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Starcraft Ghost Takes Blizzard's Franchise Stealth 22

Thanks to GameSpot for their hands-on preview of Starcraft: Ghost, the third-person action game being developed for all three consoles (thus negating Xbox exclusivity rumors) by Nihilistic and Blizzard. The article reveals vehicular combat added into the stealth action, saying "...the final game will let you pilot a Terran siege tank, goliath (a bipedal mech), and vulture (a small hovercycle)", and IGN has a more in-depth look at this new Tokyo Game Show build, mentioning the developers are "working together to make a more refined stealth game" but voicing a few reservations about "sluggish and unresponsive" targeting on this much-improved, early 2004-due title.
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Starcraft Ghost Takes Blizzard's Franchise Stealth

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