Dead Or Alive Hackers Get Creative 25
Thanks to the Gaming Age forum regulars for pointing out that skin mods to the in-game characters in Dead Or Alive 3 for Xbox are getting ever-more complex, thanks to sites like Ninjahacker.net, who are going far beyond basics such as the DoA Xtreme Volleyball nude patch and developing completely new character skins for its sister fighting-game title, such as Zack as Darth Maul and Christie as Storm from the X-Men movie. These very unofficial hacks only work with an Xbox that's been modified in software/hardware, however.
Re:Do you have an unmodded X-box ? (Score:2, Informative)
Unless your X-Box is modded with one of those "switchable" chips, modding your X-Box excluded you from X-Box Live, so yea, there are a lot of X-Box users out there with no mod chip.
As somebody who doesn't give a crap about X-Box Live, I simply have not gotten around to modding mine. I might do so eventually, if I tire of the games and want to use it as a Linux firewall box or something, but otherwise I have no real need to go through the
Re:Do you have an unmodded X-box ? (Score:2)
Re:Do you have an unmodded X-box ? (Score:1)
Maybe I'm missing something but unless you *really* want to be "1337" it just doesn't make sense. Not that there is anything wrong with that...
Re:Do you have an unmodded X-box ? (Score:1)
Perhaps I should amend my previous post to speculate that I might someday use my X-Box as a redundant web-server, or perhaps, with a little tweaking, a digital video media server.
Anyway, my point was, modding it is not terribly important to me right now, when I'm just playing DOA3 and HALO on it. (Okay, and DOAX too... I confess.) The only reason I would mod it is if I wanted to use it as a $200 Linux box.
Re:Do you have an unmodded X-box ? (Score:4, Funny)
Say... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Say... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Say... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Say... (Score:1)
Re:Say... (Score:1)
In Other Exciting Gaming News... (Score:1, Offtopic)
From one techie to others (Score:5, Funny)
I should explain, I worked in maxis tech support. Between callers asking where to get the nude patch (i'm sorry, that's unsupported 3rd party software), and irate parents asking what the hell was wrong with Maxis for releasing a game with nudity (no ma'am, it wasn't us, it was teh HaXX0r5), an already unfulfilling job was made that much worse.
I applaud the injenuity, but wonder if the time couldn't be better spent coding something worthwhile while downloading porn from KaZaa. At the very least, please invent a 3d display, so we at
Re:From one techie to others (Score:3, Interesting)
Care to explain the guys on the last level for me?
Re:From one techie to others (Score:1, Informative)
You'll note it wasn't the company I was looking out for, but the phone reps. If you've worked phone support, you know the difference.
Re:From one techie to others (Score:4, Informative)
Seems the programmer who made the character editor was gay, and somewhat miffed that the artists using it were making hot bimbos, but no gay muscle boys, so he added some, and got fired for it once Will Wright discovered it.
Re:From one techie to others (Score:1)
'Additional Content' (Score:2, Interesting)
Sad, strange little geeks... (Score:2)
Wow there's some great work out there! (Score:1)