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Role Playing (Games) Entertainment Games

Second Life Welcomes Alien Abductors 18

Thanks to GamePro for their report discussing the post-Beta launch phase of MMO title Second Life. The piece gives a handy overview of the unique parts of this 3D subscription-based PC title: "Certain areas, called 'sandbox' sims, allow you to build and script stuff in the game world for free.. [such as] domino rallies, giant houses of cards, odd sculptures, and so on - and anyone passing by is free to interact with them as they please." But this freedom has led to strange, cosmic forces being unleashed: "..someone's going around the world and 'abducting' people with a brownish alien spacecraft, sucking them up with a blue tractor beam and letting them go after a short period." There's more coverage via this forum thread and 'enfant terrible' Wagner James Au's column on the Second Life site itself, 'Notes From A New World'.
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Second Life Welcomes Alien Abductors

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  • from the site:

    To join Second Life, you must:
    Be age 18 or older
    Be a resident of the U.S. or Canada

    Darn []
    • As far as I know, they're allowing non-US, non-Canadian users, but Second Life has some problems with keyboards other than "standard" US 101-key ones. It's basically punctuation that's the problem, so you can still use it, but if you want to do scripting, or come across as being more literate than a WebTV user, you'll want a "standard" keyboard. As for the age restriction, they're still working on implementing parental controls. Just part of the hassle of living with the Child Online Protection Act []. [copac
  • I swear, the Gamepro article had like, three sentences about the abduction and the rest was just hyping the game. This is just another PR move. I guess they should change the name of the site to "Slashdot: Ads for nerds. Stuff we get paid for." And I'm not trolling, but this is a pretty sad 'article'. Its a press release, call it that for gods sake.

    • Well, I guess it was a good PR move. I know it got me interested in the game. It also brought something new/exciting to the SecondLife community.
    • Look at who the article is from again man, GAMEPRO. The same magazine who's one time claim to fame was that they had a comicbook superhero, the GamePro, as a mascot. Ever since then, I take all gamepro reviews with a grain of salt. Too much money wasted on a stupid marketing comic = bad bad bad reviews
    • Don't most game oriented e-zines plug the games they review? Just like CNet has never seen a cell phone they don't like lately.

      I happen to be a Second Life user though, and I highly recommend it.

      I was just surprised at how short the article was. I know there have been more informative ones pointed to by Slashdot within the last month or so. I don't think anything beats trying it though.

      I've been using it for about a year (as a beta tester). Here is what I like about it:

      (1) Open ended... No preconce
      • I am Eggy Lippmann in the game. I am the Second Life Disco Manager, a Linden sponsored project.
        I'm just a regular user who gets a bit more pocket change than others, along with tax breaks. I am building it in a themed server dedicated to america, with the washington monument, a "gangland" set in the 1930s prohibiton era with a subterranean area, Fenway park, area 51, route 66... amazing stuff really, very popular place.
        If you want unbiased facts here they are:
        The game, or rather virtual world, is very very
  • by still_sick ( 585332 ) on Wednesday July 23, 2003 @03:08AM (#6509400)
    Assuming for a moment that this isn't the game-makers being cheeky, and is indeed an example of some clever user, I wonder how long it will take for someone to take this too far?

    Whoever is doing this is (seemingly) just having some fun, letting people go right away. But if "they" can "alien abduct" people and let them go, what's stopping you or me from doing the same thing but just keeping them forever? Anything?
    • You can teleport in that game you know.
      And theres a couple of walk thru walls bugs you can use to get in and out of any place.
  • Being able to script a domino rally session would be great. Who remembers the hours spent on the kitchen floor setting up all your dominos, only to have the cat wonder by and set them off while you were not looking....
    • Actually, someone did just that. In the sandbox area of the game one can create any script without tax or monetary constraints. If you go to the website and look through the pictures one of the is of a giant dominoe setup in the sandbox area.
  • the ufo thing seems pretty wussy compared to the coverage of "The War of Jessie Wall".

    I just spent 15 minutes reading the story about what happened and was intrigued.

    Check it out.. read from the bottom post up, like a blog if you want it in the correct order.

    The War []

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