Ultima Revived 241
Sierpinski writes: "Wired.com has an article about a group of people who are trying to bring back some of the classic (older) games. I don't know what a lot of you gamers are into now... personally I'm into Max Payne and the like, but I still remember those old favorites. Thought some of you slashdotters would like to know." We've mentioned one of these games already, but I see The Bard's Tale is coming back from the dead too.
Microprose (Score:1)
Re:Microprose (Score:2)
Re:Microprose (Score:1)
Re:Microprose (Score:1)
Re:Microprose (Score:2)
Jumpgate (Score:1)
Space combat simulator.
It was released a month ago with NONE of the problems associated with the other games.
Re:Jumpgate (Score:1)
gamespot gave it a 8.6: http://gamespot.com/gamespot/stories/reviews/0,10
Legend Of the Red Dragon (Score:1)
It's powered by linux, dosemu, and perl. Gotta love open source software
Re:Doorgames (Score:2)
some old games never died (Score:2)
Re:some old games never died (Score:1)
Emperor: Battle for Dune [ea.com] is nice also but obviously won't qualify as a Relic just yet ;o)
I never was a fan of the Ultima games, but this is of course my humble taste.
A little disppointed... (Score:1)
Such is the case for The Bard's Tale and Ultima, two classic games from the 1980s that fans are recreating with a modern look and feel.
A lot of the fun was the old-fashioned "tile-game" approach. Updating the games will almost be like a different game entirely.
Re:A little disppointed... (Score:2)
Re:A little disppointed... (Score:2)
Re:A little disppointed... (Score:2)
Agreed. I loved playing Ult. 2 on my C64, because I liked the tile movement, the colors (man, apple version was UGLY!) and it was a game I could play in a couple hours.
Favorite tactic to generate monsters was get a pirate ship, lure and kill pirates into a 3x3 grid, then sit in the center ship and jam a Pop-Sicle stick in the keyboard (holding down whatever key passed time) and then go find something to do for about 5 minutes. Come back and the sea and landmasses visible are covered with monsters. Kill em and collect gold, repeat until you have all the gold and levels you need. It was a fun time waster, and I'd only finish the game when I became bored.
FWIW, I'm working on M.U.L.E., but no dates yet. Too early for status updates.
games to bring back (Score:1)
Why don't they bring back Smurfs, the Atari 2600 game?
It consisted of about 5 scenes that you got put into randomly, and sometimes they moved faster..
Damn, that's quality gaming..
I can't see these _not_ getting foxed. (Score:2)
Unfortunately, Origin holds the rights to the games, don't they? No clearance from EA for The Bard's Tale means that they'll at least have to change the names of the games, the people and places. Still, an interesting enough idea.
Oh well. As long as they're updating old games, howsabout Wasteland and the good ol' SSI RPGs?
Re:I can't see these _not_ getting foxed. (Score:3, Informative)
All ip for all licenses/products/properties for any game produced by any company owned by EA is owned by EA directly..
Richard Garriott retains the rights to Lord British, but sold the rights to Ultima and everything else Origin had produced when the company was sold in the early 90's..
Which makes the quote from the article even more amusing :
""EA owns the rights to Ultima and all of its characters, and in this case, no permission was requested or granted," said Jeff Brown, an Electronic Arts spokesman. "As for Richard Garriott's approval, that's like getting permission from Toto to remake The Wizard of Oz.""
I'd love to see the rereleases(and maybe one for M.U.L.E. but I get the feeling EA will fox them pretty quickly.. (Fox is the term coined after the shutdown of Aliens Doom by the fox movie studio)
Re:I can't see these _not_ getting foxed. (Score:1)
"In 1992, it acquired Origin Systems Inc, a pubblisher of fantasy and action simulation games for CD-ROM,including Ultima and Wing Commander."
The above webpage can be found here [digitalcentury.com].
Re:I can't see these _not_ getting foxed. (Score:1)
Wasteland... (Score:2)
i wish we could get better thought out RPG's
Re:Wasteland... (Score:2)
Hmm...what does it take to port to winCE?
Since when is that old? (Score:2)
Re:Since when is that old? (Score:2)
Check out Uplink (www.introversion.co.uk [introversion.co.uk]). They've got demo versions for both Windows and Linux. The gameplay is similar to the non-VR (I forget the exact term they used) hacking portions of Neuromancer, only with more depth. You have to worry about bouncing through different machines and erasing your logs to avoid being traced.
If retro gaming is what you really want... (Score:1)
Re:If retro gaming is what you really want... (Score:1)
ELITE GBA (Score:1)
Thats not asking for too much, is it?
Re:ELITE GBA (Score:1)
Re:ELITE GBA (Score:1)
Re:ELITE GBA (Score:1)
Just wondering, does anyone know what happened to David Braben and Ian Bell? I heard they went their seperate ways, but I'm not sure if that's just a rumor.
speaking of "updating" games (Score:2)
Sundog : Frozen Legacy (Score:2)
If someone wants to ressurect Sundog, they've got my vote.
Re:Sundog : Frozen Legacy (Score:2)
Well, at the very least you can go check out the web page [bfwa.com] made by Bruce Webster, one of the Sundog authors.
I loved that game...
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.. (Score:3, Interesting)
A disgruntled Spectrum user. Bring back YS. And Crash.
Re:Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.. (Score:2)
Your TIMEX - it's crap! (in a funky skillo sort of way).
Doesn't quite have the same ring to it. Still, wouldn't have stopped me wasting my youth playing Dark Star / Mission Omega / Southern Belle / How to be a Complete Bastard / and so on.
Your Sinclair! (Score:2)
You can go through all the back issues online!
Did anyone else not buy the issue of YS that had a semi naked chick on the front [ysrnry.co.uk].
I've still got a stack of these in the loft! I should eBay them!
Re:Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.. (Score:2)
These chaps wouldn't be half as popular if they tried to recreate the 'fun' of loading from tape
Awww man...that brings back memories of loading ADVENTURE off tape onto a...I think it was a TI/994A. Maybe an early Atari computer though. I think even the 2600 had games you loaded off tape (the cord went into the cartridge).
when is .. (Score:2)
Re:when is .. (Score:3, Funny)
Dig. Dig. Dig.
This is a good thing (Score:2)
Trouble is, rights for the games are held by one of the biggest companies in the industry, Electronic Arts, which isn't too happy about grassroots revivals.
What?? (Score:3, Insightful)
Richard Garriott was a minor character with no lines in Ultima? I think that L. Frank Baum (were he still alive) might be a better example. It would still not be legal, since MGM owns the movie rights, but comparing Garriott to Toto is bizarre...
Re:What?? (Score:1)
I also liked when they were talking about that Bards Tale game, how the guy from EA said that they (the game developers redoing bards tale) "should at least call us up and tell us about it"
Hah.. if they do they get shut down, plain and simple..
Many years ago... (Score:2)
But the movie will probably stay copywrited forever, since Congress keeps extending the term.
What's with the publisher hostility (Score:3, Insightful)
Nice quote. What's the deal with publishers these days being hostile to everyone including developers? Look at Bioware and Interplay.
EA's just trying to protect their monopoly. (Score:2)
They release quite frankly the worst Ultima ever and feel their intellectual property is being compromised by people wanting to enjoy what Ultima was.
EA has taken over sooo many game companies it's stupid, something to watch out for.
But maybe I'm just bitter cause Ultima9 was such a crap game.
StarFlight (Score:2)
StarFlight contained a HUGE static universe (i.e., every time you play, all the systems are the same). While a lot of people like random maps nowadays, StarFlight worked really well because the universe was so large and rich that each game is almost guaranteed to be different. It had all the essential elements for a fun space strategy game: exploration, mining, colonization, alien interaction, intrigue. You can find artifacts with odd or incomplete messages, but sometimes would find some coordinates. It was fun jotting down all these coordinates and clues and exploring from there. Sometimes it would end up being a series of messages detailing the next location, sometimes they just ended (or so it seemed). And let's not forget the eerie feeling of finding a blue-green planet, slowly realizing that the shapes of the continents look familiar (it's Earth!).
I have a huge pile of notes saved up from my first StarFlight game. Only problem is that it's on 5.25" floppies. I found a copy of it online, but then I realized how archaic the savegame system is. It saves your game state into the game executable. If you don't exit the game properly, or get stuck between a rock and a hard place, your main game executable is history. This is the main reason why I haven't played StarFlight that much in the past couple of years. It's a major pain in the butt to contend with.
Now I'm eagerly awaiting StarFlight III. It's a "volunteer" project, and they've got two of the original StarFlight programmers consulting for the game.
Re:StarFlight (Score:1)
Three Words (Score:1)
Ruff Ruff, sayeth the Wizard? (Score:1)
Re:Ruff Ruff, sayeth the Wizard? (Score:1)
Re:Ruff Ruff, sayeth the Wizard? (Score:2)
Gawsh (Score:1)
Everyone here may be like 'what is that Crap' but all the old-school game geeks will remember that when BT came out
its as much a classic as Ultima I
I want to know why no company ever remade a network version of Mail Order Monsters (another EA game for the c64) you got to fight monsnters, save up $$
that could be a nice FSP online now
Right on! (Score:2)
The Bard's Legacy site [bardslegacy.com] has some neat screen shots & such, but at this time it isn't clear what platform it runs on. Details are a little sketchy, but it looks like a noble effort.
Gaming Habits and Bringing Back the Dead Games (Score:1)
I currently play strategy/tactics games, and Dune: Emperor is my current late night sleep-destroyer. At least now I'm only killing my sleep rather my GPA like I did in college.
Bringing back old games is a trend I've seen with more and more platforms. Gauntlet has come back to PS2 as Gauntlet: Dark Legacy. Wolfenstein 3D will be back some time next year, and Civ III will come as well. Look how the Dune series has gone, from the almost role-playing "Dune" to its current incarnation. If a game was good enough to be remembered fondly, or at least spark a few sequel games, it will probably come back eventually. I've seen the same trend with toys and food. Toys and food go out of style, but then they come back 10 years later based on the idea that new folks are around who think the old is quite new. Also, the persons who have nostaligic memories for these items will buy them as well.
If there is one Microprose game I'd love to see come back, it would be Darklands. But, it never spawned a sequel and only a few people seemed to have liked it, so I doubt it will.
I remember Darklands (Score:1)
that game was cool
it seemed to me to be the first 'realistic' adventuring game (as in you needed supplies and everything had value)
WTF is going on? (Score:1)
Re:WTF is going on? (Score:1)
I thought cool at first.... (Score:2)
Re:I thought cool at first.... (Score:2)
Re:I thought cool at first.... (Score:2)
Another good old game... (Score:1)
Old games (Score:1)
Not quite a valid comparison... (Score:2, Funny)
"EA owns the rights to Ultima and all of its characters, and in this case, no permission was requested or granted," said Jeff Brown, an Electronic Arts spokesman. "As for Richard Garriott's approval, that's like getting permission from Toto to remake The Wizard of Oz."
I don't recall Toto having been the creative force behind The Wizard of Oz, but perhaps I'm missing something. Or perhaps this guy is just using an obnoxious simile.
Revive M.U.L.E. (Score:2)
Who's with me? I'd love to see M.U.L.E. brought back from the dead. What a great FUN game.
Unfortunately, I predict most of these attempts to re-create old games will be FOXed as soon as they get off the ground.
Adventure games (Score:1)
Back in my day........ (Score:2)
I grew up on ultima.. I actually one ultima I,2, and 3.. Loved exploring all the levels and caves and towns...
Its nice to have retro games redone when there redone right. Ambrosia software had a game calles
Because if MAME and hooking up my old intellivision has taught me anything the games of the past were great but the graphics stank..
(back in my day humans were shown on screen with 6 rectangles and one color, none of this namby pamby 3d vector shaded triangle stuff.. and We LIKED it...)
Old games can be found on abandonware sites and most still run on "modern" OSs(at least shufflepuck does
The Last Ninja 4 is coming! (Score:1)
http://lastninja.lemon64.com/ln4.htm [lemon64.com]
Mimi and the Mites (Score:1)
A google search will reveal that the demo of it is quite easy to find - however, it's absolutely *impossible* to get the full version. The company has long since vanished and I've been unable to locate a full version of this game anywhere. Anyone familiar with this game? Got any spare copies lying around?
F29 retaliator - now there's a game (Score:1)
Those old games had a certain feeling that just does'nt exist anymore. I'll rather listen to some beeps from my PC-speaker that those new all-to-commercial intros.
BTW - Does anyone know where I can get hold of a copy of retaliator nowdays?
Is this really needed??? (Score:1)
Reminds me of Hollywood dredging up Planet of the Apes, Flintstones, Lost in Space, and any other old movie/TV show that someone has found a way to wring a few more dollars from.
Focus on new and original, rather than rehashes of the past.
X-Com (Score:1)
I learned more about squad-based tactics from playing this game, then I did in the four years I was in the Marine Corps.
You never forget the first time you have your squad set to rush an alien ship, only to have a sectiod step out, drop a granade and walk back into the ship.
Re:X-Com (Score:2)
I always hated it when that happens, or when, out of the corner of your eye, you see some shambling beast move and then disappear -- knowing that it would soon be ripping the squad apart.
XCom will always have a special little corner of my hard drive. Anybody know if it works well under emulation?
Why Ultima I? (Score:1)
Wouldn't most people choose IV?
The PC Gamer article linked to on their site says that the boys at Paradox wouldn't mind redoing all the games. Interesting resume...
Reasonable Limits on Copyrights... (Score:2)
The answer to this is limiting duration of copyright on software. I mean, how much can you sell a game for even 3 years after its initial release? The last time I went to Walmart, they had a consolodated 'Starcraft' package for 19.95, but the Starcraft CD was in the bargin bin for 4.95. How about after five years? Seven? If software copyrights just simply expired after seven years with no chance of renewal, the companies who owned those games would have extracted all the revenue they could from them, and then the pulic would profit by getting older, quality games (and preferrable their source code) into the public domain.
Mind you, I think that copyright is wrong to begin with, but if there is a good compromise to be found, don't you think it would be something like this?
not only video games (Score:2)
Also, there's a certain cult classic series of sci-fi novels that I wanted to buy (I've forgotten the name now) but since they're long out of print, my only option is to buy them from some collectors for a few hundred dollars.
It's ridiculous. This isn't what copyrights were intended for. Protecting someone's right to make money off their own creative property is one thing. Locking something away because the owner is a corporation that has other intellectual property it wants to focus on exploiting
Re:not only video games (Score:2)
I agree totally. This same problem applies to authors, many of which hold on to copyrights for decades after their book has ceased to make them any money. What's the point?
Mixed feelings. (Score:2, Insightful)
That temporary fantasy aside, though, I'm not sure how much I support remaking classic games. I will always remember playing Archon against my sister on the PCjr for hours -- she got the joystick, and I got the keyboard, in an attempt to level the playing field -- with the crappy chirpy sound and the ugly CGA graphics. That was the game, and it was great despite all of that. The same goes for Bard's Tale, Lode Runner, Thexder, King's Quest, and all the other games that I remember from my youth -- the games are fixed in a personal and technological context that I can't remove.
Classic games, like classic movies, books, music, or any other kind of art, have both a timeless relevance and a historical context. The former explains why they have earned the appellation of "classic" -- they continue to find an audience. However, the latter is just as important, and it's inseparable from the other half. Can you imagine someone trying to rewrite The Catcher In The Rye because the language is dated, and Holden Caulfield doesn't sound like the kids these days? Or remaking Romeo and Juliet with guns and rock music? (Oops -- too late on that last one.)
I would like my kids (someday, when I have kids) to play the games that I played as a kid, both because they were fun, and also to get a sense of history. I don't want them thinking that technology started at a 1.4 GHz Athlon and went up from there -- I wish I could start them off with a TRS-80 Model I. I think that emulation projects are wonderful work, and wish that game publishers would legitimize abandonware and old ROM sets for the standup arcade games. But remakes, as impressive as they may be, will always leave me a little cold.
Another cool group (Score:2)
Wow.. isn't that a coincidence (Score:2)
I guess if it's here twice, it's a really good thing...
Demonstrates what is wrong with current IP laws (Score:5, Interesting)
One of the companies demanded contact from the developers because, in some way, shape, or form the game resembled one of "theirs". A passing resemblance is enough to trigger a lawyer.
The companies seemed to think that a non-profit independent venture using some of "their" ideas is under their purvue -- ie, no Fair Use for anyone. No parody or tribute allowed.
These companies did not create these franchises (mostly) -- they didn't design them, or write the code, or even have the original developers on hand. They just bought the "property". Lord British was referred to as "Toto" to their lordly Frank Baum.
Kicker: they have refused to do anything with these "properties" for years. Even though fans begged them to. There was not enough profit, and they let them lie fallow.
That is an ample demostration of why current copyright and IP is a perversion of what Jefferson et al created copyright for -- to encourage the creation of new art for the good of all, not to only profit the holder of the mark. By converting "Bard's Tale" and other games to the status of paperclip inventory on a shelf, the art it engendered lies dead, hostage to greed for property.
As for my opinion, if the mark holders are letting it lie in an intellectual property grave, a non-profit knock-off is an expression of democratic disapproval. The PROPER course of action for these IP holders is to hire these people and release the new games, and sheepishly admit that they should have done it long ago.
Re:Demonstrates what is wrong with current IP laws (Score:2)
Intellectual property may be ok for consenting adults, but I say no more ip for unsuspecting children. I can't believe I'm actually saying we have to do it for the children!
Not a recipe for improving games (Score:2)
That's my goal (Score:2)
Still waiting on these... (Score:2)
Pirates! just had a fantastically simple interface for a game with as much open-ended play as it had. And Stunts had a great track editor (especially for the time, around '89 or '90 IIRC).
I know this is getting off-topic, but has anyone besides me ever imagined Pirates! in an online, persistant world (MMORPG, like Everquest)? Man, if you could just figure out a good time scaling for ocean travel, that game might just rock.
"Toto's Permission" (Score:3, Insightful)
Want nostalgia? http://lord.nuklear.org (Score:2)
Max Payne (Score:2)
Unfortunately it's saddled with such a linear storyline that once you're through it, it's not much fun anymore. This one's a definite renter if anything is; you can easily play it out in a weekend.
Suggested Change to IP Laws (Score:3, Interesting)
Wherever a significant consumer group is NOT being served by an IP holder there should be a legal process by which the IP defaults AWAY from the holder following a period of non-exploitation.
Scenario: Publisher X withdraws GameX from the market, and stops supporting players. A player registers this fact with a register for a small fee (call it $30, just to stop the jokers, to make sure it matters). Following a period, perhaps 2 years, if the company has made no significant moves to make the IP available to the paying public it defaults out to the public domain. Simple.
Company X will argue that it could be working on the new version during those 2 years and this sucks. But, any decent games company will continue to support its user base while the new game is coming along - drip feeding us patches, upgrade packs, new terrains.
Similarly, any other software that starts to die could be openned up after a couple of years of non-exploitation or when the company went bust. Doesn't mean they have to release the code - just that they cant sue your arse if you copy them / take inspiration.
Re:Suggested Change to IP Laws (Score:2)
I'd say 5 years, and add if any later or derived versions still exist, its still under IP protection. Else, open it up for non-profit use.
Thus windows, linux, and a ton of apps wouldn't fall in the public domain. (Unless you want to see MS Linux that's based off a 5 year old kernal). However, the old dead games will still be around, and emulation of traditional consoles and games wouldn't be illegal (to hold the roms).
This would create a legal state of abandonware, with well defined boundries. With the quickly aging property of software, such a law would be in the best interests of what IP was meant to be: Giving temporary rights to an individual to encourage the creation of works that will benefit the entire public when the limited rights of the original IP holder expire.
Just my $.02
Retro gaming (Score:2)
I have so many fond memories of The Bards Tale, the first game I learned to hack
I was also a huge fan of the Starcon and Starflight series, but have never been able to get ahold of a copy of Starcontrol 3. I've only seen it available on mac format, which is really frustrating.
As for the Ultima games, my favorite would be Ultima VI, the last of the pure tile games. It was the first, and still on of very few, games that I have played where you can interact with just about anything. I loved pushing cannons around and firing at whatever I could find. It was also fun carying around a few powder kegs and an invisibility ring for a good old fashioned dragon hunt... I had so many notes for that game, with maps of nearly every dungeon and town. Thank god for extra large graph paper...
One of my favorite games, though, I can't even remember the title of. I played that one so much that I didn't have to refer to the manual for the copy protection. It was a space exploration type game, where your homebase was a triangular formation of starbases. Outside this safe area you had pirate, insect, and robot ships that would attack as you went on misions. One of my favorite aspects is that you could board their ships and tow them back for salvage. I wish I could remember the name, I'd love a chance to play it again.
Looks like I've got some web searching to do...
This one goes out to all the old skool soldiers (Score:2)
It's also worth checking out some abandonware sites, one of them may have it for download.
Best place to start looking for abandonware, that I've found, is the Abandonware ring [abandonwarering.com]. Maybe you'll find starcon 3. But I would say it is skipable.
The reason these games are classics... (Score:2, Insightful)
Every now and then a remake of a classic (be it a game, movie or TV show) does the legacy justice, but far too often the remake fails miserably because modernization destroys everything that made it a classic. Anybody remember Return to Zork? They decided to update the venerable series by making a graphical adventure that was fun for the 5 minutes it took to realize that whatever it said on the box, this most certainly was not Zork.
I'm not saying these projects are doomed to failure, I'm just saying that anybody modernizing a classic needs to be very careful about evaluating new features in the context of the original game. If the original had an isometric view, for God's sake don't remake it into a first person viewpoint just to demonstrate that you too can license a 3D engine. Keep the remakes true to the spirit of the original, and maybe we'll see something of note come of it.
Exult (Score:2)
A similar project is Exult [sourceforge.net], which is a rewrite of the Ultima 7/Serpent Isle engine. EA may not mind this one su much, however, since it still requires the original U7/SI data files to run.
FreeCiv (Score:2)
EA Brings this upon themselves (Score:2, Interesting)
It's been nearly ten years since the last good Ultimas came out (U7, and Underworld 2). Since then we've gotten the half-hearted Ultima 8, an un-Ultima Ultima Online, a vastly flawed Ultima 9, and an ambitious but canned Ultima Online 2 (cancelled a week before beta testing was to begin).
The only current choice from EA for ultima right now is to play Ultima Online, which has traditionally been comepletely void of "Ultimaness". This could change [slownewsday.net], but it's still a four year old game on it's last legs.
Alternatively you could play Ultima 7 via Exult [sourceforge.net] on Linux or Windows.
Or you could wait a bit for remakes like the article mentions, if EA ever lets them see the light of day.
But don't expect any new Ultima from EA. I hear things aren't going well [slownewsday.net] for them as it is.
More common than you'd think (Score:3, Interesting)
Spiderweb Software (Score:3, Informative)
Re:What's the point? (Score:2)
I am the pathetic looser you seek. (Score:2)
I'm assuming you're refering to the 3rd one, as the others I found more or less easy, though not by today's game standards.
In the end, your party members become Gods. By the time you get to the final battle you've got so much power that's it's pretty trivial unless you're unlucky enough to get hit with attacks that kill instantly.
But damn. Some of those riddles were pretty tough.
Re:Highly amusing (Score:2, Informative)