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Linux Games WIth Guns 316

ZaMoose writes: "Not to beat on the poor America's Army servers any further, but their sitrep for today featured the following interesting tidbit: "That's not all. We're also working on an in-game browser, linux port, and host of other features. Yes, we've been busy the past week!" (emphasis mine). For those not familiar with AA:Operations, it is a free (as in beer) first person shooter developed under the watchful eye of the US Army. It received mounds of praise at this year's E3 and was released to Windows users July 4th." Well, it says Linux server port, anyhow. And JD writes: "Apex Designs have announced that their GTA-style game Payback is coming to Linux. The port appears to already be fully playable as there is a status report here which includes some early screenshots. (And their website doesn't require IE. :)"
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Linux Games WIth Guns

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    Bah, who needs more than Nethack [] anyway?

    Insert "back in my day, we had lines of text and we LIKED IT!"-type ranting here...
    • Newsflash: US Army releases free game to train and promote the new cockatrice-corpse wielding corpse.

      "This is all part of a massive restructuring and revisioning of the US armed forces" said general Kaen to an attentive audience of soldiers, sergeants, and lieutenants.

      "Congress has just allocated enough zorkmids to ensure that within 2 years our entire armed forces can be outfitted with blessed grey dragon scale mail and +3 silver sabers. But technological challenges remain. Izchak Inc. and other contractors are still looking for a way to bless bags of holding on an industrial scale."

      Military watchers are certain that this new fighting force will be more than ready to defeat all of the forces of evil, including Osama, Sadam, Rodney, and Demogorgan, among many others.

      "May the blessings of the RNG be with us all"
  • And... (Score:2, Funny)

    by hkhanna ( 559514 )
    In other news, the US Army decided to scrap the Linux client port after Microsoft announced that it would be assuming control of OpenGL and discontinuing it, leaving only DirectX on Windows.

    Microsoft only had the following statement: "All your 3D graphics libraries are belong to us."

    The US Army was not available for comment.
  • hmm.. yep shure is a great game...
    but my 3dfx with only 16mb won't run it,
    • Get a Nvidia Gefore2 MX400 based video card. I got one at Fry's a month ago for $55. Its not top of the line anymore, but its cheap and plays counter-strike and Return to castle wolfenstien great at 1024x768. I have an athlon 1.3ghz proc and 384M of RAM. So if you have a few bucks laying around pick one up and enjoy.
    • by deniable ( 76198 ) on Wednesday July 10, 2002 @01:57AM (#3854858)
      Yep, Army hardware requirements.

      I'm waiting for "Soviet Army." It will probably run in 16 colors on a 486.
    • i have a matrox G400... wont even TRY to run... jsut says it wont run and doesn't go any further... sigh i guess i need a geforce2 or better... the problem is i LOVE my duel head and matrox is the only game in town for that worth anythgiung... sigh maybe ill go for a parhalia...
  • They've either got paying jobs or they are fat slobs living in their parents' basements. The Army can't get the first and I'm not sure they want the second.
  • Changelog:
    "Osama Bill Laden" now has proper beard.
    Changed OS Logos to "Axis of Evil" Flags.
    Changed "Hand" cursor in XBill^H^H^H^H^HArmy of One to M-16 target.
  • Who says... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by OneFix ( 18661 ) on Wednesday July 10, 2002 @01:22AM (#3854771)
    Noone uses the Amiga [] :)
  • AA Server Port (Score:2, Informative)

    by CrusadeR ( 555 )
    Read the SITREP at the America's Army site: it says Linux server port, not client.
  • You'd think that the U.S. government would be able to put more resources towards this. Are all their programs underresourced like this?

    <Joke>Imagine a version of Quake for America's Army players</Joke>

    • Maybe they are focusing a little more on the *game* servers: "We've been working feverishly since 4 July, adding sixty more servers (now totaling 110 coast-to-coast)..."

      BTW: The site came up pretty much instantly for me, and I downloaded the game in about 5 minutes (from Nvidia, with swarming).
  • now if i could just get 3d on my video card to work.
  • by ( 557454 ) on Wednesday July 10, 2002 @01:30AM (#3854797) Homepage

    I went to that link for "payback" and I laughed my head off when, on the right side of the screen I saw:


    • Classic amiga - Out now
    • Windows - In development
    • Classic amiga - Out now
      Windows - In development

      Why is this funny? It's a game that's been around on the Amiga for a long time.

      What IS funny is that it's a clone of Grand Theft Auto, not Grand Theft Auto 3 mind you, but Grand Theft Auto. It's old. I'd be curious to know how many people are actually eagerly awaiting a port of a clone of a game that's long since been outdone by GTA3.
      • not to mention that it appears to cost 52 US dollars (according to the currency converter they link to) - ouch.
      • If it runs well on an Amiga, then anyone with an old PC will be able to run it. Payback is better than GTA, and there are tonnes of third party maps and stuff, and it will have an online play-against-your-mates feature as well.

        So if you have a crap PC that cannot play GTA3, then this game would be a fun addition. As long as the price is reasonable for the featureset/graphics/audio of course. No more than $20.

        Remember, the screenshots are from the software renderer, not the hardware renderer which would presumably allow for much more detailed models, textures and graphical "bling!".

  • If you read the link you will find out they are working on a linux server port. Not a linux client port. Linux server ports are not new. Most fps' have them.

    Sorry will have to wait on wineX support instead.

    We're also working on an in-game browser, linux server port,
  • Just Wonderful (Score:1, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward
    What brilliantly twisted country has the United States of America become when it is deemed a necessary function of the Federal Government to provide murder-simulation software for the entertainment of the citizenry?

    Please, just heap thousand-dollar bills on the ground and burn them. Delete them. Do ANYTHING but spend MY money on a game that is designed to simulate (as realistically as possible) the murder of human beings.

    The only moral justification one could possibly come up with for this game is that it diverts funding from the actual murder of human beings.
    • Get off your hippie trip. Why does America have an army? Because if we didn't, some other country with an army would be able to send it over and take over. I thought these stupid isolationist views were quashed after WW2. The goal of an army is not to search and destroy anyone we decide we do not like, rather it is to provide a deterrent, and, when necessary, eliminate those that provide a plausable threat to us or our allies.

      That said, I think the "planned" invasion of Iraq is retarded. But on the whole, a large fighting force is generally a good thing as it allows businesses in our contry to prosper by giving them the security that we aren't going to be all speaking chinese next week.
    • Yes, we should all think of the rights of pop-up targets and how they exist only to be shot repeatedly.

      Has anyone noticed that the targets are red, not black. Maybe it's just my setup.
    • Some of those so-called "human beings" need killing.

      There are some real evil fuckers out there, and the world would be a whole lot better without them.
    • Oh really. Please don't use the word 'Murder' when you mean 'Warfare'. Whatever your views on the training capabilities of computer games (mine are that if you think teaching people that the best way to win a gunfight is to run in circles around the opposition having developed the ability to see through walls then you are a f*cking moron, but thats just me) or the morality of Bush's tactics in dealing with terrorists (here I'm against their 'whatever you do, its better to kill a couple hundred foreigners just in case, rather than investigate if they might actually be terrorists' 'strategy'), calling the game a 'murder-simulation' is just tabloid sensationalism.
    • Re:Just Wonderful (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Skip666Kent ( 4128 )
      An understandable question but I disagree.

      The games are a clever way to romanticize the military in the minds of reasonably intelligent and computer-savvy (god I sound like Jon Katz!) young folks in the hopes of boosting enlistment.

      While you may well see it as perverse that 'murder' (warfare) could be viewed as romantic/fantasy by some, I'd have to say that it's been going on for a while now and that it's really nothing new. You could say the same for war movies which you may well see as depicting murderers as heroes. Such is life.

      For me, I'd really like to see a military staffed by personnel who are as creative and knowledgable as possible. Games like this are a creative step in the right direction.

  • tax $$ (Score:3, Insightful)

    by skydude_20 ( 307538 ) on Wednesday July 10, 2002 @01:37AM (#3854811) Journal
    the problem with my tax dollars being spend on this is that when it doesn't work on my system, I can't return it for a refund
  • Correction (Score:2, Redundant)

    by Cyberllama ( 113628 )
    I just checked the website and it says linux *SERVER* port". I can't find anywhere where it just says "linux port" so I see no indication of any possible client version for linux.
  • by plaa ( 29967 )
    Who else get's a tinge of 1984 reading this? Government-sponsored violence games...?
    (Well, maybe I'm just being paranoid, as I've only just read it...)
  • Do you really want your average slashdot-reading linux-using teenager in the army? Fighting to ensure the safety of freedom (or so they say)? Do you want that?

    Apparently the army has never been to a Linux convention.

    • Do you really want your average slashdot-reading linux-using teenager in the army?

      Ofcourse. To defend the GPL against certain terrorist companies that try to Take Over The World.

    • by adolf ( 21054 ) <> on Wednesday July 10, 2002 @04:26AM (#3855176) Journal
      A few months ago, I went through [most of] basic training at Ft. Benning, in a platoon with a bunch (as in, all but 3) of geeks, though not all of them were Linux geeks. I noticed a strange domination of Cisco yuppies with Novell skillz, harping on about Win2k. Plenty of UNIX programmers, though, which is what matters.

      These geeks were in Ft. Benning (which normally only trains infantry) because Ft. Jackson (whom normally trains these sorts) was booked solid.

      Thus, I'd like to say that not only is the Army hiring Slashdot-reading linux-using teenagers, but that they're recruiting them in droves.

      And, yes, it -did- look like a Linux convention for the first week or so, but they were all looking and -acting- like soldiers within a couple of months. Even the former three-pack-a-day gamers were partaking in nonsensical pushup competitions, and the platoon was top in the company for fitness scores.

      It was a strange transition to see, watching the flabby, pale, quiet Linux kids turn into hardcore rope-climbing, gun-toting freaks.

      And in a few months, when those same kids are done training at Ft. Gordon and get shipped out to the front line as communications geeks, I'll be very glad to have them there, while I sit on my once-again flabby, civilian ass and read Slashdot.
  • Story I submitted that got rejected follows. Yeah, it's off-topic. Bite me.

    The New York Times [] tells us (after we register for free) that Gnutella developer Gene Kan has committed suicide. [] Let's see, he was young (25) and just over a year ago saw the company he started bought by Sun Microsystems []. It would be wrong to jump to conclusions here. It would also be wrong to not start asking questions.
    • That's exactly what I was thinking. I'm very interested to see if this will go anywhere, or if it will just sort've dissapear. The first thing I thought of was the movie "AntiTrust"!
  • by c.r.o.c.o ( 123083 ) on Wednesday July 10, 2002 @02:07AM (#3854870)
    Just a Linux SERVER port. That's not particularly usefull in actually playing the game, since you'd still need Windows on the client side.

    The funny thing is, ZaMoose quoted the website, but cut out that most important word, "linux SERVER port". Here's the real quote.

    That's not all. We're also working on an in-game browser, linux server port, and host of other features. Yes, we've been busy the past week! More servers, providing for the addition of community servers, more missions, and more Army training! But that's just the tip of the iceberg, troops! Stay tuned for more! [Bacchus]

    Hopefully next time timothy will actually visit the web page linked, and make sure that at least the emphasised, bold words correspong to reality.

    • What actually happened is that they changed the text on the site, I saw both versions. Did you really believe he copied and pasted the site update, then edited out the word "server" ? This is really a new low in conspiracy theories...
    • All AA is is UT mod. Is their a client port of UT for linux? If so, then a client port isn't out of the picture. If not, then you are SOL.
    • I agree with another respondant that the first time I read the site the the word server wasn't there, and I seem to recall them indicating that in fact there was no server port and it was just a client port (though my memory could be at fault on this last point). I suspect that this was the result of some miscommunication or just a typo but I suspect the poster had pasted the text as he saw it and it changed since then.
  • []

    Hmmm, did anyone actually read the article ?

    Is says :
    That's not all. We're also working on an in-game browser, linux server port, and host of other features.

  • by BrookHarty ( 9119 ) on Wednesday July 10, 2002 @02:24AM (#3854902) Journal
    The server runs in command line mode, so it should run pretty easy under winex. It even uses the Unreal 2003 engine, before the Unreal 2003 game is even out. But don't expect the game to run on your older linux boxes, the game runs on a 800mhz/gf2 basic machine with about 20fps in 800x600. On my AMD 1800/gfti500 I get about 40-50 in 1024x768 with every gfx option turned on. And boy the gfx are the best out, (until doom3!) Skins are handled nicely, where no matter what side you are, your always Americans. The enemy is either arabs, or normal soldiers without backpacks. You can run, jog, walk or take baby steps and each affects your shooting and sound. Walk slow hunched down, or lie on your stomach (and roll left/right) and you can snipe an enemy or surprise ambushed. Very realistic. (Thou we do need a knife in the game.)

    And if you like CS, you will really like this. This game isn't CS where you can jump and shoot an awp and kill someone, you have to plan, ambush, take aim, act as a team. The levels are awesome, the HQ mission, where you have to invade a camp and rescue a POW, is fantastic. The tunnel level has a very detailed collapsed ends with cars trapped, where you have to take out the terrorists and not let any escape. The mount mckenna mission is nicely detailed, you have 2 teams, honor or loyalty, and must capture and defend 3 points. Surprising how many people think this is quake3, and Die :)

    And they are going to release special missions, (For free!), where you can train in special ops, sharp shooting, navy seals, etc. Im sure each branch of the armed services wants a mission pack for them.

    BTW, not sure how Homelan got to host all the servers (Are they they only game hosting service out?) But they seem to on top of it, switching servers around so people can play. Thou 4th of july was a bad time to release, 500,000 people couldn't play, only 10 servers and buggy code. Hopefully a patch will be out soon, oh yea, that's this slashdot topic!

    "This was an honest disagreement about accounting procedures..." - President Bush - The art of spin control.

  • As Linux is affiliated with Communism, you can only play as the Red Army in the game ;-)
  • United States Marine Corps!
  • If there is going to be a linux port, how 'bout an OS X port while they're at it. Seems to me like there are a few more Mac gamers then linux gamers.

    Buuuut, I guess us mac users are all a bunch of nerd-hippies who know better then to get brainwashed by the Army's propaganda.

    Anyone else find it funny that this game lacks, blood, oil, and structural readjustment programs? Perhaps someone will release a mod that will allow you to cluster bomb innocent people in order to protect corporate interests overseas.
  • I cant believe it.
    C'mon, what is this? The last thing Linux gaming needs is ANOTHER FPS ported.
    What about a good 3D RTS Game (like Dark Reign 2, Homeworld, etc...) or some Race/Combat game (like POD, HiOctane or Wipeout)?
    Where the heck are some good games to bring a little diversity to quality Linux gaming?
    Anyone know an up-to-date RTS comming up for Linux? That would actually be news.
  • Don't hold your breath, Linux folks-- it isn't a very good game. Most games encourage exploration and individuality. This one is an army simulator: if you throw 2 grenades instead of 3, are too slow to reach an objective, or look the wrong way, you fail and are forced to repeat all of the training exercises with no option to skip through cutscenes.

    Now, a Linux Unreal II should be worth waiting for.


    • This one is an army simulator: if you throw 2 grenades instead of 3, are too slow to reach an objective, or look the wrong way, you fail and are forced to repeat all of the training exercises with no option to skip through cutscenes.

      That's a feature, not a bug.

      What may turn out to be the most effective feature of this game is that you have to go through training, and pass it, to play the game. It's thus hard to get back into the game if you're kicked out, and so the Military Discipline feature (which puts you in a virtual cell in the U.S. Military Prison at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas) deters bad player behavior.

You are in a maze of little twisting passages, all different.
