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Classic Games (Games) Entertainment Games

Ridiculous Game Character Names Exposed 66

Thanks to 1UP for their chart of the most ridiculous videogame character names ever. Among the crazed picks are Higharolla Kockamamie from Snake's Revenge ("How many 8-year-olds of the time were expected to get the Ayatollah Khomeini reference here is questionable"), Rocket Billy Redcadillac from Gungrave O.D. ("Here's a name so gloriously stupid, the mind protests at being asked to accept it"), and Fred Askare & Paula Abghoul from Castlevania IV ("Presumably from the same translation department that gave us Love Chaney, Jr. and Boris Karloffice.") Any other nominations?
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Ridiculous Game Character Names Exposed

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  • by jmaatta ( 550428 ) on Saturday October 11, 2003 @03:59AM (#7188748)
    They forgot Guybrush Threepwood!
    • by psp ( 7269 )
      The name Guybrush comes from that they called the file with the then-unnamed player guy.brush, because all SCUMM characters are called brushes.
    • From The Secret of Monkey Island:
      Pirate: Ahoy there, stranger.

      Guybrush: My name's Guybrush Threepwood. I'm new in town.
      Pirate: Guybrush Threepwood? Ha ha ha!!! That's the stupidest name I've ever heard!
      Guybrush: I don't know... I kind of like 'Guybrush.'
      Pirate: But it's not even a name!
      Guybrush: Well, what's YOUR name?
      Pirate: My name is Mancomb Seepgood.
      • Cmdr Taco.

        Okay, so it's a user name, rather than a game NPC, but I mean, come on. It sounds like something you would call a lesbian when trying to pick a fight with her.

  • I really like that bosses in Mario 3 had punk rock names like Wendy O. Koopa [] and Iggy Koopa []. I'd imagine these were added when the games were localized, much like the other "bad" names mentioned previously.
    • Magus' three henchmen were named after people from bands that were popular at the time the game was written:
      • Ozzie (Ozzy Osbourne)
      • Slash (Guns 'n Roses)
      • Flea (Red Hot Chili Peppers)
      Oh, and there was a Lemmy Koopa (after Lemmy Kilminster from Motorhead) at one point, too. I think he was in Super Mario World for SNES.
  • It's just a translation error so I don't know if it counts, but if it does, then it beats all the rest hands down.
  • Other names... (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Hackie_Chan ( 678203 )
    Duke Nukem, Serious Sam, Max Payne...
  • The lead character in the game Flight of the Amazon Queen is called "Joe King"...
  • A former employer of mine published the instantly forgetable "Action adventure" game Perfect Assassin []. This was a rather pedestrian fixed camera 3D puzzle solving game for DOS and Playstation which might have caused some interest in 1994 but released in 1997 it sank without trace. Some publishers are stupid enough to sign any old rubbish.

    It featured a cast of characters whose names were sourced from whatever happened to be on the develper's desk at the time. I cant remember them all but the two that stick

  • Of course, there's always Daikatana's "Superfly Johnson"... []

    What were they thinking, indeed...
  • I always thought that Kokotoni Wilf, from the game that I can't remember the name of, but I think was made by Elite in the mid eighties for Sinclair Spectrum and Commodore 64, was a little odd. I think it was some kind of bizzare play on Jet Set Willy. Not sure.
  • Dingoctopogina (Score:3, Interesting)

    by LiberalApplication ( 570878 ) on Saturday October 11, 2003 @09:10AM (#7189422)
    My favorites:

    1) Dingo Jehuty (PS2 - Zone of Enders 2)
    2) Decoy Octopus (PS1 - Metal Gear Solid)
    3) Quattro Vagina (PS1 - Gundam: Char's Counterattack)

    We've got a dog, an 8-legged spy, and something which can only be theorized to be multi-cunted. Oh the number of times I've hit "game-over" because I was too busy giggling.

  • I did enjoy that sexy woman's voice telling me "Impressive snake!" all the time in VR Missions though...

  • That game with Higharolla Kockamamie isn't Metal Gear II. It's a cheap knockoff made by Ultra Games called "Snake's Revenge". The games in the real series aren't quite that silly.
  • Yep, a bit off topic, but there are some interesting ones in movies too. How about Pussy Galore []?
    • That's just blatant "this is a movie for horny guys" content. One of the bond movies was called Octopussy if I recall... 8 of 'em? I mean sheeezzz...

      And let's not get started on what kind of dumb whore you'd have to be to play a character named "Pussy Galore"...
  • Una Cum from Storm, 1986 Mastertronic.
  • Most of these names are from Japanese games or from localizations thereof. I'm not particularly surprised by either of these: I suspect the Japanese construct "English" names based solely on whether they have an interesting sound, without any real consideration of meaning. I personally find this somewhat chauvinistic, as I'm sure the Japanese would be rather upset if we Americans mangled Japanese words in similar fashion (as we occasionally do).

    As for localization, a lot of it is done by people who are

  • Some arcade fighting game I remember having a playable robot named "MILF2001" (maybe it was a different number, i don't know). I don't think that name was localized.
  • "Skullomania", from Streat Fighter EX, probably the lamest chararacter from the franchise

    See Skullomania []

  • Well, "Revolver Ocelot" leaps to mind. Also, any of the boss names from the Mega Man X series. "Infinity Mijinion," "Squid Adler," "Duff McWhalen," etc.
    • Well, the whole Solid/Liquid Snake thing was pretty bad. I was honestly expecting the boss in MGS2 to be Gaseous Snake, but thankfully, they didn't do that.
  • For reference, all of the names mentioned for Castlevania 1 (Boris Karloffice, etc) were one-off parodies of famous horror film stars. It looks very deliberate to me because of the precise way each name was changed. They couldn't have used the real names for obvious reasons, but still managed to get across their joke effectively.
  • Shoa Ting, film director. Master Sho Yu, Kung Fu Master. Captain Won Ton, Professional Wrestler. Ninja Fu Hiya, Ninja.
  • My favorite was Professer Oat in a mistranslation I saw of pokemon green. His best line was "when I am young I am a very serious pokemon trainer"
  • The main character's default name was "Butz."

    Honorable mention -- in Morrowind, a dead tax collector was named Processus Vitellius... sounds like someone at Bethsoft was reading the Asterix books.

The best defense against logic is ignorance.
