Danger Removing Games From Sidekick 18
gad_zuki! writes "Danger, the maker of the slightly-revolutionary Hiptop/Sidekick 'all-in-one' phone/browser/camera/etc., is now remotely removing the built-in games with the newest Color Sidekick software update, allegedly because of licensing concerns. This is why vendor lock-in and a thin-client system can be a very risky gamble." Another reader points out that Cory Doctorow over at BoingBoing has some heated comments on the very same subject.
Buying set of features, getting less (Score:5, Informative)
This should be illegal (Score:2, Insightful)
The product was purchased with certain product specs, which included the applications/games installed, if Danger decides to remove anything from the default installation without your concent you should be intitled to a full refund.
No questions asked
If Danger screwed up the licenses, they should settle the lawsuits and move on.
Re:This should be illegal (Score:1)
Question (Score:3, Insightful)
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Not to whinge, but this sucks. (Score:5, Interesting)
I purchased a B&W sidekick in November of last year, and all of the puzzle games were marginally playable due to the underpowered processor of the SK (or the inefficiency of the game depending on your perspective). But I loved the SK, having all of your stuff synced to the network was great and it was a handy gadget. On wednesday of this week my local T-Mobile store finally had the Color SK in. Wow. It looks great and the web and the camera functions are both much more usable now.
Last night, I was playing Rat Maze at the very time they performed the update. I hated the game up until that point, and I actually discovered I liked it with the new speed. Likewise, the Shuffle game was mediocre on the B&W but the Color was much snappier. 4 games on it, and now I had only one... well, one and a quarter. The 'Snobored' easter egg game they consoled me with in the notification email was essentially the same thing as one I'd programmed in AppleSoft Basic on my Franklin Ace 1200 back in the day. Grrrr.
Inexplicably, my old B&W SK still has the games.
I sent them a couple of emails chewing them out for removing them.
This is why I didn't get a Sidekick (Score:4, Informative)
If they were giving the Sidekick away for a nominal fee, it might be acceptable to lock it down... but there's no way in hell I'm going to pay $200 for a device which turns into a paperweight if I leave T-Mobile's network, and which may change its functionality and price without warning.
So I got an unlocked t68i instead.
Seems to me Danger's whole design is flawed, in that it's impossible to make the device non-network-locked because of all the server-side processing that's done. Oh well, another great idea doomed.
T-Mobile did it, not Danger (Score:5, Informative)
Does it matter who did it at this point? (Score:2)
If this is true then why do I have to hear it third-hard from someone not on the official hiptop.com site?
The problem here is communication. The OTA text was very terse and actually used the words "You may notice the arcade icon is missing," like its a cosmetic fix.
Danger made no attempt to pacify their customers or defend their actions, they just sent the OTA update and took the heat. Perhaps they couldn't due to some NDA, but that seems doubtful. I c
Not *ALL* of the games (Score:4, Interesting)
Rocks & Rockets will remain on device.
Note also that this is ONLY for Color SideKick users - B&W SideKick was properly licensed for the Arcade application and will continue to have it. T-Mobile neglected to license Arcade for the new Color units and violated their license. Likely they'll renegotiate and we'll see it back on device sooner rather than later.
Also, I see some confusion on how this is being done. HiptopOS has the ability to do an OTA (Over The Air) update; you'll receive a popup saying "A new software patch is available, would you like to install?" or something along those lines. You *can* decline it, but I get the feeling sooner or later you'll be forced to be running latest OS.
(aka z_ on efnet #hiptop)
Danger's Business Model (Score:4, Informative)
Danger's real business is the online PIM / account mmangement software fees ( it recieved mostly from t-mobile. ) The phone hardware was only designed as a reference platform to sell the online services.
So, bad news, but not that surprising. It was envisioned as a closed platform from the beginning. Now the market share is too small to support lotsa nifty pay services.
Here's to hoping someone learns from their mistakes!
Good (Score:4, Insightful)