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Square Enix Considers FFIII On GBA? 36

Daetrin writes "Originally reported on The Magic Box and relayed (and edited) at Games Are Fun: 'Square Enix is currently pondering the possibility of porting their [unreleased] Wonderswan remake of Final Fantasy III to Nintendo's Gameboy Advance.' This is the only FF that hasn't been released in the US yet." However, this rumor last surfaced 10 months ago, so should probably be viewed warily - but the WonderSwan remakes of FF1 and FF2 were ported and enhanced further for Final Fantasy Origins on Playstation, so if FF3 is done, it might make sense for it to be re-appropriated as well.
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Square Enix Considers FFIII On GBA?

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  • I'd be interested in seeing FF2 and FF3 (US Numbers as released for the SNES) released for the GBA. I'm sure the GBA hardware could handle it and these were great games that would be perfect for those long car or airplane rides. I know that the battery in my old SNES cartridges has long died as it loses the save game every time I restart :(
  • by Suicide ( 45320 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @07:52PM (#6396877) Homepage
    Then why wasn't it released with FF1 and FF2 for the Playstation? Honestly, Alot of people I know were hoping to collect all of them on cd, especially with the PS2s backward compatability. All of the FF series playable on a single console...
  • It's the only one I beat.
  • Dragon Warrior (Score:3, Interesting)

    by ( 629916 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @08:31PM (#6397073) Homepage
    Now that Square Enix is one company, why doesn't it release Dragon Warrior for GBA? I know DW 1-3 has already been done on the GBC, so how about a new original one? By the way, I would rather see FF6 ported to the GBA instead of FF3.
    • By the way, I would rather see FF6 ported to the GBA instead of FF3.

      Amen! I was just saying this the other day when looking for FF:Anthologies. When I saw FF3, I was praying they meant 'American' FF3, which is really 6. Maybe someday...

      • I was just saying this the other day when looking for FF:Anthologies. When I saw FF3, I was praying they meant 'American' FF3, which is really 6. Maybe someday...

        Um, Final Fantasy Anthology contains two games, FF5, and FF6, also known as "'American' FF3." Perhaps you should look into getting a copy?

        Just as a warning though, i know that some of the games they ported to PSX have some slowdown issues, i don't know exactly which games or how much however.

        • All of the Square SNES -> PSX ports have loading issues, that may be what you're talking about.
          It takes several seconds to load into random battles. Square tried to cover it up with their overused Battle Transition effects (swirly screen, bright colors), but it's just plain annoying.
          If you've played the SNES originals, chances are this will drive you nuts.
          A second or two doesn't sound long, but wait until you're sitting there yourself trying to get through a dungeon in a reasonable amount of time. Ugh.
        • You misunderstood me. I meant that I was thinking how cool FFVI would be on GBA when looking for it on PSX Anthology. When I saw FF3 in this article, I was hoping I got my wish, but I was wrong.
    • I'd rather see FF3, because it's never been stateside before. I'd also like to get my hands on Seiken Densetsu 3 and Bahamut Lagoon. We've already got a remake of FF6 for the PSX in Final Fantasy Anthology, why do you want another version so soon?

      Yeah, a new Dragon Warrior or some of the later games ported to the GBA would be great too.

  • Port of Call (Score:3, Insightful)

    by August_zero ( 654282 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @08:43PM (#6397150)
    Why not?

    It seems a pity that they went through the trouble of making an updated/prettier version of FF3 for the ill-fated Wonderswan(dive) only to see no audience to sell it too.

    Port it! and while your at it, Port FF4, 5, and 6 to the GBA as well, they were SNES titles after all, how hard could it be? They would all sell well, and since its pretty obvious Square never spent more than a few dollars on translation its not like they can't afford it.
    • It seems a pity that they went through the trouble of making an updated/prettier version of FF3 for the ill-fated Wonderswan(dive) only to see no audience to sell it too.
      They didn't make an updated/prettier version of FF3 for the WSC. It was announced, but canned in all but name fairly early. Square found it easier to port Final Fantasy IV instead (no need to update it, after all), and even that was released before the system really tanked.
      • They didn't make an updated/prettier version of FF3 for the WSC

        Heh heh my bad.

        and even that was released before the system really tanked

        Though one could argue the system was tanked before it even hit the market.
  • by Gr33nNight ( 679837 ) on Tuesday July 08, 2003 @08:59PM (#6397227)
    I sent a letter to igncube about this very question. Their responce was that 1. Square wants to test the waters first with FF Tactics and Sword of Mana. and 2. They might have an agreement with Sony that they can not release those games on the GBA until a specified date. Probably so it doesnt cut into the sales of FF Origins on the PSX.

    Heres hoping Square ports as many FF games as they can to the GBA.

    On another note, if Enix is looking to make some major bank, port DQ5 and 6 to the GBA and release it in America. I dont care what anyone says about Dragon Quest not being popular in the states, release one of these and see what happens $$
    • I sent a letter to igncube about this very question. Their responce was that 1. Square wants to test the waters first with FF Tactics and Sword of Mana. and 2. They might have an agreement with Sony that they can not release those games on the GBA until a specified date. Probably so it doesnt cut into the sales of FF Origins on the PSX.

      Okay, i know companies can be irrational, but they usually like to pretend that they're making sense, so let's pretend with them for a little bit.

      We're talking about two

      • It is not Squares choice in releasing FFCC and FFX-2 on the same day. FFX-2 was given a release date, and then much later Nintendo decided that FFCC is going to be released at the same time. See Nintendo is publishing and distributing that game for Square, under an agreement they have with them.

        As for FFIII, well stranger things have happened, but I would love to see it on my GBA.
  • Old FF = teh win! (Score:1, Insightful)

    by Mike Hawk ( 687615 )
    This would be great news. Especially with the Gameboy Player out now! I dug all the old cartridge based FF's. When they started adding non-interactive movies it all went down hill. I want to play the story, not watch it.

    Old FF = teh win, New FF = teh sux0r.
  • Emulation? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by ZosX ( 517789 ) <zosxavius@g m a i l .com> on Wednesday July 09, 2003 @02:48AM (#6398664) Homepage
    I hate saying it, but I think someone should probably bring up this up.

    When Final Fantasy V and VI were released for PSX I was really excited. A friend of mine had a copy and I immediately set out to play FFVI for the first time. (Yeah, I missed the FF SNES boat) I thought it was totally great for a while, until I started to hate waiting for the CD to load a random battle. This is especially bad when you get into one every 2-3 steps. Then waiting 4 seconds to load the menu started to completely drive me crazy. What you sloppy programmers couldn't give the emu enough RAM to store the menu?

    I ended up downloading some roms (which is illegal, yes I'm not saying it isn't) and playing FFVI on my computer. What a difference. It was like night and day. Absoluately no loading time and the music is about 100% better than the horrible mess that the PSX version would output.

    As far as I am concerned Squaresoft has made their money over and over again on these classics and I've bought countless PSX and a few SNES games from them over the years. FF1 was probably one of my all time favorite NES games, and I pissed my pants on a beautiful Christmas day when I opened that box. (What can I say? Nintendo Power had me all hyped up....somethings never change)

    You guys should play these classics the way they were supposed to be, in their original form. You can really see how much they have improved the series since ints first game. I don't understand the need for new graphics or anything and it really takes some of the magic out when everything is rehashed or upgraded. FMVs to start FFVI with? They should have spent more time just making the game truer to its original form.

    Nobody else mentioned the GP32 either....and I think everyone should check this little marvel out. I would imagine that with time and patience some really good SNES emus will come out for it over the next year or so. I think there is one so far (or maybe two) and it is really showing a lot of promise, but needs some help in the speed area. A 128mb flash card would easily hold every single FF game up until VI and would have room for a few other square classics. (Maybe the whole SNES collection)

    It should also be mentioned that fan translations have brought countless classics to our language that would never ever have been otherwise. So if all this emulation stuff is such a bad thing, consider that such gems as Live-A-Live, Bahumut Lagoon, Seiken Denetsu III, and so many others would never have been enjoyed by the non japanese.

    I usually don't advocate piracy, but there are so many games you can't really find anymore on cartridge. Chrono Trigger routinely gets $75-$100 on e-bay for the cart, and Sqaresoft doesn't see one dime of this anyways. I think it would be a lot wiser for companies to take all their old roms and sell them for like $10 a piece or something. It would certainly make tracking them down a hell of a lot easier at least. :)
    • Actually the music drove me nuts too...but usually it's worse on an emulator. The Final Fantasy games pushed the SNES sound chip to the limit, to be honest. The sounds were made speciically to work with it. On the PSX, it's just not the same, on an emulator it's worse.
    • [quote]
      I usually don't advocate piracy, but there are so many games you can't really find anymore on cartridge. Chrono Trigger routinely gets $75-$100 on e-bay for the cart, and Sqaresoft doesn't see one dime of this anyways. I think it would be a lot wiser for companies to take all their old roms and sell them for like $10 a piece or something. It would certainly make tracking them down a hell of a lot easier at least. :) zosX If you do not come here with love, then leave this gathering. -Rumi [/quote]
      • While that is pretty cool, I can't really see how effective this is. I mean, I mostly play role playing games, and for instance I've been playing FFV off and on for the last 2 weeks. (Never got around to playing it until recently) I used to only rent games back in the day if I was really interested in trying them out and would later buy them. I don't want a solution (if this could be considered one) that forces me to pay over and over again just to play a game. I want to be able to come back 5 years from no
        • [quote]
          Not only that, but I don't see how this is beneficial to anyone but Console Classix. They are providing a ROM image (the legalities of that are very questionable) and making money off something that most people can download with a few searches on google. Is this beneficial to the players? I don't really see how. It would be a whole lot different if somebody like Enix Squaresoft decided to open a ROM store.

          What they're doing is basically a rental store. It's a legal alternative to downloading
    • The problem with the GP32 is, even if the SNES emulators ever get up to snuff, it lacks two buttons. One could hack it so that select+A/B = X/Y, but that would be a pain in the arse, since you would have to take your finger off the d-pad. Plus, many games make use of the select button.
      If the emulators ever get done (I'm not to optimistic, given what I've read), AND they find a solution to the button problem (one that doesn't suck), I'd import a GP32 that very day. I doubt both of them will happen, and the

  • For the price of a GBA Flashcart anyways. There has been an excellent fan translation of Final Fantasy III for quite a while, a google of 'FF3 NES English" should yield results. Then just use the also excellent PocketNES on the GBA to load the game, and voila FF3 on GBA with save states and everything.

Tomorrow's computers some time next month. -- DEC
