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Quake First Person Shooters (Games)

Quake 3 2600 Adventure 146

Bill Kendrick writes "Quake's 3D graphics too realistic for you? Why not try this map, which reproduces the classic Atari 2600 game of blocky dragons and castles, Adventure!" I especially like the models for the dragons.
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Quake 3 2600 Adventure

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  • by PinkX ( 607183 )
    what a cool way to remember those squared atari games using a voodoo 5 5500 :)
  • by Gldm ( 600518 )
    I always wanted to play that game too, but nooo, my parents had to get me a Colecovision instead, so I was stuck with games like mousetrap. Ok, so it wasn't that bad, but I still remember being annoyed all my friends could trade games and I couldn't.

    Oh and that Coleco Adam was worthless, the tape drive on mine broke in like a month. :P
    • I just loved this game but I think there's another one (that also ran on Coleco) which would also be worth Q3ing : Venture [].
    • I had the colecovision too, but Instead of any of the Adam stuff, I abused my parents into buying me the Atari Adapter.
  • Sword (Score:4, Funny)

    by Bill Kendrick ( 19287 ) <> on Wednesday September 11, 2002 @03:14AM (#4235465) Homepage
    I can't wait til he replaces the Quake gun with the "-" 'sword' from the game.
    • (That should be "<-" 'sword')

      BTW, I may sound like I'm knocking the game when I talk about the graphics, but honestly, Atari 2600 Adventure is among my top favorite games of all time.
      • Adventure is among my top favorite games of all time.

        Hands down!

        OK, so the graphics weren't that good (even for that time), but EASILY one of the best games of all time. I have no idea how many hours I spent in front of my old 2600 (the second one, I killed the first one when I plugged the wrong Wall-Wart into it... just like my old Speak 'n' Spell...).
        I never could remember the name of the game, to be honest, but I still think of it all the time. The dragons, the mazes, the castles... Damn. I was only like 9 or 10 then.

        Good thing I got to this early enough to DL the mod. I just hope the *NIX version of Q3A will run it... :-\
        • Do you think they know about the secret programmers' room?
          I dont recall exactly how to get to it, but I remember there was a special sequence of events you could do to get you into an extra room. While you were proud to discover an Easter egg, you also effectively ended the game since you couldn't leave that room.
          Anyone remember this as well?
  • Why don't you do Quakeman, the re-incarnation of Pacman, next?
    • Re:quakeman (Score:2, Informative)

      by mirko ( 198274 )
      Wasn't it already featured in the secret level of the "Die, Führer, die" Wolfenstein 3D episode ?
    • How about Quaker?

      Either about a frog who crosses the road or a religious fellow who cannot in good conscience fight in the war...

      • > How about Quaker?
        > Either about a frog who crosses the road or a religious fellow who cannot in good conscience fight in the war...

        ...why not Kermit the Frog registering as a "Conscientious Objector" while a nice guy in a funny buckled-up hat tries to cross a highway full of them horseless carriages.

        (Yeah, I know modern Quakers don't dress or drive like the Amish, but the image was too funny to pass up :)

  • by zensonic ( 82242 ) on Wednesday September 11, 2002 @03:25AM (#4235494) Homepage
    Haven't seen any announcements of this Tetris quake engine anywhere?

    Somebody has way too much time doing things like this. ;-)
    • Haven't seen any announcements of this Tetris quake engine anywhere?

      No, but I saw Breakout on Abuse [] =)

      I don't think Tetris would be too hard to make with Q3A engine, though... too bad I have no idea personally how to make it.

  • Um. (Score:1, Troll)

    by Nyarly ( 104096 )
    Excuse me for shouting but WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? I mean, really.

    Can't you just let good enough alone? Can't we have actually decent games that aren't retro throwbacks? Can't we let the Atari 2600 fade away? Criminey.

    • If you have to ask, you'll never know

      The Atarian Age is everlasting.
    • I think it's really unfair that Nyarly has been modded to 'Troll' for stating a perfectly honest opinion. If I had the mod points I'd mod him back up to 'Insightful'

      Enough retro throwbacks, already!
    • Re:Um. (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Toxick ( 535481 )
      It's call nostalgia. A phenomenon not that uncommon in any medium. Nobody's holding a gun to your head to force you to play it, so why not live and let live, and let those of us who enjoyed that game way back when, enjoy it on a whole new level. I for one think this is a great idea, and I'd like to see new clever upgrades of old games, such as Yars Revenge, Pengo, Ikari Warriors, Combat and Golf. Have you played Atari today?!
  • Dragons? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Mr. Flibble ( 12943 ) on Wednesday September 11, 2002 @03:27AM (#4235496) Homepage

    To quote Strongbad: "Someone get this freaking duck away from me!"

    (Hint: homestarrunner [] for those who do not know.)

  • If you could convert other Golden Age video games to Quake format, what would you like to see and why?

    Pac-Quake - No need to wait for the ghosts to turn blue - just blast the ectoplasm out of them!

    Centi-Quake - Roaming around a giant garden shooting the hell out of giant centipedes

    QuakeBert - At last I get to blast that damn spring before it drops on my head just before I complete turning the squares red

    Super Mario Quake - Not that it would make a great game, but blowing up that fat little plumber would set me up for the day :-)

    • I think we need chuckie egg quake :-)

      or maybe even chockie egg. Or how about horace plays quake...

    • Pac-wolfenstein (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Goonie ( 8651 )
      One of the secret levels in Id's classic Wolf3D (the full commercial version) was a recreation of the classic pacman map and featured four indestructible ghosts. No power pills or magic tunnel, unfortunately :(
      • Around the same time that Wolf3D came out, Origin Systems released Ultima Underworld. I remember that somewhere in the game was the pac-man maze, along with four "ghosts" which were killable, along with these little "nodules" that you would automatically pick up as you walked over them. There was a subquest surrounding this as well...

        Ultima Underworld and it's sequel remain to this day to be some of the favorite games I have ever played.
    • "Centi-Quake - Roaming around a giant garden shooting the hell out of giant centipedes"

      Wouldn't that be real cool, though?

      "Super Mario Quake - Not that it would make a great game, but blowing up that fat little plumber would set me up for the day :-)"

      I'm still looking for that Giana Sisters mod that was available a few years ago.
    • Berzerk!

      [kill the humanoid! stop the intruder!]

      Evil Otto would look strange in 3D. Nominally "round," he came out to be more like a 12 sided stepped rectangle in those gloriously pixelated days.

      Extend that into the 3rd dimension and you'd have a nightmarishly complex, grinning polyhedron bouncing after you...
    • Super Mario Quake - Not that it would make a great game, but blowing up that fat little plumber would set me up for the day :-)

      There's already Target Quake (now apparently also for Q3A []) and probably more 2d platformer mods...

      My sister has Super Smash Bros. [] on her N64, and when I get a GameCube, I'll get Super Smash Bros Melee as the first game! The Bushiest One [] (or any other Nintendo character) kicks, punches, shoots, slices, and blows Mario up. Great joy. =) (Mario was not a fun character to begin with, and when they added the speech in Mario64, that was the last drop. =)

    • Gauntlet Quake... that'd rock :)

      Don't imagine that it would run to quick with all the monsters on screen tho! hehehe
    • Jumping on those spies (were they spies, or was I?) and blasting them and the light fixtures in 3d glory! Squashing the bad guy with an elevator.
      Good times.

    • There is a pac-man level I played in counterstrike. No ghosts, but you could teleport. Pretty cool.
    • GAUNTLET. or CONTRA....

      the new version of gauntlet sucks. ZELDA. BARDS TALE!!!
  • by Jugalator ( 259273 ) on Wednesday September 11, 2002 @03:36AM (#4235517) Journal
    Finally, Quake has been brought to a level Nethack fans might actually enjoy.

    Whether it was brought up or brought down to that level, well, that's another question. :)
    • Oh, and, since Nethackers don't care much about fancy graphics cards, they might not be able to run Quake 3.

      Well, there's a savior [] for that too (screenshots [])! All hail to Quake programmers with too much free time!
      • Too bad it wouldn't work for Q3, though . . . ttyquake and ttyquake2 worked because of the availablility of aavga, which was a library which provided the svgalib api but used aalib to do all the work. Quake3 doesn't have SVGA capabilities, so you'd have to do a hell of a lot more work to get it working in textmode . . .
      • I believe there is an OpenGL library which uses wireframe graphics, so you can run Quake (even Quake 3) on modest hardware. Anyone know where it lives?
    • well, i don't know if they tweaked the saving system so that if you die you start again, and also made it insanely hard(which is a good thing anyways).

      i don't think that many of todays games live up to to that level. imagine how 'succesful' aliens vs. predator 2 would be if you would have to start the whole game again if you died.
  • It's just a matter of time now... Will they render D's and T's?
  • Pendulium Motion? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Dragon213 ( 604374 )

    Could this possibly be the hypothetical "pendulium" swinging back against graphics-intensive gore fests? (don't get me wrong, I love UT and I'm eagerly awaiting UT 2003) Could we be returning to a time where near photo-realism and "twitch" game mechanics will be subsumed by games that graphics quality and instant gratification (even though there's nothing like the UT announcer saying "Godlike!") take a back seat to storyline and character development?

    I know that there are good games out there that have great graphics and good storylines (Arcanum comes to mind), but they are few and far between IMHO. This could be exactly what the game industry needs...a return from mindless carnage to more thought-provoking and intelligent games (the Final Fantasy series also comes to mind....)

    Just my thoughts, please don't flame

    • "Could this possibly be the hypothetical "pendulium" swinging back against graphics-intensive gore fests?"

      Yes, Adventure Quake will truely be the point where "e-games" turn around. Our lives will truely be changed by this momentous event. Geeks will no longer be persecuted. This is a revolution.

      Who are you, JonKatz?
    • Could this possibly be the hypothetical "pendulium" swinging back against graphics-intensive gore fests? (don't get me wrong, I love UT and I'm eagerly awaiting UT 2003) Could we be returning to a time where near photo-realism and "twitch" game mechanics will be subsumed by games that graphics quality and instant gratification (even though there's nothing like the UT announcer saying "Godlike!") take a back seat to storyline and character development?
      In a word. No.

      Give me a good storyline, and character development, yes, but also give me bloody good graphics! When I look back at old games with their simplistic blocky graphics, I ask myself "What the hell did I ever see in these!"
    • yeah, because "Adventure" was the high point of "storytelling and character development"?
  • evolution []
  • What makes this so cool to me is that Adventure translates so neatly into three dimensions. The same maze in 3d will probably be harder than it was in 2d (though the crappy 2600 joysticks made it more work). I'd love to see Pac-Man (and not the Atari version!) made into a Quake 3 level. Unfortunately, the Nintendo platform games that supplanted the Atari-style games won't lend themselves to this treatment, as a single level would be loooong.....

    BTW, isn't this whole thing massive trademark (Adventure (TM) IIRC) and copyright (the mazes, artwork, etc) infringement? After all, the owner of Atari's IP might want to make a modern version themselves -- they did Combat! after all.....
  • by Nailer ( 69468 ) on Wednesday September 11, 2002 @04:02AM (#4235584)
    The bonus level on the rather nifty UT mod, Operation Na Pali [] (which works under Linux), has Mario and Lego World sections. And the rest of the mod isn't bad either.
  • Posted on the same day a "Quake 3 ported to Shockwave" story was rejected _3 times_. Gotta love it.
  • So far he's got a great looking mod on the way of one of the best games (at the time) to ever hit the shelves.

    Just image some of the possibilities:
    CTF multiplayer using the chalices and castles to gain points for your color.
    Cannot kill dragons unless you posses the right color sword (weapon, relic, whatever).
    If he can figure out a way to make a movable bride, it might make it more interesting to protect/assult each castle in a CTF type senerio.
    And the one I'd like to see most...Large square block character models :)

  • big deal, the game already looks like that with the graphics settings i'm using.... gotta keep the frame rate up you know :)
  • The Hacker Quarterly? [] I don't care if you think it's lame, you shouldn't go around shooting magazines!

  • Atari 2600 Adventure had the first easter egg I ever came across. There's a dot (probably supposed to be sledgehammer or something, if the 'sword' is anything to go by) in one of the mazes which opens up a wall into a secret room. ISTR the words 'Created by Warren Robihep', but Google on 'Robihep' turns up no hits. Anyone remember this?
  • It would be timeless to line up for a great railgun shot on someone and the Bat comes along and carries off your Railgun.

    Back in the day, I can't tell you how many times that damn bat gave me the red dragon and ran off with the chalice.

    Those were the days.
    • Re:The BAT (Score:2, Funny)

      by spakka ( 606417 )
      Or carries away the bridge and leaves you stuck behind a wall, the little fucker.
    • Re:The BAT (Score:2, Interesting)

      by JSkills ( 69686 )
      Really - the bat was the coolest part of the game in some ways. It introduced a purely random element to the game.

      Remember he'd fly up and forcibly "trade" whatever object he had with yours? The worst was having your sword taken and being handed a dragon.

      Or how about if the dragon ate you and you were in his stomach just as the bat came along and grabbed the dragon? So just as the game ended, you'd be watching yourself fly around the dragon's belly as the bat carried the dragon from screen to screen ...

      All that fun and your character was a friggin square that you moved around the screen. Go figure!

    • This was one of my favourite games as
      a youngster because it was possible to
      customize where the objects were in
      the game. My friends and I (at the time)
      would kill all the dragons, then go find
      the bat. You could pick up the bat.
      And then if you maneuvered the bat just
      right it would pick up objects (even
      dead dragons) and you could go around
      swaping the items on the board.

      Then with a quick slide of the reset
      button, the dragons would come back to
      life and you would be placed at the
      starting point.
    • It would be timeless to line up for a great railgun shot on someone and the Bat comes along and carries off your Railgun.

      You know, the bat was never a problem for me. I figured out that the single room in the gold castle wrapped the sides and top in such a way that the bat could be caged there, so long at it wasn't flying downwards. I just waited for it to grab something unneeded, like the magnet or a used key, so carried into the castle.

      I'm still fuming to this day that I was this close to finding the secret room under my own power. (Found dot and greyed out the barrier, but I couldn't walk through it for some reason.) Pity that the Stella emulator doesn't allow the dot to be picked up. )-:
  • I was just proud i could enable all those fancy options like FSAA, quadrillion supersampling, image smoothing, mothion blur et cetera and now i still have these blocky graphics and jagged edges! ;-) I guess i'll have to buy an even fancier videocard to see the yellow dragon less blocky...
    • see the yellow dragon less blocky...

      No problem. Just smear some grease on a pair of sunglasses and squint a bit. Voila - analog anti-aliasing! Works with any graphics card! Infinite resolution! Unlimited processing power! Cleans your teeth while you sleep! XP!

      I should patent this so no one else can abuse the technology...

  • There was an easter egg in the original advanture, just a silly blinking dot but it's what I remember most from the game.

    I certainly hope it makes the transition to the modern map & either way I can't wait to try it!
  • ...port Quake3 to a Atari 2600 :-p
  • The creator of this mentions he's having problems replicating the claustrophobic mazes. In the original 2600 game you could only see a limited square of the maze surrounding your position, the rest was grey - the 1st ever fog effect in a game?

    Would some sort of 50ft grey box object carried by the player, but able to pass through the walls do the trick? Is this possible with the Q3 archtecture?
    • The creator of this mentions he's having problems replicating the claustrophobic maze. In the original 2600 game you could only see a limited square of the maze surrounding your position, the rest was grey

      I suppose there's not much need for it. In the original, the 'fog' stops you using your overhead perspective to look ahead. Wonderfully elegant solution IMHO. The 1st person perspective of Quake takes care of this already, making the fog redundant.

      - the 1st ever fog effect in a game?

      This doesn't predate Adventure, but did you ever see the 'fog' in 3D Monster Maze for the ZX81? It said something like 'The mists of time will pass over you while transporting you to the maze'. It then went into 'fast' (i.e. grey screen) mode for a few minutes while calculating the maze. Genius.

    • Isn't the simplest solution making the maze dark and let the player hold a lightsource/torch?

      The only downside here is that dynamic light calculation is slow.
  • Some people really don't have much to do with their time.
  • maybe someone can make a Tora Bora cave map for the US forces to us as training.
  • It either put me in the world of Dragons lair.. or Space Ace. Actually the rocket rollerskates from space ace would be an awesome addition to quake3!

    I certianly would love to do the space-ace world without a silly little blaster but the BFG or railgun.
  • I mean, literally! I had played Adventure a couple of times on Stella [] yesterday, just waxing nostalgic. And last night I had a dream that I had to map the thing to 3D. (Yes, I have weird dreams. It could be worse; my poor father has dreams where he's mowing the lawn.)
  • Does anybody else experience an urge to vommit with 3D games. I dont play much at all but picked up a cheap version of Quake 2 at Kmart the other day. I played it three days and noticed that I had constant nausia for hours after playing. Also every time i closed my eyes or let my mind wander I could see myself navigating through the maze.

    Very fishy. I deleted the game and snapped the CD in two so i would not be tempted.

    Felling better now
    • You think it's bad now, the gibs in Quake 3 would send you over the edge. Seriously tho I've never been nauseous from playing but the brain does keep the game going when I go to bed after a long night of killin' Stroggs. Weird eh?
  • Obvious this guy can only do what Quake allows, but I do find it funny that as of right now he's having trouble emulating a piece of Atari 2600 software (namely the bridge).

    Now before I get berated, let me just say right now I couldn't even do the smallest fraction of what this guy did. It's impossibly cool and can't wait to see what he does with it.
  • by fault0 ( 514452 ) on Wednesday September 11, 2002 @08:19AM (#4236391) Homepage Journal
    >How will you manage the objects like the bridge?
    Dunno yet. Probably lots of QuakeC involved with that, and I'm no expert.

    Um, Quake3 doesn't use QuakeC :)
    It uses straight C for dll's (not recommended/insecure/windows only) and .so's (not recommended/insecure/linux only).

    It uses straight C for qvm's, but you have to use special trap functions to access the exposed engine.

    You can ask around in places like the mods forum in, and I'm sure people would like to help you :)

    > What tools are you using to create this?
    I'm using "Quake Army Knife" aka QuArK. You can download it from

    Hmm, QuArK is good, but it's sorta old now. You might want to try GtkRadiant.
  • by zaren ( 204877 ) <> on Wednesday September 11, 2002 @08:25AM (#4236448) Journal
    but what about the audio? Will we be able to hear a simple *bloop* when picking up an item? How about the sound when killing a dragon with the sword? And I seem to recall an odd sound loop when running into certain things...

    I don't have Quake3 (sacrilege!), but I might just go get a copy after this map is finished :D
  • Slightly OT, but this reminds me of "Happy Fun Quake," one of the funniest of Quake 1 SP conversions. I still remember playing this, got a big kick out of it. See here [] to read about it.
  • In the automotive hobby, a restomod is taking an antique car and putting a modern fuel injected computer controlled drivetrain in it. It sounds a lot like what we're doing here. Putting the modern Quake 3 engine on a classic gameplay. I'd love to see some other classic games go this route. Metroid, anyone?
  • How about that? Put it into a DESCENT map. Actually, I enjoyed Tron, Robotron, Satan's Hollow and Defender, personally, but always enjoyed the 2600 for what it was then. How many people actually played WARLORDS on the 2600 with 3 other players? That was the beginning of the addiction for me.
  • Dud I loved this game back in the day... Though currently the Atari is OutOfOrder (The only game console i've ever owned, well unless you count the semi-broken dreamcast that I got for free.)
  • I wonder how many people who are old enough to have played these games when they came out still have time for playing games. I sure don't.
  • Not much to add here.
  • Anyone know why Stella pins the CPU at 100%?
    It's bizarre!
  • Doesn't work? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by ipxodi ( 156633 )
    Anyone else having problems with the map? As soon as I put it in my baseq3 directory, Quake stopped loading properly. (Something about a file not being a jpeg...)

    If you have this problem, just delete the file from the baseq3 directory, everything should be happy then.
  • Warren was the programmer of the original 2600 Adventure game cartridge. His boss had told him not to persue trying to design the game because it "wasn't possible" to do in a 4k ROM.

    Warren did it anyway. And that game sold 1 million copies for Atari at 25 bucks each.

    What did Warren get? His usual 22k/year salary.

    And the only reason anyone knows his name? He put an Easter Egg in the game that showed his name in a secret room. It's also as far as anyone knows the first ever easter egg in a game program.

    Hopefully the designers of the Q3 mod will give props to Warren and include a similar egg in their mod.

    Warren, wherever you are, rock on, bro. You changed the face of the industry and deserved WAY more than the 22k a year salary you earned...

A language that doesn't have everything is actually easier to program in than some that do. -- Dennis M. Ritchie
