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Capcom To Release Mega Man Anthology 70

TravelSizedMonkey writes "Planet GameCube has a press release from Capcom announcing the upcoming release of the Mega Man Collection for the Gamecube and PS2. It contains Mega Man 1 through 8, as well as two arcade games never released in the US, Mega Man: The Power Battle, and Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters. It's scheduled for release in February 2004, and includes extra unlockable content and updated soundtracks."
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Capcom To Release Mega Man Anthology

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  • awesome (Score:2, Interesting)

    by gangien ( 151940 )
    The onyl thing that would be better is if you could play old carts on a modern system. Tho playing mario and such with gc controller might feel a bit wierd.
    • They did release the original metroid on GC with Metroid Prime (though you've gotta beat metroid fusion to access it). Also, there's various emulators out with the X-Box.
    • Re:awesome (Score:5, Informative)

      by waffle zero ( 322430 ) on Sunday September 14, 2003 @10:51AM (#6957127) Journal
      Tho playing mario and such with gc controller might feel a bit wierd.

      The answer is the Hori Digital Controller. It is a gamecube controller that mimics the form and functionality of the Super Nintendo controller. It was designed for use playing games that don't require analog control such as Mega Man Anthology and Game Boy Player games.

      It comes it two high fashion colors: blue [] and black [].

    • Re:awesome (Score:3, Informative)

      by n0wak ( 631202 )
      The onyl thing that would be better is if you could play old carts on a modern system.

      Get Animal Crossing, and you kind of can.

      Tho playing mario and such with gc controller might feel a bit wierd.

      Super Mario Bros. is hidden in Animal Crossing, and the GC controller feels a lot better than that awful NES controller. Don't let your nostalgia fool you. Ergonomic is better than blocky square.
    • Re:awesome (Score:3, Informative)

      by Guppy06 ( 410832 )
      Between the eReader NES series, all the games hidden in Animal Crossing (including Zelda, though nobody's heard of how to unlock it short of a cheat device yet) and certain games/microgames in Wario Ware, I'm surprised that Nintendo hasn't struck on the killer app for their GCN modem: downloading ROMs. I'd pay per-download and/or per-ROM fees in a heartbeat if I could legitimally download NES, SNES and old GB ROMs if they offered this, and I doubt I'm the only one. It would be fairly easy to keep relativ
  • I've been waiting for this since I saw SMB All Stars come out. Now I can blast that Mega Man all over again!
  • Best Megaman weapon? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by BTWR ( 540147 ) <americangibor3@yahoo . c om> on Sunday September 14, 2003 @04:20AM (#6955895) Homepage Journal
    I think the Metal Blade in Mega Man 2 was the best. It shot in 8 directions! It ruled!

    What do you think? What about stupidest weapon? (I think Bomb from MM1 - it was too slow).
    • My far it was the Metal Blade. By a ton :)

      Actually, it was the only weapon in any MM game that I ever used more than the main weapon. It really became my main weapon. 3 shots only took one bar of weapon energy.

      The dumbest?

      Flash from MM2 as well. Kinda silly.
      • Wood Man from the 2nd one sucked too.. was there any use for the forcefield thing whatsoever?

        I remember Quick Man from the 2nd one as the hardest stage to beat I think..
        • by Anonymous Coward
          The Leaf Shield killed Air Man in 2 hits (on Normal, anyway). That was pretty much it, unless you had trouble with the birds that drop those large eggs and create a swarm. It came in handy if you weren't coordinated enough to shoot the egg before it hit the ground.

          Quick Man's stage was the best. Once you know how to do it, it's a blast to run through those lasers.
        • by QEDog ( 610238 ) on Sunday September 14, 2003 @09:53AM (#6956798)
          Yes there was! After beating all the bosses, in the first Dr Willy stage there where several spots with a lot of bad guys that jumped into you. I used to sit there, with the Leaf Shield, and the bad guys would just jump on me an be instantly killed, sometimes dropping goodies. At certain points you could do it and get into a 'pattern' where they would start dropping 1ups every now and then!!! I remember, I would leave it there, go do something else, then come back and, bam!, tons of extra lives! Ohhhh... the good old days. I hope they keep that little trick (exploit?) for this compilation!
      • The dumbest? Flash from MM2 as well. Kinda silly.

        Nah, Flash was really cool against QuickMan. You walk into the room, and immediately use the Flash Stopper. That'll take off half his life. Then, as soon as it runs out, face left and use a crash bomb. QuickMan will jump right into the explosion and die. The Flash Stopper was also really useful if you weren't good at getting past the lasers in that stage.

        The Top Spin from 3 was by far the worst. It was rarely useful, and you had to use it just right or you
        • Actually, there's a trick to using the top spin. If you do it right after you jump while you're in the air, it won't screw up. If you press the button too late, you're screwed, but I find that the only time it messes up for me is if I use it while colliding into the enemy. I've actually used it to help me get through stages before, and it always works for me when I fight Shadow Man - it's no metal blade but, heck, anything that makes Shadow Man easy is okay in my book.
    • Top Spin of MM3. I used the thing once, as it was the effective weapon against shadowman. It was te most useless thing ever. You jumped into enemies, spun, and maybe killed them, draining a good third of your weapon's power. Enemies with high HP usually didn't die, so you took damage. Terrible.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    No Mega Man Soccer? That was the best one!
  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Sunday September 14, 2003 @10:02AM (#6956849)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Mega Man is a very Japanese game. Capcom clearly wants to sell a lot of these in Japan, so it makes sense that they would only focus on the two successful systems over yonder.

      This is not fanboyism. I'm an Xbox owner as well.
      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
        • He said:
          Mega Man is a very Japanese game. Capcom clearly wants to sell a lot of these in Japan, so it makes sense that they would only focus on the two successful systems over yonder.

          You said:
          Sure, but I bet there are lots of NES owners who own an Xbox now and nothing else and are pissed at CAPCOM. I mean, what do they think I was playing when I was 8? A NES of course, like almost everyone else.

          Capcom is a Japanese company, as such they are probably more concerned than they should be with sales in

          • Comment removed based on user account deletion
            • "What's the big deal with exclusive games? I play videogames, not exclusive games."

              "And I'm glad to have an Xbox, because I can play Amped, KOTOR, Halo and Splinter Cell, games I own which are exclusive to Xbox (Amped)" (and Halo for all practical purposes) ", or on the Xbox months before it is on another console or the PC." (or years, and won't be on PC till the sequel is out most likely, see Halo again)

              There seems to be a gap in the logic you're using. Clearly you don't mean that you don't play any ex

        • (come to think of it, I read rumors somewhere that FF7 is being redone in fact for the PS2).

          hmm... from what I read, there's a possibility of a sequel (like FFX-2) to FF7 for PS2 or a later console, but redoing FF7 for the PS2 when it's still widely available as a PS1 game doesn't seem to make much sense.

          I'd much rather see FF3 finally come to the US.
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Between releasing Megaman & Bass for the GBA and the pending ability to play all eight of the originals (plus the arcade games I've only been able to play through MAME until now) on my GCN, I'm a happy camper. All we need now is an X compilation and maybe a rehash of the GB games an I can die happy. :)
    • I believe the article said the releases span the NES, SNES, GB, Arcade, and PSX... Megaman 7 on SNES, Megaman 8 on PSX. You got the megaman power battle arcade games... and most likey all of the NES and SNES ones.

      I'm just glad they didn't release it one by one... i.e. the psx megaman collection >_
  • Do I still have to hold up on the second controller?
    • Re:Mega Man 3 (Score:1, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Oh yeah. That was fun. Up+A on controller 2 froze almost everything in MM3. And holding right kept you from dying in pits and let you jump high. Ah, the good old days.

      I can only assume the games are emulated (the first 7, anyway...I'm guessing 8 can be ported), so the trick should still work, as long as Capcom lets the game detect the second controller.
  • Rockman (Score:5, Informative)

    by Kyouryuu ( 685884 ) on Sunday September 14, 2003 @11:03AM (#6957196) Homepage
    Strictly speaking, you can find the Power Battles arcade machine in the US, though it is very rare. A MAME-compatible ROM file also shows that the game had full English translation. I've heard reports that you could find this machine at one of the Disney theme parks.

    In any case, this is really awesome and unexpected news coming from Capcom. My guess is that this will be a compilation of the Rockman Complete Works that was released in Japan originally for the Playstation. Those versions, which actually released seperately, were exact ports of the original NES Mega Man games with enhanced music. Starting with Mega Man 4, all of the music in a game was remixed. Clearly, this collection will also include Mega Man 7 (SNES) and 8 (PSX/Saturn), so it will be interesting to see what Capcom does with these. In any case, I wouldn't expect to see a substantial graphical enhancement. Capcom had previous tried to make a "Mega Man All-Stars" in the form of their only Sega Genesis offering, and the balancing was entirely off. >_>

    • Re:Rockman (Score:4, Informative)

      by Genom ( 3868 ) on Sunday September 14, 2003 @05:34PM (#6959272)
      Tokyo Kid in Cambridge, MA also has a Power Battles arcade unit. =)
    • I started the Cutman stage and it seems the same play-wise.
    • I'm guessing the Power Battle arcade machines weren't THAT rare since a local ice skating rink had a machine for the first one. I doubt its still there though since I haven't been there in a while.

      I'm kinda disappointed that they're releasing this for the Gamecube AND PS2. If it was just the Gamecube, maybe Capcom would have gone all out and made the game cel-shaded. I think that woulda looked cool, kinda like Mega Man Battle Transmission.

  • 1: I hope they use the Saturn version of Rockman 8, and not the PSX one (the Saturn one had two extra bosses - Cut Man and Wood Man, from earlier games in the series - and slightly better music) 2: With regard to updated soundtracks, here's hoping they re-dub the voices in Mega Man 8 with actors, as opposed to hoboes. (if you've heard the game, you'll know what I mean)
  • It is a shame they won't bundle the X series in there, they were some of the best side scrollers ever made.

    The updated soundtracks should hopefully sound very cool if they are done well.
  • They mentioned upgrading the music somewhat but what about updating the graphics. I know the games are fun and all but instead of just slapping these onto a dvd and releasing it for $50 they should make it more worthwile and spend sometime updating the graphics somewhat. Like what Nintendo did for the snes mario allstars cart.
    • The graphics for the first 6 games were all very good, and I don't think they really need updating. In fact, the only graphics change to Mega Man himself came in Mega Man 5, and involved adding vents to the back of his helmet (this changed three pixels and was only visible in two sprites), so clearly Capcom thought it looked alright.

      Besides, as previously mentioned by many people, graphics updates for the Wily Wars on Genesis were disastrous and destroyed the quality of play. It just seemed that the newer,
    • Personally, the only graphics that annoyed me were in MM1, and a few places in MM2.

      Main thing I want fixed is the horribly slow scrolling when you go up/down a ladder -- this was fixed in 5, then went back to the old crappy scrolling in 6. Grr.
  • This is some of the best news I've heard since Castlevania was announced for the PS2.

    I have many fond memories of staying up all weekend with a friend trying to beat Mega Man games. Damn, the original sure was hard! I think that one took us a few weekends.

    I'm very happy they decided to release this on the Gamecube as well as the PS2, although it's not too big a surprise. Capcom has been very good with GameCube support. Their games are some of the only must-haves besides Nintendo developed games.

    Now we

  • I was wondering when they were gonna get their act together and make one! Mega man Rocks. I will have to save my pennys so I can buy it. Not that I actually have time to play it with colege and all, but hey, for impotant things like megaman, you make the time. I rather beat crystal man any day then solve 5(x+ 10)= x+5 etc.... Any day....
  • I really like 8-bit music, and I hope they didn't turn the music into some trashy remix-type junk,
    because this sounds really cool. (except for the updated music part)
  • Does this mean I have to dig out all those fancy grid system passwords I have written down from way back? I hope they make use of the memory cards now :)

"Who cares if it doesn't do anything? It was made with our new Triple-Iso-Bifurcated-Krypton-Gate-MOS process ..."
