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First Person Shooters (Games) Entertainment Games

Counter-Strike Xbox Screenshots 69

Victum_ writes "Over at Gaming Horizon they have posted some new Counter-Strike Xbox screens. These are supposedly the very first screenshots that have been released of the Xbox version. They look pretty much identical to CS:CZ screens, save the lower resolution." Anyone else feel like innovation in the FPS genre has stagnated since the introduction of Counter-Strike? I played this mod in college and loved it, and while I don't play it much anymore, I can't find another game that gives a better FPS experience.
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Counter-Strike Xbox Screenshots

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  • Anyone else feel like innovation in the FPS genre has stagnated since the introduction of Counter-Strike?

    CS is hardly innovative. It's a good take on the q2 mod called "Action Quake." CS is certainly fun, but just because every two-bit mod-author-wannabe ripped it off doesn't mean it was innovative.
    • Counter-Strike and Action Quake have virtually nothing in common, save for being FPS mods.

      • And they both model real-world weapons. They both feature combat in "realistic" areas. They both pit two teams against each other in a round-by-round format. A few years ago, back when CS was new, this was far from common in mods. While CS may have started this recent trend, it didn't do so on innovation--it did it by being fun.
    • About the only thing Action Quake II and CS have in common is a (relatively) realistic damage model. Headshots kill, arm shots hurt less then torso, etc.

      Action Quake was John Woo style action. It was probably most popular in free for all modes where you'd shoot at everything that moves.

      Whereas CounterStrike is... we all know how CounterStrike is.
  • Anyone else feel like innovation in the FPS genre has stagnated since the introduction of Counter-Strike?

    Yes. Good thing Doom 3 is coming soon. Perhaps it won't be the most innovative game ever, but it'll probably help inspire other developers to take us away from the awful amount of crappy FPS games with the "realistic" theme.
  • Give Battlefield 1942 a try. I recently bought a copy after taking a long hiatus from FPS games and was pleasantly surprised with the strategy and gameplay involved.
    • Another happy BF1942 User! :)

      You may be interested in a mod that can be activated within the game called 'Desert Combat'. Information on the mod can be found here [desertcombat.com]

      In this mod, you can fly helicopters, jet planes and there's whole new classes of soldier modes.
  • I don't really feel that fps have stagnated. While I've never liked CS, I play Day of Defeat daily and it keeps improving with every update, and 1.0 looks like it is going to be amazing.
    • I'll second that and add that "Deus Ex" was probably one of the best first person strategy games ever.
      • Deus Ex, while a superior game (in my top5 games list) isn't as fun of a game as System Shock 2 (an older Warren Spector game). I always point Deus Ex fans to System shock 2 (go into your local eb, look for the "EA Classics" display, and you can pick up SS2 for about $5).
        The first bit is a bit cheesy with the zombies, but by the time the game is over, you will be scared crapless (seriously, SS2 was the only game to truely "scare" me).
  • by Elwood P Dowd ( 16933 ) <judgmentalist@gmail.com> on Wednesday April 30, 2003 @12:51PM (#5844923) Journal
    But all the xbox fans seem to think Halo is better than Jesus. It's definitely prettier than CS, but I don't understand how people can take it seriously. Mostly because I can't get anywhere near the precision control on an xbox controller than I can with mouselook. But that's just me.
  • I don't think fps games have stagnated. I quite enjoyed the various game types in UT. The one where you have to attack in a certain time limit and then defend for that amount of time makes for a pretty fast paced game. Some might call BF1942 innovative because of all the vehicle types that you can pilot. I personally don't care for the game because its supposed to be realistic yet it takes too many shots to kill the enemy. Thats even if you can shoot him since he is pulling the jumping bean act. That
    • I quite enjoyed the various game types in UT. The one where you have to attack in a certain time limit and then defend for that amount of time makes for a pretty fast paced game.

      You speak of UT Assault, one of the best ideas in the gaming world. (I myself still spend way too much time playing it after 3 years) However, it was removed in the new UT, (as well as were sniper rifles), thus perhaps leading to UT's demise as one of the top multiplayer FPS. So staganation can take place in the form of change
      • Sounds like they took away my 2 favorite features. It was always fun to walk around the maps holding the sniper rifle. All you had to do was aim a little higher than normal and you would usually come away with a one click head shot.
  • by mnmn ( 145599 ) on Wednesday April 30, 2003 @12:52PM (#5844936) Homepage

    Halflife + CS showed that FPS games can be more than just better motion, weapons and effects. Halflife itself introduced a more immersing storyline than say quake and doom, and counterstrike just hit right on the nail of the adolescent desire for competition. Its violence for sure, but theres more, it tends to a persons sense of competition, strategy and planning the way sports do. Counterstrike is also a completely multiplayer game, unlike unreal where people get sick of the game by playing against the bots. Counterstrike brought the clan culture to the masses where players spend certain times of their days just practising for a real showdown, such a social element really improves the quality of the game.

    And unlike quake3 and unreal, the clutter and fancy effects are removed to present a simple and very realistic game, just the minimum that even during its beta stages didnt require a $400 video card. Over time the rules were tweaked to balance the strength of the players to push competition and interest in the game. I doubt other developers cared so much about these things before halflife + cs.

    One of the gripes about both quake versions was that it was too dark and grey. The constant cave-like walls, so ID presented the very colorful quake3. But the point was some realism. Boys just didnt want to play something like the sims, there had to be violence. Counterstrike now has a culture developed around it, with international matches and so many clans duking it out in every timezone. Now sierra has built an industry momentum and old halflife copies are still selling at the same price. Dethroning this will take effort in areas other than just technology and fancy radeon and geforce effects. It has to be an integral package with a story, an appropriate realism and gameplay tuned for competition.

    • Actually, if you look at the "Infiltration [sentrystudios.net]" mod of UT, you'll find even better levels, better and more realistic weapons (like an M4, which you can add a grenade launcher to), no 'winner gets advantage' after every round (how is the loser supposed to get back into the game if you reward the winner with the better weapons? Is that balance?). All in all, its a much superior game to CS, but no one plays it.

      So you need wizbangs and graphics to LURE people in, then the gameplay/realism/fun to keep them playi
      • Eh, Infiltration took the realism stuff too far and ended up being just too slow and lame. I think what makes CS and Urban Terror and such do well is the "Hollywood Realism" they have. Sure you can't just run and gun in real life, but it's more fun to have things play that way for a lot of people.

  • First of all I don't think there has been stagnation at all. Take Rainbow Six Raven Shield for example - incredible single player experience and even better multiplayer. This game has it all and looks good doing it.

    I personally loathe CS - It was fun for a month or so - but all of the people hanging on to their celeron 300s with 64MB of RAM and a built in ATI Rage 128 need to give it up - get a better machine and play a newer game.

    There are plenty of great FPSs out there (look at No One Lives Forever 2
    • Actually, Tom Clancy has had a couple of gems recently.

      Raven Shield, even though it's hardly more than a smoothed-over regurgitation of Rainbow Six, is a truly great game to play. I have it in my college apartment and my two roomates play it more than I do. One of them prefers to go through the level lone-wolf style, which takes patience and precision firing, and the other likes to play with full teams, which is usually easier but requires tactical planning.

      Not to mention the fact that the weapons are all
  • Tribes2 (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Wee ( 17189 )
    I can't find another game that gives a better FPS experience.

    Looks like CowboyNeal has never played Tribes2. It was incredibly innovative, and the engine was very good for combined indoor and outdoor playing. The game came with integrated 'email', IRC and newsgroup-ish fora, which was extremely cool (but never lived up to its potential since the "community" got killed along with Dynamix). I recently started playing it again and with a GeForce4 plus every setting cranked up, it's a really pretty game,

    • the tribes series probably pushed team-based gameplay more than CS did, since in CS, one guy with an AWP and a lot of twitch skills could defeat a coordinated team of average players, but no matter how good one player was, if people were working as a team in tribes, they'd be destroyed.

      expanding on that concept came games like return to castle wolfenstein, where having the non-assault type classes was essential to being able to beat back the enemy. everyone loved medics and lieutenants.

      even today, we
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Give Battlefield 1942 a try. If WW2 isn't your thing, try the DesertCombat mod. Thats the only game I play now, save a few RTCW hall-wide LAN games.

    • additionally, as far as FPS-type games go, BF1942 is pretty much why I dropped major coin for my Radeon 9700. it's a beautiful game with a nice flare of strategy and team play. sure you can play solo, but once you work as a team and take advantage of the class system, it's crazy awesome

      a lot of people like the DC mod as well. it's great and all, but i prefer the original BF1942

      lastly, RtCW is also a great game. i've lost insterest in it since i purchased BF, but i'm getting ready to pick it back up as soo
  • FPS innovation (Score:3, Interesting)

    by FortKnox ( 169099 ) on Wednesday April 30, 2003 @01:03PM (#5845066) Homepage Journal
    Honestly, the first time FPS had innovation was the beloved Starsiege:Tribes. Then there was the FPS/RPG twists of System Shock 2, and Deus Ex. The Thief series added some twists. CS, though, isn't anything really 'innovating,' IMHO. Perhaps the next Thief that IonStorm is working on will help out a bit. BF1942 adds a good team aspect that I haven't seen since Tribes. Metroid:Prime makes the 1-player only FPS the best I've played since Halflife.

    My suggestion? Try BF1942 and Metroid:Prime for some FPS goodness until something new comes out.
  • Could somebody explain why in every 3rd person view the people are wielding their guns in their right hand, yet the 1st person shot shows a gun in the left hand?
    This has always bugged me a little bit, I'm right handed and seeing shots with the gun held in a way that I could not do easily is distracting, and that's not what I want in a FPS.
    • Good FPS games allow you to select whether you want to hold your virtual gun right- or left-handed. The person playing the game and mining the screenshots was probably left-handed and made that selection.
  • We have been spending some time setting up a new dedicated gameing portal and still find that CS is one of the more popular games. Now granted its very old tech, but tech doesnt make a good game. I developed games for about 9 years from various official quake mission packs, and beyond. I think Urban Terror for the q3 engine is pretty close to CS, but I think CS still is played more due to its simple and clean nature. alot of people tho are switching to BF 1942 Desert Combat mod, if u havnt yet your miss
  • As long as developers don't go into it with "i want to make a game just like..." there can be still room for innovation within the FPS genre

    I thought Metroid Prime (GCN) [gamerankings.com] did a great job of an 'alternate' FPS style. For those of you who haven't played it, you just need to move your aiming reticle near something, and hold down a lock button and your aim stayed on it.

    This forced much of the focus of the game to be on maneuvering your character and exploring the surroundings. as opposed to just shoot sho

    • I'm enjoying almost everything about MP so far (just got it a couple days ago) but I think there's a big problem with the game - the controls. With games like Halo (and most console FPS games since), you get to adjust your movement with the left stick and view with the right. I'm so used to it that the Metroid Prime method feels extraordinarily clumsy. This is especially odd since Samus' gun should be very easy to aim and fire with it being an extension of the arm of her suit and all.

      I hope that Nintend

      • Give it a bit more time. I've been playing timesplitters2 on GCN for a couple of months now (TS2 has standard 1st person shooter controls), and when I started playing Metroid last week it was very difficult to "snap out of" my previous FPS training. I'm starting to get the hang of it now though, you just have to remember it ain't a shooter, it's a puzzle/platformer. I wouldn't write off the GCN controller for FPS's just yet though, go hire out TS2, believe me, I prefer it (control as well as graphics, et
  • AA ANYONE? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by meltnick ( 593970 )
    I cant believe there is discussion of FPS games and not one mention of America's Army! AA has taken it to a new level with pretty large maps, great effects, great commitment to new stuff over the next few years, and most importantly teamwork instead of Rambo-style play.

    And yes, it is 100% FREE. FREE. FREE. It is recruitment tool, but it is the best FPS I have ever played.
  • Try America's Army (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Sandman1971 ( 516283 ) on Wednesday April 30, 2003 @01:44PM (#5845597) Homepage Journal
    Anyone else feel like innovation in the FPS genre has stagnated since the introduction of Counter-Strike?

    I would definately not call Counterstrike innovative. It was a copy of stuff that was already around.

    Now if you wanna try something that's a bit different, try America's Army [americasarmy.com]. Not only is it different, it's also free to download and play :) (well, if you're American, you sorta already paid for it with your tax dollars). Very strategic FPS, even moreso than BF1942. Wthout team strategy, you lose. You also need to be able to successfully pass standalone missions before certain maps and weapons are made available to you for online play (so no one is a total newbie).
  • PC gaming has slowed down as a whole, thanks in part to increased attention to consoles and the recession. I don't blame developers for choosing consoles over PCs because the former has so much fewer issues with customer support. Everyone has the same hardware and software setup, which eliminates so many problems during and after development.

    I'm actually a hardcore PC gamer, but let's be realistic. The sales numbers are far, far in favor of those $200 gaming machines (and soon to be even cheaper, according
  • Man, that old Half-Life engine needs to be retired now. I mean really, they've done some great model work in this game, but look at how crappy some of the environments look:

    Snow [gaminghorizon.com]
    Jungle [gaminghorizon.com]
    Rock [gaminghorizon.com]

    Anyone disagree?
  • by Bishop923 ( 109840 ) on Wednesday April 30, 2003 @02:13PM (#5845926)
    Natural Selection [natural-selection.org] is another professional-quality but free Half-Life Mod which more/less combines the RTS and FPS genres in a very interesting way. Best way to describe it would be: Imagine playing Starcraft, but your marines are controlled by real people. Truly focuses on team strategy, instead of individual frag counts. The team is currently in final beta for the 1.1 release, very exciting times indeed.
  • I never thought CS was anything special and I can't believe that 9 out of 10 online gamers still seem to play it as reported by Gamespy stats [gamespy.com].

    At some point realism just became a big selling point (never mind that CS is by no means realistic, it doesn't even attempt to be). We had already seen tactical, team-based, more-than-just-a-fragfest play with Team Fortress (and even before that CTF...). Semi-realism and a world that comes from the brainless Hollywood action movies made CS the success it is IMO.
  • Try the new free Enemy Territoy test. It's available from the good folks at splash damage, et al. You can go to the main site here [activision.com] and grab the ~100 MB files from any number of mirrors, in both Win32 and Linux flavors.

    It's not a whole lot different from CS or other FPS, except that it has a skills system that lets you rack up experience points and get promotions that enable better weapon handling or stamina, for example.

    It's still a teset now, but runs very smoothly - in native Linux as well as Win32. Bes
  • Or laptops, or God Forbid, Macintoshes: there's a couple of great mods to the 436 Build of Unreal Tournament (Game of the Year Edition) [amazon.com] that are worth getting.

    Tactical Ops [ngz-network.de]: SWAT v Terrorists, realistic guns, damage, etc.

    Strike-Force [4players.de]: all of the above, plus "pulse", a neat feature that takes into account how much gear you are rucking and what you've done recently--keeps folks from hopping constantly--pulse lowers their accuracy and makes them breathe noticeably, exposing position. Windows users click he [4players.de]

  • He says lower resolution?? Most competitive players play in either 640x480 or 800x600.
  • This is the FPS I've been waiting a decade for. I couldn't care less about the team aspect of it, I've just always wanted a combat sim where I could pick the vehicle I control on the fly. The Desert Combat mod is also beautiful. Nothing like skimming the desert five feet above the sand in an A-10, laying waste to anything that moves. :)

    Their Apache is also very cool, though it takes a hell of a lot of patience before learning to fly that damn thing.
  • Because if you have, you've certainly heard of the multiplayer FPS gaming joy that is Battlefield 1942, which bears little resemblence at all to CS. In fact, I'd suggest that CS - is not quite God's gift to FPS. I think that award goes to Team Fortress, which introduced the concept of goal based team combat (and classes) into the MP-FPS genre. BF1942 extends upon that and creates near perfect gaming MP-FPS marred only by the occasional TKer.

    And if we're talking general FPS and not merely multiplayer
  • The Desert Combat mod for BF1942 deserves the name "Counter-Strike Killer." Playing that is akin to playing sidescrollers for years and suddenly discovering 3d. Its just phenomanal. It improves on counterstrike in every way possible. I would love to see it on console. *cough* gamecube
  • I think something most people overlook in counter-strike are the character animations. People always blast the game for its dated textures, but i still havent seen better character animations in any FPS. When a player is crouching and walking, it looks almost real.

    Only game that came close was Battlefield 1942, but i would get so much lag when playing a huge game it became more annoying than fun.

    I'll stick with cs, until something better and along the same vein comes along.

    Wheres my teamfortress 2 :-(

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