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Play That Funky Music, GameBoy 28

Thanks to MSNBC for their article discussing using classic consoles and handhelds to make retro-styled music. The piece explains: "Over the years musicians have since created software that allows them to tap into the sound capabilities of these old game platforms - as well as the newer Nintendo GameBoy", and references GameBoy sound packages such as Nanoloop and LittleSoundDJ , as well as composers like, 8BitPeoples, and Paul Slocum. As "8-bit music promoter" Ihu Anyanuwu claims: "Right now there's too much fetishization of new technology. This music is all about simplicity."
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Play That Funky Music, GameBoy

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  • Puss (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Baines ( 13567 )
    There's a swedish group called Puss [] that does some real nice music gameboy music.
    • Damn, I got all excited until I saw my webrowser trying to download a RealAudio track... time to move on to a different page :(

      • Yes, I know, and the live track isn't the greatest sound quality. If you'd like to hear Puss, who are one of the BEST chiptuners out there, they have some tracks up on If you can, either see them live, or buy their cds, or both :)!! It's very worth it.
  • by Kris_J ( 10111 ) on Thursday October 02, 2003 @04:27AM (#7111784) Homepage Journal
    For those of you without access to a real SID anymore, I've just started slowly recording [] the better tunes from the "High Voltage SID Collection []" using a real SID installed in my Catweasel MK3. I take requests. My current request list includes: Shadow of the Beast, Blood money, The intro from Shaped Up/Shape, Batman/JCH, Theme tune to Ghouls and Ghosts, GRG in Cyberspace, Kurt and doris are in love (puterman).
  • 8bit peoples (Score:2, Interesting)

    by pillohead ( 553676 )
    has great music, i really liked the stuff from i, cactus. That site had no way (not that i could find in 3 seconds) to turn off that annoying music, so I couldn't listen to that. Overall it's fun to listen to what people can do with something considered so woefully antiquated.
  • ... there was a gameboy concert in Belgium put on by 4 or 5 8bit artists. I forget the name of the place, but apparently it was a really good gig for them ...
  • GameBoy Superstar! (Score:2, Informative)

    by miklernout ( 444473 )
    There is even a real Nintendo Gameboy superstar: Alec Empire, the lead of the famous Atari Teenage Riot, had a side project called the Nintendo Teenage Robots. One album was made, called 'We Punk Einhezit!' and all of the songs on it were constructed on a Gameboy. It was released in 1999 on Digital Hardcore Recordings [].

    Some of the songs are: 'Condom Personality', 'I don't get the printer' and 'Beatles never counted'. I saw the project live this summer and it was the coolest: just one guy, one Gameboy and o
  • Best /. article title, EVAR!
  • [Yet Another Gameboy Music Group]

    Sorta kinda...or not. You judge. Interesting if nothing else. []

  • As "8-bit music promoter" Ihu Anyanuwu claims: "Right now there's too much fetishization of new technology.

    And this isn't fetishizing old technology?
  • by Anonymous Coward

    'nuff said.

  • If you're interested in making NES music (the Game Boy is more powerful, actually, but I personally feel more nostalgia for the NES), check out MCK: k edata_e.html []

    You can even use my MIDI converter MIDIMML [] so that you aren't stuck typing numbers into a text-based sequencer.

    Also, my Tom 7 Entertainment System [] project has a bunch of original NES-ish songs for you.
  • Another Swedish group, Covox [] makes some fun tunes with a Gameboy. The appropriately simple site,, has a few full MP3s to download - worth checking out.
  • Ok, don't mean to be a grump, but:

    Music isn't "all about simplicity," any more than sex, life, or all art should be all about simplicity. Music is different things to different people.
  • There's a VG music inpired band called Minikon out there you must check out. Also there's a SF group called The Advantage (as in Nintendo's controller) and they've warped some NES classic songs into very decent surf-guitar jams. Finally of course there's Super Madrigal Bros.. these three are probably the best VG bands out there now. Please check out these groups.
  • uses keyboards and sounds like nintendo. they are the 1337357 band on the scene
  • The disco bruit label put out a CD of Nanoloop compositions []. The lineup is pretty incredible: Blectum from Blechdom, DAT Politics, Hrvatski, Merzbow, Pita, and Stock, Hausen and Walkman among others. The music was too harsh for my tastes, but fans of Merzbow and Pita won't be disappointed.
  • Ever see

    It's an excellent 8bit track with wicked visuals to match. One of those things that someone pulled off with hyper-style.

panic: kernel trap (ignored)
