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Capcom, SquareEnix Show Off New TGS Titles 25

Thanks to various sources for covering Tokyo Game Show game announcements, including multiple new Capcom titles, from a Nightmare Before Christmas game for PlayStation 2, to a new multi-platform Mega Man RPG for PS2 and GameCube, and confirmed details on the Street Fighter II Anniversary Edition, which "contains every incarnation of every character from each game released under the Street Fighter II name." Apart from the Final Fantasy VII-based CG movie DVD we mentioned earlier, SquareEnix has also revealed details and initial screenshots for "Kingdom Hearts II for the PlayStation 2 and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories for the Game Boy Advance", and has breaking news on two new SquareEnix PS2 online RPGs, the action-orientated Ambrosia Odyssey and Front Mission Online, though there'll be much more comprehensive coverage soon.
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Capcom, SquareEnix Show Off New TGS Titles

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  •! Can'!

    :::head explodes:::
  • Megaman RPG? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Jhonny ( 705236 )
    Why cant they just stick to the old shooting games? I liked those, must everything be made into an RPG? Dont get my wrong I love RPGs, but some things were never meant to be made into RPGs... Mario for instance? What next! A grand turismo RPG?
    • What next! A grand turismo RPG?

      Funnily enough, doesn't Gran Turismo already meet the definition of a stats-based RPG? Can't you tune and improve your car based on money earned from your performance in races?

      Actually, on the same level, most sh'mups could be interpreted as a form of RPG, since the biggest part of most of those is upgrading your weapons.

      So what's wrong with a Megaman RPG? Or a Mario RPG, for that matter? These were games which were meant to be RPGs, since the creators wanted to thrust
      • Now if they start to make Pong or Tetris RPGs, then I'll start to worry.

        lets see, for pong, each game you win, you get some experience. as you level up, you can choose to increase you skills such as spead, bouncieness and so on. every few levels, you can also choose feats such as get bigger, shoot, get magnetic and so on.
        actually, it sounds like it could already exist, considering the amount of pong clones
    • The "Megaman Battle Network" series for the GBA has been an RPG for a long time, and they are actually pretty good. Making another game with similar mechanics in a home console seemed like a pretty logical step to me. Besides, haven't all megaman shooters been the same game with minor tweaks and a graphical overhaul? Do we really need yet another one?

    • made into RPGs... Mario for instance

      I'll refer you to a certain game made jointly by Square and Nintendo called SUPER MARIO RPG. Have you played this game? If you haven't, you should. If you have played it, then you must either not like RPGs or not like Mario. If none of the above apply, please reply and tell me why it's not good.
  • by Tickenest ( 544722 ) on Friday September 26, 2003 @08:09AM (#7062873) Homepage Journal

    the Street Fighter II Anniversary Edition, which "contains every incarnation of every character from each game released under the Street Fighter II name."

    And once again, Eagle, the bad-ass British intelligence agent from the original Street Fighter, will go forgotten.

  • So good! (Score:3, Funny)

    by jwriney ( 16598 ) on Friday September 26, 2003 @09:10AM (#7063364) Homepage
    Wow, they're actually making a Teen Girl Squad [] game? I'm totally crushing.

  • by andrewleung ( 48567 ) on Friday September 26, 2003 @09:24AM (#7063473)
    ok, so my coworker scores 2 unused tickets from his boss for ths show today. today is press/business only and not open to the general public. so we got there with 1hr left before the doors closed. we POWERED through things but if there were more people, you'd probably need the day.

    current impressions:
    -show feels SMALLER than last year... my friend and I powered through it within an hour. we didn't stop at ALL the booths but some. of course, had to stop by the company's booth as well. :)
    -lot more korean developers in the house!
    -everyone is pushing for online... kind of like: the PC-internet era all over again... except with better and manufactured graphics
    -sony camp was showing off the EYE TOY... big time! giving out massive EYE TOY bags
    -capcom's SF2 brings back memories. i think this is the last version... i really want to play the ORIGINAL Street Fighter! oh man...
    -FF12 poster up! no other details than that. looks kewl.
    -MS was loaded with women... who choses their women?! not the best. "It's good to play together"
    -Konami's New Metal Gear trailer was playing... FRIKKIN AWESOME! extended version of the online trailer. way longer sequence. snake can do lots of cool stuff in the jungle
    -karaoke revolution ROCKS! there will be a subscription component with it for 1000yen per month. sign me up! HUGE selection in songs too! i am very impressed.
    -GT4 looks great! definitely need the wheel and pedals
    -Ratchet and Clank 2 is kewl
    -James Bond has a lounge. including women in evening gowns
    -magic has a booth there. got sample pack of cards... ooh. could be useful. :) (tip: magic in japan is: MTG for: Magic The Gathering)
    -capcom's merchanise booth has Street Fighter the Anime cells for sale! 200yen each, grab your own. there are a TON! look for a brown box in the corner of the shop

    anyone going the weekend, GO EARLY if you're interested in the games... otherwise, go later with all the other "guys" :)
    • you dont want to play the original streetfighter. it sucks.

      i wonder about "all the sf2 charcters"


      isnt that just super street fighter 2?
      • Actually, it is supposed to be ALL the SF2 characters. You can play original SF2 Ken vs. SSF2T Ken, for example. This should actually be very good, as all the games run off a similar engine, just with minor (someitmes major) character tweaks betweem games.

        Ken's Dragon Punch
        Chun-Li's whole move set
        Ryu's red fireball

        For example are examples of moves that have been tweaked throughout the series.

  • *drool* []

    They should have a playable demo of it up at TGS, or so I've read.

  • why is it that everybody is still waiting for a remake of the ultimate nintendo game bionic commando ? has nobody at capcom realized the potential ? what about a first person shooter version, I mean come on most of the games ripped off the grapple hook from bionic commando in the first place, why not hit the original with the intriguing plot and missions and non-linear gameplay to a new level..?
  • Not.

    Japanese developers seem to be running out of ideas and creativity. A Mega Man RPG? A Street Fighter 2 Anniversary Edition? What next? A Contra re-make? A MMORPG Dragon Quest? (Which will never take place since it would compete with FF11)

    I wanna see something original, crazy, and completely out of the blue like a PC/Console MMO game. Like PC players would play a MMO turn based strategy game that changed every few hours, while Console players would be the Soldiers/Heroes/Armies that fought it out i

  • Is the same old companies, the really only good rpg series is final fantasy; isn't there room for other good series? [mailto]

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