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XBox (Games) Entertainment Games

Rare's Official Site Previews New Xbox Titles 16

Thanks to an anonymous reader for sending us a link to Rare's official site, recently updated with screenshots, teaser/trailer movies and info about their three newly announced titles for the Xbox, following Microsoft's purchase of Rare for anything up to $500 million late last year. We covered Kameo, Grabbed By The Ghoulies, and Conker:Live And Uncut briefly in our E3 Microsoft overview last week, but there's extra info here, including the fact that the Conker title, besides Xbox Live multiplayer, also "..consists of the classic solo outing Conker's Bad Fur Day, here not only in its entirety but actually expanded with extra footage that didn't make the original cut." It seems Microsoft will let Rareware put back in certain things which Nintendo made them leave out?
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Rare's Official Site Previews New Xbox Titles

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    "It seems Microsoft will let Rareware put back in certain things which Nintendo made them leave out?:

    Nintendo let Rare do whatever they wanted with Conker.

    It's most likely stuff that Nintendo's quality control suggested be removed.
  • Kameo: Elements of Power - Movie (Medium Qual.) 10mb Wmv []

    E3 2003 marks the first major public appearance of Princess Kameo since her Xbox debut at last October's X02 press event. Kameo: Elements of Power remains one of Rare's key games for its initial foray into the Xbox games market, and we're confident that audiences will take a shine to its stunning appearance, top-tier soundtrack and engaging blend of exploration and realtime fantasy combat.

    These are dark times in Kameo's world, as the Troll K
  • that conker will have decent gameplay and not just shock value and live support as its selling factor, as I went through that when some friends kept raving about unreal championship(shudder) before is came out...
    • Re:I hope (Score:2, Informative)

      by Baron_911 ( 664953 )
      Well, since most of the game comes from the N64 version, you can pretty much be sure (unless Rare REALLY screws up) that the gameplay will be there. Especially if the Single player is just a graphics update. The 64 Conker was one of the best 64 games ever, not even considering the extrordinarraly (sp?) funny content. They could have made Conkers Nice and Friendly Fur Day and it still would have been fun.
  • by Zico ( 14255 )

    It's a shame that so many people seem to be missing one of the greatest things about this game. Try doing a search for "goolies" and "slang" to get an entirely new aspect on what "Grabbed by the Ghoulies" means, and why it was easily the best-named game at the show this year.

    • I don't think that our cousins across the pond get the reference, especially since the write-up for the game refers to the hero's girlfriend being spirited away or "grabbed by the ghoulies". If this happened to my other half I would take a serious look at the relationship, BEFORE seeking to rescue them.

  • Played 'em at E3 (Score:2, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward
    "Grabbed by the Ghoulies" was a button masher (actually, more of a stick twister).

    Basically, lots of rooms full of ghosts and monsters, you move with the left stick, and punch/kick them away by spinning and flicking the right stick a la' Robotron. Got old after 10 minutes. There's also this "you've suffered a super scary fright" element that forces you to push a few face buttons in a certain order to recover from being scared. It really was unimpressive, and I can't even see kids enjoying it for very long.
    • Sure, Halo deathmatch is all fun and stuff, but CONKER deathmatch is the SHIZNIT! Playing CTF, hacking somebody's head off with the chainsaw or samurai sword, it's a wonderful thing.

      Rare, thank you very much. I'm there.

  • Who cares about Rare anymore...

    Their best games are behind them and no one really expects them to be as cutting edge as they were 10 years ago!!!

    Just something else for MS to swallow and absorb into oblivion!
  • You know why nobody is posting? It's because the color of the pages hurts the eyes so much you can't read through the description to get to the story, let alone all the posts. Change it already.

    As for Rare, I can't say I'm too exciting about any of their upcoming stuff. Why? Because they're all for the XBox.

Them as has, gets.
