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The Sims 2 - Evolution, Not Revolution? 23

Thanks to GameSpot for posting the first in a series of developer diaries from The Sims 2, the sequel to the gigantic-selling PC people-prodding game. In this instalment, senior producer Tim LeTourneau indulges in non-skippable marketing-speak, before divulging fun gameplay details about the added physical, emotional, and mental growth for your Sims: "We decided on six distinct age ranges that make up the classic periods of life: babies, toddlers, children, teenagers, adults, and seniors. Each stage is punctuated by 'big life moments,' rites of passage we all equate with growing up: a toddler's first steps, a teen's first kiss, getting married, and kicking the bucket." There are more details in GameSpot's recent hands-on preview with the game, which is due in early 2004.
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The Sims 2 - Evolution, Not Revolution?

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  • Good! (Score:5, Funny)

    by aeinome ( 672135 ) on Friday July 18, 2003 @06:40PM (#6475382) Journal
    I've always wanted to see more ages than baby, child, adult. Now I can accurately portray my teenage self in the game, acne and all.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    a toddler's first steps, a teen's first kiss, getting married, and kicking the bucket

    First accidental pregnancy...
    • Re:rites of passage (Score:2, Interesting)

      by nsideops ( 579890 )
      First heroin addiction (possibly related) Yeh, it's a bad joke, but in a way, I'm serious. When I first heard about the sims, all kinds of evil thoughts went through my head. Make a serial killer, guy who runs around the town burning down everyones houses, attack people at random, whatever. This game is so limited in my eyes and there are tons of things that would make it better. Possibly a new expansion for the sickos? :)
      • I agree. These games are based too much on ideals. They need to crowd a bunch of people in to large cities and allow crimes. Anybody else see Judge Dredd recently? :)
        On the other hand, maybe I just shouldn't play these games. I found myself taking out the ladders on the pools and taking the doors away during a well-fueled fire on the original Sims. I think that if given the chance, people would form arson gangs. I hope they get a systran ebonics translator going by the time all this happens.
        Back to Battle
        • people get so uptight about wanting to play these games to wreck a little havoc, but if i wanted to watch someone walk and talk, i'd go plop my butt on a bench downtown. wheee. i wanna do things in the game that i can't do in real life - punch and kick, steal and loot, anger and dismay. i don't play halflife to take a safe, non-eventful tour of a lab. but then again, HL isn't set up to be played that way.
  • by dougmc ( 70836 ) <> on Friday July 18, 2003 @07:07PM (#6475536) Homepage
    I recall a game on my Apple ][ called Alter Ego.

    And I seem to have found a web version here [].

    Here [] is more on the original version (the c64 version, but whatever works.)

    And more [].

  • When The Sims first came out, I was interested enough to pickup a copy. I played for a few weeks, but quickly lost interest. I play games to escape reality and have fun, not micromanage an avatar who can't figure out how to sucessfully his own house.

    For The Sims 2 to get me to buy it, they are going to need to let me play as someone else. I live in the subarbs, why should my character have to? Why does he have to work a regularly scheduled job?

    I guess what I am trying to say is: Why does the Sims
    • I played for a few weeks, but quickly lost interest.

      You often keep playing games after you lose interest?

    • You don't have to work a regularly scheduled job. I have an army of gnome-makers that rake it in. They just sit around watching TV all day, and make gnomes when they feel like it. Ah, the life...
    • Well I guess they should create options to choose location and lifestlye/career.
  • certainly that whole first kiss thing isn't going to come into play.
  • changes.. (Score:5, Interesting)

    by bigbigbison ( 104532 ) * on Friday July 18, 2003 @09:31PM (#6476200) Homepage
    unfortunately all of the screen shots that i've seen indicate that every sim will still have the same body shape. no overweight sims or short or tall sims. no left handed sims. i think it would be really interesting to have a sim with a weight problem that you had to try to control (be it obesity or something like anorexia). this is too bad beause it could really open up the play possibilities.
  • Just two of the infinately bad thoughts that ran through my head when I read that article
  • The game ends when your character dies. I seriously wonder how most people will take to this sort fo thing. Would it be emotional to lose a character you seen develop over time? Or rather, would it simply be frustrating to lose a character you've spent time developing their skills, getting them better jobs, and so on...

If I have not seen so far it is because I stood in giant's footsteps.
