Quakeworld Physics Captured in Quake3 258
Rooked_One writes "For people, that to this day, swear by the quakeworld physics where you could "bunnyhop" through huge maps in a matter of seconds, but were lured away by better graphics, your day has come. Fortress Evolution has been announced with a couple of groovy little movies to drool over until they have a release. Many of you will remember Quake Team Fortress, well, this mod for Quake3 is made by players primarily of Mega Team Fortress, which i'm sure some of you will remember in poor regards. But we won't get into that. What is needed to know is that you will be able to play QW in the quake3 engine."
QW still #1 (Score:1, Insightful)
Netquake (Score:1)
Re:Netquake (Score:2)
I have only seen what you are talking about, when I have something like 30% or more packet loss. When your connect is total crap like that, you need to turn off delta compression in QW. Then you won't get the jumpy stuff you mentioned.
Re:speaking of which... (Score:2)
get. You get all the quakeworld and netquake
binaries. I link to qw-client-glx in XQF to play.
You'll be more interested in the nq-blah binaries.
I use nq-glx in XQF. I'm amazed that there are still
servers to play on, and quite happy about it. You'll
still need to find an original quake cd to grab
the pak files from. I got mine at:
For 5 bucks.
I made (Score:5, Funny)
Re:I made (Score:5, Funny)
Re:I made (Score:2)
Re:I made (Score:2, Insightful)
First, fuck the mods that moderated this as funny. As someone who went to high school with her, knows her a little, and considers himself good friends with her brother, I don't find this funny at all.
Second, I'm as outspoken as anybody about my displeasure with Bush and the whole Iraqi situation as anyone, but don't blame it on the kids who join the armed forces because they see it as a way to afford college and have a better life while showing a little pride in their country.
Re:I made (Score:5, Insightful)
The whole situation was the literal real world life-imitates-art adaptation of the film Wag the Dog (except she didn't rape a nun). The hospital was deep in friendly territory, with hospital staff treating her better then their own patients because they _knew_ who was in control and wanted to be on the right side.
Instead of picking her up carefully and peacefully like they had every opportunity to, the US endangered her life by using a commando raid (full of commandoes who probably didn't even know where they were) to fish her out.
What would have happened if the rescue raid had gone wrong? Whose fault would it have been? Who would have been blamed? And what would have been thought of those who complained? This is the thought-power of the current administration.
Yeah, sucks to be her. But we're tired of being fucked with. Its not personal for us about her - I think the average American has every right to send her a "Get Well Soon" card and crack jokes and bitch at the same time, the same way they should have about other national tragedies. It is a multi-faceted view of the situation that keeps us sane, and keeps us responsible. To submit to seeing a problem only one way is to be a sheep.
Re:I made (Score:2)
Do you have a source for this? Because my "Potential Bullshit-O-Meter" is maxed out right now.
Re:I made (Score:2, Informative)
Read it - you might learn something about your own country.
For some reason... (Score:5, Funny)
Err...for a game of course!
Re:For some reason... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:For some reason... (Score:1)
Re:For some reason... (Score:2)
Re:For some reason... (Score:2)
Re:For some reason... (Score:2)
bittorrent anyone? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:bittorrent anyone? (Score:1)
hurray for vapourware ! (Score:4, Insightful)
a couple of groovy little movies to drool over until they have a release.
this counts as news ? a few renderings does not a game make
if you want mods for Quake see fileplanet for mods you can actually download, not some kids dreams
Re:hurray for vapourware ! (Score:2)
Jesus. We aren't twenty posts in yet . . . (Score:2)
Anyone got a BitTorrent link for the movies?
Ever heard of Promode, for Quake3? (Score:5, Interesting)
By far the most skilled form of FPS gaming available to date. Quite a nice competitive community.
Promode for Q3 [promode.org].
Re:Ever heard of Promode, for Quake3? (Score:2)
Re:Ever heard of Promode, for Quake3? (Score:2)
physics in FPS games. I could care. People will
aways try to find some lame pick-point to label
something 'leeter' or 'what the pros use' and
it's just so much prick waving and nit-picking.
It's about mastering the environment you are in,
and getting the most frags, flags, whatever you
need to do to WIN. That's it. Anything else is
a lot of whining because something changed from
version 1 to 1234123. I LOVE CPMA. I love the
original netquake. I love quakeworld. I'm just
Re:Ever heard of Promode, for Quake3? (Score:2)
the game, it's the gamer. Put a bunch of people
on a game server and it doesn't matter what physics
are what and any of that crap. It's who wins. That's
it. By all means, have a great time winning, and be
a great winner. Say great game, and tell the guy
in second place he did a great job too. But WIN.
I think comparing the games is silly. Compare the
players of the game. A game either "sucks" or it
"doesn't suck" from your perspective. Chances are
you are going to p
actually (Score:5, Informative)
it's called CPMA [promode.org] (challenge promode arena)
and i used to play it a lot. it's pretty fun. it's not 100% faithful, but it's super fast with insane air control.
Re:actually (Score:2)
not in the slightest bit. At all. Seriously. I'm not kidding.
Re:actually (Score:1)
THANK THE LORD (Score:5, Interesting)
I am excited cause I started gaming with qw team fortress, and I'll be damned if moments of team fortress wern't downright euphoric. Q3 Rocket Arena is fun enough for me to play daily (I know, its sad), but if this mod delivers as promised, holy mother of god thank the lord, etc. You just can't replace the games you cut your teeth on.
And to meet my
here's hoping... (Score:1, Funny)
bah, quakeworld (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:bah, quakeworld -- I Agree!! (Score:2)
I would only have been intersted in QW if you either got to choose playing a killer bunny or a rabid kangaroo!
Re:bah, quakeworld -- I Agree!! (Score:2)
Bunny Hopping - Maybe not so great (Score:5, Insightful)
When the source was released cheating became prevalent. Lots of people left the game in search of newer, better games without the various cheaters. Bunnyhopping became a big thing and extended the life of the game. It was a new tactice and made the game interesting again.
The problem is bhopping messed up the class balance completely. Any class could run as fast as scouts. A HWGuy running faster than a medic defeats the purpose of having different movement speeds.
Re:Bunny Hopping - Maybe not so great (Score:2)
Bunny hopping added a lot to matches, not the least of wich was they suddenly became more instense as the flag was that much easier to cap. One of the biggest problems with TF back in the day was getting past the snipers, and bunning hopping changed that from being nearly impossible to being almost possible. It completely changed the game, made it more competitive and better imho. What ki
Mega TF (Score:2)
Re:Mega TF (Score:1)
MegaTF is still awesome! (Score:2)
And bunny-hopping is for pan
Re:MegaTF is still awesome! (Score:2)
In MTF, the hwguys 20mm cannon made BHing easier, but netquake pyro flamethrower made stopping them that much less of a hastle. Just set the spiral on fire and theres no chance they'll make it up, drop a few napalms and they'll be dead in seconds.
There is already an excellent fortress for q3 (Score:2, Informative)
Re:There is already an excellent fortress for q3 (Score:1)
Q3:FE (Score:1)
Quake Physics (Score:5, Informative)
One of the major things I focused on in new QuakeWorld releases was getting the physics to match the original NetQuake as close as possible. I pretty much succeeded in the later versions of Quakeworld. As people probably remember, QW's initial physics model was quite messed up compared to the original Quake. The bunny-hopping, ramp acceleration jumping and fast in-air decceleration were all features of the original Quake physics.
The idea of bringing QuakeWorld to match NetQuake physics was because those were what the original maps were built and designed with. It's also what players were acustomed to.
I wonder how many people remember my attempt to bring NetQuake physics to Quake2. Quake2's initial model was very simple. In my 3.15 Quake2 patch, I tired to add air decceleration and other features of Quake's physics to the engine (because players wanted them, hell I wanted them since I played the game all the damn time). I had to pull them out in 3.16 and restore the original Quake2 physics because of fears I may break the original maps that came with the game.
Quake3 was a mix of both physics models from the mind of Carmack. I think it was a good mix and felt pretty good. Probably should have fixed bunny hopping, however. I feel bunny-hopping was the worst thing to happen to Quake. Quake is about running and killing people, not bouncing everywhere.
Re:Quake Physics (Score:1, Interesting)
Re:Quake Physics (Score:2)
Re:Quake Physics (Score:1)
Re:Quake Physics (Score:2)
Re:Quake Physics (Score:1)
Re:Yeah well... (Score:2)
The line between tactics and cheats/"lameness" has always been hazy (Camping? Flag camping? Spawn camping? AWP usage? Onscreen timers? Carpetbombing in Myth? Being an LPB before residential broadband? Grenade spamming? Stuffing tanks in the cave?), but I can't think of a clearer way to
Re:Yeah well... (Score:2)
But what about the bugs that DO destroy the game?
One of the interesting things about Team Fortress is the different strengths and weaknesses of the various classes. The classes differ in speed, armor, firepower... and a few specialized weapons. And generally speaking, as a class increases in firepower and armor, it decreases in speed and vis vers
Re:Quake Physics (Score:1)
Re:Quake Physics (Score:2)
Re:Quake Physics (Score:2)
I know, I worked on it for two years. The server is authoritive however, the client only uses the same simluation for prediction.
Re:Quake Physics (Score:2)
I understand that there are ways for the client to allow for speed cheats and stuff, but I am positive that mqwcl hasn't changed any physics other than smoothing out the jump prediction.
Re:Quake Physics (Score:1)
now, the counter balance to the speed gain is the jumping noise made while doing it. you can hear a bunny jumping fool from a mile away. i'm pretty sure this is a large
Re:Quake Physics (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Quake Physics (Score:2)
Eh? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Eh? (Score:1)
not really (Score:5, Interesting)
In Quakeworld, people use the term "bunnyhopping", when in fact they are referring to an acrobatic trick known as accel running. Basically it combines two physics bugs as follows:
Accel running = BunnyHopping + StrafeTurning
Bunnyhopping in Quakeworld doesn't give you any extra speed. It just allows you to move without friction. So if you do a horizontal rocket jump and then repeatidly bunnyhop, you will keep the full speed of the horizontal rocket jump as you run.
Strafe turning is something that is done while you are in the air. For example, you can hold left strafe while at the same time you smoothly turn your view to the left. This causes your movement speed to increase, even past the server max speed of 320 units per second.
So accel running combines both. Bunnyhopping to keep speed and strafe turning to gain speed. An accel runner often starts a run off by using a horizontal rocket jump to knock their speed up to around 700 (remember, 320 is the normal max running speed). Then they bunnyhop and between hops, when in the air, they alternate strafe turns with jumps inbetween, left, jump, right, jump, etc...
It takes lots of skill to do correctly, unlike Quake2 and Quake3 bunnyhopping. However, the benefit is that there is no theoretical limit to your speed. If you are good enough, you can move faster than the fastest projectiles in the game. You can out run rockets and bullets. Kind of like the agents in The Matrix.
The drawback is that you make allot of noise when doing it. In the other Quakes, you make noise no matter what, when you run, but in Quakeworld you can run at full speed without making a noise. Accel running, however, makes a hell of a lot of noise, so you lose the stealth advantage. So players don't always use it. Its just another skill used in deathmatch.
Yes... and Quake3 too. (Score:3, Interesting)
You don't notice it in q3a as much because, well, the maps are smaller, and already fast paced, and there aren't as many places in the stock maps where it's really useful. In some mods, like Urban Terror, it's a godsend.
You "bunnyhop" as you call it, and strafe.. and also turn a bit during each hop.. once you get the feel of it, you can fly after 2 or 3 hops. Fire up urban terror, then g
Re:Yes... and Quake3 too. (Score:2)
Its basicly a history of Team Fortress Classic movement tricks, from the original with TF-like physics to the current 'fixed' physics.
It really shows how determined us gamers can be.
For other great jumping, sunmanfinal.avi has some great
Re:Yes... and Quake3 too. (Score:2)
The old mirror for that movie is down, so I'm uploading it to my server now. I'll mail you a link from a temp machine
Re:Yes... and Quake3 too. (Score:2)
Re:Yes... and Quake3 too. (Score:2)
Not to mention the fact that the supreme air control allows QW players to do awesome acrobatic jumps. My favorites are the bridge to rocket room jump in dm3 and the rocket to quad jump in dm2. They require a complete U-turn in the air! Fun to pull of yourself, and fun to watch others do in the heat of dm.
Re:Yes... and Quake3 too. (Score:2)
Re:Sounds like Tribes (Score:2)
People call these things bugs, but I like to think of them as emergent gameplay. Like combos in early fighting games. It wasn't designed into the game at first. It was an accident, but gamers liked them so much, later fighting games design in combos.
First person shooter games should check out the various physics "bugs" of the po
Re:not really (Score:2)
Hoho... (Score:1)
Bunnyhopping?! (Score:3, Insightful)
Why did these people think adding that into the new code was a good idea? It ruins the game and should be banned. Period.
As I see it, part of the fun of TF is the balance the mod strived to achieve with the classes. The goal of the design was to level the classes by mixing the power and operation of the weapons in relation to the speed of each class. Scouts were weak but had blazing quickness, while heavyweapons guys had the most powerful weapon in the game (yes, I'm ignoring the sniper rifle in snipe mode), but became tanks with their slowness. Bunnyhopping ruins this equilibrium.
It used to be fun trying to get a hwguy across the bridge. Now some asshole hops his way all over the map using the hwguy as a scout. The class given the strongest weapon in TF now can move just as fast as the quickest class.
So maybe, perhaps, it isn't technically "cheating" because hopping is the result of a bug in the code. The letter of the law may not be in violation, but the spirit clearly is.
Don't be a lamer. Stop the hop.
What the hell? (Score:2)
I've yet to find another game type that I enjoyed just as much. Standard TF (or TFC) just feels like it's missing so much....
You know whats ironic? (Score:1)
It's unfortunate in a way that ID Software had to release the source code. That doomed Quake and Quake TF for massive cheating clients and therby destroyed any community that was l
Re:You know whats ironic? (Score:1)
Team Fortress... (Score:3, Interesting)
I liked to play medic. In the begining I would run (wall slide) every where. But as time progressed so many new tricks where learned. When I would spawn, I'd run up the stairs and prime a hand grenade or conc and jump from the one base all the across to the sniper deck on the other side and waste the snipers with the nail gun or hack em with the medic axe. It was cool to see the evolution of game.
Then sadly, the number of cheaters started to increase as did the number of Mega servers (gag) and of course as it grew the fun factor of a small tight community started to slip away. Sigh, fun times playing TF
My right MB was prime HG on first click, toss on second
Go >V< !!
Done already... (Score:3, Informative)
If you have Q3 and are looking for a good place to start, try the Promode demos from Daler (who is in France right now competing), krg (finland), or old-skool QW legend FienD. Warning though - watch one of these demos and your jaw may hit the floor, and you'll definitely be watching 10 more before you can stop.
And kudos to my Aussie bud Hoony, who has been sheperding this mod for 4 years now...
As an MTF player (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:As an MTF player (Score:1)
"Probably should have fixed bunny hopping, however. I feel bunny-hopping was the worst thing to happen to Quake. Quake is about running and killing people, not bouncing everywhere."
The way I see it now, they meant to fix bunnyhopping but didn't, it caught on in the Quake and later TFC community, and now a lot of players use it. If VALVe were to remove bunnyhoping now you'd probably have half of the community cheering the move to fix bunnyhopping, and the other half crying wolf and
Re:As an MTF player (Score:2)
That being said, I think the accidental QuakeWorld approach of jumping everywhere like a friggin rabbit drives me up the wall. I much preferred Doom's movement model - for those
Tell me there's a (Score:1)
Re:Tell me there's a (Score:1)
atleast quakeworld was playable on a 56k! (Score:1)
Re:atleast quakeworld was playable on a 56k! (Score:1)
What´s the use? (Score:3, Insightful)
Things were already ver bad when skilled guys could beat dudes with brains -- but hey, it was cool just playing for showing masterful tactics or strategies, even if losing.
Today, there isnt even the option of losing: either you get sniped if you _think_ about their flag, you cannot get even near a cyborg-like jumping bunny or, the wrost of all, they team up with cheats to prevent your team from ever leaving respawn.
Many years ago, I decided to adopt some ethical guidelines, for I loved the game and wanted to have real decent fun. One of them was always siding with the losing team. Thus, I could try to motivate them, help them to change the score or then just get a piece of the action.
This is no longer possible. Effectively, were just playing against robots. Its no longer funny. I could team with some friends and play at LAN houses; the idea of playing online with strangers is lost forever, in my view...
Re:What´s the use? (Score:1)
At least VALVe who made Half Life, TFC, and heaven forbid promoting and working on Counter-Strike, they have been working on several anti-cheat efforts and trying to give a d
Re:What´s the use? (Score:1)
Re:What´s the use? (Score:2)
Won't Buy Q3A Until... (Score:3, Insightful)
Have they removed the copy protection from Quake 3 yet?
No, not the "check the CD in the drive" copy protection. That was removed years ago. I'm talking about the copy protection that sends your "authorization" key to your_papers_please.idsoftware.com (note: may not be actual site name).
I have nothing but the utmost respect for Mr. Carmack and all he has done, but there is no way I'm going to support this kind of unjustifiable waste of engineering and network resources (how much does it cost to run those servers each year?), the invasion of privacy (when I play the game, and with whom, is no one's business but my own), or the outright insult to my character to presume I'd be playing with an unsanctioned copy. (Unsanctioned copies? In this age of viruses and spyware? Are you out of your mind?)
Copy protection in any form should not be tolerated, much less supported. So, until I hear that the client authentication requirement is gone -- not merely disabled, not made optional, gone -- my money shall remain firmly in my pocket. Yours should, too.
P.S: Mind you, once it's confirmed client authentication is gone, I'll be off to buy a copy at Fry's so fast, you'll see a red-shift on my butt.
Re:Won't Buy Q3A Until... (Score:1)
Quake 2 .Net (Score:2)
I still have my original Quake cd... (Score:1)
A post by someone who still plays QW. (Score:5, Informative)
Let me make a few other recommendations for those who haven't played in a while, or to those that have never played this wonderful FPS game.
For Quake's first couple years of life, players enjoyed the game and basically learned a few physics tricks: rocket jumping, wall running, etc... but after roughly 3 years since its release, some new acrobatic tricks were discovered that completely changed how Quake is now played.
Quake has now become something that not only requires great aim and strategy, but also great acrobatic skill.
If you want a taste of what I am talking about, download the Frags Done Extreme [qhlan.org] and Def Dag Extreme videos [planetquake.com]. They suffer from an overuse of slow motion, but thats because most of these acrobatic tricks require such great speed, that they are hard to see in full speed. Also note, when watching these videos, that low gravity or other such things are not used. The people in the video are simply moving incredibly fast, and the video is played in incredibly slow motion.
So when the players look like they are flying, it is because they really know how to move, not because of low gravity.
Trust me, if you have ever played Quake, but not played in a long time, those videos will blow your mind! THATS REAL DEATHMATCH BABY!
For those that are interested in playing Quakeworld, note that it is opensource and runs on all of the major PC platforms, such as Windows and Linux. I recommend the FuhQuake client [fuhquake.net]. Though the game engine is opensource, the art content such as levels, models, sounds, and textures are still copyrighted by Id Software.
So if you want to play, you will need to pay around $10 for a bargin bin copy of the game. Install it, and then install FuhQuake over it.
Finally, the question that I have is, if all you want is Quakeworld, then why not play Quakeworld? It is cheaper than Quake 3, opensource, and Quakeworld has lower system requirements.
People still play Chess after hundreds of years. The game gets better with time, as players learn new ways of playing. Should we give up Chess for newer shinier versions with better graphics and sound? Nah, just play the game if its fun. Stop wasting your money on more of the same.
Q3F Already Did This (Score:2)
Why is this news? (Score:2)
Just reflecting..... (Score:2)
LOL (Score:1)
Re:Custom TF (Score:1)
Later versions even have flyable mini helicopters and for water levels like rock2, you could build a honest to god submarine with torpedo's and go for a dive or two and nail some unsuspecting swimmer.
Re:Do not go to quake3world.com forums! (Score:2)
Uhhhhhh..... (Score:1)
Re:It's SOOO Last generation engine (Score:2)
Anyhoo, for fun physics + retro gaming, real men play Doom L