Doom 3 Alpha Leaked 819
Alex_Ionescu writes "The Doom 3 E3 Demo Alpha has leaked to the public. It looks promising, altough I'm only getting 12FPS on a Radeon 7500. Did anyone else have the chance to play it and could post their FPS? Here are some sites with more information and screenshots: here , here, here, and finally here. "
what do you mean by leaked? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:what do you mean by leaked? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:what do you mean by leaked? (Score:2)
Re:what do you mean by leaked? (Score:4, Informative)
Basically, an alpha version containing 3 levels, got out. This is far from the whole game, and the game certainly wasn't 'compromised.' Now, on to my point...
SWEET!!!! (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:SWEET!!!! (Score:3, Funny)
Slashdot... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Slashdot... (Score:3, Funny)
Nah, more like: News for Nerds, 3-Day Warez
more like 4-day :P (Score:5, Insightful)
Doom 2 is probably my favorite game EVER in terms of hours spent enjoying it, and I've been looking forward to Doom 3 ever since John Carmack mentioned the idea in his
Anyway, of course I was really excited when people on efnet started mentioning an alpha being leaked, and I managed to get ahold of it that night. So I loaded it up, and played it for a few minutes.. and closed it and deleted it. Yes, it looks great. Very promising. But really, it's not worth the download. There are only 3 levels, and you can tell that even those aren't polished yet. From playing it, I learned that it's a beautiful game and awesome engine, and it's going to be fun as hell. But anyone can see that just by looking at the screenshots that have been around forever. This alpha is more of a spoiler than anything else. Instead of going out and trying to get your hands on it, you'd be better off to just wait for the real game to come out.
Re:more like 4-day :P (Score:5, Funny)
I can just see the John Carmack and his stock broker meeting,
Stock Broker: John, you stocks have been tanking lately, and the whole IT has been hit hard. Your portfolio is starting to get a little weak.
John Carmack: (jumps in a telephone booth, ripes off his shirt to reveal his costume, with an "IT" on his chest) The computer industry is hurting, must get it to rebound. I will create a new game, Doom 3 to save the Industry! They will all have to buy new computers to play it! That will improve my portfolio right?
Stock Broker: Yes!
John Carmack I am on it(leaps out the window flying to his Cubicle of Productivity)!
Re:more like 4-day :P (Score:3, Funny)
I got ahold of the alpha demo at around 10am on Friday.
I played it on my GeForce2GTS at around 10:05am on Friday.
I picked up an ATI Radeon 9700 at 5pm on Friday. Thank dawg for leaked Alphas on payday
Re:Slashdot... (Score:3, Funny)
Nah, more like: News for Nerds, 3-Day Warez
Nah, more like: News for Nerds, 3-Day Warez, 5-Day Warez and 8-Day Warez.
with all those repeat stories...
Re:Slashdot... (Score:2)
seriously though, i'd like to see isonews/nforce news on the frontpage.. that would be handy
Re:Slashdot... (Score:2)
Re:Slashdot... (Score:2)
Re:Slashdot... (Score:2)
Leaked by ATI? (Score:5, Interesting)
Shame on them...
Hmmm (Score:3, Funny)
Hey, I can wear my tinfoil conspiracy hat once in a while, can't I?
QUAID (Score:3, Interesting)
Um.. Crap, I can't play it, I only have a Matrox G400.
Maybe they leaked the alpha on purpose because they knew practically no one can play it. Well unless of course you just stare at the ground the entire game.
Looks really cool though, do we get a chainsaw again?
Re:QUAID (Score:2)
That means geforce1 or higher, or radeon or higher. Nothing by matrox before the para-whatsit has T&L AFAIK.
Re:QUAID (Score:3, Informative)
besides, part of the horror of the doom1 was for me that when too many moonsters came i couldnt possibly shoot em all because my comp slowed down
Re:QUAID (Score:2, Interesting)
I got a copy (Score:5, Informative)
You have to love ad placement (Score:5, Funny)
Re:You have to love ad placement (Score:3, Funny)
It's also so obvious as to be unseemly, even for Slashdot.
newsgroup downloads (Score:4, Informative)
alt.binaries.games.worms is offering the Doom III Alpha copy..
there will be plenty of reposts.. so take your time
My FPS... (Score:5, Informative)
Try killing any and all non essential processes running in the background. Also, try killing and multiple monitors (just unclick the "extend my desktop...", you dont have to pull other cards out).
ALPHA (Score:2, Insightful)
It's Too Bad (Score:5, Interesting)
One possibility of what will happen is what seems common to me when things are leaked. People play it, and they like/dislike a certain feature. Then when it's taken out/changed, they complain, when they never would have seen it (or missed it) otherwise. When people get to play something like this, they seem to think that it's their game.
Another possibility is that people play it and think it's the best game ever (and when it changes, complain, as above). If this doesn't happen, then the other extreme does, and that one seems a bit common to me. People play it, it's got lots of problems (it's an internal alpha, what do you expect) and so they say it's terrible, etc when the work on it is no where near complete. So when it DOES come out, alot of these people have already made up their minds.
I do think that this is news, and I'm glad it made it onto slashdot, but I DON'T think that slashdot should be posting mirrors to the leaked alpha (I know they'd show up in the comments but still...)
Re:It's Too Bad (Score:5, Funny)
iD was worried about the leak, so they submitted to slashdot to stop people downloading. If a server cant take a 50kb page being slashdotted, what about an xxxMB file?
Re:It's Too Bad (Score:2)
And in other news.. (Score:5, Funny)
leaked on purpose? (Score:3, Insightful)
or maybe it was leaked just in time for the NV30 to demonstrate that it does kick the 9700's butt in Doom3. sure it was leaked by an ATI employee?
Re:leaked on purpose? (Score:2, Insightful)
toilets in the game (Score:5, Funny)
Do those urinals have CAMERAS strategically attached to them????? Creepy...
Um... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Um... (Score:5, Insightful)
I don't totally agree with your point, but I do agree that it is very poor judgment on the part of Slashdot's editors to post those links. Linking to leaked software is very close to linking to warez, IMO.
I wonder if the same thing would have been done with a leaked pre-release version of Photoshop or MS Office? Probably not.
Re:Um... (Score:2)
Yeah, why should I buy the full version of Doom III now, when I have a bug-ridden alpha demo that runs at a crappy frame rate?
The big difference here is that linking to warez theoretically hurts sales of the software. No sane person could believe that this does.
Re:Um... (Score:3, Insightful)
Yeah, why should I buy the full version of Doom III now, when I have a bug-ridden alpha demo that runs at a crappy frame rate?
1. This isn't a complete software, it's a three level demo
Oh I see. So stealing someone's work and distributing on the Internet is okay as long as it's not completely functional. I know Slashdot is really heavily slanted toward the open source/free software crowd, but one shouldn't take lightly the fact that this is someone's property and work and that it was distributed without that person's permission. In this case, one of those people is John Carmack, someone whose work has given me countless hours of fun, so it seems slightly worse to me. I don't see any justification for stealing his work and distributing it before he says it's time. I find it even worse that Slashdot editors (who supposedly run a place filled with those who understand and respect this kind of work) don't see the problem with pointing its readership toward this stuff.
Justify your own lack of ethics however you see fit, but I think it's wrong to distribute it as well as point others in the direction of it. Slashdot is wrong to have done so and should be embarrassed.
Re:Um... (Score:2)
Removing those links would not serve any usefull purpose but would set an indecent precedent. Anyone able to handle eDonkey or relatives already finds the file in plenty. But i think, postings with links to it should be moderated down not up.
Yours, Martin
Re:Um... (Score:3, Interesting)
OK, so what NDA did CmdrTaco et al sign that prevents them from spreading this around? What EULA did they agree to? They aren't breaking a contract, since they didn't SIGN a contract.
Re:How? (Score:5, Insightful)
Nope, this is wrong. There's no way Slashdot should be linking to warez.
Re:How? (Score:3, Insightful)
Take the google example, chances are someone there has though at the fact that their search engine indexes some things that are illegal. one might even be able to find an internal email on the subject. With that email, one could allege that since they know some of the things they index are illegal and didn't do anything about it, they willfully aided copyright infringement. One could make this argument, but I don't think one could win. But it gives and example of why I think intent should not matter.
I think arguing over intent is silly. It should be either okay to link to something or illegal. Anything else leaves too much ambiguity.
I understand the state the law is in currently, I just think it's a lousy state to be in.
Re:Um... (Score:5, Funny)
So... you're new here, then?
Possible response from iD (Score:5, Interesting)
"Xian> ATI leaked it
Xian> oh we will. We are hoping our rep gets fired.
Xian> John sent them a flame mail yesterday basically saying "This has hurt our relationship"
Xian> haha, no
Xian> not really
Xian> they sent us a development laptop with a full build of Unreal Warfare on it
Xian> yep
Xian> Well, we deleted it
Xian> that's a whole can of worms we don't want to get into
Xian> yeah, well, ATI has clearly violated our NDA
Xian> we thought about that.
Xian> but, no
Xian> ATI is on our shitlist right now
Xian> we are not dealing with them until further notice
Xian> no, it's not public chiQ
Xian> We know ATI leaked it. We watermark all releases
Xian> Squiggle: ATI has a relaxed policy about pre-release software. Remeber, they gave us a laptop that had Unreal Warfare loaded on it 3 months ago
Xian> They don't seem to care about strict enforcement of NDA's
Xian> on a positive note, people seem to *REALLY LIKE* the leaked shit"
Re:Possible response from iD (Score:3, Interesting)
ATI does seem to habitually violate NDA, or at least confidentiality agreements. A year ago at MWNY ATI made a press release about how their new graphics chip would be used in the yet to be released new iMac. This PR came out two days before Steve Jobs was supposed to officially announce the machines. He got so pissed off he cancelled all ATI demonstrations for his keynote speech and even had ATI's built-to-order options removed on all of the new machines. This probably made NVidia very happy.
Re:Possible response from iD (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Possible response from iD (Score:2)
Re:Possible response from iD (Score:3, Funny)
This reminds me of when I was talking about reaganomics and I said "trickle down? trickle down my ass. uh, wait."
Uh, this is SO wrong (Score:4, Funny)
I will get off my moral high horse now and look for a copy
Taking bets (Score:2)
Unreal alpha (Score:5, Informative)
I wouldn't draw any conclusions about the 3D-engine efficiency before the final version is released.
See Yesterday's Post! (Score:5, Insightful)
Yesterday we cried because games and game studios fail. Today we rejoice because an up-coming game has been leaked. We want to have our cake and eat it too. This mentality is a good part of the reason our types aren't taken seriously.
Re:See Yesterday's Post! (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:See Yesterday's Post! (Score:5, Insightful)
This is by far not a finished product, and shouldn't be treated as such. The folks who are downloading this are mostly interested in getting a rough idea of how the finished product is going to run on their computer and what this engine is capable of doing.
All this does is pique interest in the finished product. This is not it. Make the distinction.
Re:See Yesterday's Post! (Score:2)
I.e. you have no point.
Get Better FPS (Score:2, Informative)
seta r_ext_compress_textures "1" seta r_colorbits "16" seta r_depthbits "16" seta r_mode "3" seta r_fullscreen "1" seta r_shadows "0" seta r_useStandardGL "1"
This should get your fps up a little bit, but you will lose some very nice eye candy!
what I wanna know (Score:3, Funny)
Or am I going to have to install that leaked version of Longhorn after all?
Re:what I wanna know (Score:2)
Just wait for the final version next Spring. There'll be a Linux release, I'm sure.
Just say no... (Score:5, Insightful)
Alpha Test != actual game (Score:3, Informative)
If you want the demo, don't use filesharing apps...they've been too unreliable for the file. Try doin a search on packetnews for IRC channels that host the file (I got mine at addictz.net #datavault).
My framerates and impressions. (Score:3, Interesting)
AMD T-Bird 1400, 512 mb ddr, Creative GF4 Ti4200.
Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3.
30.82 NVIDIA Detonator Drivers.
Running at 640x480x32, I average at 30 fps when using low quality settings. When there's heavy action on screen, the framerates drop below 5. The intro "map e3\intro" is absolutely jaw dropping, albeit beit pretty slow on my machine. After watching the intro and playing around with the 3 included maps, I have no wonders that people at E3 were complaining that "Stop showing us the pre-rendered stuff, show us the engine" to which ID employees responded with something along the lines of "Well, this *IS* the engine". My knowledge of English is not good enough to be able to express how impressive this thing is. The scary atmosphere, lighting, shadows, creepy noises. ID did it all right. This is far from the "real thing", as it's only an Alpha of the engine that was shown months ago and the full game is still months off. Still. Two Words: My GOD.
P.S: I hear that this thing also has Multiplayer and the Editor included as well, but you have to hack around to get them to work.
What a coincidence (Score:2, Troll)
ATI leak (Score:5, Funny)
John - "Damn bastards, the ATI folk. They leaked the alpha."
Xian - "We've got to punish ATI somehow for this."
John - "I know, I'll cripple performance on ATI cards. I'll just insert a sleep() function call here and half the framerate when I detect an ATI card. That will teach them."
Xian - "Excellent."
a few minutes later..... (Score:4, Funny)
Xian- "Yes?"
John- "I've got missles."
Xian- "Oh really...."
John- "The aerospace tests are going
better than planned."
Xian- "Excellent! I'll get ATI's address."
It is a Debug Build (Score:3, Informative)
Some performance tweaks..... (Score:5, Informative)
Admittedly this will make the game look nowhere as amazing as it currently does, but these two tweaks (which you can enter on the console) worked wonders for me...
r_useStandardGL 1 - the default is set to '0' - using this toggle will disable the bump mapping.
r_shadows 0 - the default is set to '1' - using this toggle will disable the dynamic shadows which, whilst looking amazing, melt your computer.
Some other things worth noting that I have discovered... if you edit the 'runact.cfg' (which if you have downloaded this leaked copy, you will know you have to exec - and it takes about 5 minutes loading up textures and stuff) - if you comment out the bottom three of the top 4 'exec' statements to read like
exec activate_demo1
#exec activate_demo2
#exec activate_demo3
#exec activate_intro
That 'exec runact.cfg' takes a hella lot less time and the game seems to run as normal.
One last thing.. should we even be talking about this? I know that John Carmack reads
Re:Some performance tweaks..... (Score:3, Funny)
Whether or not (Score:3, Insightful)
Slashdot slashdotted? (Score:3, Informative)
Games showing too much? (Score:5, Interesting)
Now I'm not saying everyone playing this game will turn into serial killers, or anything like that. I'm not saying it's going to be the downfall of our generation. Blowing up monsters, aliens, various creatures, 'bad guys' etc has been a big part of my life, and those games have all been fun without needing highly detailed portions of their remains scattered around the level.
I guess my question is, are other people turned off by more realistic, graphic gore? Will FPS games quest for more realistic games turn to be their downfall, or will they start to modify them so, although the texture & enemies look more realistic, the actual shooting will be less intense? Or will they include an option where the user can choose to play ultra-graphic violent mode, or a more toned down version appropriate for younger players?
Damnit. (Score:5, Informative)
Yes, we are upset about it, and it will have some impact on how we deal with some companies in the future, but nothing drastic is going to change in terms of what support is going to be available.
Making any judgements from a snapshot intended for a non-interactive demo is ill advised.
John Carmack
re: Damnit. (Score:3, Interesting)
The leak is out, and known about it. Instead of having websites that are desperate to cater to id's wish (eg, Shacknews.com) by buying their heads in the sand and pretending this doesn't exist, or sending Christian around like a good little stormtrooper to cease and desist sites hosting pictures....
Why not officially release some pictures? Why not just make an official announcement thats somethings been leaked?
Re:Damnit. (Score:4, Interesting)
The only thing I see that might be irritating is that ATI seems to have broken trust with you.
Re:Damnit. (Score:5, Insightful)
You're working on a project for over a year
You want gamers and other end-people to see and experience the FINAL result, maybe create some noise by having CONTROLLED (i.e. being very precise about what you want and don't want to show yet) demos.
You do some deals with some Hardware companies because hardware/drivers development is getting more and more complex and at some point in the development, it's easier to send an alpha build for the hardware company to do the QA on their drivers or reproduce specific bugs that you don't want to explain or make a little application to reproduce it (especially when it's getting to a point where it's a pile of little bugs left and right).
This is a good thing for the Game dev team and a good thing for the hardware team: they get to demo their technology in closed doors and the Game dev team gets better feedback and optimizations from the vendors where it can get optimized at the driver level. Also having more people on the QA testing of the engine doesn't hurt.
Naturally, all of this is confined with NDAs and closed environment, and I am sure the Vendors are in the obligation to make any investors or customers viewing anything more than what was shown publicly at E3 or any other demos to sign NDAs.
Now, every users can download UNFINISHED work, probably a RUSHED build so that they could make the demo on time, and have first hand EXPERIENCE with this build, while having first hand experience with a final build would be even better, now it will be only an "evolution" instead of a bigger bang that what people experienced with this leaked build.
While everyone here LOVES John's work, I don't want to speak for him, but personally I'd be seriously pissed at the person/company ruining the momentum I wanted to bring with a FINAL POLISHED product, in such a fashion. Of course the final will rock and people will love it, but until then, this shouldn't have happened and some head will fall for this. The people responsible for this leak will obviously have their head chopped off and better be looking for a job outside the graphics/game industry.
Anyways, we'll probably never know the whole truth on this but early reports seems to point at ATI... I'll wait for the official confirmation but if it would be them, as a (small) shareholder of ATI in my RSPs, I sure would be VERY disapointed at them.
I wouldn't be surprised for this to come from a hardware vendor, expecially after seeing some Drivers QA labs, When you hire "kids" to play games and do a bit of work, pay them a "kid" salary, and have more or less supervision, you can't ask them for being highly professionnal people and act like if they were CEOs with the same responsiblities and engagement, like one of my friend says (working at another company), you get what you pay for. Still, it's a shame if it would be ATI.
Re:Damnit. (Score:4, Interesting)
Whilst it is unfortunate that this was leaked, I think you should take some comfort in the fact that just about everyone who has tried this out is absolutely blown away by it. Not just by the stunning visuals, but by the scary atmosphere, the awesome sound, and just about everything else. This is the first game that has scared the hell out of me in ages..
The game rules.. I cannot WAIT to buy the full version.
Re:Damnit. (Score:4, Insightful)
Sure, you're still going to buy the game. However, have you thought that perhaps iD doesn't want their competitors to have a detailed look at what's coming?
In an industry where a technological lead for your graphics engine == mucho $$$ from engine licensing sales, the less their competitors know, the better.
I'm sure that *nobody* at Epic or Monolith has pulled this down from edonkey and checked it out yet. No sir, no way.
CPU bound, -fno-optimze (Score:5, Informative)
The demo is completely CPU bound. I get the same framerates from r_mode 1 to r_mode 7 (400x300->1280x1024), on my Ti4600. Supposedly all optimizations were removed from this particular build for some stress testing that ATI wanted.
Now, I'm not sure what that stress test could be, in ATI's case. Probably s_noUpdates 1;s_restart; and notarget would knock most of the software-proccessed 5.1 audio and AI, so ATI might have wanted to do brute-force fillrate tests.
Anyhow, if anyone scrolls down this far, I figured they might want to know that the demo is CPU bound, completely unoptimized, and that the final game will, without question, be highly optimized.
Also, the binaries are stripped.
Re:FP (Score:5, Insightful)
Some fo you /.ers make no sence at all.
Re:FP (Score:5, Funny)
This isn't good gameplay?
Re:download it here (Score:2, Informative)
Re:download it hete (Score:2)
U getting a % on the bandwidth sold to these guys ?
Re:download it hete ---useless, parent cant spell (Score:2)
Hey i'm on it right now with 150 other people all saying the same thing...
The parent doesn't deserve mod points because there IS no doom 3 here. Completely useless utter nonsense dog dick crap. SO MOD THE PARENT DOWN
kthnx bye.
Re:download it hete ---useless, parent cant spell (Score:2, Informative)
Re:No! It's a fake! (Score:2, Insightful)
Except I have it on my machine, and was playing it earlier...
the only people who can run it are the weirdos who buy $400 video cards every four months
I can run it up to 40 FPS on my radeon 8500 if I drop all the detail and resolution. At 800x600, on medium detail with bump mapping enabled, I am getting 20-25. Not good, but playable.
that irc log is fake (Score:2, Informative)
do not buy a geforce 4mx for doom (Score:5, Informative)
I'm not surprised. Carmack has already stated [webdog.org] that you should not buy a GeForce 4MX for doom.
Re:my fps (Score:2, Insightful)
bind w _forward
bind s _back
bind a _moveleft
bind d _moveright
There's also a flashlight in the game that is missing a texture. You can copy flashlight2.tga to flashlight3.tga and it will work. Framerate drops significantly when you use it.
bind e flashlight
Ignorance...... (Score:2)
Re:Not interested... (Score:2, Insightful)
ID *IS* the company that pushes FPS technology to it's fullest. Carmack is a fucking Genius. Unreal is nothing more than a DoomMeToo. Ever since wolfenstien3d (i'm talkin 286 here, not RTCW) People wanting to play ID games have been buying, upgrading their home pc's for years. It's a completely new scene (6-7 year old scene?)
aS FAR A ps2 being beefier than a top of the line PC, don't make me chuckle. Shit's gonna be emulated soon nuff. NV30 will run circles around the PS2 graphics stuff without even breaking a sweat.
Your crappy NTSC Tv at the most can display at a resolution of 720x480, while any PC can do resolutions way beyond that. Also to note, your TV refreshes at 60hz, so at the most it could only spit out 60 FPS on a tv.
Computers with monitors will go beyond the resolution, and beyond the framerate of the PS2. Modern SGI monitors can refresh at 150, so as long as the video card can keep up with the refresh rate, it can spit out 150fps.
Use "comment sense" before you make stupid comments like that and I wont have to kill you.
Re:Not interested... (Score:2, Informative)
Second, high frame rateproduces a realistic sense of motion. Even though the integration time of your retina isn't particularly fast, higher update rates give an more convincing illusion of continuous time. Movies and television can get away with 24 fps and 60 fps (fields) respectively because the images displayed have motion blur built into them. Games don't have that advantage, so they have to "fill in the gaps" with high frame rate.
(And yes, I work in the game industry so I know these things. At Activision, the difference between Battlezone running in software at 30 fps versus Battlezone running with hardware acceleration at 60+ fps was astonishing.)
Re:Not interested... (Score:2)
> - so why all this push to make things run at 150 fps?
> Can you really notice the difference above a certain amount?
It's an expontential fall-off.
Doubling the frame rate does not make the video look twice as smooth.
10 -> 20, very noticable
20 -> 40, smooth, but getting hard to tell.
30 -> 60, you will be hard pressed to notice the difference (but it IS possible)
That said, there is a reason you want the game to run a high frame rate. If you're game runs at rock-solid 30 fps, and then 12 guys show up on screen tanking your frame rate by 20, you'll really notice the visual lag. However, if you're frame rate is 150+, with the 12 guys on screen, you won't even notice the frame rate decrease.
Philosophy is a game with objectives but no rules.
Mathematics is a game with rules but no objectives.
Re:Pretty old, really... (Score:2)
Re:Pretty old, really... (Score:2)
But anyway, the point is probably that Slashdot is supposed to be fast about posting news, and that in this case it was quite slow. That doesn't hurt anybody per se, it does "hurt" people who rely on Slashdot as their only source of "News for Nerds", or at least if would if this was some kind of highly relevant story.
I don't really see why you're making such a big thing out of it, nobody ever said the fact that Slashdot isn't always the first site ro report things was some kind of earth shattering insight. *shrug*
Re:Pretty old, really... (Score:2)
Anyway, I do like to know about stuff as early as possible, which is one of the reasons why I visit Slashdot. The other being I enjoy (sometimes) the discussion of news stories on Slashdot. At the same time I realise Slashdot makes a poor single source of news, among lots of other things because it's not always very fast to report stuff. If speed isn't of any importance to you, that's your prerogative, of course, but I doubt it really isn't.
Note that I don't see the whole issue with the kind of
Re:A Bad Thing Made Worse For Me, Personally (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Speed (Score:2)
Re:Is this that bad for Id? (Score:2)
Re:150FPS on ASCII White (Score:4, Informative)
Re:150FPS on ASCII White (Score:3, Informative)
ASCI White is good at none of those things. It is a massively parallel computer designed for tasks that require very large amounts of general-purpose CPU. Running a single program thread on a single node is not very impressive; running a few thousand threads on all of its nodes at once makes it the fastest computer in the world.
I suppose that if someone bothered to make a version of Doom 3 that replicated itself across all of White's processors, rendered 3072 16x16 tiles at once, and recombined them into a 1024x768 frame, it would run pretty fast. But there still probably wouldn't be enough memory bandwidth between the nodes to run much faster than a decent desktop CPU connected to a Radeon 9700 over AGP 8x.