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100 Bullets, Red Star Get Claimed By Acclaim 24

Thanks to an anonymous reader for pointing to Acclaim's announcement that they've licensed Vertigo/DC's 100 Bullets comic for next-gen consoles, bringing the "award-winning pulp noir comic" to an interactive medium. This comes hot on the heels of Acclaim's announcement they've also licensed the independent comic series The Red Star, the ongoing series created by Darth Maul lightsaber-designer Christian Gossett. Evidently, the struggling publisher is going outside of Acclaim Comics for inspiration, but continuing their faith in comic-based licenses. But many recent comic licenses except these have been for major superheroes - which unconventional/alternative comics would you like to see in game form?
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100 Bullets, Red Star Get Claimed By Acclaim

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  • Genre? (Score:2, Interesting)

    No hints in the press releases. I guess Red Star's Battle sequences lend themselves to RTS and 100 bullets more of a role-playing/FPS mix. 100 bullets is deep, murky stuff and not done yet, so I hope they're careful with the spoilers. Both fine comics, the oversized Red Star collections are particularly lovely things.
  • I'd like to see a game based on CrossGen's [] "Way of the Rat". Check out Comics on the web [] (Sorry. Requires flash.) to read the first issue online.

    I don't think these started off as comic books, but I'd also like to see games based on Thundercats and Battle of the Planets. (Top Cow Comics) []
  • Webcomics? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Bagels ( 676159 )
    If webcomics are allowable... how about the Life o' Reilly, over at ClanBOB []? The paintball war saga would make for a particularly fun shooter, methinks.
  • by Sevn ( 12012 ) on Wednesday June 11, 2003 @03:20PM (#6174874) Homepage Journal
    Definitely. You could get the guys that worked on
    Matt Hoffman XXX to work on it. I'm sure they are
    available for a price.
    • Heh. The possibilities for some dirty, dirty fun with an interactive version of these comics are endless... but, could you actually make a game out of it? Fighting off evil insects? Helping cats in peril?

      Seems like there are a lot of comics, actually, that have really cool concepts, but would be hard to translate into a game. Ironically, I think my favorite webcomic [] would be particularly difficult (though, if I recall correctly, somebody's already making a CTS side-scroller...)
  • Spider Jerusalem (Score:3, Insightful)

    by unixbob ( 523657 ) on Wednesday June 11, 2003 @03:51PM (#6175236)
    Transmet []

    Now that would be the coolest game ever ;)
  • Get Your War On?
  • From Frank Miller's 300.

    That, or Flaming Carrot
    • excellent stuff..

      though.. for a game i would vote for punisher.

      since it wouldnt interfere with some stupid plot then. and goal would be simple, just kill all the bad guys.
  • JtHM (Score:2, Interesting)

    by quiddity ( 106640 )
    Johnny the Homicidal Maniac [] would blow your mind, man! plus he [jhonen] already has experience with screen pacing from doing the Zim cartoons.
  • which unconventional/alternative comics would you like to see in game form?

    No question -- Spider Jerursalem. I wanna wield the bowel-disruptor.
  • Jim Mahfood's [] Grrl Scouts might make a helluva good action game, and Jeff Smith's Bone [] would be a good RPG... I'd also love to see a game based on one of Paul Pope's [] comics...

    A couple other posters mentioned Johnny the Homocidal Maniac and Flaming Carrot... I second 'em both ^_^

  • Can't wait to see both of these games. Though you have to lower expectations as most licensed properties in video games and in comics suck. (One of many things games and comics have in common.) I second the notion of Jim Mahfood ( getting a game, and as good as Grrl Scouts would be, I'd prefer a Zombie Kid game. With the toon-shading done in games today, it'd actually look worthwhile. Or how about a game based on 8 bit theater? ( C'mon Square-Enix! (Wouldn't that be i
  • Two comics that only could have been published by Darkhorse.

    And two that deserve a lot more credit than has been alloted to them.

    If the Crow Movie makers had followed the comic rather than trying to prettify the script it could have come close to a best picture.
  • kingdom come could make an interesting game, if done right (maybe you could pick one of the lower neo-superheros to be, choose your side, etc). also, hell blazer could also be an interesting detective game. or the dark knight returns, play as the future batman. there were a few enemy arcs, fight past mutant soldiers to fight and defeat the mutant leader, get past police to fight the joker in the amusment park, then have the final showdown the big blue and stomp him silly.

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