Enter The Matrix - Patches, No Reviews? 96
Thanks to an anonymous reader for pointing out a patch for the PC version of Enter The Matrix, just a couple of days after its release, and a FAQ which rather horrifyingly orders you that "The Vampires should be dispatched in the rooms you find them in" to stop the game from crashing completely. If you add to this the almost complete lack of official reviews, do we get a still-decent game that simply happened to stealthily launch in the week of E3 (when nobody was around to review it), or a rushed license that's deliberately trying to take advantage of gamers who buy based on subject matter? Spoiler-free opinions welcome, especially from those who've bought the game.
Crashing *completely*? (Score:5, Funny)
The article submitter has seen games crash *partially*?
Re:Crashing *completely*? (Score:2)
System Shock 2 does the same thing: access the map and it starts flickering madly (depending on settings, driver, and the phase of the moon, as far as I can tell). I can still play, I
Re:Crashing *completely*? (Score:2)
or if the character just became stuck somewhere.
pc games have had their share of 'intresting' bugs.
Googling (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Googling (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Googling (Score:1)
I start with gamefaqs [gamefaqs.com], which usually has pretty good user reviews. NOTHING. Just posting to the message boards, but no reviews to speak of.
Then I check out Amazon. Only a few reviews, but by people that OBVIOUSLY haven't played the game, since they pretty much just copy and paste the Amazon information.
It's REALLY freaky. I've never seen a game where it's been out for days, but no reviews at all. Hell, when MGS2 came out, there were actual reviews on
Re:Googling (Score:3, Informative)
Atari gave away copies of the game to the press at E3, so expect to see reviews soon.
Even Better (Score:1)
For those who are too lazy to click the link, the average rating is 81% from 35 articles.
Don't waste your money (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Don't waste your money (Score:1)
- they spent all their pocket money making the game and couldnt afford the high quality divX encoder
Re:Don't waste your money (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Don't waste your money (Score:2)
Re:Don't waste your money (Score:1)
I'll throw in my $0.02 (or 50 bucks i suppose) (Score:2)
I bought it mainly because all I heard (granted from the creators) was how cool their "Hacking the MAtrix" was going to be. I being a fan of that sort of thing believed them.
Hacking the Matrix is nothing short of a simple "Do A, opens B, Do B, opens C, Do C, Opens D...". There might be a branch in their, and their might be a "you landed on on jail, go back to start do not collect 200 dollars".
It _LOOKS_ like it's going to be cool, but it's _NOT_. And if your ear
Bah! What a n00b! You quit playing too soon. (Score:2)
What if I told you you could play the game as Neo, Morpheous, or Trinity?
Is it still a waste?
This game is LOADED with extras and other cool stuff. The Warchowski Brothers are HARDCORE gamers and went to enormous lengths to make sure that you get your money's worth on this game.
Of course, you'd have to use your brain a bit to find the hidden stuff I mentioned above.
P.S. Read the PC requirements for this game
What a n00b! Eat my penis. (Score:2)
It doesn't matter to me what character I play the game as. The gameplay is still crappy and not worth my fifty bucks. And I can download the Animatrix episodes for free.
P.S. Read the PC requirements for this game before playing it. My money sez that you need to upgrade your PC.
I never said the game was slow. I just s
Re:Real Soon (Score:2, Insightful)
This game came out just a couple of days ago, you have to admit it's a little bit early for a patch...
Makes you think they didnt even finish the game properly, kind of reminds of a game called Ultima IX
Or Diablo II, or Morrowind, or Neverwinter Nights, or Unreal Tournament 2003...Seriously, releasing a patch nearly the day of release is Standard Operating Procedure for video game development nowadays.
Re:Real Soon (Score:2)
Isn't your sig quote attributable to Scott Adams (of Dilbert fame) rather than Douglas Adams?
Agree with Morrowind, it's a good and really engrossing game, but it has too many broken areas (uncompleteable missions) that could have been fixed with a little testing (and what's with the poorly limited draw distance? Even without optimisation most gaming systems can cope with more polys than the default gives you - power users should be able to increase it as far as their system can bear).
I'd rather have w
Re:Real Soon (Score:2, Interesting)
Put the crack pipe down, my friend! Ultima IX had been in development for years longer than this Matrix title. Why, part way through, they started over from scratch! That shows dedication.
They have finally patched all of the major bugs (less than a year or so after release!) Sure, if you patch over any saved games, you're pretty much screwed. But that's the majesty of the Ultima universe. The avatar never
Re:Real Soon (Score:2)
Safari? (Score:1, Offtopic)
Re:Safari? (Score:1)
Re:Safari? (Score:2)
You know ... (Score:5, Interesting)
Ok guys, this is my review of Enter The Matrix. Hope you enjoy.
The action is very well done. Combat moves look amazing. Try to think of all the combat moves that were done in the matrix. You can do them all. From neo's cartwheel gunshooting to trinity's cannonbal move. It really feels like you are controlling a zionian. The story is awesome because it starts right after the last flight of the osiris (the animatrix episode) ends. So it feels like everything thats out for the matrix is connected. Not a bad way to sell stuff imho. While you are enjoying the awesome action you also enjoy an amazing musical score. Its freakin amazing!! I have noticed that framerates get very-low in large area locations, but I think the recent patches will fix it. Its games like this that keep giving me a reason to say "I can live with windows and all its MANY faults as long as I can keep playing these games".
I'm sorry if this reads
weird, I've been doing
bonghits all night.
Re:You know ... (Score:3, Informative)
The patch did nothing to improve my performance. In fact, after installing the patch, the game now crashes even more frequently than it did before, which was already too frequent. And whatever you do, for godssake, DON'T hit ALT-TAB while playing!
Re:You know ... (Score:1)
Re:You know ... (Score:5, Informative)
The running/fighting levels inside the Matrix are great fun so far, there is little more satisfying in a game I've played recently than taking down five or six SWAT troopers armed with MP5s without breaking a sweat or losing more than 3% health.
Health recharges, so you don't spend all week hunting for health packs. Fits in with the Matrix too - after all, you're as healthy as you think you are, right? Of course, they turn this off at critical moments...
Graphics are generally good, focus mode looks great.
Where the graphics aren't good, it looks like Z-buffering errors. I'm hoping the new patch will resolve these, as they're the only real detriment to the game's quality. Shadows look dreadful at the moment, it's like when you have two surfaces in precisely the same place in POV-Ray.
The first level (the only one I've played as both Ghost and Niobe so far) sees the same role for both characters. Sure, the routes are ever so slightly different, but why couldn't we get to play both sides of this mission? I was under the impression that was the point of having both characters. They'd better make sure they do that properly later.
4.3GB of disk space??????
Why doesn't it come on a DVD?
And can we please have a training construct?
The sound glitches from time to time. Popping noises etc, then some of the cinematics in-game go silent, so I have to have subtitles on to avoid missing anything. Restarting the game solves it, but it shouldn't happen.
Oh, and you can't change any settings except control settings without dropping out to the main menu or to Windows. Thus finding the right gamma setting was a very tedious business.
For reference, I'm running it on an AMD Athlon XP 2100+, under Windows XP Professional without SP1 (too lazy). 512MB RAM, GeForce3 Ti200 with 64MB of memory, made by Creative, using fairly old drivers (the early 4x series caused hang on boot, must check the new ones out).
Re:You know ... (Score:2)
Runs better, with the no-cd crack, you mean? Like Morrowind did?
For those not in the know, Morrowind for the PC ran, on average, ten to thirty percent faster through the simple addition of a no-cd crack; we're talking real frame rates here. Stupid macrovision CD schemes.
Re:You know ... (Score:1)
Mixed bag (Score:5, Informative)
Well, the game has some really brilliant moments (running like hell as various civilians turn into Agents all around you), but there are a bunch of annoying glitches that pop up every now and then.
* You can get stuck in walls, floors, and other geometry,
* you occasionally run into invisible walls that you have to walk around (?!),
* occasional odd physics things like your character wigging out when landing on platforms,
* random annoying enemy spawns, usually right behind me where there's no way somebody could naturally have gotten there...
Also the Metal Gear Solid style "hide up against a wall and peek around the corner" is really picky about what sort of walls you try to hide up against.
Overall, what I've played through has been fun, but pretty frequently you'll run into some sort of glitch that is relatively insignificant but takes away from the experience.
p.s. The "hacking" interface with the DOS prompt is kinda fun.
Re:Mixed bag (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Mixed bag (Score:1, Informative)
Other than those two problems so far, I think it's a great game. The controls do take some getting used to, and the "lock-on" (if you even want to call it that) needs some work.
From what I've read here, it sounds like the PC versi
Just my opinion... (Score:3, Informative)
- The intro was awesome, featuring some video (DivX) from the movie
- Controls aren't really intuitive. I dunno how to explain this. I've got a feeling it was designed with a console controller in mind, as compared to mouse and keyboard.
- Very, very short intervals in between level loads, although the load times are really short.
- Yeah, I'll agree with the NY Times on this one - the level design (so far) is pretty uninspired. There were a couple times where I ran in circles (under a time limit duress) because the level didn't give me a good... flow.
- Voice acting is great.
- The animations are pretty cool - I think they'd be a lot more fluid if my computer had a little more horsepower.
- Awesome in-game cut scenes.
- Great music. Sounds like it was ripped right from any of the movies.
All in all, I wish I had bought it for one of my consoles instead, but I've definitely played worse games. My recommendation? If you aren't anti-console, get it for one of 'em, but don't play it till you've seen the movie.
Want a review? (Score:5, Informative)
I posted this on another forum several days ago.
A word of note before we begin: I've only played a developers build. It's the complete game, and AFAIK, it's extremely similar to the one that's being shipped out for retail. There may be minor differences, but most of my beefs with the game are not ones that can be fixed through minor bugfixes.
Save your money and spend the $50 or so on something more worth your time. Worth a rent if you've got that opportunity in your area, especially if you're interested in finding out the (supposedly) deep and intricate parallell plotline that only it will contain.
As far as the game is concerned, it's somewhat like Max Payne, except catered towards the lowest common denominator. In other words, it's got piss-poor graphics (which run choppy anyways, even at mid detail, and are full of lots of bugs), the fonts are ugly as hell, the Matrix "screen" (green, reversed katakana characters sliding down the screen) is pathetically done (not just bad, but absolutely pathetic--I've seen screensavers do a FAR better job), the gameplay isn't too hard (if you stand for approx. 5 seconds, you start to regen health and "Focus" (bullet-time juice)), and the controls are clunky at best. For instance, there's no crosshair to aim while on foot (although there's a fairly crappy autoaim), in the car, your crosshair jumps 10 pixels at a minimum when you're riding shotgun and shooting, and in the car while driving, it handles like a souped-up Yugo on ice.
There's a few interesting things however. Some of the moves you can do are downright nifty. However, they aren't nearly as cool after the fiftieth time you've used them on the same level. There's a nifty "hacking" mode available from the main menu. I've done a bit of tinkering in, and it's kind of fun. It basically drops you at a DOS-ish shell, and you tinker around from there. However, the keyboard tends to flit between being unresponsive (missing keystrokes entirely) or over-sensitive (typing letters twice). This wouldn't be so bad, except there's no tab completion (for us BASH lovers) and there's no command history (so you can't hit up or shift+up for instance, to recall the last command you typed). This makes it a bitch to type long commands, especially since you have to type full directory paths for everything (there's no 'cd' command). Once you get used to it's quirks, however, it's worth fooling around in. Finally, the FMV is pretty good. The acting's as good, or better than in any other game's FMV. Also, they used a good codec, so there's no blocking, bleeding, or other graphical glitches in the FMV. I have to say, however, that I've been unimpressed with the meager bits of story I've seen so far, although admittedly, I'm only ten or so levels in.
I suppose had they had more time to work on it, it could have been an amazing game--one to go down in time as a classic. Alas, this was not the case. Also, in my opinion, Shiny was probably not the best developer to have chosen for the project. They aren't exactly known for their top-quality engines, and I would have far preferred seeing them use Max Payne's completely capable engine instead of trying to develop their own under limited time constraints.
To be honest, I'm horribly disappointed. With the incredible franchise they've got going, I expected more. After being wowed by The Matrix, having heard amazing things about The Matrix: Reloaded, and having seen the incredibly well-done Animatrix episodes, I've been nothing but impressed with the franchise. I'd been expecting the world from Enter the Matrix, having heard that the Wachowski Brothers viewed it as just as integral a part of the storytelling of the Matrix as the movies were. Now I'm beginning to feel that that was just marketing bullshit.
Rating: 4/10.
From a post of mine later on:
I cranked all the details up to max and entered the game, just to see how the graphics looked with full antialiasing, max resolution, etc. Oddly enough, a
Re:Want a review? (Score:2)
I agree on the driving sequences being *extremely* painful.
Official reviews? (Score:1)
Re:Official reviews? (Score:2)
How to become "official" (Score:1)
Where does one go to become an "Official" video game reviewer?
Buy a printing press and manage to get at least a couple myriad subscribers.
A clarification (Score:1)
Shiny is a good dev studio (Score:1)
MY REVIEW (Score:4, Informative)
On the positive side of things, I can say that the game looks awesome! The lack of FPS is made up for in some really awesome character moves. Being able to put your characters back up to a wall, and peek around corners is refreshing. The punch/kick combos are enjoyable to mixup, and the matrix rule-bending is just like the movie; the characters have a bit of extra power in their kicks, and punches, and the style they use is like the Yee Woo Ping style kung-foo as seen in the movies. The music is good! I enjoyed listening to that techno band from Las Vegas (Crystal Method?) during the first sequence of the game, and I'm sure they got other good music too! The game is in High definition to the order of 1080i, and thats really good for an Xbox title. It might be the first I've seen go that high res.
All in all I'm about 50/50 on this game thus far. As I've stated above, it really annoying to play with the controls configured they way they are, but the quality of the game seems to *almost* makeup for it. I definatly rate "Return to Castle Wolfenstein" much higher, but I guess they are two differnet types of games (apples/oranges).
Never, never, never... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Never, never, never... (Score:2, Insightful)
If you absolutely need some games, download them from kazaa. The games that are easiest to find there, are the most popular ones, and therefore likely to be better than anything you pick up in the shop after reading a few reviews. Besides, they are more likely to be running at all, since they are cracked versi
Re:Never, never, never... (Score:1)
Cracked games on Kazaa usually lack the sound and vide
Re:Never, never, never... (Score:2)
Yeah, I always find downloading .exe files from strangers to be a very safe thing to do...
The last time I tried downloading a pirated ISO was when C&C generals came out - after my virus scanner had identified 1 virus and 2 trojans inside the file before the ISO download was 40% complete, I decided that installing the warezd version wasn't such a great idea.
If you can't afford the latest and greatest games, wait 6 months and get them fro
Re:Never, never, never... (Score:1)
Must be your bad luck, I didn't have any problems at all. Generals is a fun game also.
Yeah, that's a great idea (Score:2)
I'd like to disect your argument, if I may.
First, the issue of never buying a game. While that may save you some money, it is the reason why most games are crappy and require 12 bagillion patches. If we don't make any money on our products, we will not continue to make them. I make video games because I want to. But, if I cannot make enough to eat and live, I will find other employment. So keep stealing from us, and we'll keep turning out crap. You vote with your doll
Re:Never, never, never... (Score:4, Informative)
System: ASUS-A7N8X deluxe, AMD2400+, 512M 400MhzDDR, GF4ti4200 etc...
The fighting is AWESOME, motion capture has been put to very good use, and its always fun, fast and fluid.
Running, dodges etc are also very cool.
Shooting is atrocious! Both in 3rd and 1st person, there can only be a few more painful games, with non-linear acceleration of the mouse and discretisation of movement.
Driving is worse. The physics is crap, and the AI worse (esp. for Niobe who insists on crashing into all those nasty stationary things like buildings. She CAN hit the broad side of a barn!)
The game has many "features" such as floating objects (this is the matrix after all) and invisible walls etc...
The movies are divx5, but encoded poorly (everyone I know does a better job). The acting is crap, the dialogue stilted, the camera work boring. This is not the matrix ppl. Nor does it have ANY of the qualities of the films. The special effects are non-existant. When humans leave the matrix via hardline, instead of fading out like in the movies, the picture goes black for a second, and then brightens again: voila, the person has gone! These are special effects bought from the $2 shop.
It was hard to follow the point of the campaign (ive only beaten it as ghost so far tho), and the frequent cutscenes don't really string it together. I've guessed whats going on in the game cos I've seen the movie.
Only 4 boss fights? And all beatable on the first attempt?
Crap DX7 graphics. Clipping and texturing problems all over the show. Shadows also buggy. There isn't much that isnt buggy. Low poly count. Lack-lustre textures. Poor, uninspired level design (apart from the chateau of the morovingian).
Several other things that aren't very complimentary. Oh yeah, crappy camera "AI". If it can get it wrong, it will.
Summary: A crap game with cool fighting. Don't buy it for more than US$15. Wait for the mod makers to take all those cool fighting animations and put them into a decent game. And Max Payne does better bullet time.
Re:Never, never, never... (Score:1)
Yes, it is, unless you use focus properly... then accuracy goes way up and you get to kill lots of things very quickly. Although aiming the sniper rifle is a bit of a nightmare.
Driving is worse
I've only done one driving level where I had to drive so far, as I'm playing through as Ghost so he's normally doing the shooting. But the car handled like a hovercraft or something stupid like that. Not a patch on the fighting levels.
The acting is crap, the dialogue stilted, the camera work
Re:Never, never, never... (Score:1)
That's what I've been saying about Reloaded all week.
This is what happens... (Score:3, Insightful)
Lets hope they get it patched up pretty soon - I'm looking forward to playing it.
Anyone know if it contains movie spoilers? I heard it's linked with the plot etc. so I don't want to play it until the movie comes out in the UK (21st)
Re:This is what happens... (Score:1)
So you may wish to wait until you get to see the movie.
Re:This is what happens... (Score:1)
The inclusion of a driving portion was just stupid. Mixing genres is almost always a curse, and this is no exception.
On the otherhand, many of the animations are just killer, and of course the bullet time is an awesome feature. The integration with the story (I would say there are no spoilers, so far as I've gotten) is really quite
Hacking Console (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Hacking Console (Score:2)
I mean, the first movie had a bit of a hack job involved. whatisthematrix.com had passwords you could enter to see extra material on the movies. The catch was that you couldn't get access to any spoiler stuff until you got a password that
Actual Review (Score:3, Informative)
AllOutGames.com has a review [alloutgames.com] out.
They give a 78% to the PC version.
Good for fans of the Matrix (Score:1)
Coincidence? (Score:2)
2003. Atari produces several million copies (4 million, to be exact) of a game, based on a blockbuster movie that hit the theaters at roughly the same time. The response is less than lukewarm. The movie is The Matrix Reloaded.
If I were Atari, I'd try to buy some cheap d
brief thought (Score:1)
Blah! (Score:2, Interesting)
Ok, read my review (Score:4, Interesting)
The sad part is this game could have been so much cooler. As it is, it's riddled with bugs, graphical glitches, and a really annoying sync bug that makes the audio go WAY out of sync during some of the rendered cutscenes. This is not a finished game, which is surprising because it's been in development for almost 2 years. One would think they would have had enough time to finish it.
That said, the game is a must-play for devout fans of the Matrix. The game follows the path of Ghost and Niobe and takes place during the Matrix Reloaded. The plot intersects with the movie over various parts of the game, and stuff IS made more clear through playing the game. In short, the story is pretty much an essential part of the Matrix saga, at least as much so as the Animatrix.
They've even included a "Hacking" game, which is a relatively short and easy CLI puzzle where you have to "hack" the Matrix, but it can give you some nice goodies like weapon drop points, cheat codes, and a secret level. It's relatively amusing, though unfortunately it's not totally finished yet. The game redirects you to search a few websites to find some information, but it seems as though those sites aren't up yet. One of them (which now redirects to the game's official homepage) even sported a "This domain has been registered by: " temp page.
In short, this game was obviously rushed out the door before it was finished. The fact that there were patches available the day after release is a testament to that. No game should be released with this many bugs or a control system this flawed. The PC version of the game seems like it was an afterthought, a port of the console versions that wasn't quite given the care that it should have been. Which is disappointing, because it turned what could have been a spectacular game into simply a mediocre one.
Re:Ok, read my review (Score:2)
(I think that's what Max Payne called it...)
Well its no MGS2, but... (Score:1, Interesting)
I bought the PS2 version to get a better frame rate than my PC and because I figured it would be easier to play with the PS2 controller. Well the later part was true, but I'm not so sure about performance. It gets major frame lag in large areas (inexcusable for a console game!). To top this off theres plenty of other bugs (echoing voices in cutscenes, bad clipping, invisible walls) that just shouldn't be there. And as mentioned alot of the level desi
Hit the snooze bar ... (Score:1)
Save your money. My copy has already been sold back to EBX.
Am I the only one that liked it? (Score:2, Informative)
My firends like it (Score:2)
I like it (Score:2, Informative)
The XBox version's controls are a bit more intuitive. Also, you don't have to worry about choppiness. Strangely, I thought that the movie clips looked better on the XBox, too. However...
On the PC the in-game graphics look much better due to the higher resolutions (I play at 1024x768). I gave up on the mouse keyboard controls because it was much easier to button-mash with my Wingman Rumb
A review with *HUGE SPOILERS* (Score:2)
The failure of this game is almost tragic in my opinion, because there are moments that are just fantastic, and would've made it an instant hit had the game not been so unpolished. The first of these of course, is encountering an Agent. And they do it in an early, shock-value fashion. The Agent smashes through a door you're opening (this is in slow motion of course) and you're not even sure what's happening because you're falling backwards and can't see the door.........wel
How about a petition to have a "Special Edition" (Score:1)
ETM Personal opinion (Score:1)
Anyhow, after a friends recommendation I tried ETM out, and I was pleasantly surprised ! It is unlike all the other people here say, playable, the graphics are definitely good enough to give a good feeling of the Matrix, and the plotline is action packed to say the leas
Bloodrayne / Kung Fu Max Payne (Score:1)
If you don't care much for the Matrix connection, and are looking for a fighting/shooting/bullet-time fix, you can probably do a lot worse than try Bloodrayne, which is pretty much Max Payne with Nazis and lots of flying limbs. There is a demo out, and it's quite easy to figure out if you will like the full game from that one level.
Alternatively, there is a fantastic Kung Fu mod for Max Payne, which makes it a
Not just a "license" title (Score:2)
This wasn't just a "license" title. It was written and directed by The Wachowski Brothers themselves and is meant to supplement the events of Reloaded.
The rush, as others have pointed out, was because the release date had to coincide with the release of the movie.
Enjoyment (Score:1)
For example, there was a section of a level where the character on the 2nd floor surrounded by SWAT teams with machine guns. In order to get to the 1st floor, you can take the escalator, or, in true Matrix fashion, take a running leap over the edge of the balcony in bullet-time, guns drawn, firing at the enemy on the way down, hitting the ground, tucking and rolling and making a quick escape.
Re:Enjoyment (Score:1)