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GTA Creator To Make GTA-Beater? 48

Thanks to an anonymous reader for pointing to the Gamespot news that Grand Theft Auto creator David Jones is dropping hints about titles in development at his new company, Real Time Worlds. An executive at his company hinted: "We are not yet talking specifically about our two titles under development, but I will hint that fans of GTA and next-generation racing games will not be disappointed." Jones is the founder of developer DMA Design, who created the classic carnage-based puzzler Lemmings and went on to make both the 2D and 3D Grand Theft Auto titles. He left the developer after DMA were bought by Take Two and renamed Rockstar North, and his own company, Real Time Worlds, have been operating in stealth mode for a while now.
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GTA Creator To Make GTA-Beater?

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  • by 42forty-two42 ( 532340 ) <bdonlan&gmail,com> on Thursday June 05, 2003 @11:23AM (#6124124) Homepage Journal
    You know, it's not strictly necessary to fix slashcode...
  • FINALLY (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Naikrovek ( 667 ) <{moc.gsp} {ta} {nosnhojj}> on Thursday June 05, 2003 @11:24AM (#6124138)
    See any problems with this story? Email our on-duty editor.

    I am glad to see this - i think they're finally starting to understand that they're a freaking news source, and they're finally starting to act responsible.
  • Uhhh.... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Feztaa ( 633745 ) on Thursday June 05, 2003 @11:25AM (#6124141) Homepage
    fans of GTA and next-generation racing games will not be disappointed.

    Well, considering that in all of the GTA titles, all the racing missions were painfully unbearable, I'd say this guy has something of a history of making bad racing games.

    Don't get me wrong, though, I liked the GTA titles, they were lots of fun. Just not if I had to race anybody :)

    Let's hope these two misterious titles aren't stinkers.
    • How do you mean they were "painfully unbearable"?
      I thought that they were done very tactfully. The racing in GTA was a lot better than many games that are racing specifc.

      After GTAIII and Vice would be hard to make a game that was a "stinker" as long as it was kind of related to the first ones. I mean Vice City was an improvement on a game that was really cool on its own....
      It takes effort to make a good game worse. It has been done before...but hopefully not in this case.

      I really like the G

    • Well, considering that in all of the GTA titles, all the racing missions were painfully unbearable

      Or maybe you just sucked at racing in the game
    • my answer for those missions was almost always cheating. I don't buy racing games because I DON'T LIKE RACING GAMES!

      Tank Spawn, blow up other cars, box them in, whatever. Then do the race at 20mph. :)
      • Tank Spawn, blow up other cars, box them in, whatever. Then do the race at 20mph. :)

        Fun as that is, I like to play legitimately (yeah, I got the rocket launcher legit and blew up the other cars, that's the only way I could win... but not all races let you do that).
        • Re:Uhhh.... (Score:3, Insightful)

          Well, yes, playing legit is much more fun and challenging.....I play legit too

          However, having to do a street race 200 times because racing games just aren't your forte isn't fun. When it halts progression of the storyline then it's just a pain in the ass on an otherwise brilliant game.
    • Re:Uhhh.... (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Anonvmous Coward ( 589068 ) on Thursday June 05, 2003 @02:34PM (#6125775)
      "Well, considering that in all of the GTA titles, all the racing missions were painfully unbearable..."

      Can you qualify that a little better? I used to think they sucked too until I started driving the cars like I'd drive a real car. (I.e. slowing down for a turn.) At that point, what became diifcult was the randomness thrown in by being a world simulator. Stupid pedestrians would get in my way, get run over, and then get the cops after my butt. The type of car you had really affected how you drive as well. Are you going to take sharp turn in an Expedition? Not without rolling it! You had realistic options for picking your car as well. Now that I think about it, GTA's racing missions were far deeper than any racing game I've played.

      I'm not trying to just blindly defend GTA here, I just came to this realization about a week or two ago. Racing in GTA's not like racing in the arcade, you can't get by while you're holding the gas down the entire time.
      • GTA's racing missions were far deeper than any racing game I've played.

        Except that one near the end of Vice City where you had no choice of car, your opponent drives an invincible car that is twice as fast as yours, and starting the race automatically gives you a wanted level of 2. I think it was called 'driver', or something stupid.

        The worst part wasn't even that it was hard, the worst part was that the guy I'm racing is an idiot, and taunts you in the opening cinematic. I'm hiring him as the getaway d
        • "Except that one near the end of Vice City where you had no choice of car, your opponent drives an invincible car that is twice as fast as yours, and starting the race automatically gives you a wanted level of 2. I think it was called 'driver', or something stupid."

          Well gee. Imagine playing a mission where you had to be skilled at the wheel as opposed to being skilled at stealing a fast car. I had difficulty with that mission, but it was quite satisfying when I won.

          "It doesn't help that the game crash
          • Does it? I've been running Vice City on two different computers, not a prob. I imagine you don't want me troubleshooting your computer, but I would suggest that maybe there's something wrong there. (Unless I just happen to have the desktop and laptop machines that that GTA was developed on...)

            You're welcome to troubleshoot my PS2 all you want.
            • "You're welcome to troubleshoot my PS2 all you want."

              Ah, reminds me of the first run of PSOnes. Maybe you should turn the machine upside down. ;)
            • I've never had ANY game fatally crash or lockup on my PS2. And I've logged God knows how many hours on GTA3 & GTA:VC. Is your PS2 an early one? I got mine about a year after the release.
        • I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure that Jones had left DMA before Vice City was written, so I wouldn't hold him responsible for that one.
      • I would say that GTA games are not refined enough. Everything seems to be too rough and just thrown together. Don't take me wrong, they are great games and a lot of fun, but if you look closely, the quality is not there. Overall the games make a great impression, but just like there are countless graphical artefacts, there are also many gameplay ones.

        Now compare it with racing mission in Mafia. It was a bit difficult (not for me), but the quality of the racing experience was so much better. It was just ama
  • by simoniker ( 40 ) *
    Apologies, there's some technical issues with posts right now, in terms of title bar color, and also icons showing up when they shouldn't - it's being looked at as we speak.
    • OK, the title bar problem should be fixed now, for this post at least (though it may take a minute or two to propagate?) Please yell if it isn't.
      • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 05, 2003 @12:00PM (#6124481)
        MOD PARENT DOWN - OFFTOPIC; as any non-editor knows, if you discuss problems with Slashcode in a story, it will quickly be modded as offtopic. If you bring up problems you have with the design of Slashdot or how comments are rated, and you'll be modded down as flamebait. So moderators, do your duty.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      I think we should all take a moment to give Simoniker some props-- he seems to be the only editor willing to read and/or comment after he posts a story, and even lets us know when something behind the scenes is on the fritz.

      So, way to be, and thanks. I think we all wish the other editors around here were as user-friendly.
  • by notque ( 636838 ) on Thursday June 05, 2003 @11:36AM (#6124252) Homepage Journal
    We are not yet talking specifically about our two titles under development, but I will hint that fans of GTA and next-generation racing games will not be disappointed.

    I'd rather not play anymore GTA/next generation racing games.

    Every other game released is a clone off of GTA, or an underground street racing game. 2 more titles going off the same lineage a gaming company does not make.

    I think I am just having withdrawls from my dreamcast, which while put out quite a few bad games, always seemed to bring out something intresting like shenmue, virtua tennis, worms, seamen, etc.
    • something intresting like shenmue, virtua tennis, worms, seamen, etc.

      I'm sorry, but Virtua Tennis is Pong with better graphics. I like the game, don't get me wrong, but it's Pong.
      • No kidding, it ruled!

        We used to have contests. I would play with the VMU (If you put a VMU in while playing, it came up with a playable version of what was on the screen.)

        and I would beat everybody not looking at the t.v. Just playing on the VMU.

        Total Sweet!
  • It sounds like carmageddon to me. ;-)
    Race and run over people for points/extra time.

    Of course, if it doesn't run on Linux, I won't play it anyway --hehe
  • by cgenman ( 325138 ) on Thursday June 05, 2003 @12:06PM (#6124568) Homepage
    David Jones, who isn't really known outside of the industry, has today announced that he is working on two new games at his Scotland-based Real Time Worlds development studio. Working alongside Jones are a couple of suits.

    -hype deleted- "My goal is to create and ride gravy trains. Our whole team have experience with gravy trains, from those that make them to those that supervise those that make them."

    They have all worked on gravy trains, C|net has confirmed.

    -vague hype deleted-

    -vague hype deleted-

    We'll bring you more information on both of the games in development at Real Time Worlds as soon as it becomes available.

  • I saw a racing game trailer, with north-star as the logo (hence what caught my attention). It was really flashy, nice lighting and translucency effects. Not sure about the actual gameplay, or the actual racing...
    • I'm just guessing, but it sounds like you're talking about Rockstar North's Midnight Club 2, which just made the port from PS2 to XBox last week. This article is about whatever the mighty David Jones has going at his new company. He created DMA Design back in the Amiga days (Menace being his first game), before selling it to Take 2. They rebranded it as Rockstar North after GTA3.
  • by Evro ( 18923 ) *
    What I'd like to see is a press release that says basically....
    Hi, this is Bob Jones, creator of the Super Quest series. I've started a new company making new games, but the games really aren't going to be as good as what I've made in the past. We're trying but really there's nothing we can do. Please buy them anyway!
    Seriously, it's news that a guy is touting his next project as being better than his previous one? WOW!
  • their sparse website mentions that

    as avid game players, we believe the future of video games lies in massively multiplayer on-line gaming.

    gee, they have signed their own death warrant and they havent even produced a game yet. oh well, it was a nice thought.
    • I don't see MMO-whatever as definitely not the future, as you seem to. Especially with the numbers that EQ/DAOC/AO are pulling, and that WOW and SWG will be garnering. The future will be when MMO games are able to work on a more distributed model, helping to eliminate those pesky monthly fees, allowing for a larger scope game, etc etc. Of couse, that won't be a viable possibility until someone figures a way around net congestion..
      • EQ and the rest are piece of shit games for twats with no lives, I think they mean the future is gaming is Multiplayer games like Quake/DoomIII where you log into the server kill a bunch of people, follow some objectives and get back to your real life.

        If they made a Multiplayer GTA style game that would just destoy the paradigm of current online games. A world where you can chose to do police missions against other people who are playing or to try and rob the bank in a virtual gang! Fuck this AO/DAOC/EQ c
        • No, not quite. The quote was "as avid game players, we believe the future of video games lies in massively multiplayer on-line gaming." That would be "MMO-whatever". GTA multiplayer has been done, by the way. It flopped. According to ASE (the mod maker's designated way to find games), there are 5 people playing, worldwide.

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