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Big Rigs Makes Play For Worst Game Of All Time 228

Thanks to GameSpot for its review of Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing for the PC, which it awards its worst score ever, 1.0/10, rhapsodizing: "Big Rigs is a game so astoundingly bad that it manages to transcend nearly every boundary put forth by some of gaming's absolute worst of the worst and easily makes it into that dubiously extraordinary category of being one of the most atrocious games ever published." The review goes on to explain some of that atrociousness, noting: "You can clip your truck right through every object on a race course in Big Rigs, from the biggest of houses and walls, right down to the smallest of lampposts. Furthermore, bridges evidently don't actually exist, despite the fact that you can see them - driving over any of them results in you sinking right through them." Although Big Rigs makes a valiant attempt, what videogame would you rate as the worst of all time?
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Big Rigs Makes Play For Worst Game Of All Time

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  • by gl4ss ( 559668 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @06:35AM (#8019459) Homepage Journal
    the titles that are really the shittiest titles are titles that seem OK on the surface but only after playing for few hours(and hoping there will be some twist or the gameplay will get much more intresting soon) you realise that the game is just full of it and you've been totally wasting your time(like a certain pirating game from last year, fabulous on the outside but so shallow on the inside with a so small world that you can hardly believe it). it's the games that could have been so great with tiny changes(be it multiplayer coop or better configurability).

    with titles like thsi 'big rigs' you'll know instantly that they suck. sure it sucks if you bought it blindly, but at least it's possible to spot games like these beforehand.
  • Custer's Revenge (Score:4, Informative)

    by Apreche ( 239272 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @06:37AM (#8019467) Homepage Journal
    'nuff said
  • Great Waldo Search (Score:5, Informative)

    by SteWhite ( 212909 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @06:38AM (#8019471)
    "The Great Waldo Search" for the Sega Genesis.

    You know those books? (a.k.a "Where's Wally" in the UK)

    They made a game of it. There were five levels. FIVE. The location of waldo was NOT randomised.

    It took about 5 minutes to play through the thing, and that was it.

    ZERO replay value, and a wad of wasted cash. Even the books had more "levels" than this, and cost about a tenth of the price.
  • by McCarrum ( 446375 ) <mark DOT limburg AT gmail DOT com> on Monday January 19, 2004 @06:40AM (#8019475)
    Starts with Dai ... Come on, you can do it ...
    • Daimler Road Race? Never heard of it.

      Was I right?
    • Dai...Another Day?
    • hahaha you know what I found funniest? Daikatana wouldn't even RUN on my system. the demo just crashed and crashed and crashed...
      I thought I was missing a great game. I was so pissed. Then I read the reviews online and saw the pictures.
  • by prufrax ( 521403 ) <{ku.oc.rednoyeulb} {ta} {xarfurp}> on Monday January 19, 2004 @06:52AM (#8019511)
    A lightcycles clone.
    For the Apple II.
    In basic.
    By my dad.

    Framerate (and general game speed) was about one frame per minute. Graphics: monochrome ASCII.

    We took one look then went straight back to playing "Don't press the letter Q" on the Oric.
  • Alright! (Score:4, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 19, 2004 @06:52AM (#8019513)
    It has potential for a linux game port!
  • Ho hum (Score:5, Informative)

    by fingal ( 49160 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @06:58AM (#8019523) Homepage
    from here [] (once you get past people wrapper A tags around TD tags???)...


    Stellar Stone Group is a full-service game development outsourcing company that manages the creative pool of designers, artists, programmers and Internet technologies specialists. Our company was founded in late 2000 to provide development services and technology licensing to interactive entertainment industry.

    Since that date we not only completed number of projects for clients such as BMG Records, Sony Pictures, Heineken/Amstel, Microsoft but also developed massive game engine technology that allow us to cut expenses associated with game development up to 5 times.


    We strive is to provide our clients with best of gaming technologies and cut their development expenses, allowing them to concentrate on product rather than on technology hustles of development. We are capable of doing large scale sophisticated technological projects, utilizing the best technologies and guarantee customer satisfaction.

    We combine stong management ( with our Santa Monica, CA based headquarters ) with superb creative, yet non expensive development teams in Russia. This allows our clients to cut development expenses 3-5 times comparing to cost of local European or US development team or employees. At same time we provide instant feedback to our clients, thanks to our management offices in Los Angeles and London.

    Please check our Services to get more information on our offerings, standarts (sic) and procedures.


    The highest technical caliber of Stellar Stone developers coupled with low offshore Russia-based engineering costs gives us sustainable competitive edge to employ more and higher quality engineers than a typical US company can afford, staff up projects faster, put more developers on a project for a better gameplay value and graphics visuals. For our customers that transfers into richier product feature set at the same price point. does make you wonder about how people actually get the funding doesn't it...

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • We combine stong management ( with our Santa Monica, CA based headquarters ) with superb creative, yet non expensive development teams in Russia.

      So this game is what you get when you try to herd cats in Russia from Santa Monica?

  • Game Players Magazine already rated Cosmic Race as the worst game of all time.

    It was so bad, in fact, that I seem to remember their review scales changing to rate games on a scale of 10 down to Cosmic Race. =)
    • by JWhiton ( 215050 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @11:40AM (#8021689) Homepage
      Yeah, I thought of that too while I was reading this article. Especially the art in Cosmic Race, which was hideous even for first-generation Playstation games. I looked at the screenshot in the article that shows terrain and while it's nothing special, it at least shows what it's supposed to. If this game had come out 6 or 7 years ago people might've been interested in the graphics. But Cosmic Race would've looked horrendous no matter when it came out.
    • Having never heard of Cosmic Race before, I threw it at Google and came across this review []... one of the complaints the author had was the controls. (D-pad strafed up, down, left, and right. Turning was circle + square, acceleration/brake the shoulder buttons.)

      I was reading them over and I can see how they make sense -- they're quite similar to using WSAD to strafe and +mlook, except it's just turning instead of looking around.

      ... *shrug* :)
  • by breman ( 683776 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @07:25AM (#8019637)
    It's a good thing for this game that it is bad enough to be called 'worst' only scoring a 1/10, because if it had been only sort of bad, say 3/10 then nobody would have ever heard of it. Hell, I even almost feel like playing it.

    • What I don't understad, is what did it score 1/10 for? I mean, what did it do in order to earn that one point? Not getting 0/10 suggests that it wasn't as bad as it could have been, but at no point in the review do they mention anything even remotely non-borken about the game.
      I guess that it loaded, at least. And there were trucks on it.
      It reminds me of the tests we had school where the first 10% of your score was for getting your name right.
      • I'm assuming that they wanted to have 10 integers of rating in their system. Since only programmers start counting at 0, they started counting at 1, meaning that you could rate the game 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 or 10, an even number of options. 0 through 10 would give you 11 integers of rating. Or maybe they are doing it statistically and throwing out the outliers 1 past 10 and 1 before 1, sort of like on the SAT's where you can't score lower than a 200 or greater than an 800 on either test because they throw o
    • To paraphrase one of the Gamespot editors, buying this game will only encourage this company to make more bad games. While you won't buy another crappy game from them after the first instance of screwing you over (Big Rigs), other people will...and it will only encourage them to keep this cycle of producing shit games as many times as possible to see how many suckers they can bring in.

      Yes, it looks hilarious...but you'll get over that quick.
  • Bestest review ever! (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Universal Nerd ( 579391 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @07:27AM (#8019652)
    I read the reviews last week.

    The user comments are even better than the main review. Well worth the read.
  • Drek (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Konster ( 252488 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @07:28AM (#8019653)
    Ultra low visibilty drek pales in comparison to Ultra High Visibilty Drek like Daikatana and Battlecruiser 3000 AD.

    Daikatana had a gestation period of 5 years; Battlecruiser 3000AD, seven years. I am still befuddled as to how something could take so long and yet be so poorly done as those two examples were.

    With Daikatana, we had John Romero (I AM JOHN ROMERO LOOK AT MY HAIR LOOK AT MY BUTT LOOK AT...)promising to make us his bitch for the better part of 5 years. What we got instead was a lukewarm game that was 5 years out of date, and many good jokes about John, and the excess of Ion Storm.

    Derek Smart gets the award for the crappiest game ever that had the longest gestation period. SEVEN years he worked on it, and in the end it was a buggy, unplayable mess and a laughing stock.

    It doesn't surprise me when games like Big Rigs come out and are unplayably bad, as their gestation periods are quite small. They hardly register in the minds of many before they vanish into oblivion where they belong.

    Games such as Daikatana and Battlecruiser 3000AD continue to amaze me to this day, for it isn't everyday in the PC games industry that so little has been done with so much.
    • Re:Drek (Score:3, Informative)

      by Rayonic ( 462789 )
      In Derek's defense, he still insisted he wasn't done with it. It's just that the publishing company got pissed and nabbed a beta version to shove in a box, without his permission.

      Not that he didn't have enough time to finish up the damn game, but there you go.
  • hrmm.. (Score:2, Funny)

    by Syowr ( 50984 )
    So... I read the review. I watched the videos... all I can say is... WOW.

    Dunno if it is the worst ever, but it shure puts up a good fight for the title!

    And for all those Dikatana fans at least it had clipping!

  • Flightpath 737 (Score:5, Informative)

    by tjensor ( 571163 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @07:55AM (#8019779) Journal
    Awful. Take off, fly over some "mountains" for 5 minutes, land. Sometimes youd have an engine fire while over the mountains, and have to hit the extinguishers. Which then put the fire out. That was it.
  • Let's See (Score:5, Insightful)

    by vjmurphy ( 190266 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @08:07AM (#8019837) Homepage
    "Although Big Rigs makes a valiant attempt, what videogame would you rate as the worst of all time?"

    Well, to be worst, there has to be an expectation that the game will be good. Big Rigs, obviously, did not have great expectations. Games that were supposed to be great, but ended up being mediocre or bad are much more interesting.

    Black and White was supposed to change gaming as we knew it and instead was just a crappy game. Gamespot ranking: 9.3. Looks like the reviewer bought into the hype.

    Dungeon Siege was also supposed to be a great game! And it was, for the 20 minutes it took to exhaust 100% of the gameplay. Gamespot Ranking: 8.4. At least it was more interesting than B&W.

    It is easy to complain about the Aquamans and Big Rigs of the world, but did anyone really expect them to be great games?
    • Black and White was supposed to change gaming as we knew it and instead was just a crappy game. Gamespot ranking: 9.3. Looks like the reviewer bought into the hype.

      It's a shame it didn't do better. I think if they had just quadrupled the number of levels, it would have been one of the best games of all time.

      B&W had one of the best 3d user interfaces I've ever used in a game. It's too bad we probably won't see many games try that kind of interface again...
    • I would have to say that if you are just going by disappointment- my worst game ever would be Knights of the Old Republic for the Xbox.

      Everywhere I looked, this game was scoring 9.5's or 10's. I figured it had to be good, and I bought it like the first week it was out.

      I played for a while, and found out that you don't even get to really SHOOT anyone. You just decide if you want to do battle, and then sit back and 'watch the action'. Hell, that sounds about as exciting as NASCAR.

      Personally, I like to c
      • Re:Let's See (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Dehumanizer ( 31435 )
        So, basically... you didn't read any of its reviews, or you'd know it was a Bioware RPG, like Neverwinter Nights, instead of a third-person shooter... :)

        • I read tons of reviews. I just had no idea that they made games like that- having never experienced any of the other Bioware RPGs. I was actually mystified about the entire thing when I first experienced it- I thought "no...this couldn't be...nobody would want to play a game like this".

          Yet again, I was reminded that not everyone is like me...or anyone else for that matter. I like games that some people hate, and others like games I don't even understand. Thank god that there are a lot of different type
      • It's also worth noting that you can take over the combat in KOTOR and control every action taken by each member of your party if you choose, from movement to melee attacks to Force powers.

        Personally, I thought that Knights of the Old Republic was a fantastic game--quite possibly the best RPG I've played since the vastly underrated Anachronox.

    • You make an excellent point.

      I made basic game in jr high(1986?), that while I was proud, really sucked.

      The worst game ever really should phrased the game with the biggest difference between potential and reality. That Romero game comes to mind.
    • Well, to be worst, there has to be an expectation that the game will be good.
      I disagree. You are talking about the most disappointing game ever. There is a substantial difference.

      The Tyson v Sphinx fight (90 second workout) could be considered the most disappointing fight ever, while watching to quadriplegics fight (cripple fight!) would probably take the cake as the worst fight ever.

      That being said, I would say that "E.T" is probably one of the (if not *the*) biggest disappointment of all time. I act
  • My personal worst (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Pentagram ( 40862 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @08:17AM (#8019887) Homepage
    The worst game I have ever played was a footy game with Ryan Giggs' face plastered all over it called 'Ryan Giggs' Super Soccer' or some such shite. It was clearly coded by a bunch of drunken stoats and never even approached a state of completion.

    The game was hideous graphically (they couldn't even get the Welsh flag correct), totally inaccurate, and incredibly easy. The worst bit was the AI though; the ball was just followed around the pitch by all 20 players, and at free kicks the defenders formed a wall ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ATTACKING PLAYER including the goalkeeper.

    The game was released for the Sega Megadrive in the mid 90s. I never saw a review of it, and can only assume that they expected to get all their income from clueless relatives buying the game as a gift (which is what happened in my case).

    You'd think some companies would have more self respect...
  • Ultima IX (Score:2, Informative)

    by SnakeNuts ( 44263 )
    For me Ultima IX was the biggest disappointment in recent years. Here was a game that not only promised to be a great game, it probably was a great game as well. It was just the complete foulup of the engine (AFAIK 3Dfx were already dying when they published the game) that made it such a senseless waste of my money. Not only was it unplayable, I really, really wanted to play it, because the other games had kept me entertained so well. I still weep at the thought.
    • Re:Ultima IX (Score:3, Informative)

      by eggstasy ( 458692 )
      Give it another shot. I've always been baffled as to why people hated Ultima IX, until someone told me when it had actually come out, and explained that either the engine was too slow or the graphics too ambitious for the time. But, since I started playing it years after it came out, I didnt experience any problems since my PC could very well compensate for the engine inefficiency.
      • The game looked great when it came out, the problem was that it only ran well on a Voodoo card (I had a Voodoo 3) which had fallen out of favour by the time the game came out.

        The neat thing was you could travel everywhere without loading screens, going from outside to inside dungeons without breaks. Lots of modern games can't even do that.

  • by lowmagnet ( 646428 ) <> on Monday January 19, 2004 @08:18AM (#8019895) Homepage
    I don't know what the worst game out there is, but I'm willing to give Gamespot the worst layout award. Multiple reloads and still the content is way outside the browser window. You'd think they'd test that out...
  • Atari 2600 E.T. and Atari 2600 Pac-Man. Even as bad as "truckers" is, it can't compare to getting fucking stuck in pit and being unable to get out. The 2600 version of Pac-Man was so rushed, it barely resembled the game it was based on. The worst part about 2600 Pac-Man, was the COLORS; blue became yellow/orange and dots became rectangular wafers. Later on when Atari released Ms.Pac-Man, it proved that they could have done at good job in the first place, given the time.
    • ummmm....

      falling off the edge of the map is not much better in my opinion.

      and at least you are supposed to fall down a pit, that is what pits do.

      Falling through a bridge though?

      even if you are too stupid to make clipping to the houses, you should at least have it implemented for the bridge. I mean it's a fucking bridge, if it doesn't hold anything up you can't really call it a bridge.

      Also avoiding pits is some game play at least (albiet unfun).

      An opponent in a race that does not move is not a race.
  • Check out the videos of Big Rigs. That's some quality badness. It makes a great demo for a computer store window, but as a game? Well, it just plain isn't one.
  • No question (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Torgo's Pizza ( 547926 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @09:10AM (#8020273) Homepage Journal
    That honor has to go with Night Trap. Sure, go with the usual suspects that everyone is throwing out. Night Trap has that unusual distinction of not only being a bad game, but also for nearly forcing a Congressional law mandating ratings on video games.

    Yep, it was so bad, so awful, so shocking (mainly because it featured Dana Plato of Diff'rent Strokes fame) that Joe Liebermann & Co. was about to enact legislation to prohibit depraved games from getting into kids hands. Sound familiar? In response, the video game industry came up with the ESRB rating system that you see on today's games.

    You can throw out all the game suggestions you want, but only one game was so bad that it forced the industry to go to a ratings system. Top that.

    • I'm sorry; I'm going to have to disagree with you. But that's only because I know a bit more about Night Trap's history.

      Night Trap was originally conceived for a never-released gaming system based on a multiplexed pre-recorded videotape. That is, the tape contained multiple independent channels of video, stored every N'th field. Thus, you could have four channels of 15 FPS video by writing one field from each channel successively. Then, on playback, just pull out every fourth field. It's choppy, but

  • What are the odds that this game will now be seen to be so bad its good and actually sell (or at least be copied) quite a bit more than it would
    have otherwise?
  • Damn!!
    I was wondering where my 4th semester graphics' project that earned me an F grade had gone
  • Stunts / 4D racing.

    That game was actually playable, and was somewhat good, but the thing that made it remarkable was the stupid physics engine that it included. My friends and I wasted hours and hours trying to set up the most amazing disasters, so we could see what happened. Some of the crazy stuff that the game allowed was:

    -The main atraction: I guess some programmes remembered that things launehed through the air follow a parabolic trayectory. However they sliopped a sign somewhere, because things went
    • Ahh, good old Stunts. That's how my Grade 10 Communications class was spent.

      That game provided many many hours of enjoyment. Especially with the track editor.
    • After reading this, I went and watched some of my old Stunts replays. Thanks. It really made my day.

      Cars nudging into each other, exploding, and then being sent flying in random directions. Speed glitching in the F1 car, crashing into a small wall, and being sent high into the air for half a minute. Doing ten or so loops (on a single loop piece) and finally driving off upside down.

      How could you not like a game with so many humorous bugs?
    • Stunts had its problems... Wacky glitches like being stuck at maximum speed for the entire track.... flying through the air doing the impossible, and not even crashing when you land. Or hitting bridges at just the right angle, and bouncing up in the air for a couple of minutes....

      I wasted so many hours playing that game with my friends... You've got to admit, had they fixed up the physics, it was a pretty advanced game for its time. The level editor added a great amount to its value... and it was ea
      • I think I may have been misunderstood. I think Stunts was great. It was, along with civilization, one of the big timewasters of my youth.

        What I'm saying is that what makes Stunts a great game, is its funny bugs. That, and the level editor which allowed great room for experimenting with the faulty physics in the game, made Stunts great.

        I have always been intrigued if this physics engine was left that way deliberately, or the game was rushed. Maybe Broderbund made another version of the game, which was more
    • it was still one of the coolest games ever.

      all thanks to the track editor.

      and really, did you play other racing games from that era?(counting out indy 500).

  • by Grab ( 126025 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @09:48AM (#8020613) Homepage
    Come on, there have always been turkeys.

    - "Sam Fox Strip Poker" for the C-64 has to feature somewhere
    - All ports of Outrun
    - Any US Gold film tie-in title in the 80s

  • by hikerhat ( 678157 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @09:48AM (#8020616)
    Consider this one []
  • by matzim ( 468452 )
    Is it just me, or is anyone else worried that YOU'RE WINNER going to become this year's ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US?
  • by HomeGroove ( 527053 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @10:15AM (#8020878)
    This may have actually been a good game. The problem with it was we had the good ol' C64 tape deck. So you'd hit play on the deck, go have dinner, go outside to play a bit, and then come back to the computer to play the game. Seeing as though I was likely between 5-7, I would last about 2 minutes before getting taken out by some spider or that dragon flying in the sky. I thought it's name was chimera but googing around proved me wrong. I seem to remember though when you started the game a voice would say "Chimera" with a lust for murder in it's computerized voice. I seem to remember that Forbidden Forest [] was the only game we had for the tape deck. You can imagine my excitement when we made the move to floppies.
    • LOL. My brother and I used to do the same with Telengard (a D&D type game). This was actually a decent game. We'd crank the volume up on the monitor so when the game music started playing, we'd know it was done (15 minutes or so later). The game was actually written in c64 basic, so it was a joy when we got the 1541 disk drive. Just saved the game to disk, and cut the load time to a managable minute or so.
  • by superpulpsicle ( 533373 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @10:21AM (#8020931)
    Man, if you think gamespot gave them a low score you should read PC gamer magazine. In every issue at least one game gets completely trashed score-wise. Not to mention half the PC games never get released into the market anyways.

    After Doom III and halflife2 I predict a long and boring period for PC games.
  • by ColonBlow ( 120356 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @10:27AM (#8020970) Journal
    E.T. (1982) - The game that sank Atari? 5,000,000 unsold copies?
    How many other games have been so bad that 14 trucks worth [] of it were buried in a landfill?
    Even when I was 10, playing it for 30 seconds at a dept store, I knew it sucked ass.

  • Don't even bother, I've heard it all before! :-)

    Everyone loved it, I hated it, end of story.
  • Gods and Generals (Score:4, Interesting)

    by kisrael ( 134664 ) * on Monday January 19, 2004 @10:36AM (#8021038) Homepage
    Gamespot's "Worst of 2003" included Gods and Generals []...the "See it in action" video on that page is worth checking out.
  • Worst? (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Xenothaulus ( 587382 )
    Going with the worst-ever theme, can we give Gamespot the "worst gaming-site design" award? 4 reloads still didn't get it to open correctly. Moz had a big blob of something blue in the middle of the window, and some text on the far right, about the extreme left 10% of the article. I ended up loading it IE to read it.

    That said, I actually want to play this now. Go figure. Maybe I can find it for $10 somewhere.

    Also, Gamespot's little "review-at-a-glance" or whatever says: Stability: Minor Problems. Wtf?

  • by Tom7 ( 102298 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @11:09AM (#8021385) Homepage Journal
    I suppose I should be flattered in a way that the worst game uses a font I made when I was 16 [] (scroll down to "Prefix") for its badly made you're winner screen []...
  • by Psykechan ( 255694 ) on Monday January 19, 2004 @12:13PM (#8022034)
    Back to the Future [] for the NES gets an honorable mention for worst game. In an era where movie licensed games sucked, LJN was renown for their crappy license games. BttF had a 7 second audio clip that played over and over until you turned the game off. Torturous for the player and anyone else in the room.

    But the winner(s) would have to be Link: Faces of Evil [] and it's sister game Zelda: Wand of Gamelon []. The CDi had more than it's share of failures *cough* Alien Gate *cough*, but aquiring the rights to a well known and respected franchise and releasing this upon the world deserves a stupidity award. Gameplay is rudimentory and very choppy, and when your reward for completing objectives is another bouncy cartoon that makes you want to jab pointy things into your eyes, you will understand why this earns the title.

    There have been quite a few games that haven't been bad, per se, they've just been disappointing. These games are what really makes me sad. Notable titles include:

    Sonic Adventure/Heroes series - You would think that by the third game that problems like the camera being the biggest enemy in the game and players die by being "clipped" through the solid floor would be fixed. Nope.

    Kingdom Hearts - Yet another license snafu. It has wonderful graphics, cinemas, music, and humor. Everything that an Epic Disney/Final Fantasy game should have but it falls flat on playability. Gameplay consists of pressing the X button lots of times while battling the evil camera system. Platforming elements are boiled down to a chore. Computer controlled allies try to waste as much magic/items as possible. It's simply not fun, and with so many things going for the game, it's a real shame.

    Castlevania: Lament of Innocence - Igarashi saying that Castlevania should not be in 3D is fine but why does he have to prove his point by making this forgettable game? Someone should tell all of those developers working on "Devil May Cry" clones that DMC wasn't really that great. C:LoI has players haphazardly fighting recurring monsters in rooms that, while finely detailed, tend to look all the same. To quote from Zork: "You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike".

    These games and more aren't really terrible, they just could be better if more thought/time was put into them. As Shigeru Miyamoto said: "A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever".
  • Check with Mr Baby. []
    I think EGM made a good choice with Mortal Kombat Advance. The game isn't playable for more than a few seconds (that's only counting the start menu).
  • Glancing through the topic, I don't think anybody posted a link to this priceless picture [] of the victory screen yet.

    Other than that, I've heard that the video review on GameSpot is priceless, but you do have to be a member to view that. Oh well, I'll settle for the wonderful sarcasm in the reader reviews :)

  • I was young... and in love

    I loved comic books. I loved video games. I loved my Amiga.

    Then I discovered hate.

    It came to me in the form of a game with such sluggishly awful controls that I cursed the day that Dr. Doom decided to take his revenge.

    With Captain American and Spidey moving at about 60 frames per hour you had no real desire to stop the evil Doctor. Was the included comic any consolation?

    No. It sucked too.

    I hate you, Dr. Doom's Revenge.

Felson's Law: To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research.
