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Games Entertainment

Pyromaniac Cosplay 196

mani writes "This is truly taking cosplay to the next level. Not only are they dressing and acting out characters from SNK/Playmore's King of Fighters series, but using actual fire to truly simulate the 2d fighting experience. Pictures and video included. Warning: site is most definately not in english."
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Pyromaniac Cosplay

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    I've seen the term used in newsgroups now and then but I've never figured out quite what it is. After looking at the linked site, I'm guessing "costume fetish" - is this correct?
  • by Corvaith ( 538529 ) on Saturday February 08, 2003 @11:39PM (#5262325) Homepage
    ...just makes it more fun for those of us not really interested in the subject matter, because then you can imagine that the site says whatever you want it to say. :)
    • here [] it is in English. Oriental languages still sound weird when translated to me; why the hell can't the entire world switch to English(first choice) or Esperanto and save me the trouble of babelfish!?
      • Congratulations. You just pissed off the entire country of France. As if the current state of Franco-American (heh) relations wasn't bad enough, now we've got the language problem to deal with.

        Thanks a lot, Sheenmaster.
      • Re:in English (Score:1, Offtopic)

        by r00zky ( 622648 )
        > why the hell can't the entire world switch to English(first choice) or Esperanto
        why don't you just invade the entire world?
        o wait... you're already doing that
      • Why don't we put the choice of language to a democratic vote ...
      • I've never discovered the reason why Esperanto is supposed to be so good. I have a suspicion it's based soley on Mexico's proximity to the US. For countries with few spanish speakers, it doesn't make much sense at all...

        Residing in Canada, it doesn't make much sense to me - I know Harry Harrison is fond of it, but otherwise...

        As boring as it is, English will probably win-out by way of mass-media exposure.

        Hopefully Japanese will come in 2nd, because it sounds nicer than the alternative (Chinese dialects) ;)
        • by yerricde ( 125198 )

          I've never discovered the reason why Esperanto is supposed to be so good. I have a suspicion it's based soley on Mexico's proximity to the US. For countries with few spanish speakers, it doesn't make much sense at all...

          You're confusing Esperanto with Español, the language of Mexico and Latin America (excluding Brazil). Esperanto [] is based on a mixture of several Western and Eastern European languages. Think Italian mixed with Polish mixed with the agglutinative structure of languages such as Finnish, Japanese, or Turkish.

          • Esperanto's been around for about 120 years, but it caught on about a tenth as well as the metric system in the U.S.

            However, a film was made entirely in Esperanto in 1965 starring none other than William Shatner. I belive it was called "Incubus".

            Props to Shatner learning all those lines practically like rote.

        • On the off chance you're not trolling, you might want to know that Esperanto [] is an artifical language specifically designed to be as easy to learn/use as possible (clean syntax, phonetic spelling, etc).

          It has nothing to do with Spanish.

      • Quote from the babelfishated site:
        Chief editor: Because, so it is to say, mountain wooden you.
        Mountain wood: Meaning is not recognized. At least, please insert subject and predicate.

        I wonder how so many Americans can still believe that Babelfish is capable of translating anything more complicated than 'good morning'. Of course, people who are not aware of the actual quality of the babelfishations typically don't speak any foreign language, but I don't think this is true in case of SHEENmaster. I'd rather guess for him even English is kind of a foreign language.

        Anyway, the practice of giving a babelfished link with the comment 'here's the translation' is just plain stupid. Of course, if it's a language you don't know at all, Babelfish can give you hints about a site's contents and often even reveal details of what is being said. When you try to write a few sentences in a language you know a little, entering them into Babelfish can give you some clues as to wheter their spelling and grammar is correct (e.g., does it convert back into English?). But translate it does most definitely not.

        One more thing I'd like to mention:
        Oriental languages still sound weird when translated to me
        This is utter bullshit, it's like saying your MacDonalds burger tastes strange because you paid it in Yen. If something is in English, it's in English. There's no accent and nothing weird. Otherwise, it hasn't been properly translated.

        Now do yourself a favor and learn a foreign language; even basic Esperanto knowledge will make you smarter.
        • Chief editor: Because, so it is to say, mountain wooden you.

          "In Soviet Russia, mountain wooden YOU!"

          OK, who slipped a Yakov Smirnoff [] easter egg into Altavista's Babel Fish?

          Otherwise, it hasn't been properly translated.

          You compare translation to paying for McDonald's food in another currency. But because most individuals can't afford to have proper translations produced, comparing proper translations to Babel Fish is more like comparing a dinner at a high-class restaurant to a McDonald's Extra Value Meal.

        • Japanese food does kicks ass compared to anything else I've ever eaten.

          Does anyone really believe that being able to say "Tu est sourd-muet." makes me smarter? If not for my foreign language requirements I could be learning something more valuable during fourth period(; highly unlikely considering how much my school sucks.)
      • lojban
      • why the hell can't the entire world switch to English(first choice) or Esperanto

        Because even Esperanto is more complicated than Toki Pona [], which manages to say almost everything with only 120 words.

      • eigohabakadesu.
      • The Babelfish with complicated something really is not very intelligent with translation because of the thing

        (or "Babelfish isn't actually very clever at translation for anything complex." when translated from Enlgish to Japanese and back to English again by the fish.)

        If you rely on babelfish, everything written in another language will sound odd.
      • I'm sorry, but the "translated" version is just as confusing to read as the Japanese version.
  • hmm (Score:5, Funny)

    by SHEENmaster ( 581283 ) <{ude.ktu} {ta} {sivart}> on Saturday February 08, 2003 @11:40PM (#5262330) Homepage Journal
    why not use actual fire to make super-ultra-mega-extreme tuxracer?

    Is /. not beyond reporting on video games!?
    • why not use actual fire to make super-ultra-mega-extreme tuxracer?

      Oh please, Tuxracer is easy...

      Step 1: Find a penguin.
      Step 2: Find a snow-covered hill.
      Step 3: Throw pengiun down hill.
  • Disclaimer: (Score:5, Funny)

    by Quaoar ( 614366 ) on Saturday February 08, 2003 @11:41PM (#5262331)
    Please, for the love of god, no one try to be Blanka.
  • Take caution (Score:1, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward

    "Warning: site is most definately not in english."

    Warning: post is most definitely not in English
  • by Suicide ( 45320 ) on Saturday February 08, 2003 @11:43PM (#5262335) Homepage
    Cosplay (cohs'puhleh) noun. the Japanese word for masquerading, generally done at anime and gaming events (including the unique Comic Market events in Japan)
  • Cosplay (Score:4, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday February 08, 2003 @11:43PM (#5262336)
    What is Cosplay? []
    Cosplay is a Japanese fan term for Costume Play; it's equivalent to the Western fan term Masquerade. In Japan cosplay covers pretty much the spread that convention masquerades in the West cover, from SF to fantasy, from medieval to military uniforms. It's basically a time for fans to dress up in their favourite garb or as their favourite character and have a bit of fun. There is a condition though; most fans insist that you not only play the character in dress, you also play the character's nature. In other words, whilst you're in costume, you must be the character, in thoughts, words and action.
    • In other words, whilst you're in costume, you must be the character, in thoughts, words and action.

      That's just nuttier than raisin bread toast (speaking of which, now there's a two-dimensional entity I'd like to see emulated in costume - wink, wink).

    • Back in the day, we used to call that a 'fancy dress party'.
  • by Flounder ( 42112 ) on Saturday February 08, 2003 @11:44PM (#5262343)
    Set parts of your body on fire, then act out scenes from a pretty weak 2d fighter.

    And setting the tires of my DeLorean on fire wasn't good enough?

    What about setting children's balloons at the fair on fire and screaming "OH THE HUMANITY!"?

    We laugh and ridicule the less intelligent members of society, then we reward them when their antics amuse us. Hell, works for me.

    • And setting the tires of my DeLorean on fire wasn't good enough?

      You're also have to dump some water on it to make a layer of ice. THEN you set the tires on fire. SHEESH

      But seriously, when will somebody post pictures of cosplay of Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball.
    • You consider KOF a 'pretty weak 2d fighter'? Are you from the Universe Of Really Great 2D Fighters That Are Even Better Than KOF?

      If you're hoping to be rewarded, you'll need to come up with some significantly more amusing antics.
      • Re:'pretty weak'? (Score:1, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward
        Obviously he's referring to Samurai Spirits/Shodown and all those Capcom games.
  • Am I the only one who looks at topics like this and says, "what the hell are they talking about?" Like the entire geek universe knows what Cosplay is EXCEPT ME?

  • by Anonymous Coward


    Lameness filter encountered. Post aborted!
    Reason: Please use fewer 'junk' characters.
  • It's all in English.

    Not like that makes it comprehensible...
  • Ok, a lot of stuff that comes out of Japan is cool.

    But, seriously what are they thinking... "Let's set our arms on fire and fight with eachother to make it look like we are video game characters!!"

    I don't even wanna go into the apparent obsession with tentacles and demonic monsters in their sexual fantasies....
  • Stupid (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday February 08, 2003 @11:49PM (#5262361)
    I noticed this site is under the 'baka' (Japanese for stupid) directory.
  • by Unknown Poltroon ( 31628 ) <> on Saturday February 08, 2003 @11:53PM (#5262373)
    Come on. Throwing burning liquids at each oter is asking for a darwin award.
  • Not English (Score:5, Funny)

    by KoolDude ( 614134 ) on Saturday February 08, 2003 @11:54PM (#5262378)

    ...Warning: site is most definately not in english...

    Well, I am not sure about the site, but the post is inglesh, definately ;)
  • Warning: (Score:4, Funny)

    by Akardam ( 186995 ) on Sunday February 09, 2003 @12:00AM (#5262394)
    Persons appearing in pictures definitely not clinically sane.
  • Poetry? (Score:5, Informative)

    by mikeophile ( 647318 ) on Sunday February 09, 2003 @12:02AM (#5262398)
    Translated from the box at the bottom of the page, entitled "Today's Damage"

    A burn slight to a face
    Some hair burned.
    A burn slight in both hands
    A burn slight to the bosom
    Both hands are burned.
    Costume play clothes ... In both, every place burned.
    Fire-resistant glove ... Both are total losses
    Costume play clothes ... In both, every place burned.
    Fire-resistant glove ... Both are total losses
  • Weak Moves (Score:2, Funny)

    by TrekkieGod ( 627867 )
    Ack, anyone can throw fire at each other (why you'd want to, I don't know). I want to see them do Mortal Kombat-like fatalities :)
  • by Ayanami Rei ( 621112 ) <rayanami&gmail,com> on Sunday February 09, 2003 @12:11AM (#5262430) Journal
    Wait till they see me in my pneumatic hardsuit with the built in atmospheric controls and health monitoring. I'm still trying to perfect my ego-border dissolution skill so I can turn people in to puddles of jello in act 3.

    Turning them back isn't so easy. Sigh.
    • Wait till they see me in my pneumatic hardsuit with the built in atmospheric controls and health monitoring.

      That's nothing! After watching the starfighters on mst3k, I'm traumatised to the point where I shall build...a poopy suit of my very own! Fire throwing cosplayers, bah, you can swim in pools with a poopy suit! Heck, I could swim in puddles of people jello with the raw power of a poopy suit!
      • Pool Compatibility (Breathing Apparatus):
        Poopy Suit: Yes
        Hardsuit: No (amniotic fluid)

        Protection against environmental hazards (jello):
        Poopy Suit: Yes
        Hardsuit: Yes

        Protection against environmental activists:
        Poopy Suit: Yes
        Hardsuit: No
        (oh well)

        Hardsuit: Smells like latex, saran wrap, and WD-40
        Poopy Suit: Smells like poop.

        Poopy Suit: Makes me look bloated. Also, so late 80s.
        Hardsuit: White looks good on me. Also, shows off my boobs.

        Verdict: Hardsuit, 10 to 8.
        Available now at Walmart, or your local mecha ops surplus store
  • So am I the only one who thinks this looks like a lot of fun? I could care less about the 'firefighter's nightmare' site, but some of those pictures off of the cosplay site look really cool. I'm one of those people who always look forward to Halloween to dress up, but if conventions like they show on this site were around here (brrrr...wisconsin), I would totally be there! I'm not a total anime nut (I do own a nice stock of them though), but most of those costumes look great! And I'm willing to bet the majority of people who go to those conventions are exactly the type of people I like to hang out with. Any of you been to one of these? What was your experience?
  • On the page, there's screenshots from the game, followed by real-life reenactments of the scene.

    Here [] is a particularly interesting one, which is followed by 1 [], 2 [], and 3 []. But naturally, they skipped the most interesting part of the screenshot, the opponent bursting into flames.
  • The pic of the dude running to the ocean is priceless! It's a good thing they selected such a convienient location.
  • I wonder why they did it next to water... (hmmm)
  • *sigh*

    Where did it all go so wrong......

    Darwin isn't just rolling in his grave; hes shot the television, done a kilo of coke, and started a conga line with the girls from the strip club.

    I mean come on. Do people really stop and say to each other:



    Mind if I throw some napalm/buring materials at your face?

    Sure!!!! I've got the gasoline and styrofoam!

  • There's also a major hentai cosplay scene out there. Yeah, it's blurred all to hell by Japanese censorship laws, but damn, you CANNOT compare to that.
  • by Rhinobird ( 151521 ) on Sunday February 09, 2003 @12:57AM (#5262610) Homepage
    I think I speak for everybody when I say that what we REALLY want to see is cosplay with Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball.
  • Site explanation (Score:5, Informative)

    by Rolman ( 120909 ) on Sunday February 09, 2003 @12:58AM (#5262614)
    I'm quite a fan of KOF and fighting games and understand some Japanese, so I have a fair knowledge of what's going on.

    In the first photos, you see these guys "Kyochin Yuzawa" and "Iorin Yamagi" facing off like their video game counterparts, Kyo Kusanagi and Iori Yagami, respectively.

    Kyo and Iori are fierce rivals, descendants of clans that have fought each other over the power of a god-like entity called Orochi (the Kusanagi to seal it, the Yagami to harness it).

    In the game, choosing these two will produce the same taunt that's written below their pics: "Honou ga omae o yonderuze!" ("You called for this fire") says Kyo, "nara, moetsukiro, isagiyokuna!" ("Let's see if it's good enough") answers Iori.

    The first animated GIF shows Kyo using his most powerful move (Orochinagi), which requires great reflexes and strategy to pull off and hit the enemy with it in the real game. Kyo executes it while shouting "kuraiyagaree!" (something along the lines as "take this!") and burn Iori.

    The second GIF shows Iori performing his second most powerful move (Yaotome), Iori perfoms it while shouting "Raku ni shinenzo!", (something like "just die!") but they make fun when the flame comes short of reaching Kyo.

    Then it begins to get weird. Kyo uses his second most powerful move (Mu Shiki), which has Kyo performing a series of flaming punches in the game. But this time, Iori actually blocks the punch (!) and counters it with his most powerful move (Saku Tsumagushi) in his greatest form, which ends with Iori pounding the opponent on the floor amidst purple flames.

    But the funny thing is, Kyochin's hands were actually burning beyond the fireproof gloves, so he tries to put the fire off on the sea water, while he shouts "I'm gonna dieee!".
  • by Thing 1 ( 178996 ) on Sunday February 09, 2003 @12:58AM (#5262617) Journal
    The last picture's [] great -- the guy rushes to the ocean to put his burning hands out. Gotta love it.

    Darwin potential.

  • Now that is definitely a bad idea .. now TuxRacer... I'd throw on a Penguin costume and slide down the hill towards some well placed herrings ... Sounds like my average weekend really. (well ok .. the Herring could bugger off..)
  • Where can I find this new fake fire stuff?

  • This is quite possibly the most retarded, most loser-infested activity I have ever seen captured on film. Ever. Its like looking at Downs Syndrome porn. You don't know whether to laugh cuz they're retards or cry cuz they can breed.

    Don't agree with me?

    Well, guess what -- That means you're one of the losers i'm referring to. Work on it.

  • by pizza_milkshake ( 580452 ) on Sunday February 09, 2003 @01:56AM (#5262775)
    i'm waiting for people to play out Mortal Kombat "Fatality" moves on each other
  • by zioncat ( 632849 ) on Sunday February 09, 2003 @02:25AM (#5262841)
    they also have tried choping apple thats been taped to guy's forehead using samurai sword [] among other crazy stunts.

    what people would do for their 15 minutes of fame...
    • I think they were crazy, not for the act of attempting to cut a vegtable or fruit off of someone, but for choosing a person in a standing position, which can move, and an apple which, I would think, does not provide very much feedback. Granted, I've only seen this done three times before, but each time it was someone lying on a table with a bunch of rigid vegtables lying (celery or carrots) on them while the swordsman was blind folded.
      • It's not "can move", the guy is actually jumping backwards as the other guy is swinging the sword. The point of the act is to move backwards enough to not get killed but close enough for apple to be chopped in half. Crazy!
  • Translated to English using lfish:
  • by gad_zuki! ( 70830 ) on Sunday February 09, 2003 @04:00AM (#5263168)
    Anime and Magna collection: $2,400
    Sewing supplies: $59
    2 reams of polyester: $22
    A gallon of kerosene: $8

    The look on your buddy's face when all that cheap highly flammable polyester melts to your burning skin: priceless.
  • You can tell programmers never want people to cosplay. The faces never match. The people just wear cheap tupperware and magic marker'd clothing in attempt to look cool when they do QUITE the opposite. That fire should go burn his entire body.
    We need another poll. Who would you NOT rather have as a roommate, a furry or a cosplayer?
  • ????!!???!!!! -- As in WTF????!!???!!!!

    Oh.. wait.. I probably should have installed the Japanese language pack for Mozilla, huh? ;-)
    • Mozilla doesn't inherently have a Japanese language pack, like MSIE. Instead, you have to install Japanese language support in Control Panel|Regional Options (at least that's where it is on Win2K) and insert your Windows disc. Mozilla will then use the OS support to display foriegn characters. I have installed it to be able to access the later lessons here [] where they use kana instead of romanji.
  • This looks like something that cosplayers have been doing for years now, and that's adding effects, backgrounds and touchups using computer graphical tools.(CGing, thier term, not mine)

    This is nothing new. This looks like someone took normal photos and went nuts with the Fire filter in photoshop. Had these cosplayers actually been on fire, THEN that'd be something to post on slashdot...

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