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Max Payne 2 Gets Love Life, New Face 22

Thanks to an anonymous reader for pointing to two separate stories at the Max Payne Headquarters, which firstly has brand-new information on the recently-announced Max Payne 2: The Fall Of Max Payne from a PC Zone preview, with lead writer Sam Lake saying of Max: "..we're taking a big risk by putting him in a love story this time around." Also new are some good-looking, magazine-leaked screenshots, complete with Scott Miller of 3D Realms commenting on why Sam Lake's face wasn't used for Max's likeness as it was for the first game ("The original game used Remedy developers, family and friends for faces... we all like Sam Lake better as Max.. [but] he doesn't have time to fly to New York to take part in the photo sessions.")
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Max Payne 2 Gets Love Life, New Face

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  • wow (Score:4, Funny)

    by Tuxinatorium ( 463682 ) on Saturday June 28, 2003 @01:03AM (#6317950) Homepage
    this is the first time i ever heard of a CD-ROM having a love life... methinks that would hurt...
  • by mhesseltine ( 541806 ) on Saturday June 28, 2003 @01:19AM (#6318021) Homepage Journal
    he doesn't have time to fly to New York to take part in the photo sessions.

    They don't have photographers where he is? They haven't heard of Fedex, UPS, USPS, or, if digital, email, ftp?

    This seems like a really lame excuse to me. Anyone with more insight?

    • I'd imagine that the type of pictures they need are either ultra-high resolution so that they can then lower the res for the game, or that it's some special technique, like doing a face scan or something.

      I doubt we're talking about just picking up a disposable camera, snapping a few shots of his nose, and dropping it in the mail
  • by Anonymous Coward
    which is expected, but those screenshots look much better. What is even better is the new mug on Max. The old Max face looked like he was severely constipated and trying to squeeze out the cement -- sorry for the crudeness :) but is true. The new max looks a lot like Pierce Brosnan (sp?). So basically the new Max Payne is a lower class cousin to James Bond. Hopefully he doesn't have that typical smug New York cop voice. The developers don't have to copy stupid cop movies so closely. So anyway, by the
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Now it's my own damn fault for not using Firebird this time but god DAMN that's a lot of popups. And never before have I seen a single site ask to install both Gator AND Atomic Click from the same page.

    Are they bastards trying to capitalize on the Slashdot effect, or are they just bastards all the time?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    ..isn't just like having a porn movie with a plot - more stuff to try to fast forward though.

  • omg (Score:2, Informative)

    by Hemi Rodner ( 570284 ) *
    Those are rendered screenshots?
  • The new look (Score:5, Insightful)

    by pommaq ( 527441 ) <> on Saturday June 28, 2003 @03:33AM (#6318407) Homepage
    I can deal with Max not looking like Sam Lake anymore. But THIS guy?? He looks like an insurance broker. Or maybe an accountant. In fact, for some reason he reminds me of Buddy Kane, the king of real estate. I'm severely disappointed!
    As Max himself would have said it:
    The cheap cologne came off him in waves, rolling at you like the sea on a sun-baked beach in Mexico. Difference is, they don't give you a drink at a place like this. No little umbrellas. No life guard on duty. Just you, the accountant, and a sea of cologne.
    • I think he fits the role of Max better now - everyday guy thrust into a really lousy life.

      Plus he looks loads better than the essentially flat face of the previous game.
    • I think this may be more than just "we couldn't get him." Cause if Sam is around for the next sequel would they really change Max's face back? Switching around your characters likeness is probably not a good idea for brand recognition.
      I really feel like there were some legal issues somewhere. If the company's relationship with Sam Lake were to sour in the future (for whatever reason) and they were still using his likeness in a popular game, there would be some definite legal problems. Rather than risk losi
      • I agree. there has to be moreto it than, "he couldn't go to new york" what is the longest it could take to do whatever ultra hi res scans they need? 2 days?
        now what is the expence of finding a new guy to be max? it would seem easier and cheaper to just pack up the equipment and go to sam lake than organize interviews, check out head shots, have potentials come in, the whole mess that it would take to find a new guy.
        seems fishy to me...
  • I think it's a good thing they are giving him this update, cause Max sure had an ugly mug in the first game. I remember making efforts to keep the camera behind his head so I wouldn't see it.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Will it still have the cheesy, sappy descriptions of EVERYTHING?
  • whoa, thats not a new face it's just Tony Danza ;) .jpg
  • by wynterwynd ( 265580 ) on Saturday June 28, 2003 @02:44PM (#6320683)
    Max Payne love story?? I can see it now:

    The scent of her hit me like a sack full of kittens. I felt heady just standing by her, clinging to her like a rock in a hurricane of desire. My hand brushed her side, slippery smooth, butter on silk. My heart pumped a techno beat as I lifted her into my arms and carried her across the threshhold. Other men couldn't see what I saw in her, they just saw an AR15 assalt rifle, I saw my Sheila.


Them as has, gets.
