Duke Nukem Forever Drifts To 2005? 93
Thanks to GameSpot for their story discussing remarks made during today's Take Two financial conference call regarding Duke Nukem Forever's release date. Take Two CEO Jeffrey Lapin indicated that he "...had a recent conversation with [Duke Nukem Forever's] developer, and they expect the game to be completed sometime at the end of '04 or the beginning of '05." Naturally, the epic history of the game is then discussed, and the author points out: "Though Take Two spent a reported $12 million for the rights to publish Duke Nukem Forever, the game's development is being completely self-funded by 3D Realms, which still owns the franchise. The developer has never officially announced a release date, keeping with 3D head George Broussard's famous mantra that the release date is 'when it's done'."
Let me be the first to say (Score:4, Interesting)
Maybe when it comes out I'll have a system powerful enough to run it.
Holy Shit (Score:4, Funny)
You should seriously put warnings on these things, I could have spit milk all over my keyboard.
Re:Holy Shit (Score:5, Funny)
Seriously,,,,,, I did spray my keyboard with coke when I read that. The part that got me laughing though was when I read it drifted to 2005. In my head I heard "Ah,,,,,,,, It's been moved up!". I crack myself up. No one else,,,,,, I know,,,,, but I kill me. Luckily the coke only made my comma key stick.
Re:Holy Shit (Score:1)
Re:Holy Shit (Score:2)
Re:Holy Shit (Score:1)
Re:Holy Shit (Score:2)
Yo man, you sure you weren't just stoooned???
Re:Five minutes? Wow. (Score:1)
Re:Five minutes? Wow. (Score:1)
"Duke Nukem Forever Drifts"
Hmm... (Score:4, Funny)
There's two words I'm thinking about... (Score:5, Funny)
Just one word comes to my mind... (Score:1)
Apt Title (Score:3, Interesting)
Why couldn't they take the funding that's going into DNF and use that to resurrect Black Isle? That'd certainly be a better use of that money.
It frustrates me to no end that Black Isle--who was producing many good games--went under, while 3D realms still has the cash to plug away at this hunk of vapourware.
Re:Apt Title (Score:4, Insightful)
You may not like it, but it's 3DRealms money and they can do with it however they want. The fact that they still have money to still develop this title is amazing.
Re:Apt Title (Score:2)
Re:Apt Title (Score:1)
its all being funded by 3D realms
thats why when take 2 did cut the little money they were putting i a while ago 3d realms didnt really give a damn
*cough* (Score:2)
Bioware is alive and doing very wel as far as I can tell.
Does Anyone Remember (Score:3, Funny)
Yeah. It's less funny after 6 years of DNF.
Re: (Score:2)
Re:Does Anyone Remember (Score:1)
The lumberjack sketch is arguably Monty Python's most famous sketch, vying only really with the parrot sketch.
Stop by your local Blockbuster and grab Monty Python's And Now For Something Completely Different. Expand your cultural knowledge.
Re:E gad (Score:3, Interesting)
I dunno if they're still using the Unreal/UT era engine (v436) though, or if they've upgraded to the (Unreal) Warfare series (v2227+). I guess it's possible they're pulling a Half-Life, and taking an old, but licensed engine, and slapping new features on it as they go. That might explain the delay, even if it doesn't excuse it.
Re:E gad (Score:2, Interesting)
The Last Ninja 4 (Score:4, Interesting)
SimonSays [simonsays.com] still says "September 2003" for the X-Box version but no more news there... Amazon says February 2004 [amazon.com]...
The story continues...
Re: (Score:2)
Running Gag (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Running Gag (Score:1)
Re:Running Gag (Score:4, Insightful)
DNF jokes are so passe, they're just not funny anymore...
3D Realms, You So Crayzay (Score:1)
It's either... (Score:5, Insightful)
Either way, the trouble with DNF's bloated development time is that it can now never be good enough. The longer people wait (under the promise of "we'll release it when it's perfect") the higher their expectations will be. Games, films, albums, etc have an upper limit to how good they can be. People's expectations can go much, much higher. I fear that 3DR are setting themselves up to have a turkey with this game, irrespective of how good it actually is.
I wonder if a possible film tie-in has anything to do with DNF's delays? If there's a film in the works then it would help both the film and the game if they come out at around the same time. Maybe the game's delays are due to the (unannounced and purely speculative) film's delays? Considering the antiquity of the game's engine and the outdated character, I'm sure 3DR would appreciate the guaranteed mass-market sales that a big summer action movie tie-in could generate.
Re:It's either... (Score:1)
Re:It's either... (Score:5, Insightful)
I expect the game won't be all it's been hyped to be, but then, that's a given considering how long this has been hyped. Even Max Payne finally made it to release. DNF.. is going to be THE legend in terms of either vaporware or turkey software depending on if they EVER release it.
perhaps... (Score:2)
i mean... it's not like there isn't precedent for aimlessly floundering overhyped vaporware to be rescued like that...
Re:It's either... (Score:2)
Re:It's either... (Score:2)
Re:It's either... (Score:1)
Re:It's either... (Score:2)
It's Pretty Obvious (Score:1)
More like... (Score:1)
Yes, it could be worse... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Yes, it could be worse... (Score:4, Funny)
game development (Score:5, Insightful)
Doom3, Half-Life2, now DNF are three games that have either taken a *long* time to get to market or have ran over timelines. It seems like it would make sense for any future large-scale game development project to hire more developers than they would in the past, because as these upcoming games show all too clear: game development is unpredictable and time-consuming.
Re:game development (Score:2)
Re:game development (Score:4, Informative)
And the cleaning lady's a hologram... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:And the cleaning lady's a hologram... (Score:1)
Re:And the cleaning lady's a hologram... (Score:2)
Six months before release... (Score:1)
Another Use of the DNF Acronym.... (Score:3, Funny)
Hype Hype Hype (Score:3, Funny)
It's the Segway of computer games!
Re:Hype Hype Hype (Score:2)
In other gaming news adventure fans..... (Score:1, Troll)
Just as long as someone doesn't take your favorite type of game and turns it into a crappy lara croft wannabe. Broken Sword, The Sleeping Dragon anyone? Oh sorry I forgot Dragon Lair wannabe. Take a hint. Monkey Island was a highly succesful series. Then it went 3D. It died. Gabriel Knight 3 was 3D. It didn't sell. The people that want 3D forced into thei
Rumour has it (Score:2)
Does anyone really expect to see DNF actually to hit the market?
At 3D realms HQ... (Score:5, Funny)
ALL: 'Noooooo!'
Re:At 3D realms HQ... (Score:2)
Re:At 3D realms HQ... (Score:1)
Lost audience (Score:1)
My christmas list: (Score:1)
Half-Life: Forever
Team Fortress: Forever
Mortyr: Forever
I would say Doom: Forever, but Carmack will actually finish it once he wins the X-Prize. Besides, he never said it would be out Christmas 2003, that's just what the posters a Quakecon said.
Gee I wonder why its called Forever (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Gee I wonder why its called Forever (Score:1)
Big Dig (Score:2, Funny)
I remember Duke in my youth! (Score:1)
Delay will be worth it. (Score:3, Funny)
Maybe the delay is so they can work on the "Duke wants to make you his bitch" marketing campaign.
Still wouldn't mind DNF (Score:1, Insightful)
There still hasn't been an FPS that matches the comedy, personality, and interactivity (comparitively speaking) of Duke Nukem 3d. There really weren't any good Duke 3d clones that rivaled it in terms of personality that weren't create using the same engine. Both Blood and Shadow Warrior used about the same tech as Duke 3d, and I can't think of a decent character-based fps that's come out since.
Now, DNF
Re:Still wouldn't mind DNF (Score:1)
Well, it is open to debate, and not everyone will agree, but I'm certain there's a healthy population that would say No One Lives Forever(both one and two) could fit that bill. And considering they can pump out a franchise, with a two game series plus one prequel/sidestory in less time than it takes to make DNF, even if you don't like the NOLF's quite as much, you've still got three of them. ^_-
It's a turkey deserving to be put down (Score:2, Interesting)
Rumor has it... (Score:1)
3DR and DNF (Score:4, Interesting)
Too much hype for this game you say? Well that's hard to believe...especially since 3D Realms hasn't publically said anything about it since 2001. This isn't Daikatana with full page ads in PC Gamer...or Derek Smart posting to every messageboard/IRC channel. This isn't even publisher funded (otherwise I'm sure they would have forced 3DR to release years ago). 3DR is spending all of their own cash (yes kids, Duke Nukem is a profitable franchise!) to make what they hope to be a kick-ass game. So if it bombs it's on no one's head but their own.
Duke3D was released in 1996, and the work on DNF started late 1998. Yeah they've switched engines and yeah according to Georgie B (check the 3drealms.com forums, to lazy to link) by their own accord DNF is "very late". But as another poster said..no game before or since has had the attitude and atmosphere that Duke3D did (even if they borrowed a lot of the Dukeisms from the Evil Dead flicks).
Duke (3D and the franchise itself) has made a LOT of money..aside from the money Duke3D made for the PC version..there were console versions..then console exclusive games..not to mention the action figures, statues, et al. So this isn't like reviving a dead franchise. When DNF is released chances are it will sell many copies...if not only from the "Holy Shit it's done!" factor..but it's Duke Nukem. As one of the mascots of PC gaming everybody knows who Duke is...or they've atleast heard of him.
Plus console ports, expansions, etc....yeah, it'll end up in the black.
People (and by people I mean the gaming press and gamers alike) are pissed 'cause 3DR won't release screenshots every third day or suck PC Gamers dick to get a cover story or what have you. So they want the title to fail even though no one's seen the game since 2001. To me this is a sign that 3DR actually...*gasp!* gives a rat's ass about the quality of their game and they want the best piece of code possible, and they don't want to spoil all the neat things for the audience by releasing movies and daily screen shots. For this 3DR should be commended, not condemned.
Alls I want to know is..when it's finally released and all is said and done...how much will production have run? I gotta figure it's atleast $30 million by now. But I'll gladly pay my $50 to see what it's like.
Re:3DR and DNF (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm pretty sure that Duke Nukem isn't responsible for even half of their current income. Max Payne and Max Payne 2 are probably more responsible for 3D Realms current cash flow.
If 3D Realms is looking to create the perfect game, they truely will be at it forever, because no one game is going to blow everyone away and make them lose touch of reality, just to get "one more minute" of game time.
They've changed engine
Re:3DR and DNF (Score:2)
Duke3D's magic wasn't the number of wiseass cliches or film references, it was the fact that they made it feel like you were playing in real locations, not just "levels". Every first person shooter I played before Duke3D (Wolf3D, Doom, Heretic, Hexen) had levels that felt like random mazes. Here's some corridors, here's some rooms
Re:3DR and DNF (Score:1)
Perhaps after seeing how Daikatana went, they'd rather be a no show and cut their losses early with zero publicity. Then take a nice vacation with the $12 million advance from the publisher. If they were smart, they already did this when they went into silent mode back in 2002.
Duke AWOL? Ha.... (Score:1)
woah.. forgot all about this game (Score:1)
i'll carry on waiting for HL2 i think..
DNF wont be the same, as Duke3d. it just wont have the character..
Please, no more DN4ever stories!! (Score:1)
I think that any thread posted on
Please mod me down!
This is being delayed longer than Daikatana!! (Score:1)