ant to buy like the Quakes and all those mods and customizations which can never all make it to the console ports, the Unreals, lots of Star Trek some of which is actually good like Elite Force and Dominion Wars, Alice, Tomb Raider 37: More of Lara's Tits, etc. etc. etc.

        I know the lure of the console and all its exclusives is great. But it would be better for the gaming community in the long run to support only more open platforms, like the PC and Mac, not consoles. It's hard to resist, but when I realize that I don't want dozens of proprietary boxes most of which are outdated cluttering my space just to play games--and even more I don't want to throw away or give away my old games whenever new consoles come out--I don't feel right supporting the console industry. Fuck 'em. My PC is better any day, and will be able to emulate 'em all eventually.
        • Not that I'm going to buy one. I gave up on consoles. Playstation, N64, Saturn, Dreamcast, PS2, GameCube, X-Box--that's 7 machines in recent times.

          I'd mod that insightful. I read this great article yesterday (I think it was the september issue of the CACM) about how companies are generally providing consumers less functionality with each "upgrade". How many new car models offer "added features" over last years model? A few to be sure, but not the majority. Does Quicken 2002 offer a compelling reason to upgrade from 2001 (I got sick of it and migrated to Gnucash -- yeah it's more work, but it works)? Don't even get me started about Microsoft product X, where X is pretty much anything.

          I think that consoles are one of the few things that genuinely offer the consumer more bang than it's predecessor. I don't think you can argue that Nintendo 64 was light years ahead of SNES over NES. What's interesting though, is the fun level is always the same for me. Do I have more fun playing Gran Turismo 3 than playing the original? Probably not. I'll agree with the poster, my money is better saved on PC gaming, since the hardware tends to last longer, but still gets outdated pretty quickly. I'm starting to get fed up with this "disposable" electronic society. It may as well be called "flushable" income....

        • Spoken like someone who has never HELD the GameCube controller for themselves. It's not a Playstation rip-off. The controller is outstanding, much easier to hold than the Dual Shock, and incredibly comfortable.

          The only downside is the ill-conceived "Z-Button" that really needs a counter part of the opposite side, or should just be eliminated. However, they did make it easier to find, adding a little nub so you know when your finger is on the button.

          The best part is the shoulder buttons. They move very smoothly, with great response ... and the digital click when fully depressed opens a whole new world of gameplay possibilities.

          As for the rest of your comments about the GCN ... remember, the box isn't being aimed at YOU. If the box looks out of place with all your home entertainment equipment, then you aren't Nintendo's market.

          By the way, there's a Black one as well. And will look just fine sitting next to my PS2, on top of my receiver.

          There's more great information at Planet GameCube [] as well, including information on one of thier die-hard staff in Japan as we speak for the launch.
        • This is waaay too late for anyone but the parent poster to see it, but I just have to say it.

          The N64 controller is, IMHO, the most disgusting, un-usable and painful controller I've ever used. Basically, it makes two assumptions which completely fail to fit me: short finger length (the joystick sits at the bend of my thumb, where it doesn't belong and isn't usable), and right-handedness (offer a version with the whole thing mirrored and it'd be better). At the same time, a large part of the controller goes unused and seems to serve no purpose other than balance (the D-pad and left shoulder button). I played the N64's games emulated on a PC, with a joystick (one-handed, much more ergonomic, and plenty of buttons). I'm really not a console person, but even if I was, an N64-like controller would be more than enough to drive me away from Cube. What consoles really should have, is a standardized (every console seems to make its own) and interchangable interface (USB?) for controllers.
    • I like the fact the called the graphics chip flipper - reference back to the Dolphin code name.

      It takes me back to Sid and Fat Angus, and of course the rock lobster motherboard of Commodore days...
    • by xixax ( 44677 )
      How many days before it's running a web server?
    • Anybody else notice that Gecko will be running a bit faster, and that Flipper will be running a bit slower, than previously speced? 405->485, 202->162? (202.5*2=405, 162*3=485)...
    • Does that CPU really have PPC, 486x3, and 68030 ALL written on it's ID? Weird...
  • It was recently shown on Spaceworld, Miyamoto demonstreted a Kirby game, where the GBA is used as a TV extension. Kirby would jump out of the TV screen and appear on you GBA screen! No screenshots unfortunately, but it seems like it features many hidden mini-games only accessable using the GBA.

    Please Note: You do not need a GBA game! Just hook up the link between GBA and GameCube!!

    Wow, I cant wait for this!
    • That is an absoulte ripoff of the Dreamcast VMU.

      Ok its BETTER than Sega's idea, but obly becasue the GBA is in color and more usable ... but the mini game idea was Sega's (unless they ripped it off someone else that is :)

      "Think different? I'd be happy if most people would just think... "
      • Sony put out a similar memory in Japan (PocketStation) it was supposed to be released in the states but never was. Final Fantasy 8 actually supported the PocketStation in the US release(it may have worked with an imported unit but I am not sure).

        Here is a link to lik-sang's product page of the PocketStation []
        • I had two PocketStations brought over from Japan. R4 was the only game that I had that supported it, but they worked fine with the US release. Unfortunatley, the feature for that particular game was pretty underwhelming.
  • "Kiddie" System (Score:1, Informative)

    by BrickM ( 178032 )
    For those that think the GameCube is too directed at kids, you should know that from know on it will be only system that gets the Resident Evil/Biohazard series of games.

    Movies: tml

    • Re:"Kiddie" System (Score:5, Insightful)

      by scum-e-bag ( 211846 ) on Thursday September 13, 2001 @04:26AM (#2291136) Homepage Journal
      Hmm, well, if you won't play a good game because it's "kiddy" ala Banjo-Tooie, Rayman, and even Pokemon Puzzle League, then you'd better not be calling yourself a hardcore gamer bud. While I myself enjoy a good, mature game like Metal Gear Solid or Dino Crisis, it's not a crime to play something like Mario or even Pokemon. For me, I play a game if I like it, screw the fact if I'm "Too old" or it's "Immature." Besides, even if you don't like those games anyway, as I said, Nintendo is MUCH more open to Mature games nowadays, with Silicon Knights onboard, Capcom developing Resident Evil 0, and the such. So basically, there SHOULD be something for everyone.

      So basically, all I can say is that people should hold their judgement untill they actually see the games in action. With the PS2 already out, you can truly make a real comparison. So wait and see, and give Nintendo, Sony, and even -shudder- Microsoft a may be surprised.
      • Seriously, no different. This is just merchandising slapped on top of a game concept that has already been done. The graphics for the blocks are even the same. Go get a SNES.
        • This is just merchandising slapped on top of a game concept that has already been done.

          I won't argue that merchandising is involved, but nintendo re-released TETRIS® Attack on N64 and GBC because people were still demanding it after the Super NES had been dead for a while (Frogger was the last Super NES game). Because nintendo no longer had the TETRIS® license [], the company just released a Pokemon themed "official clone."

          The graphics for the blocks are even the same.

          Yes, the tile graphics are the same on GBC and Super NES, but they're somewhat different on N64. The N64 also adds a cylindrical board in addition to the rectangular board.

          Copying games you own is illegal because semiconductors don't have the fair use or backup exception [] for their first 10 years. However, Matthew Leverton [] made a TA clone for the PC called Who Let The Blocks Out. Unfortunately, every path given to the file is a 404.

      • According to IGN Cube [] and GameSpot [] the Resident Evil (Biohazard in Japan) series from Capcom will be EXCLUSIVE to the Nintendo GameCube. I doubt that ANYONE can call Resident Evil a "kiddie" game.
  • Specs (Score:2, Informative)

    by Alejo ( 69447 )
    Just if you didn't know by now... specs are here [].

  • by Telek ( 410366 ) on Thursday September 13, 2001 @04:12AM (#2291107) Homepage
    Why can they release it in Japan before they can release it here (by several months apparently)... I'm assuming the hardware is the same (?) so why did they have to push back their NA release date?
    • Probably so they could have more hardware units available for the American launch. Also, there will be more launch titles available for the US release, which Nintendo of America may have been holding out for.
    • It's pretty much tradition that a console launches in the country that designed it. (I doub t it's a voltage issue.) One reason I think is because game hardware companies need to gear their software and other stuff towards a different market when they launch in another country.
      It's the same for the MS Xbox, it'll launch here before Japan. MS has a whole team dedicated to just the Japanese launch. I know they are making different controllers to suit the "Japanese style of play" and I'm assuming they'll have different launch titles as well.
    • It takes a while for the Japanese games to be translated to english, and even longer for new English games to be made.

      That and Nintendo probably has their factories running full tilt to just satisfy Japanese demand right now. Adding in NA might cause another Sony-Style mislaunch of the product.

      Power in Japan is 100v, 60 or 50 Hz, and uses NA-style plugs. Very little would be needed to adapt it to handle our 120v system. Likely nothing would need changing at all.

      Check here [] for all your international power questions.

      • Are their only plants in Japan? I figured that they would have had more plants than that.

        I would have also assumed that if it was purely a manufacturing issue, they wouldn't have rolled back the launch date because that gives the x-box a huge lead. Better to be a little short on products than give the competetor a head start...

        And who the f**k moderated that comment (-1, Troll)?? What the hell is up with the moderators lately? IT was a fair enough post.
    • WTF? Who moderated this as a troll? Did you eat a giant bowl of dumbass this morning?
    • Okay, a lot of good points have been made. Specifically, production restraints on the consoles, but they also want to see which games flop and which do well (though i know that what does well in Japan doesn't always do well here).

      Anyway, I know with most consoles in the past, the games and hardware are region-specific. that is, a Japanese game will not play in an American unit, and vice versa. Now, i'm pretty sure this is just an artificial limitation to stop export of the consoles, but it does mean that you can't just pick up 100,000 consoles from Japan and sell them here unless you know a 100,000 people that want Japanese-language games.

      Then again, i wouldn't put that past some people...

    • Why can they release it in Japan before they can release it here (by several months apparently)... I'm assuming the hardware is the same (?) so why did they have to push back their NA release date?

      It's so they have enough units built to satisfy demand... they employ just in time manufacturing so the components are as cheap as possible. They stagger release so that each region has a huge number of units to satisfy the initial hysteria...

    • i'm thinking that the reason that the release date for the gamecube is delayed in NA is because of the origins of the product. it's much more practical to introduce the item into the surrounding market that the Nintendo is operating in. 1> it's cheaper, no overseas shipping and tariffs (boy do those get high!); 2> it probably gives the manufacturer a good gauge as to how well the product sells in japan before sending it to NA (though there's no doubt that the gamecube will be gone off the shelves within the hour that stores open with them when they do come); 3> nintendo is japanese, and a good number of games would be created in japanese (language in script and instructions), so it would take some time to reprogram the game to be translated into english, spanish, french, what have you, to be released into a different world market. do you remember the game that had the line 'all your base are belong to us' and 'someone set us up the bomb' for the N8 console? it was translated verbatim from japanese to english, it explains the reason why the sentences are so mucked up.
      have you also ever seen those N64 games that were in japanese? yes, they do exist, if you bother to look hard for them, like bomberman.
      anyway, sorry i digressed, but if you apply american movies as you do with the gamecube, it makes much more sense. i mean, most movies that are from movie distributors are mostly located in the US (universal, WB, FOX, USA, etc.), and after a couple of weeks to months after the initial release of the movie(s), the movies start to trickle overseas to canada, britan, france, hong kong, etc. if you've ever seen those bootleg movies that you get off IRC, you'd notice that some of the movies come directly off of recording rippoffs in the theaters and they have subtitles with the movie. (this explains the quasi-translation of movies.) movies are also dubbed over in voice, like Jet Li's Black Mask, and other said movies (especially from asia). these things take time to be made ready for overseas release.
      movie editors and nintendo execs could adapt their said products to make them appropriate for a complete, synchronous world-wide release, but like all businessmen, they'd like to get returns as quickly as possible, and they just release their products in spurts, thus the delayed releases.
      • Why can they release it in Japan before they can release it here (by several months apparently)...

      The games. The console sells itself, but you have to come up with a line of A+++ games targetted and marketed at that region, plan which ones you want at launch, which ones you will hold back, and how fast you will release them. It's all about the games.

      By the way, I'll lay down money that M$ will miss that completely by spending their reported $500,000,000 marketing budget telling us how great the box is.

    • It's so they could up launch allocations to 700K instead of 400K. They don't want to be caught in the same situation as Sony was at their launch.

      Demand is NEVER higher than at a system launch before Christmas. Not having enough units at a launch is suicide.
    • Staggered releases and segregated regions are a harmful tradition. Culture, software and hardware would be much better if they could travel freely across borders.

      That's why piracy is so important. The established businesses won't sell their customers what they want, so we have to take what we want.
  • There will be new *BRUTTAL* RE1 for GC. igncube [] has the story
  • i hate to live in europe, i can't wait till spring '02 to get my hands on one of the GCs...sigh
  • It maybe is a matter of personnal taste, but I find it plain ugly.

    Well... it's a (game)cube. No originality. No personality. They must have ran out of good designers et Nintendo.

    Once again, just a matter of personal taste.
    • hey it's no Sony PS2 super-design...but better that MS ShoeBox.
      BTW the market is driven by games not, console design
    • Re:Ack ! (Score:4, Insightful)

      by SirSlud ( 67381 ) on Thursday September 13, 2001 @09:07AM (#2291753) Homepage
      Nintendo's systems have always been 'drab'. They are the Volvos of gaming consoles .. less attention (money, effort) spent on designing a cool shell (think of the original NES compared to the Genesis .. the NES was just plain _boring_), but those who _know_, know that Nintendo makes kick-ass systems and games, in the same way that auto-fans knew that what is inside the Volvo more than makes up for its boxiness. (Although, the last few years, Volvo has made their cars considerably sexier, so the comparison may not be valid today as it was 10 years ago.)
  • I still have no idea if I should get the Xbox or the Gamecube. This is going to be one of the thoughest decisions I'll make in my life :)

    • I would suggest the GameCube. Nintendo has always produced the best system, they always have the best game play, the most fun games, and the highest quality graphics. Don't get an Xbox... imagine playing your favorite football game when you get "system error, please reboot...."
      • The XBox really has no exclusive games. Everything that will be available for the XBox is available first somewhere else. Look at the dismal sales of the Final Fantasy PC games compared to the blockbuster PSX versions. People are going to buy whichever they can get their hands on first, even if the graphics are considerably worse (and from what I've seen of the xbox's graphics, I'm not terribly impressed.) I guess it all comes down to what kind of games you like. Personally, I own a PS2 and am contemplating a GameCube, should I see any games I like. Note that not one time have I said "XBox is Microsoft! Microsoft is evil! Q.E.D. XBox is evil!" I couldn't give a flying fuck who makes it.
    • Re:Why, just why? (Score:2, Interesting)

      by steveo777 ( 183629 )
      I believe the GameCube will be a much better system in the long run. Nintendo has always produced incredible games with high replay value, even when their hardware wasn't the best.

      The SNES wasn't as powerfull as the Genesis, but it still blew it out of the water. The 64 has some awsome games that I am still looking for in funco land and such.

      I doubt that this company could ever lose its zeal for the gaming industry or for the gamer.

      • by Sir_Real ( 179104 ) on Thursday September 13, 2001 @10:42AM (#2292341)
        I think the Genesis would've done well had Sega not released "Moonwalker."
      • SNES was more powerful than Genesis... It supported 32,768 colors to Genesis' 512. (256 onscreen for SNES compared to 64 for Genesis) SNES was also higher resolution (512x448 vs. 320x224), supported more and larger sprites (128 64x64 vs. 80 32x64) and could scale and rotate images. However, Sega did come out first, and released many many high quality titles before SNES even hit the shelves. But Nintendo does know how to make good games, so they were able to pretty much draw even in the end.
      • As another poster said, Nintendo has always been on top with their consoles' power except for in the handheld market. NES was more powerful then anything else when it was released, SNES was way more powerful then the genesis, and the N64 was way more powerful (90Mhz SGI MIPS) then the playstation (33Mhz) or saturn (dual 33Mhz). Time gave them the ability to lead in power and is not really the case here, but the gamecube will still be more powerful. Go to and look at the screenshots and videos of the games and you will see that the gamecube looks WAY better (with the exception of DOA3).

        Of couse Nintendo will have better games, that is just a given. Look at their line up so far, it is incredible. Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Star Wars, Star Fox, Super Smash Bros., Waverace, and on and on, and that's just the franchises. Not to mention Sega is putting out lots of games specifically for the Gamecube and nintendo is going to come out with many new and original games as well (like Pikmin). Gamecube? Gamecube.
    • Best suggestion is to go over to, and look at the XBox and the Gamecube sections - as another poster said, what matters most is what you want to do with it.

      That said I'm getting a gamecube (to sit beside my PS2). My thinking is that most game writers port to most platforms, so a strong consideration is what remaining games will really only come to one machine - GameCube has, I think, the best shot as some truly amazing titles that come right from Nintendo. That and I figure even if some XBox games don't make it to other consoles they might be likley to come to the PC, which I already have.

    • If you want a GAME system, get Nintendo's machine. Nintendo KNOWS games, it's their only business, and they do it better than anyone. Even thier "kiddie" games are better gameplay-wise than most everything else.

      If you want a home entertainment console, go with a PS2 or X-Box.
  • # xmess ngcube zelda.ngc

    WTF?! It doesn't work??!

  • Is anybody annoyed by the right-click-forbidden feature of these pages?
    Does it make any sense? I think I can get the bloody picture without right clicking on this page. My problem being that I don't have my toolbar (I like to have a minimum of GUI, and a maximum of content on my screen), so I'm used to right-click and go back. Now I can't!! I use the shortcut though, but that's a pain...
    • What are you talking about? I was able to right click and save the image with no trouble at all. First using Mozilla 0.9.3 and then Netscape 4.78, nothing at all prohibited me from saving the image. Weird?
    • Is anybody annoyed by the right-click-forbidden feature of these pages?

      Yes. Read more about why right-click traps are a Bad Thing [].

      Anybody know how to make a "Toggle ECMAScript" button on the Mozilla 0.9.x toolbar?

  • by Time Doctor ( 79352 ) <> on Thursday September 13, 2001 @07:05AM (#2291397) Homepage Journal
    I've played around with the Game Cube dev kit a bit, and if the controllers I used were any indication people over ten years of age will have trouble holding these things. They're SO small and lacking in substance. I imagine this will be like the Game Boy Advance in that you MUST buy a peripheral (new controller) to really enjoy the thing. (With the GBA you basically have to buy some light dongle like Nyko's worm light.) If you want a mental picture of what they look like, imagine a rectangular purple bar about 3 inches thick molded like a play station controller gone horribly wrong. The analog stick just protrudes off at the oddest place on the left hand grip area. Of course, the xbox controller is worse since it deceptively looks useful and comfortable, but is exactly the opposite.
    • They're making them bigger for the American launch. An example would be the prongs on the bottom are going to be longer.
    • Yay, a box for those of us who have small hands. A 10 year old or a nerdess.
    • I've played around with the Game Cube dev kit a bit, and if the controllers I used were any indication people over ten years of age will have trouble holding these things.

      Don't forget that the Japanese controller is much smaller than the American one.

      I'm not sure how much of a size difference exactly, but I read a few different places that the it's going to be pretty big difference, that should help out if you've got larger hands.

    • Your controllers were out of date. Nintendo has elongated the handles to make it easier for hig-handed people to hold, as well as other minor changes.

      The controller is really outstanding. I held one of the final units at the Toy Test in Seattle, and it was amazing. MOST people won't have a problem with it, and those that do, probably have problems with most controllers.
  • has anyone heard any release dates, or time frames, for the next mariokart? damn i love mariokart, i feel like a crack addict waiting for his next hit. does anyone know that its even going to be published? its gotta right?!
    • has anyone heard any release dates, or time frames, for the next mariokart?

      Mario Kart 3 is already out for GBA, and Mario Kart 4 is planned for GCN. However, Nintendo has a poor track record [] with respect to the general bugginess of the details of the Mario Kart play design in 1 and 2.

  • Launch titles Gold (Score:2, Insightful)

    by gedanken ( 24390 )
    According to Cube.IGN [] all three of the Japanese GameCube launch titles have received gaming publication Famitsu's "gold" rating. The games are Luigi's Mansion, Wave Race: Blue Storm and Super Monkey Ball.
  • by X-Nc ( 34250 )
    I saw a TV ad for the gamecube just this morning here in VA. It was on one of the cable channels; can't remember which one.

  • I love the smell of unpacking new video game consoles in the morning. Smells like... victory.

  • Although I saw the (IBM) press release, this is the first package I've seen showing the "IBM Technology" logo...
  • Talk about unlucky timing for a product launch.

"If it's not loud, it doesn't work!" -- Blank Reg, from "Max Headroom"
