Will Wright on Game Design 62
Torill writes "Celia Pearce interviews Will Wright in the article "Sims, Battle Bots, Cellular Automata Gods and Go", in Game Studies, volume 2. Wright talks about the philosophy behind his games, one of which is The Sims: 'What are you trying to do with this thing that you're creating? To really put the player in the design role. And the actual world is reactive to their design.'"
Re:Llama dome (Score:1, Offtopic)
Re:The only good... (Score:3, Insightful)
A good FPS may entertain for some time, but a simulation game is great. It ends when you want it to, you control how things happen, You can save, come back, do something different and have the game go an entirely different way (try that with Duke Nukem).
Don't get me wrong, a good multiplayer FPS is great now and then. But I still turn to sim games more often than not.
Maybe it's my God complex : )
Re:The only good... (Score:1)
Sim Trailer Park!
Re:The only good... (Score:1)
Re:The only good... (Score:1)
And I thought I had something there...
Re:The only good... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:The only good... (Score:2)
Will Wright is a genius though. When are we going to get the 21st century update of SimEarth and SimLife?
Sounds complicated (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Sounds complicated (Score:1)
Re:Sounds complicated (Score:1)
try a google search on minesweeper and "np complete".
Interactive non-interactivity (Score:4, Interesting)
Well, this was one of the things that was never done. Anyway, it would be really nice to see a MMORPG in which it would be allowed to create your own software controlled androids - and see how they survive and mix with real -human controlled -players. Not just "bots" that complete simple routines, but something that tries to learn, evolve and survive in that world.
Is anything like this happening already?
Technosphere & RoboCodeRumble (Score:5, Informative)
Two examples:
1) Technosphere http://www.technosphere.org.uk/
2) RoboCode http://apps.alphaworks.ibm.com/rumble/
Re:Technosphere & RoboCodeRumble (Score:1)
Re:Interactive non-interactivity (Score:3, Informative)
Looking for BotMud, the MUD which should only be played by Bots
Re:Interactive non-interactivity (Score:2, Interesting)
Actually, here's a page that has (or had at one time) several links [virtualave.net] to AI contests a-la "bots". "Robocode" is probably the most well known. For Microsofties (not many around here, I know) they have a peer-to-peer persistent world of organism-bots called "Terrarium". I prefer "Robocode" because it's easy to get a bot up and running, quick to see the results of a contest, and potentially deep if you start getting into cached events and stuff like that. Alas, I digress offtopic.
The interview was really good, but really thick. In my opinion, someone who puts that much thought and analysis into games seems to take some of the fun out actually playing the game. As for my behvaior during games, if a game is fun, I typically play it lots. If something isn't fun, I leave it alone. And that's I'll I care to analyze about my game-playing behavior. *grin*
Re:Interactive non-interactivity (Score:2)
Go on the 'net (Score:1, Offtopic)
Please don't mod offtopic
"Llamas, Camels and Sheep in Space" (Score:1)
Obligatory PA link (Score:2, Funny)
Another recent Will Wright interview
After reading the article... (Score:4, Funny)
CP: Question
WW: Answer
I just have to wonder what a question would be like to his child, Will Wright II.
CP: Question
WW2: Answer
And God help us all if he has a WW3...
Re:After reading the article... (Score:1)
Echoes a few things (Score:5, Funny)
How many layers of self-reference are involved with my friend Dave? His Sims characters always end up in a destructive loop in which they only get gratification from staying home and playing computer games. Their social skills deteriorate until they get so satisfaction from other people, so they have to resort more and more to the games... Art imitates life imitates art imitates life...
The references to Pinball Construction Set -- had it on the C64 -- and old Avalon Hill-style wargames made a lot of sense. That Pinball title from EA was way ahead of itself; you had the sort of "how does the ball bounce" physics model to work around in a nonstructured way. Anyone who's ever made a map for Myth II would recognize the exercise.
And yeah, Sims games are sort of a natural (side)step from the "rules lawyer" problem everyone had playing Squad Leader. Even "real time" tactics/strategy games basically just use the processor speed of the cpu to grind through the "rules" better than we could with those 40-page booklets: think of the whole "fog of battle" premise for unit visibility in something like Warcraft or Myth, and then think of the impossible "hidden unit" scenarios in Squad Leader.
But the open-ended quality of the true Sims game is special, and we owe this guy. Or Dave does, anyway. It's the only satisfaction he really gets any more...
read the article?? (Score:1, Troll)
It is bad enough trying to get posters to read 1 page news.yahoo.com articles before responging.
This interview is long... have read half and am tired now.
how many people have actually read the entire article.
Re:read the article?? (Score:1, Insightful)
Have you heard about something called "books"?
Some of them are actually several hundred pages long!
Weird, huh?
Please be careful if you see one, for those things will really make you tired!
Re:read the article?? (Score:2)
What I was alluding to was that
1. most people read slashdot for a digest of the news for geeks.
2. Most people want to respond/discuss the article before it moves off the front page
3. There is a history on these boards of people posting on the boards before actually reading the article. aka early worm ahem ahem early bird syndrome.
Now given the above, how many people would take the more than 10 minutes required to digest the very long interview before posting response.
Perfectly valid question if you ask me??
It really would make an interesting academic study.
i. people would read short articles and then post
ii. people will skim through longish articles and still post
iii. people will not read extremely long articles and will not post.(only 54 posts a day later!)
Re:read the article?? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:read the article?? (Score:1)
I agree it's a long article but even more exhausting is the range of topics:
*gasp*, what do I comment on first?
why they ever don't get it right about game design (Score:2, Interesting)
Real good game design means _exactly_ not to put the player in the design role. That's whats just all the computer stuff for everyday work is all about.
Good game design lets you slip in a role of an actor, not a designer, thats what all the arcade stuff was all about. Gaming is adrenaline (defender, robotron) not administration(warcraft, sim xx) and should be not to time-consuming indeed.
Also i don't want to have a copy of the real life, i want computer games with unique styles and independent rules (role playing games in an middle ages style are not meant here;)).
And by the way: the disrespect of the pure gameplay aspect leads to an ignorant attitude against the need to rock-solid framerates, as you can see in nearly all pc-ego-shooters.
Am i really the only one with this opinion?
Different strokes for different folks . . . (Score:2)
However, that's why there's a number of different genres, as well as game developers, so that theoretically you should be able to find a game in the style that you like.
Some people actually enjoy the challenge of design and management, think of it as the videogame equivalent of advanced lego.
Others would prefer to play the virtual equivalent of 'cowboys and indians' and pick up the latest FPS.
There's no one "right" way to game.
Re:Different strokes for different folks . . . (Score:1)
But in the mainstream "my" kind of gaming is no more very well represented. i just don't understand why a game should be as complex as possible (and many people like that). Instead it would be fine to develop input devices to put you into it for the real next generation of gaming
Re:Different strokes for different folks . . . (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Different strokes for different folks . . . (Score:1)
"If you begin with the early history of gaming - Pacman, Galaxian, Zork, Doom, and the like - you would have had virtually no way of predicting it would become a social institution in which hundreds of people sat in front of computers in dark rooms playing 40-hour long shoot-em-up marathons."
The scary thing is, this could actually happen.
Re:Different strokes for different folks . . . (Score:1)
And i don't think i have to design,implement and publish a game just to draft my thoughts.
Re:why they ever don't get it right about game des (Score:5, Interesting)
Lots of people share your opinion, that's OK--we all play differently. ;-) For example, I enjoy the kinds of games he's talking about. There's something voyeuristic and interesting about playing a game -similar- to reality, but not quite. I was constantly making up games as a kid. Card games that played like strategy board games, acted-out games, computer games that vaguely operated like arcade games...and what was fun was that given a very loose rule set, you eventually created a good game, with rules of your own creation. Typical toy soldiers scenario--take a hundred green plastic men, an unkempt bedroom, and anything can happen! One group defects. There are spies. A dog suddenly kills off a dozen of your country's best. This is great fun (for me)!
Strategy games, and also games like the Sims, are a foggy mirror on reality, and although there are sometimes 'better' ways to play each game, the rules are not limited to those in the book/code. For example, say in Civ I have a really successful Swordsman, who has had numerous victories under his belt, but now is becoming outdated. Instead of upgrading/scrapping him, I will usually send him to either the capital city, or the city last conquered, and station him there for eternity as a reminder of their courage. This action -definitely- doesn't affect the gameplay much, but it means the world to my gaming experience. With something like the Sims, the experience (like life) is composed almost entirely of those kinds of experiences alone. 'Oh, that's the guy who peed in my kitchen...ew.' 'I tried hitting on her once...didn't work.' These are experiences, which for me are a little more memorable than, for example, 'how damn high my resolution was.' Note that I enjoy FPS' as well, and you can build the same sorts of experiences playing those...I just meant to speak to the notion that open-ended games are interesting, at least to some.
I thought I was the only one! (Score:1)
In starcraft, I'd have one marine left from a horrific battle because the infantry hit the target before the battle cruisers got there, and he would be hurt real bad (before brood war, mind you, no healing). He would have like 6 or 7 kills and I would build a transport, just for him, to bring him back as sort of a "hero".
Re:why they ever don't get it right about game des (Score:1)
Re:why they ever don't get it right about game des (Score:2, Insightful)
I see, thats why mod'ability is becoming more and more of a standard feature on games these days. I guess all this time I've been having a blast designing a Warcraft III map, I really just been proving how bad the game is
Re:why they ever don't get it right about game des (Score:1, Insightful)
The most revealing part is the bit about "Sim Health", how it came down to the rule assumptions. If you want to prove hospitals are understaffed, you set the slider bar to "more nurses per patient" or whatever. Same thing with Sim City. If you want prove that inner cities always turn to crime, set a #define. If you want to show that higher taxes means a cleaner environment, adjust a properties file. Of course there's less at stake, it's just a game. But there are billions of dollars going into scientific studies that predict the weather or something else based on simulations with slider bars labelled "political agenda" and "funding level".
The creators are going to be in for a shock, though, when the new Network Sims comes out and people just stand around and chat or tickle each other and talk dirty. They'll realize pretty quickly though, and put the pellet dispensers in. That's something the Ultima/Everquest designers never really learned. Maybe its too small a segement of the population yet to care about.
Re:why they ever don't get it right about game des (Score:1)
just my two cents, sorry to be annoying.
Overall an optimistic article (Score:1)
he's right about Go (Score:3, Interesting)
Even Video Games (Score:2, Funny)
Maybe I should stop the "Murder and Mayhem" version of the sims where I invite people over then seal them into small rooms where they slowly starve to death. I might get a visit from the pre-crime unit (Homeland defense)
The game Will Wright plays (Score:2, Insightful)
So Will is playing a game where he has to make sure that a million Sims players are happy playing their Sims game. I guess you could call him the only Sims player who is getting paid for playing. :)
Games that let you be a game designer (Score:1)
Games like the Sims, Sim City, and collectable card games (deck construction) allow the player to become the game designer.
Isn't it both more fun and rewarding to actually design your own game? I know it is for me and I doubt that I'm alone in this opinion.
Reusing game ideas/plots (Score:1)
A child playing The Sims today may have his ideas stolen and used by someone else. All it takes is one clause in the Sims EULA which claims ownership of ideas presented for content generated within the game for this to be a huge problem.
I doubt this is what was intended; Mr. Wright et al only want to make their games better. But in doing so this way, they have made their lives irreproducible. It's like Pinball Construction Set taking your "work" and putting it into Pinball Construction Set 2. Imagine if a company with an evil agenda automated gathering and analysing its users' data. Bad news!
Time Sliders (Score:1)
So unreadable... (Score:1)