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GameCube (Games) Portables (Games) Entertainment Games

Wario Ware's GameCube Insanity Probed 15

Thanks to 1UP for their impressions of the GameCube Japanese import, Atsumare! Made in Wario, the budget-price multiplayer conversion of Nintendo's popular/crazy mini-game fest, Wario Ware Inc. for Game Boy Advance. The reviewer makes the context clear: "This isn't the sequel to Wario Ware. It isn't even Wario Ware 1.5. It's just a multiplayer version of Wario Ware", but nonetheless raves: "It's a total blast to play, even if you've spent months playing through the GBA game and perfecting your scores on all the microgames." IGN Cube also have hands-on impressions of the game's many multiplayer modes, which even allow "...up to 16 players to compete on an alternating basis", while 1UP mention U.S. availability for Wario Ware GC is likely, but not yet confirmed.
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Wario Ware's GameCube Insanity Probed

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  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 21, 2003 @05:18PM (#7275883)
    For more Made in Wario screenshots and news bits take a look at this [] search listing. There's even a Made in Wario official site. We'll see if the game does as well as the original. Perhaps if it sells for $30 or so that will make it well worth the purchase.
  • Why not Mario? (Score:2, Informative)

    Wario Ware is fun, but I don't like the ugly characters. I think it would be more interesting with Mario and other cute characters.
    • Re:Why not Mario? (Score:3, Interesting)

      by MBCook ( 132727 )
      How can you say it's fun? It doesn't sound like you've played it to me. If you had, you would know that all the minigames were made by Wario (and friends he later got to help him) because he is greedy and saw that video games were making huge ammounts of money.

      The "story" just wouldn't work with Mario. Besides, it's not like Wario is really that important of a character. He's only in a handful of minigames.

      • Why can't I say it is fun? I have played it and I was addicted to the game for a few weeks. Who says the story had to be created that way? I know Wario is not an important character, but still I would like to see more plesant stuff in a video game.
    • If you want a party game with Mario characters, then why not play, hum, let's see, Mario Party? There are 2 to choose from on Gamecube (number 3 and 4), with number 5 coming out really soon.
    • by Inoshiro ( 71693 ) on Tuesday October 21, 2003 @08:48PM (#7277437) Homepage
      She's hot, man!
    • And Wario Ware Inc certainly is a fringe-innovative game.

      Warioland 2 is the classic example I always think of; the only platformer from the past...hmm 7 years that I've played and really respected (from an innovation standpoint among other things).

      I also have a particular fetish for Wario's Woods (obscure puzzle game). Though, the multiplayer is poor, and the game is not as simple to learn as the truely successful puzzle games (like Tetris, Tetris Attack, Columns, and Dr. Mario) was doomed to f

  • Fun indeed (Score:3, Informative)

    by Rudy Rodarte ( 597418 ) * on Tuesday October 21, 2003 @05:31PM (#7275992) Homepage Journal
    The only time I've played this game is at Target and it was a blast. My wife was browsing for about half an hour or so, and I didnt notice at all. That game is insanely fun and insanely addictive!! I hope the the GCN version is just as crazy/fun.
  • Party on. (Score:5, Interesting)

    by August_zero ( 654282 ) on Tuesday October 21, 2003 @05:34PM (#7276011)
    When you are too drunk for Soul Caliber or Mario Golf, you want something that is simpler but still fun; Warioware Multiplayer would be a great item assuming it gets a US release.

    With this, the Zelda 4-swords game, and Tetra's Treasures, Final Fantas:CC, the cube continues to be a multiplayer paradise.
  • My first impressions (Score:4, Interesting)

    by p-p-pom ( 716823 ) on Tuesday October 21, 2003 @08:03PM (#7277120)
    Just got the game yesterday and played it a bit with my girlfriend, with whom we finished the GCA version (a few minigames have too much text in Japanese for me, fortunately not too many). Even though it's really just a party version of Made in Wario, it's still a lot of fun to play those minigames again. I haven't played all modes yet, and there's even something that looks like a small boardgame with the instructions (which don't give much instructions actually). I'm sure the game will really take all its "meaning" with four players (or more!) but there is a chance that this may get old quickly. On the other hand it's relatively cheap and if you haven't played the original, you're in for a great experience.

Once it hits the fan, the only rational choice is to sweep it up, package it, and sell it as fertilizer.
