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PlayStation (Games) Entertainment Games

R - Racing Evolution - Gran Turismo Beater? 10

Thanks to Gamepro, we have a new interview with Namco's Isao Nakamura, producer of the latest in the Ridge Racer series, R:Racing Evolution. The interview discusses how Nakamura has "..changed the power slide oriented gameplay of RR to a more realistic feel", and also mentions that there are licensed cars and off-road rally tracks in the game. This is a move sure to set up even more comparisons with the Gran Turismo series, although this is tricky so far, since Gran Turismo 4 was playable at E3, and R:Racing Evolution was only shown in rolling demo form.
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R - Racing Evolution - Gran Turismo Beater?

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  • doubtful (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Ender Ryan ( 79406 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @08:32AM (#6089479) Journal
    I think Sony has the racing simulator market cornered, and will continue to do so for the forseeable future. Gran Tourismo has, hands down, the best driving engine in any console driving game. It is so fine-tuned that it would be nearly impossible to beat them anytime soon.

    The only thing they could possibly beat Sony at is graphics, utilizing the power of the GC and Xbox, giving the PS2 version the backseat. However, even with the PS2's lack of power, it's hard to beat THIS [].

    The PS2 is still really impressive when games are done right on it...

    • The graphics of Turismo 3 are still very good by PS2 standards in my mind. However, 4 looks to really blow them away. The graphics are good enough that it doesn't really seem dated. Mostly though, it's the gameplay that has gotten and kept such a huge following.
    • I don't know. I'm still very impressed by Ferrari F355 Challenge on the Dreamcast. For fun, I like Le Mans also on the Dreamcast.
  • by TheRoachMan ( 677330 ) on Sunday June 01, 2003 @12:31PM (#6090512) Journal
    Since the first Gran Turismo, and since the first Ridge Racer, these two games have been totally different, albeit both racing games. Gran Turismo is about driving skills, fine-tuning your car, mastering every track, breaking lap times, spending your credits in a smart way, etc. Ridge Racer was and still is about girls in bikinis, big flashing arrows that point out the turn ahead, waving palm trees and such more. Of course the adding of rally tracks is a step in the good direction for RR, but still, there's racing, and there's Gran Turismo racing. My point being: you can't compare these two racing games, so there's no point in asking wether RR will beat GT. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying GT is better, I'm just saying some people will hate RR and love GT, and some people will love RR and hate GT. They're too different to compare.
  • I always preferred Ridge Racer's arcade feel to GT's simulation style gameplay. Namco's car designs always ranged from sleek to the way fantastic (The "Bat-mobile" from Rage Racer comes to mind). Power sliding around a corner, sometimes into an intentional 360 was just too much fun. And yes, there always were the girls, but it was never done shamelessly, like Dead Or Alive. I really doubt Namco's going to have GT-killer on their hands, the name is too entrenched, too branded as the definitive simulator/g
  • I've personally never liked Ridge Racer, since it's first version on PS...Unless they've done truly drastic retuning I can't see them ever touching GT...but of course if I am proved wrong that's just fine, as another good racer would only be a good thing.

    As for GT4, well without car damage I'm just not as excited - indestructible bumper cars kind of ruin that game after awhile. On the one hand, it's so realistic, on the other hand on some tracks rebounding violently off a wall is the way to win. And if n
  • Here is the only article (in Italian) I could find on Ridge Racer Next: Ridge Racer VI []. It has a rare few pictures. The parent article above is better.

    The only reason I mention Ridge Racer VI is that it was slated, originally, to be a cel-shaded cartoony RR game. I guess since Capcom did this first with Auto Modellista [] they have changed their plans? I got this impression researching the title two months ago, but now all the articles are pulled of the Web.

    I think this RR might be a deviation from the

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