Stan Lee Talks Superhero Games 8
Thanks to HomeLanFed for pointing to a Gamers.com/GameNOW interview with legendary comic book creator Stan Lee about his superhero videogames. The talk touches on the fact he's working on a new, as yet unannounced original game, and Stan co(s)mically rambles as he discusses gaming - "I wish I were younger, and I had more time, because I know I would love to play them, because you can really enmesh yourself in the activity and in the little world that you enter on that screen."
Nice that he's honest about them. (Score:2, Interesting)
Two notable are the making of "Enter The Matrix" (see above), the making of "Command & Conquer - Red Alert", plus numerous other clips where voice actors overstate their interest in gaming by an order of magnitude - yet don't know what they're talking about - to unintend
Re:Nice that he's honest about them. (Score:2)
Shame about Stan Lee Media (Score:2)
Yess!!! (Score:1)