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America's Army Client For Linux Released 25

nexex writes "You can now download America's Army for Linux as a stand-alone installer. Previously it was only available as a full ISO on a Gentoo LiveCD." The official America's Army site has more info on this Army-sponsored FPS title, first released about a year ago for the PC, which "..provides civilians with an inside perspective and a virtual role in today's premier land force: the U.S. Army."
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America's Army Client For Linux Released

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  • by Zakabog ( 603757 ) <john&jmaug,com> on Wednesday June 11, 2003 @02:55AM (#6168828)
    I played it on Windows XP with a fairly decent computer (runs UT 2003 in 1024x768 with max details perfectly) and it was running like crap (well online playing, my ping was like crazy and it seemed pretty jumpy and not a smooth game (some games like Rainbow Six and Operation Flashpoint feel jumpy online, and other games like Urban Terror, Counter Strike and Quake 3, feel very smooth.) It seems like, the more realistic a game is, the worse online play is. Anyway, does anyone know how well this game runs in linux? My linux computer is only a 600 MHz PIII with 388 MB of RAM and a GeForce3 Ti200 and I don't think the download would be worth it.
    • For me, it runs just peachy on an XP 1700, MX2 400 (IIRC), and 512 MB RAM. If UT2003 runs okay for you, AA:Ops should. I dunno why you're having problems.

      I'd also like to plug AAO:TOPS [], where you can vouch for people you think are good team players. I'm one of the devs, so go check it out and increase the traffic. :)

    • The more realistic a game is the more data has to be transmitted to reflect the users actions.

      The simplist of these is stance. In quake there really is only 1 hitmodel no matter wich physical model you play with. In war games you can usually crouch/layflat/lean/stand.

      Damage in quake is a simple number. In war games it usually is area specific.

      Of course a lot of this is also down to the network code being used. But since aa is based on ut (if I remember correctly) it shouldn't be to bad.

      For you fears of

  • by Dolemite_the_Wiz ( 618862 ) on Wednesday June 11, 2003 @02:59AM (#6168846) Journal
    Originally this game was completely devoid of any cheat detection. Punkbuster has stepped up to tackle this but the results of this effort remain to be seen as one of the items that defines a good game is addressing exploits ASAP.

  • by Sevn ( 12012 ) on Wednesday June 11, 2003 @03:58AM (#6168995) Homepage Journal
    I read about it, it sounded cool. I downloaded it.
    Installed it. And it wouldn't let me play unless
    I registered for "boot camp" online. Fuhuck that.
    I did the real thing. I don't want to relive it in
    a game. I'd also rather not have to give over
    personal information just to play a war simulator.
    I'll stick with InstaUnlagged, OSP, and any other
    railgun mods for q3 for now, until such time as
    Doom 3 and halflife2 make an appearance.
    • erm.. you don't have to give any personal info to register. You just need to make up a username/password.
    • Almost every FPS I have played in the last 3-4 years has forced me into some sort of training mode- with military boot camp being the most common. Half-Life (Opposing Forces), Medal of Honor, etc, etc. This is where you learn to play the game, not become indoctrinated in the Army mentality.

      It's a good idea to have people learn to move, and shoot on their own time- not in a real game, with 19 other people wondering what the heck their problem is.

      (I did the real thing twice...and it actually was pretty fu
  • by Traderdot ( 677425 ) on Wednesday June 11, 2003 @05:10AM (#6169151) Homepage
    i played this game when it first came out. it's amazing that such a game could be free. of course, it serves as propaganda/recruitment tool and supported by the taxpayer's dollar but still it was really fun.

    as with most online games, a variety of problems developed. cheats and just plain jerks, team killers, "rambo" types ruined the experience. they also had a bunch of network issues. i haven't played for months now. hopefully they've fixed those things.

  • Just so everybody knows...

    The early versions did have very bad netcode. But I would like to point out that since it was the Unrealy Warfare engine, the netcode was much better than the Quake 3 engine, which doesn't allow modem play too well (ever try to play Jedi Knights with a modem? My ping was always 999). Since that time, they've updated the version of the Unreal Warfare engine (the version number is not in my mind right now). The version of the game is 1.7 and soon to be 2.0 (most likely) by the end
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 11, 2003 @07:32AM (#6169831)
    Here is the bittorrent link for those who are interested: /bt/armyops-l

    Don't forget to delete the space slashdot so kindly adds for you!

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Do you get to abduct "combatants" and detain them indefinitely in violation of international treaties whilst claiming that they aren't prisoners of war?

    Or is that a forthcoming feature?
    • Go read the geneva convention, there are specific rules about when a prisoner is a POW. And it is not just because they were shooting at you.
  • I play this game on Windows XP. It is fantastic. You need a lot of mussle to run it, but is has great gameplay, unlike other battle games, it forces you to really use some sort of tactic instead of just running out to be killed instantly.
  • Before long, I'll need both hands to count how many games Linux has. Kudos!
    • I mod you +1 for funny. I know the feeling though. I have no desire to do the Transgaming thing because I want my stuff native. Icculus rules for that. Of course I have UT2003, but also the full RTCW, the new RTCW-ET, Serious Sam 2, Descent3, Heavy Gear2, and assorted other linux games like Chromium, Bzflag, GlTron, Frozen Bubble, and others. Gentoo is my preferred gaming platform since you don't end up with as much crap holding the system back like default RH and MDK installs. Specs for you geeks out there
  • I've got an ATI 7500, so no ATI drivers for me.

"Who cares if it doesn't do anything? It was made with our new Triple-Iso-Bifurcated-Krypton-Gate-MOS process ..."
