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GameCube (Games) PlayStation (Games) Entertainment Games

Stan Lee Talks Superhero Games 8

Thanks to HomeLanFed for pointing to a Gamers.com/GameNOW interview with legendary comic book creator Stan Lee about his superhero videogames. The talk touches on the fact he's working on a new, as yet unannounced original game, and Stan co(s)mically rambles as he discusses gaming - "I wish I were younger, and I had more time, because I know I would love to play them, because you can really enmesh yourself in the activity and in the little world that you enter on that screen."
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Stan Lee Talks Superhero Games

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    Beats the usual celebrity garbage about "yeah, I just want to grab that joystick and play in that little world that we've made" (while miming grabbing a steering wheel) type of shit when they're talking about a console game they voiced.

    Two notable are the making of "Enter The Matrix" (see above), the making of "Command & Conquer - Red Alert", plus numerous other clips where voice actors overstate their interest in gaming by an order of magnitude - yet don't know what they're talking about - to unintend
    • So what happened with C&C:RA? Or do you mean C&C:RA2?? Red Alert 2 had that dopey lass who played Tanya or someone similar who went on in a condescending tone. A few Westwood games were like that though, notably Tiberian Sun (with James Earl Jones having no idea what the interviewer is talking about, quite amusing). Yeah, the article was quite interesting, also how Stan Lee is interested in getting faithful AND fun movies to the cinema. And hes honest with his knowledge of games, but the cool thing
  • Stan deserves a better chance this time. Best of luck to him.
  • Stan Lee is my favorite God of The Marvel Universe. All must show praise to the master and creator of he who was responsible for the consumption of the allowances of countless youngsters and more to come. Thank You Stan and Good Luck.

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