RPG Codex - Articles On Video Game Design 309
chadeo writes "Ok all you arm chair game developers, listen up. Over at RPG Codex there are currently 4 articles, written by professionals in the industry, on RPG design. There is A Christmas lesson in CRPG design by Timothy Cain, Thoughts on RPG development by Leon Boyarsky, Hand of Gosh Darn Good Design by Chris Taylor, and Treatise on Combat to Pink Floyd by Gareth Davies. All of them are a great read, and you can join in the discussion with the authors and see how your ideas stack up. What do you think is the key to a great RPG?"
The answer is ... (Score:2)
Re:The answer is ... (Score:3, Funny)
Wrong. The key ingredient is: (Score:2)
I'm not even going to dignify that with response (Score:2, Insightful)
Yes, Fallout was a neat game, but it's bordering on sacrilege to compare it to classics that Square has produced. Is anyone going to notice Fallout's impact on the gaming scene five years from now? Are they even noticing it now?
Oh yes, the jewel that is FFVIII (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:The answer is ... (Score:2)
The author clearly was attempting to elicit a response to "What do you think is the key to a great RPG?", to which I answered correctly.
So there! Now go to your room for a time-out.
Common sense (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Common sense (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Common sense (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Common sense (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Common sense (Score:3, Insightful)
Did you have a bad experience in game development or something?
Re:Common sense (Score:2)
Re:Common sense (Score:3, Informative)
But I think the previous post here was instead referring to development of games simply for the love of the genre, or as shareware.In that sense I don't think it's at all uncommon to find both story and coding done by the same person. And perhaps surprisingly, I think a lot of people might even prefer games that fit into this catagory. What's lost in in having the latest whizbang graphics engine I think is made up for by being able to avoid the need to almost sneak a real rpg past the management that Leon Boyarsky mentioned in his article. Heck, I think the best example of a person doing double duty and getting good result is one that was eventually picked up by a company, ripped from the author, and turned into a big mess, Ultima.
Recipe for a great RPG (Score:2, Insightful)
solid engine (Score:5, Insightful)
And of course, multiplayer options immediately add a needed dimension in today's broadband world.
Re:solid engine (Score:2)
I always thought it would be cool to play the guy who runs the inn. Or the guy who sells weapons and armor, he makes a good living.
Re:solid engine (Score:2, Funny)
Re:solid engine (Score:2)
Dragon Warrior IV lets you be a merchant and set up a shop. Breath of Fire 2 did this as well, I believe. And of course, the MMORPGs mostly have this option too...
Re:solid engine (Score:2)
The worlds best rpg already exists (Score:2, Funny)
Re:The worlds best rpg already exists (Score:4, Funny)
Re:The worlds best rpg already exists (Score:3, Funny)
MMORPG (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:MMORPG (Score:3)
imho it's the best rpg'ish computer game, but it's still just rpg'ish, a real rpg needs that true dungeon master making things up.
mmmorpg's don't hold my intrest because of the rat law. (everyone is in sewer/dungeon/forest/whatever killing rats for money/exp, this has been happening ever since legend of the red dragon on bbs's, to a point. i know it's a bit simpllified to say so and yadda yadda). i'm addicted in another online game though, with leagues and stuff, but there it's just skills, not who can kill most rats in the sewer quick.
tried neocron the other month though.. cool looking and all, but, everyone killing rats in the sewer.
the never winter nights singleplayer mode shouldn't even be mentioned when talking about rpg's
Re:MMORPG (Score:2, Insightful)
Having tried a couple of MMORPGs, I can't see where this comes from. They're like normal RPGs but with the story mostly removed and replaced with an endless stream of asking people how to complete your quests to go to the next level and get more skill points.
They're more like Diablo than like Arcanum.
keys for a good RPG (Score:2, Funny)
Re:keys for a good RPG (Score:4, Funny)
Re:keys for a good RPG (Score:2)
Re:keys for a good RPG (Score:2)
- makes us think
- does not litter his landscape with magical trinkets
- awards XPs on puzzle solving and battle avoidance
- gives us well drawn maps, diagrams, and pictures to enhance the experience.
- is funny.
Above all, the quests are engaging. It's like I'm writing and living a book.
The KEY! (Score:4, Insightful)
One word: (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:The KEY! (Score:3, Insightful)
And that's the problem. Lots of aimless wandering around with nothing but the odd crab or flying thing in sight. It gets tedious very quickly.
The thing that really gets me is the complete lack of life in any of the towns. You can guarantee that the person who told you to go get the thingummy is going to be in the exact same location the next day. Don't those shopkeepers get tired of standing at the counter all the day and all the night. Don't the people at the guilds ever sleep?
How come the shops aren't shut at night? How come on completing a task for someone you don't end up having to wake them up because it's the middle of the night? How cool would it if if you returned only to be told that so and so was on a trip to the next village and you could try and meet them there?
A game like Morrowind would be a lot better if it at least tried to give the impression that everyone else was going about their business and not just there as plot tokens who never leave their houses or shops and never sleep.
Hmmm (Score:2, Funny)
Umm, one that I can beat?
The key to a Good rpg is (Score:2, Funny)
What RPGs really need (Score:5, Insightful)
My favourite recipe.... (Score:3, Interesting)
24 crates beer
3 day's worth of pizza and junk food
7 guys who should know better
no mobiles
plenty coffee
(oh, and some dice, books, figures, mats and shit).
My point being, it's all about the people, the social dynamics,the fact that you're out-of-time. The system, and the way it's played are secondary, and arguing about that is part of the fun.
Good Weapons and Leveling System (Score:2, Insightful)
A variety of weapons doesn't mean 12 different types of swords (a la Neverwinter), but different weapons with different ranges and specialities (more like Fallout).
As for leveling... after I hit level 20 in Neverwinter I quit playing. It wasn't the story that drove me to play, but the possibility of becoming more powerful and getting new spells.
Anyway, both NWN and Fallout were great games in their own respects.
Re:Good Weapons and Leveling System (Score:2)
Plot (Score:4, Insightful)
Basically RPGs don't have to do much to be good, they just have to have an interesting involving story that keeps me interested. However, there are a lot of things an RPG has to NOT do in order to not suck.
First it has to not every make it incredibly difficult and stupidly annoying to advance the plot. Imagine watching a movie and halfway through you have to jump through hoops to see the rest. That's torture, not fun. Not to say that the whole game has to be a piece of cake. But if it is difficult to the point of frustration something is wrong.
Second, it can't be incredibly short. I mean longer doesn't necessarily equal better. But on average RPGs that you can beat in a couple days often suck and RPGs that take a while are often much better.
Probably the most important thing to an RPG is direction. I want to be told where the next plot is. Sure making decisions is good, and multiple endings a la chrono trigger is even better. But I don't ever want to be in a situation where I don't know where to go or what to do in order to advance the plot.
The most important thing for an RPG to have (this is a pet peeve of mine) is short sweet and rare combat. I can't stand those games where you walk two steps and then are forced to fight horrible monsters in a 10 minute battle. And then repeat the process 100 times before getting to the next town. Combat should be rare and quick. It doesn't have to be easy, but I want to either win or lose in about 30-45 seconds tops.
Candidates for best RPG ever?
Chrono Trigger
Golden Sun
Dragon Quest (Warrior)
Secret of Mana
Any Zelda Game
Ack! Too many to name!
Re:Plot (Combat) (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Plot (Combat) (Score:2)
Adding action to the game just changes it slightly. It makes it RTS + RPG instead of plain RPG. Nothing wrong with that in and of itself.
Of course, if the story is strong enough there's no reason not to allow players to turn off the rts (or at least the rt) part of the combat, like some square games do.
If I have only one hand, and that hand only has one finger, I should still be able to play the game.
But surely you still could play the game..?
Oh, you mean the computer game... sorry.
Action, strategy and RPG don't mix, huh? (Score:2, Insightful)
'nuff said.
Re:Action, strategy and RPG don't mix, huh? (Score:2)
It was more like Tekken, in the city, with some people you could talk to.
Re:Action, strategy and RPG don't mix, huh? (Score:2)
Re:Plot (Combat) (Score:2)
The previous poster named Zelda as a good RPG. Zelda games have _loads_ of combat, but the combat is realtime and fully integrated into the game, not breaking up the flow; it's also simple. Once you've learned the spin attack and how to use a few key weapons (hookshot, bow, boomerang) you can cope with pretty much anything. Of course, it's an advantage that Nintendo _really_ know their stuff when it comes to designing games like this. However much they pay Miyamoto, it can't be enough...
Unfortunately, Nintendo broke this terribly when they made Super Mario RPG. They took the Mario characters and world and implemented a Final Fantasy game engine. Aargh! So Mario encounters some Koopas, and I have to go into a menu-driven turn-based combat mode to deal with them. This is MARIO. These are KOOPAS. I have a GAMEPAD in my HANDS. I know how to deal with these things, I've been playing Mario games ince 1988. Let me get on with it.
I've been playing Baldur's Gate 2 recently, and it's starting to piss me off; I turn another corner and have to squish some more feeble monsters. Not interested. Planescape: Torment looks interesting, though, in which your own character is immortal and can restore party members by magic anyway. Freedom to get on with the story, that's the key.
Re:Plot (Combat) (Score:2)
Re:Plot (Score:4, Insightful)
You forgot to include Ultima 7, clearly a candidate for the best ever. Or any of the Ultimas, except maybe 8 & 9.
Re:Plot (Score:2)
"Japanese" vs. "Western" RPGs (Score:2)
Chrono Trigger
Golden Sun
Dragon Quest (Warrior)
Secret of Mana
Any Zelda Game
Your list is comprised solely of Japanese RPGs. Not that there's anything wrong with that -- I think RPG players are pretty well split between the RPG sub-genres:
"Japanese" RPG: Very well-(and pre-)defined characters; strong, linear story; limits on free will. Examples are, well, those you listed above.
"Western" RPG: User-defined characters; more open-ended stories; more stat-crunching; more opportunities for non-linearity. Examples include any and all of the 9 Ultima games; Neverwinter Nights; the Fallout series; the Daggerfall series.
They're notably different styles of game design, and each sub-genre has its fans. I, personally, would like to see things move in the open-ended direction -- although not really an RPG, Grand Theft Auto 3 and Vice City both really did this right. If you could combine the depth of, say, Thief or Deus Ex with the non-linearity and persistence of GTA3, boy... you'd have one hell of a killer game.
Re:Plot (Score:2)
The most important thing for an RPG to have (this is a pet peeve of mine) is short sweet and rare combat. I can't stand those games where you walk two steps and then are forced to fight horrible monsters in a 10 minute battle. And then repeat the process 100 times before getting to the next town. Combat should be rare and quick. It doesn't have to be easy, but I want to either win or lose in about 30-45 seconds tops
Sounds like you're describing Suikoden. The 3rd installment just hit the PS2 a while back, but unfortunately the first two (PSX) are not easily available - #2 routinely fetches $80 on ebay.
Alternatively, Grandia 2 (Dreamcast, PS2 version supposedly not as good) has combat that you actually look forward to because it's FUN - just like a tiny game in and of itself (really difficult to pull off). Combat is also non-random - there are only so many enemies per area entered, and you can actually see them and even try to go around them or attack them from behind to get a free hit.
Given the normal RPG, how many of you would rather have an option to turn the battles of entirely (or get super-strong characters to make combat a 1-round hassle?)
Re:Plot (Score:2, Insightful)
Wow, maybe I'm just biased because I'm a developer working on a CRPG (Deus Ex 2), but I'll respectfully disagree.
RPGs (and games in general) are the interaction. I know I don't speak for everyone in the industry, but all this striving to be like films strikes me as missing the point. We're one of the very few media at the moment that can have meaninful interaction with the player -- allow the player to develop plans, to analyse the situation and come with solutions the problem at hand, to give the player a sense of intentionality. RPGs are probably the most literate and intelligent area of gaming, and are the best suited to really delve into the power of interaction.
If I want to be told a good plot, I'll rent a DVD or go to the theater -- they can do that better than we can. Games should be striving to challenge and involve. No sense playing to another media's strength when you've got your own.
Rules. (Score:2)
Which is why I loved AD&D, v2, and why with the advent of _D&D v3 I have moved on to gurps. Yes, there are cool classes. Yes, it is nice that ability scores go to 500 or whatever. But that doesn't help my gimpy thief with the 9 dexterity -- and that's his highest score. When I play D&D3, i have to mince around like a pansy as even a pinprick does 2 HP damage nowadays.
Gurps has a chart for anything you can think of and a rule that tells exactly how to do it. There's no penalty for being a clever player (as the DM says "roll against your intelligence, dummy"), and therefore no defense for hack & slash.
What makes a good RPG ... (Score:2)
I do not want to run around smacking monsters to level and collect gems.
Re:What makes a good RPG ... (Score:2, Interesting)
However, because games and gamers have become more sophisticated, it's going to take an even better story to impress people nowadays. I mean, I remember when I first played Phantasy Star on the SMS years ago, I was gripped by the environment and the characters and it seemed like such a cool story at the time. But now when I fire it up in an emulator, the story seems kind of weak. Don't get me wrong, I still love the PS series, though.
If I see another game using the tired old cliche of collecting gems/crystals/whatever and combining them to defeat some evil dude, I'm going to scream.
Get rid of random battles. (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Get rid of random battles. (Score:2, Interesting)
Final Fantasy 8 is probably my favorite in the series, as it was the first to *punish* you for doing this. The more you level up, the more the monsters around you level up. If you dawdled around killing imps for too long, it'd bite you in the ass when you run into a white dragon at the same level as you.
You were much better off to find the thingymajoo that makes you avoid monsters altogether, and proceed through the story.
Re:Get rid of random battles. (Score:2)
Also, you could start fighting, do nothing except store spells, flee, repeat until you had full spells, attach them to your stats and be a level 2 guy with 9999 hp and max stats of all kind. Then all of the monsters would be really weak, and you could tank through the game. It didn't remove the power leveling shortcut, it just changed the dynamics around. I give FFVIII 2 stars, both based on the fact that it had a fun subgame.
Re:Get rid of random battles. (Score:2)
I also like the idiom of the genre where it's usually possible to find an item that stops random battles at some point in the game.
OTOH Exploration is becoming more and more viable with the state of game graphics. Certainly you didn't have much to gain by exploring the world of Dragon Warrior.
It all goes back to what each person likes.
Uhm, no. (Score:5, Insightful)
Random battles, when done properly, happen to allow you to go around from point A to point B without being very predictable in terms of fights, while allowing fun character leveling! If done well, you won't meet monsters too often or not often enough, and the groups of monsters will be varied.
How do random battles give flexibitily? Since each monster need not to placed on a map, you have less forshadowing (except for boss creatures) -- this allows more time spent on map design. You also don't you have the rigid growth structure of pre-planned battles; look at the Enix RPG Illusion of Gaia -- unless you miss secrets, you will always play through the game in exactly the same way because of the battle system. Every upgrade you get has a defined ceiling, which requires you play in the same way to get them all. Boring.
Re:Uhm, no. (Score:2)
They don't mean not random as in 'every encounter is scripted' so much as not random as in 'you can see, and avoid, random monsters on the travelling map.' For example, Lunar 1 and 2. You can avoid them if you wish. They're still randomly placed, and wandering, but you're not tooling along and suddenly BAM! You're in COMBAT!
A good escape... (Score:3, Insightful)
A great story (Score:3, Insightful)
A great RPG should have me saying "I'm gonna kill that bastard," after he offs one of the main characters. My mood should be affected by the plot.
Re:OT- your Sig (Score:2)
Re:A great story (Score:2)
Re:A great story (Score:2)
Once I was done, I picked up FF8. I played it for about a week on and off, then forgot about it. It just wasn't the same, and didn't capture my interest nearly as much.
Re:A great story (Score:2)
The story is really the most important part ot me, but it's followed closely by making my characters bigger and badder. Guess that's why I can still play the old games and love them even with the poor graphics (that of course looked stunning at the time
The only way to win is not to play (Score:2)
Highly recommended.
Successful for who? (Score:2)
As the market becomes more flooded in the next few years, people will burn out on the addicted games and finally the demand for the better games may improve more.
best quote from the articles (Score:5, Funny)
I couldn't have put it any better with a +3 megaphone of "you are a geek".
Re:best quote from the articles (Score:2)
Re:best quote from the articles (Score:2)
I personally LOVE real time. I'd rather have a good reflex test mixed in with a bit of strategy and a huge amount of combat variety much more so than the really shitty turn based combat that's so common in console RPGs these days.
On the other hand, even though the interface for Neverwinter Nights appears to be real-time, it's truely not since it's just a point and click battle. And then on the far extreme other side we have Diablo II's interface which doesn't leave much for either technique or strategy, and amounts to nothing much more than being able to slam potions, level up, and equip the most powerful weapons.
I think what it boils down to is that there isn't a perfect battle systems in ANY RPG yet, and with nobody willing to invent new ways of doing things, it may be a while yet still.
Excuse the lack of humor (Score:2)
Fuck the hell out of the naked women, yeah, just don't do coke. Bad news.
ok, carry on
It's all about Freedom of Action (Score:5, Interesting)
OK, there are two. The personal interaction was always important to me. But the main aspect of any RPG which managed to keep my interests was the flexibility to allow for real freedom of action.
For example, you run into a locked door. How about removing the hinges? Chopping the wood? Going through the transom? Digging out the mortar out around it? Way back when I was DMing the original D&D, my friends would come up with this sort of thing all the time. Of course, it meant I had to constantly be thinking. But that was the whole fun on it. It wasn't "follow the line and use the objects exactly the way we intended" play.
Of course, that's why I didn't use the canned scenarios then, and why I don't play much RPG on the computer today.
Re:It's all about Freedom of Action (Score:3, Funny)
Ah yes, AD&D. I once tried to play it seriously, but my friends were a bit fcked up in the head (like me usually) so it kind of involved vampires with fake teeth, immortal baby seals and naked blonde women. Hey, we were 17 back then, puberty is to blaim for that. (That ought to keep SlashChick away from me with a 45 page rant about sexism on the net. Ahem.)
Yes well, anyways, things went like this after we gave up on one of our campaigns and started a new one:
DM: So Seth, made a character yet?Me: Yeah, got her stat sheet right here.
DM: Her? You're not another sicko playing a female character, are you?
Two other guys playing female characters glare at DM
DM: Anyways, stats look okay, I'll put her into my storyline.
Friend with female char: Does his char have bigger boobs then mine?
Only guy with male char: You people are sick in the head. Very sick.
Of course, that was even before the game started, at which it became worse.
DM: You slowly approach the sound of someone playing a lute, the serene sound reverbing throughout the forest...Friend with male char: Too quiet and I want to kill something. Do we see anyone or anything yet?
DM: Lots of trees. Attack one of those.
Friend with male char: Sure thing! *rolls for initiative* 20!
DM: You headbutt the tree and knock yourself out.
Friend with male char: I hate you.
DM: Okay, so you approach the sound of the lute and see a woodsman sitting on the ground, surrounded by various animals...Friend with cleric: I cast detect evil, do I sense anything?
DM: The woodsman is okay, the bird on his right shoulder is more vile then Satan himself.
Me with cleric: I attack the bird with my mace!
DM: I was kidding you sick fuck!
Me: Who cares, I'll attack it anyways.
DM: Phacia (my char) is now chaotic evil. You got the element of surprise so roll for hitting the damn bird.
Me: Er... A four?
DM: You bloody miss the bird by 20 cm to the left.
Friend with male char: Isn't that where the woodsman's head was at?
DM: Er, yes, wel... Roll for damage then.
Me: A six, max damage on the back of his head?
DM: Damn you all to hell. You kill the woodsman!
Ah yes, those were the times.. Wish someone around here played some truely serious AD&D. I ran away screaming in agony when they suggested DBZ AD&D crossovers, so I've been without AD&D ever since then. Anyways, to make this post seems even remotely on topic, the worst thing about most RPGs on computers I played is the "toughening" of it all. Really, if you want to make battles harder, make it harder in a realistic way, not just by flinging more grunts/monsters at the main party. Also, avoid gaping plot holes like how on earth some old nearly disabled lady manages to get from town A to town B before you while you had to cross two dungeons, a cavern with really deep pitfalls, molten lava and a name involving a homonym for "doom", "evil" or "horror", fight 30 battles without saving and a boss battle in the end. Seriously, did that old lady know of a shortcut or something?
The Key is.. (Score:2)
The key is to not be on a computer. No computer can match the flexibility and resourcefulness of a real, live, flesh-and-blood person. CRPGs and face-to-face RPGs are 2 very different things.
Atmosphere (Score:2, Insightful)
Obviously factors such as story, reasonable graphics, etc are all important but that is the case for any of type of game. What matters is how these elements interact with each other to product the overall atmosphere of teh game. ake the Bladerunner rpg for example and Nintendo's Zelda series - both are really immersive games due to the continuity and great sense of escapism produced by the games' ambience.
The key to a good RPG ... (Score:2, Insightful)
Other multiplayer console RPGS? (Score:4, Interesting)
historical RPGs (Score:2)
Re:historical RPGs (Score:2)
Key (Score:2)
Case in point, NWN. A perfectly symetrical one (if you reverse the N which makes it that much cooler), an exquisite palindrome. An excellent complement for DND (yet another palindrome).
I know that's what I look for.
It took me a few minutes... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:It took me a few minutes... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:It took me a few minutes... (Score:2)
Came in handy on negotiating a raise with my boss, though.
My wish list (Score:4, Insightful)
The aspect which I most crave is obscured player stats. If you hide the numbers, most people would stop obsessing over them.
Get rid of explicit classes. Classes should be implied by action. If you don't act your class, you become something else.
The story needs to be flexible. Certain possibilities in the game should disappear after a set period, and no one should feel bad about it. There shouldn't be a static world. Instead, you should have a room full of people working on a constantly evolving world that takes into account the actions of players.
Allow regions to be depopulated of monsters.
Design for characters to interact. Remember MUDs.
For RPG's? An enhanced book (Score:4, Interesting)
Then, we throw in playability/complexity. If you're spending 20 hours just to figure out that you had to visit some village in the middle of nowhere and talk to the old man behind the in... playability gets a low grade, unless of course there's lots of hints to that objective beforehand.
Graphics and sound count for a lot nowadays, and especially cinematics. Sometimes when the plot or gameplay has dragged, trying to get to the next cinematic has pulled me through the boredom.
Treasures/gifts/secrets: Treasure boxes, GF's, summons, spells. All those things that RPG geeks say to friend "Hey, I've got the wings of wonder, you haven't found them yet?", or "Check out this spell of almighty flatuation, it does 3000 damage+poison effet".
Still, if the game's story sucks, then no manner of graphics or effects will make it worth playing. RPG's often act as "books/movies you can play", which is what makes them so immersive and oftimes addicting.
Template for a good RPG (Score:4, Insightful)
Both games were huge, both games had good scripting and voice acting. Both games had acceptable graphics. In neither was the player left confused and directionless. The worlds had more than enough items/armor/weapons to keep the collector and rule-lawer busy. Player types could be widely diverse thanks to perks and primary skills. Virtually all problems could be solved in many different ways, usually a violent and non-violent way to take care of the slayer AND the scientist players. Karma had an actual affect and completely changed the way you had to interact with NPC's. Evil players were treated as evil characters, something missing from virtually all RPG's.
Even the subquests weren't always all available to all player types. Higher perception characters would realize when someone was upset vs. higher intelligence characters finding obscure information in computer archives.
I've played each literally 6 or 7 times to completion and I STILL find new subquests. And I'm anal about looking for them.
I honestly think the best RPG you're going to find with current technology / rule systems would be a mix of the psudo-realtime combat system and art from BOS and the storyline and game style of the original Fallouts.
What makes a good RPG (Score:2)
I've Played 'em All, and the Very Best RPG is... (Score:2)
Why do all these robots want to kill me?
Can I fit through that space?
I wonder what the next level will be like?
Why can I only shoot in eight directions?
continuity (Score:2)
Problem is, once you get back a. all the quests you had going are kinda hard to pick up again (mostly because your journal gets wiped each chapter. I can't begin to describe how annoying that is) and b. everybody treats you like you haven't left.
It's a real downer. I almost want to start over and finish EVERYTHING in athkala before I head for that damn island.
It's all about the storyline baby! (Score:2, Insightful)
Grand Theft Auto Killed RPG's (Score:4, Interesting)
The reason I play games is so that I can do things that I want to do in reality, but can't because a) they are immoral b) are illegal c) there are rammifications/risks associated that I don't want to deal with. For example, I want to run around and kill people, but that's immoral and illegal, and I don't want to take anyone's life in reality or deal with the consequences of that action. But running around and killing people is fun, in the fake world.
So, in an RPG the environment should be as real as possible and not use tricks to 'add to the game play' but still are fake. For example, animals in almost all games just appear out of now where or are spawned from some spawn thing. I want animals to come from the breading of two other animals, and to be hunted and eaten and the related things.
I want the characters to be where they are for a reason. For example, shops should only be open in the day, and when it is night, the shopkeeper should go have a beer or go see his girlfriend, and when he's tired he should walk back to his house and go to sleep. At night, when I go to a shop, I should find a locked door. And when I break in, I should find a shop keeper dashing for a weapon or sleeping. Not an empty bedroom. And when I see people on the street I should be seeing them because they are on their way somewhere, not because they are handing out the same mission over and over again.
And as far as missions go, they should be based on something and never repeated. Bar owner one asks you to kill the competition bar tender 'cause you look like the kind of person that would do it. He may repeat the mission to other people, but when the competitor is dead or something else happens, that mission should go away forever. A moving story spurred by real actions and human-like motivators. I mean, this can be pre-programmed but they should be based on an emotional need and picked out of a pool of possible solutions that fall in line with the NPC's character.
I always hear the excuse from coders that it's just not practical to code all this stuff in when it doesn't add to the game play. But it does affect the game play. The more transparent you mike the line between reality and game, the more fun I will have killing people or whatever it is I want to do. Things will start to appear that will be ultra cool that the programmers didn't even think of. For example, because animals like to drink, they will congragate around the water hole. Other patterns of reality will show themselves on accident as well that the player WILL recognize and will contribute to gameplay. (ie, the bar tenders daughter never goes out alone and is always escorted by a trusted guard, and there will be a frog plague because everyone killed off the snakes... )
Re:Grand Theft Auto Killed RPG's (Score:3, Insightful)
So, that would be almost entirely unlike Grand Theft Auto, then?
"Well, hrmm. Let's see. Assassinated the Triad's leaders. Blew up their factory. Killed...well, golly, about two thousand of them now. Yet there are still an infinite number of them waiting to chase me."
Or, better yet, Grand Theft Auto's missions. Nothing says realism like taking on a mission, dying (or being busted), and then being given the same mission again. "Exchange", for example. Waste a couple dozen Colombians, blow up the OL Barracks, but get wasted by the helicopter...yet, Catalina's still waiting at the mission to take your money (again) and you're still foolish enough to not go in with guns blazes (again). Repeatedly.
Don't get me wrong. I like GTA. But to hold it up as an example of realism is laughable.
Re:Grand Theft Auto Killed RPG's (Score:2)
I want animals to come from the breading of two other animals, and to be hunted and eaten and the related things.
Do you want to wait that long for animals to do that? While hunting and eating animals is not an unreasonable request, I really don't see a practicle reason to waste time programming animal breeding cycles into a game, when it serves no practical purpose unless you become an animal breeder, or something.
And as far as missions go, they should be based on something and never repeated.
In a single player RPG, if you rescue the Princess from the Dragon, the king won't ask you to do it AGAIN. Events can't be repeated.
On the other hand, in an MMORPG type setting, you have to repeat basic quests like this. There is NO WAY that you can avoid repeating quests for a game with thousands of players on a server.
The more transparent you mike the line between reality and game, the more fun I will have killing people or whatever it is I want to do.
No, sorry, I disagree. I don't want a computer / console RPG to become so realistic in what I have to do that it becomes a job for me. The amounts of time you have to throw into games like EQ and DAOC are crazy enough.
If you want a multiplayer RPG to be the way you want it, you should consider grabbing a group of friends and a Dungeons and Dragons book (or other REAL RPG of your persuasion).
Re:Grand Theft Auto Killed RPG's (Score:3, Interesting)
This would work on a small scale. However, there are still problems on the large scale. The AI still has a finite set of needs and plots that it can select. These needs and plots have to be created by a human programmer. Eventually you'd probably see a quest repeated, given that there are thousands upon thousands of players.
What you need is an AI "DM" that is smart enough to draw from data it knows (perhaps extensive knowledge from fantasy novels, fairy tales, world legends, etc) to create new events worldwide. Perhaps the AI can create an event such as a "war" between two kingdoms. Then the AI must create quests in realtime appropriate for every level range / class of player that are associated with this event. I don't know of any AI that fits this qualification. Essentially the AI must have the creative capacity of a human as well as the capacity to keep track of every single player's actions.
Such a MMORPG might exist in the future, but I don't think it is a realistic expectation for at least 10 years. I might be wrong, however.
A good RPG.... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:FFS (Score:4, Funny)
Re:FFS (Score:2)
Actually Square was about to go under and Final Fantasy was to be their last game, hence the final, it ended up, basically, saving the company.
Re:FFS (Score:3, Funny)
This is the worst case of false advertising I've seen since my lawsuit against The Neverending Story!
</Lionel Hutz>
Aaarrr... 'tis not a man, but an infernal eating machine!
Re:Turn based combat! (Score:3, Insightful)