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Star Wars - KOTOR Rated, Raved 58

Thanks to IGN Xbox for their full review of Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic, the ravenously-awaited Xbox RPG from BioWare, which has gone gold and ships on the 16th July (Wednesday) in the U.S. The review gives the game 9.5 out of 10, and concludes that KOTOR is " outstanding game because it covers every single angle in terms of audience expectations. It's got enough Star Wars to satisfy the fans and enough pure fun to draw in people who normally wouldn't get into role-playing games. You'll see this on several Game of the Year nomination lists." There's also a mini-review at which is similarly effusive, if a little brief.
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Star Wars - KOTOR Rated, Raved

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  • Here's hoping.... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by unclethursday ( 664807 ) on Tuesday July 15, 2003 @08:45AM (#6441527)
    That all the delays actually did make it better. I don't trust IGN, myself. But I'll consider buying this title if some of my friends say it's decent.

    Lord knows I need something to play in my Xbox other than NHL 2K3 right now, since otherwise it's gathering a lot of dust.

    Soviet Russian First Psoter?

    • Get Moto GP 2 ! I never liked Bike games, but this one is awesome !
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Since I've become an editor at Games Are Fun [], I actually try and not read reviews of games I may get for review purposes before I know if I'm reviewing them or not.

        Much like avoiding Microsoft's "Shared Source" contamination, this helps me avoid contamination from other people's reviews entering mine, even if unwillingly.


        • Comment removed based on user account deletion
          • Yes and no. Sure, hits are good, we like hits, so yes it's a shameless plug in that respect.

            But, like I siad, if I read other reviews on games I may end up reviewing, I may inadvertantly put things from those reviews in mine, or worse yet, already have the game pre-judged by the time I get it (either good or bad).

            Think of it as saving myself from contamination; just like the Open Source movement says to stay away from Microsoft's "Shared Source" initiative, since they could become contaminated and acci

  • by Decaffeinated Jedi ( 648571 ) on Tuesday July 15, 2003 @08:47AM (#6441539) Homepage Journal
    From the review wrap-up:
    There's more real Star Warsedness in this game than in the last two movies combined...
    Warsedness: best word ever! DecafJedi
    • "Commentsedness" - Sounds vaguely Gollum-like, I think. Visions of Gollum as a twisted jedi knight come to mind...

      "We hates the dark side. Hates it!"
      "No, we loves the dark side! We finds your lack of faith disturbing! "

  • This is odd (Score:1, Redundant)

    by Mupp252 ( 263650 )
    "Wow, it's getting a little chilly in here."

  • Let's Hope (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Jonsey ( 593310 ) on Tuesday July 15, 2003 @08:58AM (#6441608) Journal
    Let's hope we don't get another stinker of a SW: Game.

    Remember when they were so good? Dark Forces. Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight. Tie Fighter. What happened to the good ol' Lucas Games engine? Hell, DotT, Sam & Max, Indy Games, Full Throttle! (Yes, a new one is coming, but... why not 4 years ago? : p )
    • For what it's worth, there's also a new Sam and Max game [] on the way. And it looks pretty spiffy, too. Also, let's not forget the classic Monkey Island series. And Grim Fandango.
    • I miss Full Throttle. I still have it but I can't get any sound to work :(
    • Re:Let's Hope (Score:3, Informative)

      by Matchstick ( 94940 )
      The creators of all those games have left lucasarts a long time ago. Steve Purcell's involved with LucasArts' new Sam and Max game; however, Tim Schafer (having started his own company []) has nothing to do with Full Throttle 2. Guess which game looks cool and which one looks crappy.

      It doesn't really make sense to blame (or praise) LucasArts for games done by other development houses. They supply the IP, but in the end the designer is responsible for making a game fun.

      Disclaimer: I work for Tim.
    • the people making the new luftwafe game are the people behind xwing vs tiefighter etc...
  • PC port. (Score:3, Informative)

    by aculeus ( 21460 ) on Tuesday July 15, 2003 @09:39AM (#6441957)
    I'm just glad they have a PC port planned as I don't own an x-box. I don't plan to get one either.
    • Re:PC port. (Score:3, Insightful)

      Yeah. I sure am glad that Bungie planned a PC and Mac port for Halo, too.

      I know, bad example.
    • It's not a port. A port implies a conversion from one system to another; this isn't the case. KOTOR was/is being co-developed on PC and Xbox at the same time.

      The reason KOTOR is out now on Xbox, and not on PC for another few months, is that it has one of those "Xbox exclusive" licenses which run for a few months.
  • by bluethundr ( 562578 ) * on Tuesday July 15, 2003 @09:47AM (#6442048) Homepage Journal
    I've been awaiting KOTR for a good long time, but after the enormous initial let-down of SW Galaxies, I can only say I'm not holding my breath. I've always loved RPGs and I've always loved SW, so the two just seem like two great tastes that taste great together; hence Galaxies & KOTR.

    The character creation on Galaxies is actually pretty good. But, for me at least, that's where the fun ended. The physics models, simply put, make calling this game any more than BETAware an act of hubris and wishful thinking. See a table, chair, other character? I'm willing to suspend disbelief in Lucasland, but can't at least my character be corporeal? Can't he at least be a stumblebum and bump into things once in a while instead of doing the Casper the friendly ghost routine all the time?

    The missions are tedious, dull and more often than not are broken. I had one mission that was waaay out on the outskirts of the 'main town' of the planet I was on. Trudge, trudge, trudge, trudge....trudge, trudge...are we there yet?...trudge and trudge some more. UNbelievably tedious. To make matters WORSE...the graphics break! I assume it's not a driver issue, because the graphics work fine when you are in the city, but if you go out really far it just seems like you just sort of walk off the map and the graphics start going so wiggy it is actually difficult to see yourself -OR- your enemies. Not only that, but you finally get to where you're going and actually see the thing you are supposed to shoot, sometimes gets a cursor prompt (allowing you to attack) and other times NOT.

    Galaxies, much as it pains me to finally admit this to myself and the world, is an enormous terd-burgler. Will I waste my money on KOTR? Bet your ass! It simply CAN'T be worse than Galaxies!!! If that makes me a 5ukkor, so be it.
  • Bioware (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Stachey ( 686476 )
    Bioware have an impressive back catalogue of rpg's. Give them a wicked license and an immersive world that we are all familar with...and well it's got to be a winner:/
  • by SnowDog_2112 ( 23900 ) on Tuesday July 15, 2003 @11:50AM (#6443294) Homepage
    Has anyone asked Bioware how they like their money hats []?

    (Ok, so it's not an X-Box exclusive [], but it's still funny).
  • Is there no end to there treachery....

    First it was Halo.. which should have been the sweetest Multiplayer FPS for the PC.... nope.. Xbox gets it

    Now its Blizzards Starcraft :Ghost and Star Wars Knights of the Old republic...

    I am just waiting to hear Halflife 2 and Doom 3 being Xbox titles first as well.....

    • In other news, Duke Nukem Forever has announced it will be shipping to stores July 21st as an exclusive X-Box title!
    • I don't think you have to worry about HL2 being an X-Box exclusive, there would be rioting in the streets.
    • I mean this in all seriousness, Doom3 has been announced as an XBox title. We'll see if it comes out first on XBox, then on PC, but as far as consoles go, I do believe it is exclusively XBox.
    • Hypocrisy!

      The rate of complaining about Halo (a Microsoft PUBLICATION) being XBOX "exclusive" is far greater than the amount of complaining about GTA3 and GTA:VC (not SCEA publications) being PS2 "exclusive". To complain about only one just because one hates Microsoft betrays one's motives and allows everyone to see the amount of logic that went into your post.

      Noone complains when Zelda is exclusive to Gamecube...
      • You're right Hawk. And why are some of you guys worried about HL2 and DoomIII being on the XBox? It's pretty well known they're coming out on PC before the Xbox. The graphics may not be up to snuff with the new GeForce and Radeon rigs but hey, more people have XBox's than top of the line videocards that cost over $300. That said, I'll probably buy both games for the PC rather than XBox.
    • Uh, S:G is multi-platform... so don't involve Microsoft with that one, that's all Blizzard.
    • "Is there no end to there treachery....

      First it was Halo.. which should have been the sweetest Multiplayer FPS for the PC.... nope.. Xbox gets it"

      Well, not entirely true... the PC version will be out, just not yet.

      "Now its Blizzards Starcraft :Ghost and Star Wars Knights of the Old republic..."

      Oh yeah, lets REALLY talk out of our ass here. Blizzard has stated that its NOT an Xbox exclusive, but the Xbox one LOOKS the best, so they use it for the demonstrations. As for SW KotOR, look at LA before you go
    • Heaven forbid a company look after it's own interests. Treachery? It really bugs me when people think the world (or MS in this case) owes them something.
      • Ya buy an xbox ms is still losing money on them. For every xbox sold I hear they lose several bucks. If you are enough a sucker to fall for the .NET part later and put it on line and pay monthly or anual fees to MS then they might make money. Everbody buy an xbox and mod it, do something usefull with it like high speed vector scientific work. What would be a hoot is if Linux scientific work became possible with clusters of xboxs then MS might contribute something usefull back to the world that alows its mon
  • Xbox appears to be doing the one thing that has kept me going back to Playstation systems. I bought a Playstation for Final Fantasy VII, and I bought a PS2 for Final Fantasy X (and Timesplitters 2). I like in-depth RPG's and now with KOTOR, along with the up-and-coming Fable [], it appears the Xbox is starting to release games that are designed with nice RPG gameplay, along with some new features as well. This game, and IGN's [] review only give me another good reason to purchase an Xbox somewhere down the roa
  • IMHO, the Starwars line of games has never failed to disappoint in all but a few cases (rogue squadron) just as the recent films have done nothing but underwhelm. But even me, the eternal starwars cynic is looking forward to this release. It looks like they did all the right things, the most important being distancing themselves from the known cannon, and placing the story during a time span that they feel free to be creative with.

    I may be in the minority in this, but I personally get annoyed when all S
    • IMHO, the Starwars line of games has never failed to disappoint in all but a few cases (rogue squadron) just as the recent films have done nothing but underwhelm.

      I think the Rogue Squadron games have been some of the best SW games, recently. Better than the prequel games, by far, and not a huge glitch-fest like Galaxies.

      YMMV, of course, but I've found most SW games recently to be lacking, with the Rogue Squadron games being the glimmer of hope on consoles. Now, what I REALLY want is a port of Sega's

  • This isn't going to help overseas. The XBox needs more traditional japanese RPGs if they want to appeal to more than just Americans.
  • by dewie ( 685736 ) <> on Tuesday July 15, 2003 @10:16PM (#6449217)
    I love the poll on Bioware's website []:

    Have you ordered Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic online?
    • Yes! I can't wait!
    • Not yet, but I will!
    • No, I'll buy it at the store!

    That's Pure Comedy Gold(TM).
  • I have mine paid in full and want to go get it ASAP. It is everything I ever wanted to do in life: Become a Jedi. Unfortunately, it uses DnD 3.5, but oh well.
  • Reading that review made my intelligence drop by about 2 (I now only have a +1 modifier D:). I didn't think it was humanly possible to mindlessly fellate the developers that severely, but it seems that I was naive in that respect.

    At least the IGN review was informative and (slightly) balanced, much better than the 'OMG!!11 BIOWARE R TEH GODS OF TEH ROLEPLAYEINGE GAMEZ OLOLOLOLOOLO =DDDD' of the Unlimited Lives one. Press like that only appeals to cretins and 14 year olds (oddly the apparent target audien
  • Gamespot has reviewed KoTOR [] and gave the game a 9.1 and their Editor's Choice award.

    "It's apparent from playing Knights of the Old Republic that a remarkable amount of effort, work, and talent went into this game. It's one of the only Star Wars games to truly make you feel at times as though you're a key player in and a part of this unique and beloved sci-fi setting. You'll get to do all the sorts of stuff that you've seen and enjoyed in the Star Wars movies, and you'll get to emulate any of your favori

"When anyone says `theoretically,' they really mean `not really.'" -- David Parnas
