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Games Entertainment

DC Vs. Marvel Vs. Capcom Considered? 32

Thanks to an anonymous reader for pointing to this interview with Chris Jelinek of Capcom, done by the unofficial SNK-Capcom.com site while they were at E3. The confirmed news in this article seems to be that the 3D Capcom Fighting All-Stars has been cancelled (although we never get a direct quote from Jelinek himself about it), but after much poking and prodding from the interviewer, Mr.Jelinek also mentions that they're considering a 'Vs. Vs' title, and gives the possible example of "Take, in theory, Batman vs. Spiderman.." So, DC. Vs. Marvel Vs. Capcom? With this blatant rumor, the stage is set for either rejoicing amongst Capcom fighting game fanboys, or derision amongst those fed up with Capcom recycling Street Fighter II for 10 years or more.
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DC Vs. Marvel Vs. Capcom Considered?

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  • Oh man (Score:4, Interesting)

    by handsomepete ( 561396 ) on Monday May 19, 2003 @10:51PM (#5996440) Journal
    I would buy this in a second (being the consumer whore that I am). These games are still fun even if they are rehashes of the same thing over and over and over again - I usually don't even mind that pretty much anybody with quarters can beat me without looking at the screen. Throw in a bunch of DC characters and some slightly less pixelated graphics and I'll be happy.
    • I loved playing Marvel Vs. Capcom in the arcade. I got really good at the massive combo attacks. While it's become old hat as they've rehashed things, I always enjoy updated graphics and new characters, assuming the core gameplay isn't destroyed in the process (i.e. going 3D because it's supposedly [lucasarts.com] "better").
    • Marvel vs. Capcom 2, one of the best to me.

      There's something cool about a gun-toting Little Red Riding Hood that rolls with a gang of thugs.

    • As long as the fireball move is quarter circle forward and the spinning kicks are quarter circle back...I'll be a Capcom fighting game fan.

      Now Batman vs Superman in the arcade is something I'd like to see.
  • It's an interesting concept (Can adamantium claws cut a man of steel?), but doubt I'd play. Capcom's latest fighters have been pretty and all, but I just haven't seen any real gameplay. A button masher's paradise perhaps, but certainly not titles I would rabidly pump quarters into. I guess I'm just an eternal slave to SNK...
    • Sorry, any person who knows how to do air combos and hyper combos will waste a newbie who is just mashing...
      • Well of course. It generally goes without saying if somebody has the moves down, they'll thoroughly trounce anyone that's just huddled in the corner pounding Weak Punch...

        But there's just no way I'd feel the need to get to that kind of skill level on one of these games. Frankly, the thing that really puts me off the most about Capcom's fighters is the physics. Everybody's just sliding all over the place. It doesn't "feel" right to me. All of the SNK fighters I've played, on the other hand, have all fel

  • by shaitand ( 626655 ) on Monday May 19, 2003 @11:11PM (#5996511) Journal
    This game better have half naked clinging/dancing pixel groupies or I'm not buying.

  • Why all 3? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by suineg ( 647189 )
    I would say DC vs. Marvel would be worth buying but having all 3 is just getting way redundant. I never understood the Marvel vs. Capcom anyways. They are entirely unrelated. One is a video game maker the other is a comic book maker. DC vs. Marvel makes total sense though.
    • You would want all three because then, and only then, can you solve the age old geek question: "Who would win in a fight, Superman or Spiderman, and if the winner fought Chun Li, who would take that one?" The answer is as follows: Superman wins round one, and gets knocked out by Chun Li's wiggly moves in round two.

      *sigh* Man I love those Capcom girls.
      • I dunno I think Mai from the SNK side has
        a little more wiggly going on :) When
        she wins she like jumps up and down, pleasantly,
        and exclaims, "Me bouncy!" :D
    • I never understood the Marvel vs. Capcom anyways. They are entirely unrelated. One is a video game maker the other is a comic book maker. DC vs. Marvel makes total sense though. Yeah, but... as a freakin' video game? [head explodes]
  • is how capcom has NO character development. you see in tekken how everyone ages, changes with time, and becomes a bit different. with capcom games, we have some characters (akuma) gaining gray hair.. wow..

    nothing changes.

    even simple things like how the original Law in tekken was replaced by another. I think some capcom character has to die a horrible death for me to respect the series more.
    • Re:what annoys me... (Score:3, Interesting)

      by n0wak ( 631202 )
      Capcom is perpertually stuck in the Street Fighter II universe, which is why there is no development (man, those couple of years must have been really busy for Ryu and co.), unlike Tekken which does grow as a story.

      I'd imagine that if they were to release a SFIV, there could be more in the development department. However, considering the difficulty that Capcom had counting to three, I doubt that we'll see it before 2010. So until then, more rehashes: Capcom vs SNK; Capcom vs Marvel; Capcom vs DC; Capcom vs
      • sorry if this bursts your bubble or something but...

        Capcom is in the business of making money by selling video games.

        Capcom had the most impressive showing at E3 this year with probably 7 new titles that are poised to be great fun. Only Nintendo could be reasonably argued to be better. This is quite normal. The unfortunate part is that Capcom is not making a new fighting game (that anyone knows is more than rumor). Gamers are being desensitized to think that movies or fighting a bunch of AI baddies
  • would be good for dc (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Enrico Pulatzo ( 536675 ) on Tuesday May 20, 2003 @02:00AM (#5996986)
    A video game is the perfect place for dream matches to happen. The reason is that you don't have to worry about the fan reaction to having Wolverine get trounced by Batman, or the Green Hulk getting beat down by the Green Lantern. Fan backlash would be minimal since it's the fans who are "writing" the outcome. Brilliant!
    • The only thing I don't like about the DC universe in fighting games is that you have characters like Superman and WonderWoman. No other character would be able to defeat them without massive outside assistance. Batman DID beat Superman in a fight once (in Frank Miller's "The Dark Knight Returns" but he had the aid of Kryptonite).
      • This would be good on a number of levels for both companies, especially with the JLA/Avengers crossover that is supposed to be out later this year. As far as the "invincibility" of Superman & Wonder Woman, I would refer you to the "JLA: Tower of Babel" TBP, which shows how Batman had plans on how to stop each member of the JLA, including Superman & Wonder Woman. Also, a recent issue of Batman had a Poison Ivy-controlled Superman fighting the Bat. Batman won... Upshot: Supes & WW are tough,
    • What I would rather see is a professionally produced DC Vs. Marvel mod for Freedom Force.
  • Capcom's Problem (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    The problem isn't that they are drawing out Street Fighter, the problem is they are KILLING the original concept.

    Character Style:
    The original street fighter was pretty neat, a bunch of martial artists fighting with a few magic fireballs thrown in. Later in the series (SF2) we get a guy who can streach his limbs, and by SF3 there aren't too many "real" martial artists left. The characters have gotten cheesier and cheesier in look and feel.

    How to fix it: In the next street fighter game bring back the c
  • isn't the reason why MvC2 for Xbox didn't get an online portion, that Activision has all rights to Marvel video games?

    It'd be cool, but it sounds really doubtful.
  • by PCP ( 144712 )
    Does that mean I can be beaten up by Death of the Endless?! Cool!
  • Have you seen how long it's taken DC and Marvel to get JLA/Avengers out? Granted, Marvel/DC relations have improved measureably over the last few years. But, conflicts between Marvel and DC heroes have carefully considered and negotiated outcomes and neither side will ever agree to something where they can't control the end. Do you think DC will ever agree to allow a situation where Spider-Man can beat the stuffing out of Superman repeatedly? I'll wager my life savings that this is idle speculation and mark
    • Yep It's taken a while. Oh, BTW, don't forget the Marvel Vs. DC battle of several years ago. The reason for the crossover was complete and utter BS, but the fights were good. And yes, I do think that they will agree to it, simply because of the $$$ that the licensing fees will bring in. DC is not in the best position, financially, and the reality is that people *will* buy this game. Ergo, it will happen. Heck, they had a game for the SNES...what was it...Justice League Task FOrce, or something like t
      • DC is not in the best position, financially

        Methinks you have your comic publishers mixed up. DC is is relatively safe. It's one of the cornerstones of the Time publishing arm. DC was one of the first pieces of what would ultimately become AOL/Time Warner. I believe they were first acquired in the late 1960's.

        Anyways, it's Marvel that's had all the problems over the last couple years. The Perelman fiasco ultimately landed the company in bankruptcy, and it's rumored that Marvel is now positioning itse
  • Post your vote/comments to Capcom here

    http://www.snk-capcom.com/forums/showthread.php? s= &threadid=314

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